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Root Locus 267

FIGURE 7.17 Root locus for GðsÞHðsÞ ¼ .
sðs þ 25Þðs2 þ 100s þ 2600Þ

12. The other roots are evaluated to satisfy the magnitude condition K ¼
598800: The remaining roots of the characteristic equation are

s34 ¼ 55:9

The real part of the additional roots can also be determined by

using the rule from Eq. (7.68):
0  25 þ ð50 þ j10Þ þ ð50  j10Þ
¼ ð6:6 þ j11:4Þ þ ð6:6  j11:4Þ þ ðs þ jod Þ þ ðs  jod Þ

This gives
s ¼ 55:9

By using this value, the roots can be determined from the root
locus as 55:9
13. The control ratio, using values of the roots obtained in steps 10
and 12, is

CðsÞ N1 D 2
RðsÞ factors determined from root locus

Copyright © 2003 Marcel Dekker, Inc.

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