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Root Locus 273

FIGURE 7.21 Root locus for Eq. (7.73) for negative values of K.

The Routhian array for the denominator polynomial shows that

the imaginary axis crossing occurs at s ¼
j2:954 for K ¼ 9:224:
Thus, the closed-loop system is stable for K > 9:224:
5. Using z ¼ 0:707 for selecting the dominant poles yields s12 ¼
j1:1810 and s34 ¼ 4:3194
j3:4347 with Kh ¼
1:18ðK ¼ 2:36Þ: The closed-loop transfer function is
CðsÞ 2ðs þ 6Þðs  6Þ
¼ ð7:75Þ
RðsÞ ðs þ 1:1806
j1:1810Þðs þ 4:3194
6. The output response for a unit-step input is
cðtÞ ¼ 0:84782  1:6978e1:1806t sin ð1:181t þ 29:33 Þ
 0:20346e4:3194t sin ð3:437t þ 175:47 Þ ð7:76Þ

The step response for this system is plotted in Fig. 7.22. Note that the
slight initial undershoot is due to the zero in the RHP. The figures of
merit are Mp ¼ 0:8873 tp ¼ 2:89s ts ¼ 3:85s and cð1Þ ¼ 0:8478:
Note that the forward transfer function GðsÞ is Type 1, but the
steady-state value of the output is not equal to the input because of
the nonunity feedback. Also note that the numerator of CðsÞ=RðsÞ is
the same as the numerator of GðsÞ; thus, it is not affected by the value
selected for K.


As pointed out early in this chapter, the root-locus method incorporates
the more desirable features of both the classical method and the steady-state
sinusoidal phasor analysis. In the example of Sec. 7.10 a direct relationship

Copyright © 2003 Marcel Dekker, Inc.

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