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Con• inuing on the legitimacy of Acupuncture and Moxibustion

鋼 I ’msarang
+ Office
4F., Gudang Bldg. , 486 Cheongnyangni 2-dong , Dongdaemun-gu , Seoul , Korea
TEL +82-2-964-7994. FAX +82-2-964-7999
+ Vo luntaryService Team
1801 Kumho Palace Bldg. , 327-2 Changsin 1-dong, Jongno-gu Seoul , Korea
TEL +82-2-3672-9666. FAX +82-2-3672-9665
+ L. A . Branch
37 S. Crenshaw Blvd. Los Angeles , CA 90019
TEL +1-323-933-8814. FAX +1-323-933-8815

www.chlmtm 빠 |
Born in 1915.
Learned the art of Acupuncture and Moxibustion from his father
In 1943 opened up his Acupuncture and Moxibustion clinic and practice
for 60 years.
Wrote curriculum books for the Seoul National School for the Blind
Member of the Korea Acupuncture Association.
Currently on the board of the Korea acupuncture Association working on
changing and making laws to allow licensed persons to practice
Acupuncture and Moxibustion
Visiting professor at the Beijing University of Chinese Medicine.
CEO of Tmsarang.
Traditional Acupuncture Training Adminstrator.

Acupuncture and Moxibustion is considered the 3rd medical treatment.
Thζ popularity of Acupuncture and Moxibustion is due to the amazing

recovery of illnesses.
Tmsarang is a pionεer in research and volunteering efforts for the better
health of the world.
Tmsarang ’ s phi10phy is “ healthier community through helping hands"
\ and to share one ’ s knowledge with others for free.
Gudang ’s
’‘ Acupuncture for Burns

챙 Tmsarang
486 Cheongnyangni 2-dong , Dongdaemun-gu, Seoul , Korea
(Zip code: 130-869) 82-2-964-7994
1. Feafures of Gudang ’s Acupuncfure for Burns 3

2. Seriousness ofBums 5
1) Infection and Complications 5
2) Seriousness ofPain 5
3) Scarring 5
4) Psychological after-effects 6
5) Functional Disorder 6

3. Categorization and Evaluation of Bums 8

1) Classification with respect to the depth 8
2) Classification with respect to the width 11
3) Classification with respεct to the arεa 11
4) Others 12

4. General Treatments of Bums 13

1) Treatment in the Earlier Phase 13
2) Follow-up Treatment 13

5. Pro blems in Current Treatments of Burns 14

1) Pain 14
2) Functional Disorder due to Scarring 14
3) Scarr‘ IOg 14

6. Reconls on Treatments of Burns 15

7. Gudang ’s acupuncture for bums 16
1) History 16
2) Papers Presented in International Acupuncture 17
3) Principles ofGudang’s Acupuncture for Burns 18
4) Treatment of Pain in the Initial Phase 19
5) Treatment of Swelling and SecretÎon in the Middle 21
6) Treatment of After-effects in the Latler Phase 22
7) Mechanism of Gudang’s Acupuncture for Burns 23
from the Perspective .o f Contemporary Science
8) Ashi Point Approach in Treatment ofBurns 24

8. Conclusion 26

9.Caution 27

10. Case Study 28


1. Features of Gudang ’s Acupuncture for Bums

Since mankind began using fire , burns have been a very serious problem. In
regions with the custom to intake warm food and drink, there is hardly anyone
who has not experienced burns. Over 98% of the population of Korea has
experienced burns of various scales in their childhood , and consequently ,
almost 28% ofthem are living with visually recognizablε scars. In particular, it
is reported that 6% of the overall population are struggling with serious
disabilities in everyday life due to scars formed by bums. Furthermore , the
present increased usε of electricity, high-pressure gas and chemical substances
is causing a continued growth in thε number of bum victims. As such , bums
area serious problem, yet there has not been any clear treatment provided.
There are only the systematic treatment methods of maintaining airway , sap
remedy , administering sedatives , administεring antibiotics , preventative
l 매 ection for tetanus , escharotomy and fascial incision, etc. For local treatment,
only debridement and incision of dead tissues and local chemical treatment
form the basis of medical care. Furthermore , plastic surgery after the wounds
are healed is accompanied by excruciating pain and enormous financial costs.
It has been over 10 years since Gudang Kim N am-Soo developed a method
for effective and simple treatment of burns and published it in academic
papers. However, due to the systematic defect of not using acupuncture in
hospitals to treat patients with bums , this outstanding treatment to relieve the
pain associated with burns is not yet effectively utilized.

디 Prompt Relief of Pain

Regardlessof the size , burns are associated with indescribably excruciating
pain. The top priority in acupuncture treatment of burns is to remove this pain.

디 Quick Recovery and N 0 after-effect

Compared to other wounds , those formed by burns take longer to heal.
Acupuncture treatment enables prompt healing of bum patients

디 Preventing Scars
Burns destroy skin and muscle tissues , and therefore leave unsightly scars
and cause transformation of joints in the affected areas. Acupuncture σeatment

prevents such transformation scars


2. Seriousness of Bums

1) Infection and Complications

Unless properly treated , bums may cause other complications including
infection, etc.
It takεs a very long period of time for skin cells around the affected area to
completely grow over the bumt layer. Therefore, the area can be easily
penetrated by bacteria and is subject to infection.
Body fluids which make up a large proportion of human body cells can
easily evaporate when exposed to air due to bums. This may even lead to the
death of patients with severe bums
When the bum afftεcts a widε area and is of great severity, the patient may
experience septicaemia which produces the symptoms of rigor and fever
throughout the body. This may even cause death in serious cases

2) Seriousness of Pain
Compared to other conditions , bums are associated with severe pain. The
heat destroys skin cells which causes pain. The destroyed cells stimulate
nerves to secrete chemical substances which causes scarring.

3) Scaning

디 What is a Scar?
A large wound requires a large quantity of fibroid material to fill up the gap
and these fibroid materials are sbown as a scar.

디 Characteristics of a Scar
. Scarred tissue is not made of skin cells , but fibroid materials. It is firmer
than ordinary skin and has no hair, sweat glands or blood vessels.
. In the case of large wounds , the regener따ed skin(collagen) is forrned gre따er

than the ordinary skin.


. Rather than of regular composition, scars consist of an entangled structure.

Therefore , scarred areas easily become dented or bulged.
. The weak binding force between the collagen layers results in the scarred
area becoming easily fissured due to tension of the surrounding skin. This
prevents forming of wave-shaped structure between the epidermis and
dermis layers of skin. Therefore, skin is left without the elasticity and
wrinkles of normal skin and can be easily peeled off even by a small impact.

디 After-effects of a scar
Scars become contracted and pull the skin of surrounding areas to cause
transformation of the surrounding tissues and discoloration of the affected

4) Psychological after-effects
Patients with severe burns of the face, etc. caused by unexpected fire not
only experience the sense of great loss and despair due to their disfigurement ,
but may also suffer the loss of jobs, breakup of family or isolation or exclusion
by others in society.

5) Functional Diso nJer

디 Abnonnalities in Muscle Tissue due to contracture

Contracture refers to the loss of normal movement capacities as the result of
wound recovery.
For self-healing, the skin pulls itself to cause denting or shrinkage of tissues
in the course of wound recovery. The shrunken tissues may displace the
positions of eyes , nose or mouth and can eventually cause transformation of
the outward appearance of the patient by pulling the surrounding healthy
Shrinkage oftissue forms a taut band-shaped scar across ajoint area and can
even obstruct the function ofthe joint.

디 Loss of Senso l)' Function

When the area where the nerves end in skin( dermis) is destroyed by a bum,
the affected patient has to wait until the nerves grow back again. Re-growth of
the nerves takes place slowly or may not even be achieved. This results in
permanent loss of the sensory function.

3. Categorization and Evaluation of Bums

Rather than being a sill1 ple condition to be collectively applied with the same
treatll1 ent, blll1l S display 1l1 0re diverse aspects than any other conditions. Therefore ,
the desired effect of treatment can be achieved when accw'ate categorization is
obtained in terms of the depth and width of bllrns, and evalllation of the cases is
administered in accordance with the causes of damage , damage to respiratory
organs due to inha\ation burns in a c1 0sed space , overall body conditions and the
age ofpatient. Such evaluation will become more precise and detailed through the
accwnu\ation of numerous second-hand experiences and treatment operations.

1) Oassification with respect to the de때l

The severity of burns is usually categorized as first , second or third
degree burns. However, this method does not provide accurate infonnation
on the depth of burns becallse severity of burns can cliffer in accordance
with the causes of burns , temperature at the moment, contact time , age of
patients and thickness of the skin layer. AJso, the depth of bU l1l s is not
even throughout the affected areas and the severity of burns can become
aggravated with the pass ing of time. The most accαω


be made by observ
끼띠11ng the progress of tTeatmen t.

Bum ofPartial Layer

Subcutaneous fi밟IY ltissue

Fascia Burn of A lI Layers


디 Superlïcial Bum (Fi rst Degree Bum)

Appearance Healing Period Cause

Dryness , redness
Ultraviolet rays ,
Area turning white when 3- 6 days
light flash

@8 。。 gmS

Epld el'mls



o SuperlïcialPa떠al Thickness Bum (Second Degree Bum)

Appearance Sensation Healing Period Scarring Cause

Blister, moistness , Rare
Pain caused when
re이less Only the Hot water
exposed to air or by 7 - 20 days
Area turning white possibility of Short fl ame
temperature difference
wh en pressed color change

으 @Ima。(앗

다 Deep p와1ial thickness bum(Second Degree Bum)

Appearance Sensation Scarring Cause
. Bl ister (easily burst)
high Hot
. Dryness or moistness as if Only the
21 days or possibility water
applied with wax sensation of
longer of Flame
. Variety of colors pr<εssunzatlOn
scarrmg ' Oil
. Area not turning white when pressed

뎌 Bum in All Layers (Thinl or Fourth-Degree Bum)

Appearance Sensation Healing Period Scarring Cause

‘ White as if wax to gray Hot water,
and black to resemble Only the flame,
the color of charcoal sensation of Very high steam,
N ot natillally
. Dryness and lack high possibility of oil and
of elasticity pressurization scarrmg chemicall
Area not turning white electrical
when pressed causes

2) Oassification with respect to the width

Among the methods to indicate the percentage of burns of the overall
surface area, the "Lund & Browder Chart" is known to be the most accurate
and may be used even on young children.

ÂIl1erl,or PO훌‘erlor

Relative Percentage ofbody surface area(% BSA) affected by growth

Body part Oyr lyr 5yr lOyr 15yr adult
A : Y20f head 9 Yz 8ι 6 Yz 5 Yz 4 Y2 3Y2
B: ι of one side of femoral region 2% 3Y4 4 4 Y4 4Y2 43;4
C yz of one side of lower leg 2 Yz 2 Yz 2% 3 3 Y4 3Y2

3) Classification with respect to the area

It is also important to consider which part of the body has been affected. The
face , neck , hands , feet , genitals and the perineum are areas that require special
attention even when the bum is not of great depth or across a wide area. Bums
on these areas require spεcial caution in treatment and rehabilitation.

4) Others

디 Categorization with respect to Age

Infants and toddlers under the age of 3, and the elderly over the age of 60
have a thin epidermis layer therefore , the severity of their burns can be greater
even when caused by the same level of heat. With insufficient se lf-protection
capacity, these patients also become exposed to severe burns as the time of
contact to the cause ofbums becomes longer

디 Categorization with respect to overaH body conditions

lf a patient suffers fro l11 any of l11 alnutriti on, diabetes , heart di sease , kidney
disease , a Jc oholi sm , tuberculosis, AIDS (acqui red il11l11 une defic iency
synd ro l11 e) or obes ity , etc. , consideration must be given to the fact that there is
a large difference in the speed or pεriod of healing compared to the people
without such conditions.

디 Categorization with respect to the causes 0" bums

BlI rn by Hot Wate r: BlI rn call secl by hot water.
BlI rn by Contac t: BlI rn ca ll secl by contact with hot objects.
BlI rn by Flallle: BlI rn ca ll secl by gas or fíre , etc
In, general, bllrns by contact often cause clamage cleep into the tissue layer , while
burns by hot water ancl flame do not usually result in damage deep into the skin ,
Although appearing to be sup 응rficial at first , electrical or chemical burns
usually cause damage deep in the skin laye r.

※ In hospitals specializing in burns , the categorization usecl is : light burn , Ill eclium burn
and severe burn , In general , hospitalization is requirecl for cases of Ill ediulll burn or
higher for injection ofRinger’s solution , Such ca tegori zation is an illlportant point in
treatment ofthe early phase ,

4. General Treatments of Bums

1) Treatment in the Early Phase

The affected area and its surroundings must be cooled down and cleaned (ie:
washing the affected area in cold running water). Wh en required , Ringer’s
solution is iniectεd. Preventative injection for tetanus is administered , and if
necessary , antibiotics are applied or injected. Analgesics or sedatives are
applied on a regular basis.

2) Follow-up Treatment
One of the follow-up σeatments is to administer escharotomy and skin
implants , etc. It is also important to prevent stiffening of joints through
rehabilitation treatment.

5. Problems in Current Treatment of the Bums

1) Pain
There are numerous sensory cells distributed on our skin surface. Therefore ,
burns cause more severe pain than any other condition. When the pain lasts for
a long period of time , it becomes inevitable to use powerful analgesics. In
some cases , even the analgesics do not produce effects.

2) Functional Disorder due to Scaning

Scarring causes shrinkage of skin
and loss of elasticity. This results Functiol81i
in pulling of the surrounding skin
or j oint areas causing secondary
t > FilI Rllgeli
structural transformation. lt may
generate various functional and Dluscles
extemal troubles

3) Scaning
With the exception of light burns , most bum
patients are left with severe scarring that result
in significant psychological after-effect for life.

6. Records on Treatments of Bums

We need to take pictures of patients who have been completely healed of

burns to keep a record of treatment. However, not all of them returned to the
clinic , so we took pictures of 2~4 patients and found absolutely no scars left.
! The ideal way of keeping records of burn treatments is to photograph the courses with a

,- video recorde r. Digital cameras are also suitable , but when unavailable , they can be
-, replaced with general cameras to obtain satisfactory data of treatments. However,
-- ‘ pictures taken by general cameras tend to display the depth of burns as shallower than
they actually are.
Burn records must contain detailed information written per date on general
information of a patient , past history of illness , current condition , cause of burn
and exposure time , possibility of inhalation burn, treatment administered prior
to coming to the clinic , a diagram to depict the area and depth of burn , size of
burn, treatment method (time period for acupuncture application) , changes in
pain , secretion and swelling by the course of treatment, other treatment
methods used in conjunction, and complications caused by burn.

7. Gudang Treatment of Bums

1) History
It is hard to say when exactly acupuncture and moxibustion was started.
However, it can be guessed by looking at the career history of Gudang Kim
Nam-Soo. Having devoted his entire life to acupuncture and moxibustion study ,
Gudang Kim Nam-Soo actualized the results of studies produced in various
countries and the traditions handed down from predecessors. Such achievement
must have been the result of his great devotion to help all people suffering from
1 was told that Gudang came up with this idea when treating acne or pimples
on the face with acupuncture during the 1960s. Observing that in f1 ammations
subsided on the day following acupuncture application on the face , Gudang
cautiously tried administering acupuncture treatment on burns by considering
them as infected wounds. Gudang began recording his treatrnent results in full
scale from 1992 after his grandson was affected with burns on his face and chest.
In 1994, Gudang presented the outstanding result of his treatment at the
international Acupuncture Sylllposium to draw the attention of the world. While
continuously treating nUlllerous patients and recording the courses on video ,
Gudang and his treatment were introduced in a TV documentary in August 200 1.
This came as a breeze of fresh air to the people of Korea. Presently , to honor
their Illaster, students of Gudang are practising the treatment to relieve numerous
patients frolll pain and are preparing to give an official presentation of the results
achieved. At the same time, they are planning for booklets and specially
manufachlred acupuncture sets for burns in order to promote simple application
of the treatment in everyday life. All these would not have been possible without
the experimental and pioneering spirit of Gudang Kirn Nam-Soo. This idea could
never have been devised if he had persisted in believing that an acupuncturist
must only follow the instructions ofthe old texts.

2) Papers Presented at the Intemational Acupuncture Symposium

(Seoul , 1994)

Acupuncture Treatment of Bums

K im Nam-Soo , Director ofNamsoo Acupuncture Clinic

o Objective: BUI11, regardless of the size of the affected area or severity, causes
undescribably excruciating pain. Therefore , the fLrst objective was to remove this
pain. Burns destroy skin and muscle tissues to leave unsightly scars , which also
cause unbearable itchiness and pulling of skin. As such, the second objective was
to treat such symptoms. Wounds caused by burn, compared to other wounds, take
a longer time and are difficult to heal. Th erefore , the third objective was to have
the burn wounds hea l in a short period of time

며 Subject App. 20 of 1st, 3rd or up to 4th degree bLLrn patients to

suffer from burns caused by hot water, fL re and gas, etc. on fLngers , the
back of the hand , arms , face , chest, abdomen and back areas were selected
as the target of this treatment.

며 Method : The top priority was given to remove pain caused by heat, fL re
poisoning and extravasated blood with Weiguan(外關 : TE5) , Chukbin(棄貴 : KI9)
and Hulhye(血海 : SPI0) points as the main p이 nts of acupuncture application.
Then, needles were inserted in the interval of 1 ~3 cm according to the degree of
burn on Ashi point wüil pain was removed. When possible , it also helped in
treatment to additionally apply aCUpLmcture on Poongmun(風門 : BLl 2) and Payu
(~市兪 : BLl 3) points.

디 Result : lst~2nd degree burns , regardless of the size of the affected area,
were completed healed after 1~3 acupuncture treatments. Al so , 3rd~th degree
burns , regardless of the size of the affected area, were completely healed as the
scabs fell off after 3~ 1O treatments (within 10 days) to leave no scars 없 al l. This

was the characteristic and satis fY ing effect of acupuncture treatment. Most of the
patients to undergo acupun따
l ure treatment so far were completely healed of the
burns within 10 days and did not have any remalllmg scars. Such effect of
acupuncture treatrnent indeed is a grεat accomplishment.

디 Discussion : We had a 35-year-old female patient with a 2nd ~ 4th degree

burn on her lower abdomen, pubic region, entire areas of the inner lowεr limbs and
the back oflεgs. Two of our staffheld down this patient who turned pale from the
excruciating pain and we administered acupuncture trεatrnent on her. After 1 hour,
the patient fell asleep , became free from pain and could return home. The treatment
was administered for 3 days until scab was formed. After 9 treatments , the patient
was completed healed. A1though the affected area was left with redness , many
people noticed that this patient recovered from the burn without even a single scar
and recorded this with a video camεra

Treatment of burns by acupuncture is safe, convenient, achieves results in a

short period of time , and doε:s not leave scars

3) Principles of Gudang ’s Acupuncture for Bums

It is important to administer Gudang’s acupuncture for bUfns as quickly as
possible after one is affected by bmn. Even light burn cases can take longer to heal
if accurate treatment is not administered at the right time. The longer period of
healing results in greater possibility of scarring. 1n particular, burns in joint areas
are highly likely to result in the curling up of skin. Therefore, burn treatment must
be administered as quickly as possible

Third Degree Burn by men


서 Removing 많았 :A때unc빼sc따ges he따 of 뼈

fì:om inside of the body

l?reventing 뼈fection Acupuncturè stimulates blood‘

Preventing flow , therefore promotes circulation of leukocytes to
TIssue +-1 prevent infection. This is illustrated by the secretions
DestnIction pouring out as water when an acupuncture needle is

suPPRS 뼈 뻐n 때puncture n빼es , by working
direct1y on sensory points in the area of pain, produce the
leffect of pain alleviation.

Rom。‘~ng Removlng Preventl n.g

Heal ’
In ec•10n

4) Treatment of Pain in the Initial Phase

In general , bum treatments are largely divided into treatment in the initial
phase and post-treatment. Here , for convenience of explanation, the initial
phase shall be regarded as the period mainly for pain reduction, the middle
phase as the period to control secretion from the wound and to build the
epidermis and the final phase as the period to control and prevent itchiness ,
scarring , joint building and transformation.
Treatrnent of the initial phase , although different according to the depth of

3 genera11y
aas the
ge p1ace
e acupurlcmre
1” app1ication with the inteIVa1 of

1 ~3

to We밍ig
맑 ua
뻐 n‘(外關 : TE5) ,’ Cα
뼈 bi“

n1‘(종聚훌貴 : Kl9
키) and Hu
띠Ilhy엄e바(血海 : SP lO이)’
Pooongmun(風 F門, : BL1 2) and Payu(師兪 BL13) points to promote the

overall treatment effec t. For this application , sterilized needles of 0.25mm or
0 .2 0mm in diameter ( 3 0 or 5 Omm in length) are used. Needles are inserted
in different depths according to the degree and area of burn. In general ,
successful effect is achieved without having to insert the needles deep into the
skin layer. It is more helpful to keep the needles inserted as long as possible ,
generally for the minimum of 30 minutes until pain is removed. In case of
young children, needles can be taken out a little bit earlier than usua l. If the
needles come out from the skin on their own , it is not required to reinsert them.
Joint application of general burn treatment can also be considered. At first , it is
recommended to cool the affected area with cold water for 15 minutes or more
and remove dirt or foreign substances with running water. In general ,
superficial burns caused by sun light, etc. , are completely cured in this stage.
Blisters must not be forcefully removed. Rather, the water inside should be
allowed to flow out naturally by inserting acupuncture needles into the blisters.
In some cases , the wound is lightly covered with sterilized gauze and vaseline
to prevent infection. However , in principle , wounds should not to be covered
by anything , but rather, exposed to the air. A ft:er the seri es of initi al phase
treatment, the patient will be immedi ate ly relieved of pain , so there will be no
more need for the patient to take analgesics

The most agonizing element of burn is the pain. Acupuncture

application removes the pain within one hour. We had a female patient
who was burnt in hot water below the navel on Úle (:ì"ont and back
sides of both legs severely enough to lose even the pubic hair. She
writhed in excruciating pain so 1 had two of my staff ho ld her dow l1
and administered acupuncture. After 5 minutes , her writhing subsi ded
and in an hour, the patient fell asJeep. 1 left her to sleep for a couple
of hours. When waking up , the patient did not complain of any pain
and returned home. Analgesics only give temporary effec t. However,
removing pain with acupuncture produces permanent results.

5) Treatment of Swelling and Secretion in the Middle Phase

The most difficult part of treating burns is having to deal with the
secretion. 1 have observed that treatment of burns with acupuncture
removes pain and stops secretion at the same time. There is bound to be
secretion when there is pain. As pain is removed, so is secretion. When
secretion stops , it means the affected area is already in the process of
healing. When a bum patient visits a hospital , .the doctors peel off the
burnt skin. However, 1 leave the skin intact and admini ster acupuncture by
taking caution not to have the skin peeled. After 3 days , a slightly black
colored scab is securely forrned. This indicates that the wound is healing
successfully and the patient feels no more pain

As noted above , treatment of swelling and secreti on ta kcs approximately

2 ~4 days for burns of shallow depth , and 3 ~7 days [or bU ll1 s that penetrate
deep into the skin laye r. By this time , formation of the epid ermi s is almost
completcd and no special treatment is required any longe r. Secreti ons subside
and the c이 or of skin becomes darker to indicate the healin g process is in
progress. When scabs start to form , apply sesame oil or leavc the area
untouched by applying acupuncture from time to time. Even when doctors
advise the necessity of a skin implant, acupuncture treatment provi des
successful results in formation of epidermis if the size of the affected area is
not large. Past treatment results show that even burns of alllayers, although it
may take longer time , are treated without any after-effect if the size o r thc
affected area is less than 2cm in diameter. Caution is required , however, as
infection at this stage may cause the severity of burns to increase. Also , cases
of burns with the possibility of aggravation must be identified in the initi al
phase to administer treatment accordingly.

6) Treatment of After-effect in the Latter Phase

Acupuocture treatmeot does oot damage skio tissues. As the tissues are
oot damage d, it does oot cause aoy scaniog. Scar is the trace of
destroyed tissues.

As the wound is almost healed, patients often complain about itchiness.

Continuous acupuncture treatment is considered sufficient for this. In reality , it
takes several months for a burn wound to be healed completely. Therefore ,
there may be a lingering of burnings pains as the after-effect of bums. This can
be effectively trεated by applying acupuncture on thready moxa on the areas of
the most severe pain. Of course, this after-effect can be prevented by treating
bums with Gudang’s Acupuncture for bums. It may also reduce the appearance
of skin wrinkling. Symptoms often found in burns that affect deep in the skin
layers , such as scarring formed by thickening of the bumt wound , are also
rarely detected. However , in cases where acupuncture treatrnent was not
administered from the beginning , and bum scars are severely itchy and
protrusive , moxibustion administered on 1 ~3 places ofthready moxa similar to
the acupuncture treatm ent , achieves quite satisfactory results in reli ev ing the
conditions. The redness also gradually disappears. Joint areas must be treated
by taking into consideration the comp lications of the areas becoming stiffened
and curled up. ln general hospital treatments , the areas are supported by
splints. lf th e result is not satisfactory, surgical operation is administered. The
advantage of Gudang’s Acupuncture for Bums is that it remarkably reduces
occurrence of such complications. Skin appears to be red at first and slowly
regains the original color in the course of 1 year. The patient must be c1 early
instructed not to scratch or expose the affected area to sun light.

7) Mechanism of Gudang ’s Acupuncture fOI


pO아rarηηy Science

The 3 characteristics of Gudang’'s acupuncture for bums are that it

removes pain q띠ckly, accelerates healing and leaves no scars.

Where do such characteristics originate? It indeed is curious as Gudang Kim

Nam-Soo said , "ls it the acup uncture? Is it the human body? It wiU be difficult
to find out the mechanism of acupuncture treatment." Although there can be a
number of answers reached by applying the gεneral mechanism of acupuncture
discovered so far to treatment burns , it still requires more precise and detailed
study in the coming days. 1, however, would like to express my opinions on
the characteristics of acupuncture on the basis of what is being told by Gudang
Kim Nam-Soo

''M oxibustion must only be applied with 3-year old mugwort and acupuncture must
only be administered with metal needles."

The fact that acupuncture needles must made of metal is intended to

maximize the conductivity of metal properties. It is well known that
‘ acupuncture alleviates fever , even if the degree of heat does not reach the state
of bllrn. Also , the fact that acupuncture is effìεctive in πeating a variety of
infl ammable diseases because it relieves the heat caused by inflammation is
also rclalcd to the mctal property of acupuncture needles. In essence , the
co nditi on of burn is the state in which excess ively high heat is locked within
the non-concl llctive skin due to certain accidents or circ umstances. In normal
circu l11 stances , cc lls inev itab ly start to co ll apse at the temperatllre of 40 'c or
higher. Destruction of the nerves leads to extreme pain . Also , approximately
70% of the destroyed cells contain liqllid. Therefore , it resul ts in the
continuous secretion from the affected area. When sterilized acupuncture
needles of high conductivity are insertεd into the areas of burn as quickly as

possible , the needles rapidly draw out heat and the pain is relieved. As the
process of skin disintegration is stoppεd, the affected area does not produce
secretion any longer. If the secretion is stopped, it reduces the number of dead
cells lost with the secretion. The result is 1εss area to be repaired by other
connective tissues , therefore , minimizing or preventing scarring. Considering
this , Gudang Kim Nam-Soo must have discovered the science of heat
conductivity associated with acupuncture needles to produce superior results in
treating ofthe special cases ofburn patients.

Many historically significant discoveries or inventions were achieved by

accident. In fact , A. Fleming (1 928) discovered penicillin by accident in a
comer of a dirty test tube. Jenner, also discovered smallpox vaccine by
observing the fact that women who milked cows did not catch smallpox. It was
the same with discovery of the American continent. Columbus sailed by it
thinking it was India. It seems the heavens above give prizes to those who
silently , yet painstakingly pursue a single path. Who can deny that the
achievement of acupuncture treatment for burns by Gudang Kim Nam -Soo
was the result of his dedicated effort for 70 years? The Gudang treatment for
burns indeed is an epoch-makillg achievement and a treat l11 ent l11 ethod that can
be easily applied in treating patients. Gudang Ki l11 Na l11 -Soo "deserves more
than 100 Noble Prizes for medicine" for his meritorious service of having
relived the pain of numerous patients. It is left for all of us here in Tmsarang to
further deveJop and ge l1eralize the use ofthis outstal1di l1g treatment method.

8) Ashi Point Approach in Treatment of Bums

It is oot at all difficult to treat burns with acupunctnre. The part of body
to be affected by burn is skin. So, at firs t, 1 chose Payu(師兪 : BL13) point
as the point of application because 안le organ in charge of the skin is the
lungs. Then, to remove the toxicity of burns, 1 chose Chukbin(第貴 : KI9)
point to remove all poisons fmm the body of the patient Next 1 chose ‘

Hu1hye(血海 : SPI0) point to remove extravasated blood in 0여.er to

prevent generation of bad blood in the body system. Bums also affect not
only the skin smface, but also all the way to the muscle layer, so 1 applied
acupuncture on Weiguan(外關 TE5) poin t. The most important is Ashi
poin t. It was the first acupuncture point found for humans. ’Ashi' Ii terally
means ’this is it’. The point thought to be ’it’ was the very tïrst acupuncture
poin t. [ emphasize again that Ashi is the most impo t1ant of all.

The state of thε burn patient was so serious that even the flesh of his chest
was sticking to the inside of his shirt. However, this patient was a1so hea1ed in
1ess than 10 days. The wounded spot, once the scab fell off, was 1eft 100king as
though the skin had been pee1ed off and the area was covered with b100d clot.
The new1y granu1ated skin was red in co1or and appeared as though it was
ready to burst even at the li ghtest touch . ] thought the burn of the toes was not
severe, so J did not app ly acupuncture 011 them. My first thought was that the
toes wou1d hea1 through overall treatment. However , it ended up taking a1most
a month. It was an important 1esson to me. If the toes had hea1ed at the same
speed as the other parts , 1 wou1d not have been ab1e to realize the importance
of Ashi point. Such effects can be reached on1y with Ashi point. So , this
princip1e can a1so be used in genera1 househo1ds.

8. Conclusion

Our task of the coming days is to pursue further study and many more
applications to secure professional level of treatment and popular use of this
treatment method. Some of the subjects of study would be a comparative
analysis on the types of needles used , time of acupuncture application and the
interval between each application , method to select the acupuncture points , the
case of jointly administering moxibustion from the initial phase , securing
treatment method per body part, effect of treatment when jointly used with
general medical treatrnents or folk remedies , effect of jointly administering
acupuncture treatment in the course of general hospital treatrnent, effect of
acupuncture on implanted skin and study on the mechanism of Gudang
Treatrnent (measuring physical and chemical changes before and after
treatment) , etc. At the same time , studies are also being carried out to develop
sterilized acupuncture needles specialized for treatment of burns so that
general public in households or workplace can adrninister acupuncture on
burns of small size and depth. 1 believe it is important to promote the proj ect of
education by producing reference publications for people with basic
knowledge of burns so that Gudang ’ Acupuncture for Burns can secure a
position as a popular medical treatment for the ge neral pub li c. This is also a
way of fulfi lling the foundin g philosophy of Tmsarang to ’learn and help

9. Caution

CD Prevention of infection : Disposable needles must be used to prevent infection.

Before reusing , the needles must be thoroughly sterilized.
@ Treatment time : Gudang’s Acupuncture for Burns provides effective results when
administered as secretions begin from the affected area. It is better to have the
treatment applied earlier.
@ Needles fa llen out : When needles fall out, there is no need to reinsert the needles.
~ @ Color of skin : Caution is required not to scratch or expose the affected skin to
sunlight as the skin is regaining normal color
@ Caution for wintertime Caution is required to prevent the affected area from
becoming frozen in the coldness of winter. Swelling of the frozen area requires
longer treatment time.
@ Complications: Treatment must be administered by taking into consideration the
complications ofjoint areas becoming stiffened 0 1' curled up.

10. Case Study

<Experimental Study on the Mechanism of Acupuncture Treatment of Bums >

Upon request for study by Institute of Legitimate Acupuncture and
Moxibustion, a team led by Professor Baek Du-jin from the Anatomy and
Cellular Biology Lab. of the Medical School at Hanyang Univ. investigated
and analyzed the ’effect of acupuncture stimulation on bum wounds on white
rats'. The result concluded that " acupuncture stimulation promotes the course
oftreatment of bum wounds by facilitating production and extinction of TGF-
ß, which is essential in the initial phase of epiderm is fo rmation , and
facilitating extinction of EGF". Also the research team anno unced that
"acupuncture stimulation was found to promote healing of burns by fac ilitating
formation oftype 1 collagen and fibronectin in the initial phase of bums".
(K.orean J Phys Anthrop 16(1 ):27- 38,62,2003)

AZ38 ‘Cell tissue 01 0 rot coused 01 burn ond AZ3802:Cell tissue 01 0 rot coused 01 burn
not odminislered with ocupuncture treotment ond odministered wlth ocupuncture treotment

Red: Damaged cell tissue Blue: Normal cell tissue


<Progress of Bum Treatment >

DayofBum First Day ofTreatment

(a fte r 17 hours)

Acupuncture nee여 es 없'e left l I The damaged skin must not be I I Scabs begi11 to fonm as the ~않버t
inserted in the affected area with the l I inte11tiol1 alIy removed. I lof treating secr빼on and swelling.
interval of 1- 3cm for at leas! 30 ACupwlcture realment is ∞ntinuously
minutes. Pain is removed in 5 min. - administercd if secrction is pr때uc영

I hr. according to the severity ofl in the collrse of epidennis fonmation

burn If 1101, acuplulCI비'(l lrealrnenl lS not
admitlistercd !U1y longer

Afte r I W ce k After 1 M o nth

。 fTl'e at l11 c nt ofTreat l11 e nt

Removing scabs in the course Patien! has been healed

of epidermis formation may cause completely enough not to have
scarring and also result in longer any visibly detectable traces of
time to be taken in treatment the burn
Therefore, it is advised not to
intentionaUy remove scabs
Gudang ’s
Acupuncture for Burns

Published Date : November 20 , 2006

2nd Print : October 13 , 2008
Author : Namsoo Kim
Published : Tmsarang/Jungtongchimtm Academy

쟁 Tmsarang
486 Cheongnyangni 2-dong , Dongdaemun-gu , Seoul , Korea
(Zip codε : 130-869) 82-2-964-7994
Tmsarang is …·
Tmsarang is a non-profit organization that is actively involved in
research of Acupuncture and Moxibustion , shari ng its fjndings
with other organizations and volunteering its scrvi ces to better
our community ’ s health.

Tmsarang ’s Main Procedures

1. Teaching and Research of Acupuncture and Moxibustion.
2. Free treatment for those who qualify.
3. Cultural exchange through free Acupuncture and Moxibustio l1
treatments in neighboring countries.
4. Making laws for proper use and licensing of Acupunctl.1 re a l1 d
5. Expan이ng through other businesses relating to AC l.1 puncture and

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