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National Electric Power Regulatory Authority Islamic Republic of Pakistan NEPRA Tower, Attaturk Avenue (East), 65/1, Islamabad Registrar Ph:+92-51-9206500, Fax: +92-51-2600026 Web:, E-mail No. NEPRA/TRF-100/8883-8885 June 9, 2015 Subject: Decision of the Authority in the matter of a Request for Reconsideration of ‘riff Determinations for the Ex-WAPDA Distribution Companies for the 1_Year 2014-15 under Section 31(4) of NEPRA Act, 1997 Reference: Ministry of Water & Power letter No. Tariff2014-15 dated 21.05.2015. Dear Sir, Please find enclosed herewith the subject Decision of the Authority (42 pages) in the matter of a Request for Reconsideration of Tariff Determinations for the Ex-WAPDA Distribution Companies for the Financial Year 2014-15 under Section 31 of Regulation of Generation, Transmission and Distribution of Electric Power Act, 1997 (*NEPRA Act”) made by Ministry of Water & Power. 2. The Decision of the Authority along with the revised Schedules of Tariff in respect of IESCO, LESCO, GEPCO, FESCO, MEPCO, PESCO, SEPCO, HESCO, QESCO and TESCO is being intimated to the Federal Government for the purpose of notification in the official Gazette pursuant to Section 31 (4) of the Regulation of Generation, Transmission and Distribution of Electric Power Act (XL of 1997). Please note that the Determinations of the ‘Authority in the matter of consumer-end tariff in respect of referred XWDISCOs earlier communicated to Ministry of Water & Power for notification would remain the same except for their enclosed Schedules of Tariff. > Enclosure: As above Ketel sae SS (Syed Safeer Hussain ) Ministry of Water & Power, ‘A’ Block, Pak Secretariat Islamabad (ey Secretary, Cabinet Division, Cabinet Secretariat, Islamabad. 2. Secretary, Ministry of Finance, ‘Q’ Block, Pak Secretariat, Islamabad. 2. Decision of the Authority in the matter of Request by GoP for Reconsideration of en Tariff Determination for the EX-WAPDA DISGOs for the FY 2014-15 Decision of the Authority in the matter of a Request for Reconsideration of Tariff ‘Determinations for the EX-WAPDA Distribution Companies for the Financial Year 2014-15 under Section 31(4) of NEPRA Act 1997 ‘As per section 31(4) of the NEPRA Act, notification of the Authority's approved tariff, rates, charges, and other terms and conditions for the supply of electric power services by the generation, transmission and distribution companies is to be made, in the official gazette by the Government of Pakistan, however, the Federal Government may require the 15 days of such intimation; whereupon the Authority to re-consider its determination wi Authority has to determine the same anew within 15 days, 2, The tariffs for ex-WAPDA Distribution Companies (DISCOs) for the FY 2014-15 was determined by NEPRA and intimated to the Federal Government for notification in the official gazette as per following details:- Islamabad Electric Supply Company (IESCO) 103.2015, Faisalabad Electric Supply Company (FESCO) 10.3.2015, Peshawar Electric Supply Company (PESCO) 10.3.2015, Lahore Electric Supply Company (LESCO) 20.3.2015 Gujranwala Electric Power Company (GEPCO) 20.3.2015 Multan Electric Power Company (MEPCO) 273.2015 Hyderabad Electric Supply Company (HESCO) 74.2015 Quetta Electric Supply Company (QESCO) 74.2015 Sukkur Electric Supply Company (SEPCO) 14,4.2015 Tribal Area Electric Supply Company (TESCO) 195.2015 2 Decision ofthe Author in the mater of Request by GP for Reconsideration of tog Tariff Determination forthe EX: WAPDA DISCO forthe FY 2004-15 3 The Government of Pakistan has filed a reconsideration request to re-determine the above referred tariff determinations inter-alia on the following grounds:- * Reference is made to the National Power Policy, 2013 (the "Policy"), which was developed to support the current and future energy needs of the country. The Policy was considered and approved by the Council of Common Interests (CCI) through decision on Case No. 1/3/2013, dated 31-07-2013. As a consequence, the National Tariff and Subsidy Policy Guidelines, 2014 has also been framed. © The Policy approved by CCI, inter alia, stipulates that the low end consumers will be protected from any price escalation; that to the extent possible, tariff rationalization will be done in order to eliminate subsidy within the industrial, commercial and bulk consumers; and that a level playing field will be created by providing power at comparable prices to all industrial users. © Additionally, it is pointed out that through Finance Act, 2008, sub-section (5) was inserted in section 31 of the Act, which empowered the Federal Government to impose, from time to time, surcharges in respect of each unit of electric power sold to the consumers. One of the basic purposes of insertion of sub-section (5) in section 31 of the Act was to harmonize the electricity tariff between different distribution companies. This is evident from Summary for the Cabinet dated June 11, 2008 in respect of the Budget for the financial year 2008-09. © In discharge of the obligations casted upon the Federal Government under the Constitution of Islamic Republic of Pakistan, 1973 (the Constitution"), the Federal Government has framed policies and taken various steps, from time to time, inter alia, aimed at: (i) protection of low end consumers from price escalation through provision of subsidy; (ii) implementing uniform tariff in all categories of consumers across the country; (iii) tariff rationalization with an aim to minimize or eliminate subsidy within the industrial, commercial and bulk consumers; (iv) undertaking projects for, Decision of the Authority in the matter of Request by GoP for Reconsideration of Tariff Devermination for the EX-WAPDA DISCOs for the FY 2014-15 expansion of the existing power sector; and (v) raising of funds for ensuring smooth working of the power sector. In order to ensure proper implementation of the Policy approved by CCI as well as policies framed there under and keeping in view the fiscal space for subsidy, certain portion of the determined revenue requirements of the XWDISCOs are to be recovered through surcharges under section 31 of the Act. The amount collected in furtherance of surcharges shall within the parameters of the Policy approved by CCl, facilitate: recovery of the determined revenue requirement of the XWDISCOs; maintaining of uniform tariff across the country for each category of consumer; targeted subsidy to low-end consumers; and financial and development requirements of the power sect ‘A brief summary of rationale for each of the surcharge is given below: (a) A surcharge namely, "Tariff Rationalization Surcharge" at the rate mentioned against each of the categories of electricity consumers in respect of each unit of electric power sold by the specified DISCO detailed in Annexure-C, during each of the billing month, which shall be considered as a cost incurred by the distribution company to be included in the tariff recommended by the Authority. The Tariff Rationalization Surcharge enables fulfillment of the parameters set forth in the Constitution as well as the Policy approved by the CCl, ii) the budgetary targets in field; (iii) protection of low end consumers from price including: (i) the socio economic objective escalation through provision of subsidy; (iv) maintaining uniform tariff across the country and regions for each of the consumer category; (v) tariff rationalization with an aim to minimize or eliminate subsidy to the extent possible within the industrial, commercial and bulk consumers. The collection of the Tariff Rationalization Surcharge shall be deposited by, Decision ofthe Authority in the matter of Request by GoP for Reconsideration of Tariff Determination for the EX-WAPDA DISCOs for the FY 2014-15 XWDISCOs in a Fund called the "Tariff Rationalization Fund" to be kept in the Escrow Account of the Central Power Purchasing Agency of NTDC (or its successor) for exclusive use for discharging the liabilities of the power producers. (b) A surcharge, namely, "Neclum-Jhelum Surcharge” has been imposed by the Federal Government, since the year 2008 and till 31st December, 2015, @ 0.10 paisa per KWh on all electricity consumers of XWDISCOs except lifeline domestic consumers of the category ‘Residential A-1', which shall be considered as a cost incurred by the distribution company to be included in the tariff recommended by the Authority. The Neelum Jhelum Surcharge is collected, for the purposes of meeting a portion of the cost of construction of Neelum Jhelum Hydropower Project (the "Project"), which is a hydel power project with a to be installed capacity of 969 MW. The Project is of national importance and critical for the country, inter alia, to ensure supply of cheap electricity to end consumers in the country, being a hydro power project and rights over the waters flowing into Pakistan. The collection of Neelum Jhelum Surcharge shall be deposited by the XWDISCOs in a Fund calledthe “Neelum Jhelum Hydro Project Development Fund" to be kept in the Escrow Account of the Neelum Jhelum Company for exclusive use for the Neelum-Jhelum Hydro Power Project. (©) A surcharge at the rate of Rs. 0.43/KWh on account of recovering the debt servicing applicable to all the consumer categories on per unit consumption except lifeline domestic consumers of the category ‘Residential A-I' in respect of XWDISCOs, namely, "Financing Cost Surcharge", which shall be considered as a cost incurred by the distribution company to be included in the tariff recommended by the Authority. The 2 Decision othe Autboiyin te mater of Request by GoP for Reconsteation of Sd Tariff Determination forthe EX-WAPDA DISCOs forthe FY 2014-15 Financing Cost Surcharge shall enable smooth working and running of the power sector and to meet the repayment obligations of mark-up cost of loans obtained against the sovereign guarantees of the Government of Pakistan for the purpose of reducing shortfall in payment of determined and verified costs of power generation of various power generators. The collection of the Financing Cost Surcharge shall be deposited by XWDISCOs in a Fund called the "Financing Cost Fund” to be kept in the Escrow Account of the Central Power Purchasing Agency of NTDC (or its successor) for exclusive use for discharging the liabilities of the power producers. * In view of above and tariff rationalization as a consequence of the Tariff Rationalization Surcharge, as per the mandate of the Policy approved by CCI and the National Tariff and Subsidy Policy Guidelines framed in furtherance thereof, the net subsidy by GOP, within the fiscal space, is specified in Annexure-C. Thus the tariff rationalization is not aimed at raising any revenues for the Federal Government, as it is within the determined revenue requirements of the XWDISCOs. «The tariff rationalization enables fulfillment of the parameters set forth in the Constitution as well as the Policy approved by the CCI, including: (') the socio economic objectives; (ii) the budgetary targets in field; (iii) protection of low end consumers from price escalation through provision of subsidy: (iv) maintaining uniform tariff across the country and regions for each of the consumer category; (v) tariff rationalization with an aim to minimize or eliminate subsidy to the extent possible within the industrial, commercial and bulk consumers. 4, For the foregoing reasons, the Federal Government has requested to re-consider the Tariff Determinations of XWDISCOs for FY 2014-15 and to re-issue the schedule of tariff for the XWDISCOs, by incorporating the amounts of surcharges and tariff rationalization pe} 2 ection ote Authority nthe mater of Request by Go? fr Reconsideration of eon) Tai Determination forthe EX-WAPDA DISCOs forthe FY 201415 unit subsidy to the category of each of consumers as per Annexure-C, on urgent basis. It is also requested for condonation of delay in filing the reconsideration request. 5. The request was admitted for consideration on 25.5.2015. Since the amount of surcharges imposed by the Federal Government and the amount of subsidy to be given to certain categories of consumers; desired to be reflected in the "Schedule of tariff" are to be charged/collected by the DISCOs through electricity bills, therefore, in order to bring the same in the knowledge of all stake-holders, it was decided to up-load the re-consideration request on website of NEPRA and it was also decided to publish the same in the national newspapers. Beside separate letters to the key stakeholders were also issued for filing of any opinion/suggestions/comments with respect to the re-consideration request on or before 29th May, 2015, It was also decided to conduct a hearing on 29th May, 2015 in NEPRA Head Office, Islamabad. 6. The hearing was conducted on 29th May, 2015 in NEPRA Head Office, Islamabad which was attended by the representatives from Ministry of Water & Power, Ministry of Finance and the Distribution Companies. Comments/objections were filed by M/s Anwar Kamal Law Associates, All Pakistan Textile Mills Association (APTMA), Industrialist Association, Peshawar, M/s Flying Cement Company, M/s Flying Papers Limited, Pakistan Steel Melters Association, ABS & Company on behalf of Colony Textile Mills etc and M/s Muhammad & Ahmad. The representatives of the commentators also participated in the hearing, 7. The commentators inter-alia contended that; i) the Review Motions submitted by various DISCOs have not been decided by NEPRA sofars ii) that the Reconsideration Request is time barred; iii) that the Surcharges which the Government of Pakistan has recommended through the Recosideration Request stand challenged before the Lahore High Court, Lahore; J) Decision of the Authority in the matter of Request by GoP for Reconsideration of Tariff Determination for the EX-WAPDA DISGOs for the FY 2014-15 vii) viii) xii) that the proposed levy of Charges/Surcharges is against the spirit of the CCI decision given under pa 3.2 and 3.3 of Para 3 of the Reconsideration Request; that as the consumer-end Tariff of each DISCO, determined by NEPRA, has already covered the aspect of recovery of actual Revenue Requirement, the imposition of Surcharges and their recovery from the consumers, on top of the Revenue Requirement of the DISCO, will result in surplus Revenue for the respective DISCOs; that under the Tariff regime of NEPRA, certain categories of consumers (Industrial, Commercial, BPCs etc.) are paying more than the cost of service of the commodity ie. electricity being supplied to them, thus these consumers are factually already cross subsidizing the low end consumer; that the proposed Surcharge is non-prudent, illegal and constitutes a punishment to efficiency and reward to in-efficiency; that being separate Companies registered with SECP, the surplus amount of one Company (DISCO) after over-charging from its' consumers cannot be transferred to any other loss making Company (DISCO); that the methodology for developing a Power Project and recovery of the cost of the Project along with reasonable return has already been established, prescribed and is in practice since long; that the recovery of the cost of any investment, the benefit of which is not going to the consumer, is illegal and will result in undue increase in the cost of production of the existing industrial products, especially in the export sector; that the mark-up was being denied by the Regulator in the past; that the Surcharges are against the spirit of Regulation, unbundling of WAPDA and the Regulatory Regime that the Surcharges will promote in ae] in the Power Sector and will damage industrial growth in the country; Decision ofthe Authority in the matter of Request by GoP for Reconsideration of Tariff Determination for the EX-WAPDA DISCOs forthe FY 2014-15 xiii) xv) xvi) xvii) that the definition of “tariff” under the NEPRA (Tariff Standard and Procedure) Rules 1998 is restricted to rates, charges terms and conditions for generation of electric power, transmission, interconnection, distribution services and sales of electric power to consumer by XWDISCOs, hence NEPRA’s action to include surcharge namely Neelum Jhelum Surcharge, Financing Cost Surcharge and Tariff Rationalization Surcharge, in variable tariff of XWDISCOs is ultra vires the law; that the Federal Government is not providing any service and there is no quid pro quo against the aforesaid surcharges, hence merits to be rejected out rightly; that the DISCOs can-not be allowed to raise a bill for additional surchargesand deposit the same in escrow accounts of Neelum-Jhelum Company and Central Power Purchasing Company of NTDG that any action of NEPRA on acceptance of reconsideration request shall violate of Article 4 and Article 156 of the Constitution of Islamic Republic of Pakistan; that there is no rational for each surcharge to be levied; that whenever a relief is given by NEPRA in reduction of tariff, the same is avoided to be given to the consumers by Govt. of Pakistan the tariff for FY 2014-15 is not being notified for which writ petitions have been filed and as an interim relief, it is ordered that DISCO should recalculate the bill of the petitioner as per rates determined by NEPRA; that by nomenclature the proposed surcharges amount to taxing the subjects of the state without due process of law-under Article 73 read with 77 of the Constitution taxability is to be determined by the Legislature through the Act of the Parliament and the executive authorities have no power to impose any coche J 4 Decision of the Authority in che matver of Request by GoP for Reconsideration of ‘Tariff Determination for the EX-WAPDA DISCOs for the FY 2014-15 xx) xxii) radii) xxiv) xxv) that there is no concept of filing a consolidated reconsideration request because the tariff of each DISCO was determined separately and separate requests within time should had been filed; that the issue of levy of surcharges was not an issue before NEPRA at the time of tariff determinations, therefore, the same cannot be agitated through re- consideration request; that the proposed imposition of surcharges is in violation to R.17(3)(vii) as even under this provision of law one DISCO cannot be burdened to pay the losses being incurred by other DISCO; that the foremost object of promulgating the NEPRA Act, 1997 as well as unbundling of WAPDA into different companies was to make the privatization of the electricity sector consisting of generation, transmission and distribution sectors-for this purpose already the process of privatization of almost all the DISCOs and transmission sectors as well as some of the generation companies has been initiated-the formulation of unified tariff by rationalizing the entire tariff structure of all the DISCOs by burdening efficient companies with the inefficiencies of other companies goes in total defiance and negation to the very object of the NEPRA Act, 1997; that no authorization is there to file the reconsideration request; that no defect or lacuna is pointed out in the tariff determinations sought to be re-considered; That the proposed surcharges to be imposed over and above the tariff as determined by NEPRA practically amounts to a penalty and there is no power Decision of the Authority in the matter of Request by GoP for Reconsideration of Tariff Determination for the EX-WAPDA DISCOs for the FY 2014-15 xxvi) that the matter of these surcharges is already sub-judice before various High Courts and more particularly Peshawar High Court and NEPRA is also a party in the Writ Petition and must therefore desist from intervening in the matter. 8, The matter has been gone through. The consumer-end tariffs for DISCOs were intimated to the Federal Government as per dates mentioned in para 2 above and as per section 31(4) of NEPRA Act, 1997, a re-consideration could may be filed by the Federal Government within 15 days from the date of intimation. A request of condonation of delay has also been filed which has been considered by the Authority. In a strict interpretation of law, separate re-consideration request in respect of each DISCO should had been filed within 15 days from the date of intimation by NEPRA, however, as a matter of practice, the re- consideration request is usually filed once the tariff of all the DISCOs is intimated. In the case in hand, the last determination pertaining to TESCO was intimated on 19th May, 2015 and the re-consideration request in respect of all the DISCOs has been filed by the Government of Pakistan on 21st May, 2015. As is evident that the re-consideration request has been filed within two days from the date of intimation of tariff determination of TESCO, which is within time, Accordingly, the delay in filing of re-consideration request pertaining to other DISCOs is hereby condoned. 9. As regards other objections as to the vires of section 31(5) of NEPRA Act and pendency of litigation on the subject, it is a matter of record that the Honorable Lahore High Court, vide its judgment dated 29.5.2015 has declared the levy of surcharge and section 31(5) of NEPRA Act as un-constitutional, however, it is also a fact that the said judgment has been challenged by the Federal Government of Pakistan before Supreme Court of Pakistan and vide orders dated 9.6.2015 passed in Civil Petition no. 1078 of 2015 the operation of said judgment has been suspended. The Authority is also aware of the pendency of petition against levy of surcharges before Honorable Peshawar High Court, Islamabad High Court, High Court of Sindh and High Court of Balochistan, Quetta. Since the concerned Distribution Companies are parties before respective High Courts, therefore, while affecting "i a 10 2 Decision ofthe Author inte mater of Request by GP fer Reconsideration of io Tif Determination forthe EK WAPDA DISCOS forthe FP 2014.15 the recovery of surcharges in question, the concerned Distribution Company shall follow/obey the Court orders; notwithstanding this decision of Authority. 10. A lot of concerns have been raised by different commentators as to the merits and demerits of levy of ‘surcharges’. It is to be clarified that NEPRA has not levied any of such surcharges; rather it is the Federal Government which has the statutory power to do the same. What NEPRA is requested through the re-consideration request is to simply indicate the amounts of such surcharge imposed by the Federal Government in exercise of its powers; against the already determined schedule of tariff in case of ex-WAPDA DISCOS for the purposes of recovery only. Under section 31(5) of NEPRA Act, 1997, Federal Government has the power to levy any surcharge and any such surcharge is to be considered as a cost to be included in the tariff determined by NEPRA. Through the re-consideration request, it has been intimated by the Federal Government that it has levied certain surcharges and also it is committed to provide subsidy to a certain category of consumers in view of its socio economic policy objections and NEPRA is simply required to indicate both such amounts against the corresponding columns of NEPRA determined schedule of tariff as per detail provided in the Annexures of the re-consideration request. 11, Since the NEPRA’s determined tariff will remain unchanged and while indicating the amount of surcharges and subsidy in separate columns the same is to be referred back to Government of Pakistan for notification in the official gazette. In view thereof, the subject request is accepted and the amount of subsidy and surcharges as indicated by the Federal Government in the Annexures attached with the re-consideration request are allowed to be indicated in the already intimated schedule of tariff as per Annexure-III of the annual tariff determinations. Accordingly, the Schedule of Tariffs ( Annexure - III) for Ex-WAPDA DISCOs for the Financial Year 2014-15 are modified and are replaced with Annexures A-1 to ‘A-10 for IESCO, LESCO, GEPGO, FESCO, MEPCO, PESCO, SEPCO, HESCO, QESCO and TESCO respectively. The revised schedule of tariff is being intimated to the Federal Government for notification in the official Gazette in terms of Section 31(4) of NEPRA Act. ‘The other Terms & Conditions already intimated would remain the same. The recovery of any of the surcharges from the consumers t 1 Decision of the Authority in the matter of Request by GoP for Reconsideration of ‘Tariff Determination for the EX-WAPDA DISCOs for the FY 2014-15 by the DISCOs shall be subject to the orders of the Courts, if any, notwithstanding this decision. et ge (Khawaja Muhammad Naeem) * Member Bu l OW (Himayatuallah Khan) Member The Authority a \ tn (Syed “wtacebf UT Hassan teow) 9, Member / AN ke (Maj (Rtd) Haroon Rashid) Vice Chairman/Member Kau svliae— Cai SS 2 re Soe ery EO SPUR ees aru sea aa ST) COW uss hae ae re ‘GOP Tarif Rationalization roxep | vaniasue Samay Soca Js. xo] sararrearscory /rarricuans |ctaRots) Cuanops | —Forap-]'~ WARARLE | —vanlant caamors| cnancrs | cHanors reper] rayewm [arnt] eevwm | ‘a4 [for Sanctioned fond Tos Gan SW 1} to 0 unite 400 2.00 For conwamption exceeding £0 Unite : af 001-100 vate 2.00 sat |) 101-200 unite 11.00 200 | . 201 - 300 Unite | 11.00 0.80 ve] 202-00 vai 1300 - 200 | Above 700 Uaite 18.00 : 300 sifror sanctioned lend § AW & above Peak [OPE Pank [ores] Peak [oitraak Time Of Use 115.00 9.25 = 3.00] 3.25] ‘a por the Autholtys ecaton rendoatl consumers wibe glvea the Bene its fen one previous ab ‘ade ri 3, thre shal br mnie monty cetomer charge atthe faeweg ene gle Phase Connections Ra 75/-percomaunee poe months 1) Tiree Phase Connecti a. 180/- pr consumer por month Une ae ae ‘GOP Tariff Rationalization recep | VARIABLE ‘Sabala Ist.No| TARIFF CATEGORY / PARTICULARS |CHARGES| CHARGES [FIXED | VARIABLE | VARIABLE cHaRGzs| cHARcES | CHARGES Rapew/el _Resewn | Re/iw/M| Re /kwh a/R 1)[For Sanctioned loud lees than 8 KW 18.00 3.00 |For Sanctioned load § KW & shove 400.00 12,00 4.00 Peak | Off-Peak Peak [Of Peak| Peak [OfPeak ol[Time oF Use 400.00 [as.00| 9.25 5 [300] as ‘minim mouthy charges atthe following rites een i 20 1 tag 2 175/- pr comaumer por moth 1) tare Phen Connections! a. 950/- per consumer por month EEL ‘GOP Tariff Rationalization rrxep | VARIABLE ‘Subsidy Surcharge |semo] taRtrr carzcory /parricutars |cHARGES| CHARGES [FIXED | VARIABLE | — VARIABLE | cHARGES| CHARGES | CHARGES epewia| _Refewn _|Re/iw/i| _ Re/kwh Re /kw ‘Bi [Upto 25 KW jae 400/250 Volta) 5 12.00 5 280 [B2(a) |exceeding 25-500 KW (at 400 Volts) 400.00 11.80 5 250 Inime OF Use Peak | Off Peak Peak [Off Peak| Peak [Of Peak] las ( )lup to-28 KW is.00f 9.28 3.00] 3.25 lpa(b) lexceeding 25-500 kW (at 400 Volts) 400.00 15.00} 9.08 : - | 300| as lror All Loads up to 8000 RW (at 11,5340}| 380.00/ 15.00] 8.85. 3.00] 32s [For All Loads (at 66,132 KV & above) 260,00|18.00| _ 8.75 : | 300] as Soa R ep aya Sepa ugh ae aT ay) (C. SINGLE-POINT SUPPLY FOR PURCHASE IN BULK BY A DISTRIBUTION pe eee sn age einen ‘GOP Tariff Ratlonalenth rom | vaname Sut Fara js-nol raurecartconr/ rasricnans |tinuca| tannass yams} vemuamce—|— asa | caanees| Cantons | cannons meni] nanan [Garver] ‘avon | Sete JE Por spay a 007aa0 Woe ufécccuenca oct er une 6 - 00 acceded ot aap 008 | caso 100 = cao upey a 13,39 wp to and incnaing score ssa00 1190 250 eater apy at 66 nv a tove and Ini sceatncsrccssce rosea 240.00 1170 . 280 lime ortee ra [orra = fo-stlror capi 4007290 vake Shap to | |s00 KW 400.00 | 15.00 928 ie - | 300] 328 Beco se000| 1200] sos = | ~ | s00) sas c-atier sappy a 66 nv above and sina cue 2500S coco] 1800] . a Pager bea T ‘GOP Tariff Rationalization roc | VARIABLE ‘Sabald Surcharge \] TARIFF CATEGORY / PARTICULARS |CHARGES| CHARGES [FIXED] VARIABLE] VARIABLE Jcuarces| cHARGEs | CHARGES Reyew/m| exw |Ra/hw/mt| Re. (Wn s/s [Dot [SCARP lems than SEW 7 1200[ D2 |[agricultural Tube Wells 200.00 fiteo |e : : Peak | Off Peak Peak [OW Peak] Peak [OftPeak D-1(o) |SCARP 5 kW & above 200.00/35.00) 8.88 : ~ | : D-1(b) [Agricultural § KW & above 200.00|15.00| _s.88| 200.00] a6s| - | - : Tas opt fr TOU meta Brees ee as voce | VARIABLE ‘Surcharge TARIFF CATEGORY / PARTICULARS |CHARGES| CHARGES | FIuED ‘VARIABLE cuaRczs| CHARGES | CHARGES Repew/m | Reswn | Re/eW/M| Re /kWh s/h fea [Residential Supply eae 1800, 3.00 'z-1(1)|Commercia! Supply : 18.00 3.00 lea _|induetrial Supply : 32.00 2.50 ‘ly subject to's minimum af Ra.S00/- for the entre pevod of nappy crea fe emery SEIT eae 12594 of relevant industrial tari ‘Tarlf? conmumers will have the option to convert to Regular Tarif and wee ‘Ths option con Soe Eonar ayy Soe NUS ont ego eee Ura oe} CBs sceacrtrntsd ‘GOP Tariff Rationalization | rocep | VARIABLE Subsidy Surcharge) ‘St.No] TARIFFCATEGORY / PARTICULARS |CHARGES| CHARGES [FIXED | VARIABLE | VARIABLE JcHaRGes| cuarces | CHARGES apaw/u| —_reskwn | Re/ew/Mt| Ra /kWh a /AW [Street Lighting : 14:00 faa [180 capecty installed. Pere een eee ed vocep | VARIABLE Subsidy [Surcharge| Tarirr category / Parricutans |cuaRces| cHARGES [FIXED] VARIABLE] VARIABLE cuaRces| cuarces | CHARGES epewral reyawn | a/iW/at| Ra /Rh Rs./ Wh [Residential Colonies attached to Industral premises 1400| . 2.00 Serene ‘GOP Tarif Rationalization roxep | VARIABLE ‘Subsidy ‘Surcharge ist.4o] TARIFF CATEGORY / PaRTicuLARs |cHARGES| CHARGES [FIXED | VARIABLE | VARIABLE CHARGEs| CHARGES | CHARGES Refew/m| efawn | Re/iew/at| Reh es /Wh 1 Aad Sarma & Kashmir (AIR) 360.00 112) O38 Peak | Off Peak Peak [Of Poak| Peak |OW-Peak time OF Use 360,00 [18.00] 8.85 - =| 3.00} 3.35 2|Rewat Lab 34.00 = 1.00) ‘Neelum-Jhelum Surcharge” a the rate of Ra. 0.10 per KWh onal electricity consumers except lifeline domestic consumers of the eategory ‘Residential for electricity sold “Financing Cost Surcharge” atthe rate of Re. 0.43 per KWh applicable to all thepategories of electricity consumers except feline domestic consumers of the 15 Aa ESSE oer Pi Prondat aes heen ee) PERS ener ee ‘GOP Tariff Rationalization rice | VARIABLE ay ‘Surcharge lsr.wo| TARIFF CATEGORY / PARTICULARS |CHARGES| CHARGES | FDGED | VARIABLE | VARIABLE cuarcrs| cHARGEs | CHARGES repent) ayo | Raper | Rs. /ke s/h ‘|For Sanctioned load Tess than 5 RW 1)0p to 50 vaste 4.00 2.00 ; For Consumption exceeding 60 Units . i] 001-200 Unite 925 346 : tu] a, 101-200 Unite 11.00 289 5 >. 201-300 Unite 11.00 0.80 | 301-700 Uaste : aaa : 267 v] Above 700 Units 18.00 a 3.00 |For Sanctioned load 5 KW & abos Peak | Of Peak [onrPeat| ime of Us 15.00] 9.50 3.00 OS "1, Ohete shale minimum monty customer charge atthe flowing rt Taree Phare Connections a. 15): per eowamer per month ee es ‘GOP Tarif Rationalization roc | VARIAK Subady Surcharge lero] TARIFF cATRGORY /PaRTicuLaRs |cHARGES| CHARGES [FINED ) VARIABLE | VARIABLE cuarces| cHarcrs | cuarces Refwwym| —rayuwn | Repewra| ms. /krh a ‘|For Sanctioned load Toss than 5 AW 16.00 2.00 by |or Sanctioned load § KW & above 400.00 12.00 : 4.00 Peak [ Of-Poak| Peak [OMPeak| Peak [OM-Peak e)\Time of use 400.00 [15.00] 9.50 =| 3.00| 3.00 uA, sa enim meaty grate flowing ne rm ne gle Phase Connections: ia, 178; pe conmuer per sont SE ‘GOP Tariff Rationaliation voce | VARIABLE ‘Subeldy ‘Surcharge lee. Wo) TARIFF CATEGORY / PARTICULARS |CHARGES| CHARGES | FitED | VARIABLE | VARIABLE cuanczs| cuaRcEs | CHARGES ayiew/ot| —ajewn —_| Weafkw/at | Reso s/h [ai (a [up to 26 kaw ft 400/290 Vorta) 12.00 280 |n2(a) |exceeding 25-500 KW (xt 400 Volts) 400.00 11.50 z 250 Inime or Use Peak [ OnPeak| Peak [OmPeak [Ba (b)|Up to 28 W 15.00] 9.50 '32(u) jexceeding 25-500 KW (at 400 Volts) 400.00 | 15.00] 9.30 : lps {ror All Loads up to S000 kW (at 11,33 4 380.00| 15.00| 9.10 Ips ror all Loads (at 66.132 Vw above) | 360.00] 15.00] 9.00 é A a2 Sia onary Pasha een keene sre) 'C.. SINGLE-POINT SUPPLY FOR PURCHASE IN BULK BY A DISTRIBUTION LICENSEE AND MIXED LOAD CONSUMERS NOT Peano ese ‘GOP Tariff Rationalization voce | VARIABLE Subsidy. ‘Surcharge ‘sc.No| TARIFF CATEGORY / PARTICULARS |CHARGES! CHARGES [FIXED] VARIABLE | — VARIABLE Re/ew/m| _s/xwn | Ra/kw/mt| s,s s/h (e-A_|For supply at 400/280 volts 1j|sanctioned load leas than § KW 12.50 280) b)|sanctioned 1ona 5 kW & up to.S00 kW | 400.00 12.00 280) \c 21] For rappiy at 11,33 kV up to lnctuding 5000 Kw 380.00 11.80 | 280) \c-sj|For supply at 66 2V & above and | lsanctioned load above 5000 kW 360.00 aio | a0 rime of use Peak [ Om Peak| ‘Peak [OMPeak| Peak [OM-Peak \c ac For supply at 400/280 Volts 5 kw & up \c 2] For supply at 11,33 RV up to and 280.00| 18.00) 9.20 200] 900 lc sp [sanctioned load above 6000 kW. 360.00] 18.00| _9.10 00] 10 yop | vaRiAMLE ‘Subeidy. Surcharge jst.o| TARIFF CATEGORY / PARTICULARS |cHARGES| CHARGES [FIXED | VARIAULE | VARIABLE cuarcrs| cuarczs | CHARGES Reyewst| —Rsjewn | nepewre | Rs. Bs. /kWh [B-ie) [SCARP leas than 6 KW 12.00 : lb-2 | agricuttural Tube We 200 11.50 : Peak | Of Penk Peak [OftPenk| Peak [Of Peak lp-1() |SCARP 5 KW & above 200.00/15.00] 9.0 ~ | oas [lp-1() [Agricultural 5 KW & above 200.00| 18.00| _9.10| 200.00| _46s| 0.28 ‘be minimum mouthly charge ‘cousumer pet "GOP Tariff Rationaliation yop | VARIABLE Sabai Surcharge lsc. No] tarurF carzcory /rarticuLaRs |cHARGES| CHARGES |~FixED | VARIABLE | — VARIASLE | cuaRazs| cuarces | CHARGES Renew/ot| —pawwn | a/iew/nt | Baw s/h [E-) [Residential Supply 15.00 - 3.00 16.00 2.00 il sore, he mn lof the connemre sal be Ra 50/- per sano af o00/-for the ear ered a pp, em i ou oneey eee 125% of relevant industrial teri? ‘ar conmamera wll have the option to conver to Rapala Taf an ee ‘hia option canbe exercland at the te of anew conection ovat the henna {he wenson. Once earcaed the option rai afr for a easton a 17 a2 Eon Tone Beecher eh gen end to) Say T ‘GOP Tariff Rationalition roxep | VARIABLE Sabai Surcharge lsr.No| TARIFF CATEGORY / PARTICULARS |cHARGES| CHARGES | FIXED | VARIABLE] — VARIABLE cuaRozs| cuarcrs | CHARGES Rejew/st| — Rajewn | Ra/ew/e | p/w s/w [Street Lighting 7 14.00) : 1.00) der Trt , ther sale « minima moathiy charge of R50): per month pe A of amp expe nad eer eed romp | VARIABLE ‘Subald Surcharge lsc.No| TARIFF CATEGORY / PaRTicuLARS |cHAROES| CHARGES [Fixe] VARIABLE | VARIABLE Rejew/st| —Rajewn | Rafew/ae | pew a /ew [Residential Colonies stacked to industrial premises 14.00 1.00 EET T GOP Fart Ratlomsliaon roxep | VARIABLE ‘Subsidy ‘Surcharge lse.No| TARIFF CATEGORY / PaRTicuLaRs |cHARGEs| CHARGES |~FiXED | VARIABLE | VARIABLE ews] pevewn | afew ine | Ree s/h [Railway Traction 5 1400) fe L190 | "Neelum-Jhetum Surcharge’ at the rate of Rs, 0.10 per KWh onal electricity consumers except ifline domestic consumers of the category Resldental-N’ for electricity sold Financing Cost Surcharge" atthe rate of Rs 0.43 per KWh applicable to all te categories of electricity consumers except line domestic consumers of the category Residential-A"for electri) sold, 18 As Soon en ona FOS OL DOR Taree TRU a) PE a ae eT ‘GOP Tariff Rationalization ed load S KW & above ‘time of Use VARIABLE Subsldy ‘Surcharge rasurrcarecone/rarnenuans | | emancts | nce ie vaname IRe/kW/od_Ra/xwm —_[Ra/aW/M| Ra. a) ‘a)|For Sanctioned load less than 5 kW. 1)up to 80 Units 4.00 2.00 : 'For Consumption exceeding 50 Unite : ul 2-100 Unies 603 : ti] 4 101-200 Unite : 5.09 : 201 - 200 Unite 14.00 80 : tw] 901-700 Unite : 37.00 1.00 v] Above 700 Units 19.00 1.00 Ponk [OftPesk| Peak [ort Peat| 19.001 12.00 1.00) singe tad coumaners il bo ies the Tesi a clr con tthe folowing rate evn ine ‘Ad GENERAL SUPPLY TARIFF - COMMERCIAL alization ee | van 7 Surcharge ‘any catzoory /Particutans |°™4™S™| cuarczs | FOED | ‘VARIABLE ry CHARGES. lesyew/m| _ns/iewn |r s/h ‘j|For Sanctioned load lees than 5 KW 19100 bFor Sanctioned load 5 kW & ahove 400.00 18.00 E 1.00 Peak [OmPenk Peak [OWPenk| Peak [OmPeak time or use 400.00 | 19.00] 13.00 100] 0.60 ‘singe tye 3 falling snes even If no SENT ‘GOP Tariff Rationalization romp | y, Subsidy Sorcharge [cHARGE | Yo ler. o| TARIFF caTEcoRY / particutars |CFARSE| cuancrs VARIABLE ‘VARIABLE CHARGE) CHARGES CHARGES feepew/m| _Rejewn —_|reyiw/as| Rew Rew [at [Upto a5 uw (et 400/230 volts) 1450 lnata) [exceeding 25-500 kW (at 400 Volts) 400.00 14.00 rime of use Peak [omrreat Peak [OfPoak| Peak [omPeak [pa (bilup to 25 aw - [ase0] 1800 xoof 050] ~ 5 lp2jo) [enceeding 28-500 LW (at 400 Volts) 400.00| 19.00| 12.80 100} os) - : [23 |For All Loads up to 5000 KW fat 11,33 &V) | 380.00 | 19.00| 12.70 100} 080) - : [ps [Por alt Loads (at 66,152 XV & above) 60.00| 19.00| 12.60 1.00] 0.80 : Se eT oe OKUDA Leet tara) Ce a oa ager rr a raat Ces eon enn ee ee OF Tar onaiion rool eee asbagy a \se. No) TARIFF caTecory / Particulars |°™ARSE| cuanazs FIXED VARIABLE VARIABLE s CHARGE) CHARGES: (CHARGES: ° Jmrswrad mayen easter] eyewm | maa [et fPov spn a 4007280 vate s|snctoned oad tse than 8300 : 18.00 - Ssenctoncd toad store up 00 ew | 400.00 1480 ; [c-24alror supply a 33,29 HY ep to and incleing S000 re 310.00| 1430 jee ve | | 2¢0.00| 1420 . - lime or use Fa [ore Fak [oma] ear [omreae c-t1e 0 supply t 400/290 Volt 6 Kwa upto soo ww 40000| 1900] 1300 x00] oso] - | - c-20)For spot 11,99 WY opto and inctding so00 ww 280.00 | 19.00] 1280 100| 00 c-oefrorssppty a 6 xv a stove at sctoned tnd shore S000 6a00| 15.00 | 1270 100] 080 SSE OF Teri atonaiion row | vauanie Saber age smo] tammrcarzconyrarnicutans |°¥AR#) Chances [FRED vamasiz | vaRAnie anor) Chuanors | chasons ee eT Ds) SCARF lov han 8K : 1450 250 5 D2. |rgrcaterat Tube Wel 200 1400 250 zal Pak [on reek Penk [oairese| Pear [omtreae l.rm|scanr x a above 200.00| 15.00] 12.70 soo] asp | [b-10) [ageatara 8 AW ts above 200.00| 1500| 1270] 20000| 65] 385] - | Soar re Se Si SEG Te RIOT Pe Sinan cen Mng ool od en 8A tn op fr 00 mata E_- TEMPORARY SUPPLY TARIFFS OF Tarif Rnionalon row | yananie Seba Sora ls-mol sanmrcarzcony rarncuuas {AR Chanoes [FED] vamasi | VARIABLE jcuanos| Chanars | cuanoes laauwrad —nayewm [rapt mayen | na/ewn le resigns Supe 5 1990 feat [ommereta eppiy 18.00 lea |industral Supply : 14.50 J So ee 125% of relevant industrial tart Note: arf? conmamers tl haw tha option to convert to Repu Teryf end eee This epion cam he certs atthe te of a new connection or atthe est of {he ennon Oncetarcloed th option remain ta fre ora last on yur 2X0 So none aa OL TUN e sa tele ee bal) Sid “GOP Tariff Rationalization | vane ‘Subaiay args jsr.o| TARIFF caTecory /particuars |C*ARSE] cuanoss | FIXED | Vamianue ‘VARIABLE . CHARGE) CHARGES cuaRGES leeyuwmd rayon repay s.r Ra. /ko [sereee Lighting 14.00 I [T x00 ee ‘GOP Tariff Rationalization ee | vanuame nal Surcharge lec.o} tamu carzcory / particutars |C™AFS™| cuances | FRED | vamamue ‘VARIABLE s CHARGE) CHARGES ‘CHARGES lessiew/rd —_najiwn (Raye roe] Ra. s/w 14.00 zi 1.00 ‘GOP Tarif Rationalization coz) vamume Subsidy, Surcharge jor. o| TARIFF caTEcoRY /ParTicuLars |“*AFS™| cuances ‘VARIABLE VARIABLE, PT a afew [Azad Samm & Rashmi (OR) 360.00 14.00) 178 5 Peak [OW Peat Peak [Off-Peak] Peak [OW Peak [rime of Use 360.00 | 19.00 12.70 Toop soy = | +Neelum-Jhelum Surcharge a the rate of Re. 0.10 per KWh on all letrcty consumers except Iiline domestic consumers of the category Residential’ for electricity eola Financing Cost Surcharge” at the rate of R. 0.49 per KWh applicable to llth categories ofelecteity consumers except lifsline domestic consumers ofthe category Resiential-A'for electricity sold Ql Soke propery Pate ne serene ake ea ose PEM eee 1) Single Phan Connections: 1) Tavee Phe Connection ee a. 75/- per consumes per month 5. 150/"perconmemer pes a ‘SOF Tari Rationalization varuanie Subeldy cuca [TARIFF CATEGORY / PARTICULARS ances [rumen | Varian | vaRiAnLe canoes cuamars| Cuanoes | cuanors raskwye) Res kwh Rs/KW/M | Re. / kWh Ra / eh ‘|For Sanctioned fond lve than 8 97 sftp to 50 Unite 400 2.00 5 [ror Consumption exceeding 50 Unita : il 001-100 vaite 9.00 aa tu] «101-200 Unite 1020 2.09 : $201 - 200 unite 10.20 : te] 301-700 Unite 1400 2.00 +) Above 700 atts 5 1600 2.00 tifrer sanctioned loed 5 KW & shove ex [ora Fea [ore toon [once Time of se = [16.00] 10.00 5 200] 250] Res TSE TSI STS VBS IVE a oO EF FN FRED ‘GOP Tariff Rationalization VARIABLE, ‘ubaidy ‘Surcharge ler. Wo) TARIFF CATEGORY / PARTICULARS cuances |~PiXED | VARIABLE | VARIABLE HAR‘ lcHARGES| CHARGES | CHARGES fea/kW/o _Res/uwn _|Ra/ awit] me./ewh | Re. /ieh 1) |For Sanctioned load less than 5 RW ican} ao 1)]for Sanctioned load 5 kW &above | 400.00 14.50 z 1.50, Peak pif-peak Peak pitPeal Peak [of-Peak oj|Time Of Use 400.00 | 16.00 | 10.00] = 2.00| 2.50] feel | FRED ‘GOF Tariff Rationalization VARIABLE, ‘Subsidy ‘Sarcharde Isr. No TARIFF CATEGORY / PARTICULARS, cuances |—Pikep | VARIABLE | VARIABLE sHARGI lcuances| CHARGES | CHARGES lee/kw/od_mayuorn _|e/ew/mt| _ms.yewh | Re. /i [Bi |Upto 25 KW (at 400/290 Volts) 13.00 2 1.50 Inaja) lexceeding 25-500 kW (at 400 Votts) | 400.00 12.50 7 1.50 rime Of Use Peak patPeak Peak pit Peal Peak pitPeak laa (»)|Up to 25 Kw 16.00 | 10.00 200) 2.50 1B2(p) [exceeding 25-500 kw (at 400 Volts) | 400.00] 16.00] 9.60 200| 2.69 Ina |ror all Londs up to 5000 kw (at 12,34 380.00| 16.00] 9.50 2.00| 2.70 14 _ |For All Loads (at 66,132 kV & above) | 360.00 | 16.00| 9.40 z 200| 270 sega as Ror ey Pee ar en nae Uae Cea eee re ee gee Cee en ee FRED ‘GOP Tariff Rationalization] VARIABLE ‘Subsidy Surcharge Ist. No| TARIFF CATEGORY / PARTICULARS cuances |“yixeD | VARIABLE | VARIABLE jcuara! lcuarags| CHARGES | CHARGES Ins/uw/ad Ro/uwn |Ra/ew/s| Ra/ewn | Rs/kW [e-1 |For supply at 400/290 volts 13.50 1.50 1) |Sanetioned load 5 kW & up to 500 kW) 400.00 13.00 : 1.50 \c 21a) Ror supply at 11,23 KV up to and {inctuding 5000 Kw 380.00 12.80 1.80 \c-Sla)|For supply at 66 KV & above and lsanctioned load above 5000 kW 360.00 12.70 : 1.50 rime of Us Peak pitPeak Peak pifPeal Peak [Off-Peak \c-ate}{For suppty at 400/230 Vette 5 kW & lup to 500 kW 400.00 | 16.00 | 10.00 - | = | 200) 2.80 \c 20] For supply at 11,53 kV up to and | linetuding 5000 KW 380.00| 16.00| 9.60 = | = | 200) 2.70 \c -9[0)]For supply at 66 KV & above and laanctioned load above 5000 KW 360.00| 16.00] 9.50 - |. | 200/270 ee FERED “GOP Tariff Rationalization VARIABLE ‘Subsidy Surcharge Ist. no] TARIFF CATEGORY / PARTICULARS. cHARGES |“ pDogD | VARIABLE | VARIABLE HARGES CHARGES) CHARGES | CHARGES fre/uw/nd arson | Ra/ew/2t] sewn | Rs./WH [D-1(a)|SCARP toss than 5 kW 13.00 1.00 Ip-2 |agricultural Tube Wells 200 12.50 1.00 Peak PirPeak Peak pi-Peal) Peak Of Peak Ip-1() |SCARP 5 kW & above 200,00 | 16.00] 9.50 zoo} oss] - | - [D.1() |Agricultural 5 KW & above 200.00 | 16.00| 9.50| 200.00] s.65| a65| - | - he consumers having wanetloned lad lee han 52W ca ‘FDOED ‘GOP Tariff Rationalization VARIABLE ‘Subsidy ‘Surcharge, ‘TARIFF CATEGORY / PARTICULARS cuances |—FixeD | VARIABLE | VARIABLE HARGES lcHARGES| CHARGES | CHARGES freskw/m—re/awn | Re/KW/at| Re /kwh | Rash iE-1Wy [Residential Supply : 16.00 2.00 14) |Commercial Supply : 15.00 3.00 lz-2 industrial Supply z 13.00 1.50 he categorie of F-h above, the oy: poe dey nubject te «minimum af R500)" forthe entire psi of supp, eres I eee 125% of relevant industrial fart ‘TarffF consumers wil have the option to convert to Regular Tariff and ‘hee versa, This opton can be exerted atthe tons ofa ew connectlon oF Sethe bopinnng of the natuon. Once snereaed's the oplon rematna in 23 a4 a4 or errr ey aay PSN on age ce) Cees FRED ‘GOP Tariff Rationalization VARIABLE Subsidy Surcharge [se Wo.| TARIFF CATEGORY / PARTICULARS cuarces [FINED | VARIABLE | VARIABLE [ARG [cHaRGes| CHARGES | CHARGES Irs/xw/n _e/kwn _[Ro/kw/m| Re few | Ren [= Teereet tignting 14.00 : 1.00, 1 ftp capucty tata. erg of R.500/- per month por eT ‘GOP Tariff Rationalization VARIABLE ‘Subsidy ‘Surcharge cuarces |—fixep | VARIABLE | VARIABLE ICHARGES| CHARGES | CHARGES Ra/kwh |s/kw/as| Rs./iewh | Rs. /k 14,00 7 1.00 ‘Neelum-Jhelum Surcharge” at the rate of RS. 0.10 per KWh on all electricity consumers except lifeline domestic consumers of the eategory ‘Residential for electricity sold “Pinancing Cost Surcharge” atthe rate of Rs. 0.43 per KWh applicable to all the categories of elecfity iets Eee ory eieyedientte nite rg ea PERS Tear oa ‘GOP Tarif Rationalization ‘Vanuanue ‘Sabelay Sarchnge sr.€o|| TARIFF CATEGORY / PARTICULARS. manors | “xe ] VARIABLE | — VARIABLE nefewa| —nesawn | repewint| raw | elk ‘|For Sanctioned load leas than 5 EW 1{up to 50 Unite : 4.00 2.00 : [For Consumption exceeding 50 Un ‘i ul 001-100 Unite : 952 : tu] a. 101-200 vatts 12.00 ». 201 - 300 Unite 12.00 wy] 901-700 Unite : 15.00 1.00 +] Above 700 Unite : 16.00 2.00 |For Sanctioned losd § KW & above Peak [oft Peat Peak PmePeai| Peak [OWPeak Time of Use |. [i600] 10.50 = | = [200] 2.00 rie Rae Cela TUCETAY COOP wIN WEG We bee oly FETT 1) Single Pane Connections: se 7. por commer por month 'A-2 GENERAL SUPPLY TARIFF - COMMERCIAL FEED | |__OOP Tariff Rationalization VARIABLE, ‘Surcharge CHARGES VARIABLE lsc. o| TARIFF CATEGORY / PARTICULARS |cHARG! CHARGES. Rapin s/w [Raw Ra/ew/m| Ra. si |For Sanctioned load tees then 5 KW . 16.00 2.00 ty[Por Sanctioned load 5 KW Sabove | 400.00 14.00 : 2.00 Peak [OmPeat Peak [pitPeni] Peak [OTt-Peak o)|Time Of Use 400.00 16.00] 10.50 = [= [200] 2.00 [omer rt 2, here sae minimum moot charge at he following ater een fone e 1) singe Pan Connection, a 78/- por comme pr math Tee Mase Connections! $e 380/. por eonmumes pr month PO FIXED ‘GOP Tariff Rationalization VARIABLE ‘Subsidy Surcharge le. No | TARIFF CATEGORY / PARTICULARS cuarces | ~yoaed | VARIABEE | VARIABLE |cuarars, Jcuances| CHARGES | CHARGES a/kw/m| _Ra/ewn | Re/iew/at| s/n | Rs/kWH [at [Upto 25 uw (at 400/230 volts) 7 13.50 1.00 Imaia) [exceeding 25-500 XW (at 400 Volts) | 400.00 13.00 5 1.00 Inime oF Use Peak [Om Peat Peak [oie Peai] Peak [Ot Peake 11 (blue to 28 KW 16.00] 10.50 ~ | 200] 2.00 lnajuy jenceeding 25-500 kW (at 400 Volts) | 400.00] 16.00| 10.30 = |= | 200] 199 laa |For All Loads up to 5000 KW (at 11,34 380.00) 16.00| 10.20 = | + | 200] 200 [ps _|Por Al! Loads {at 66,192 KV & above) | 360.00 16.00] 10.19 s | = | 200/200 ‘or 2 consumers there shallbe «Sedma charge ofa 2,000 por month 25 AS Econ Torrey Ee ne eg seo) Cee rr haa eet et Pere ey Cimon near eee ‘FRED ‘GOF Tariff Rationalization VARIABLE ‘Subsidy Surcharge ‘TARIFF CATEGORY / PARTICULARS HARES | “FIRED | VARIABLE | VARIABLE [cHaRGES, lcHARGES| CHARGES | CHARGES { Reyew/a| spew | sewire| nse | Rs. /ew [ei [For supply at 400/200 Voie a}]Sanctioned load less then 5 KW es 16.00 1.00 »)|sanctioned 1oad 5 KW & up to 500 kW! 400.00 13.50 1.00 [c 2la}For supply a€ 11,39 RV up to and | lnctuding 5000 Ww 380.00 13.30 1.00 [caja] For supply at 66 KV & above and sanctioned load above 6000 XW 360.00 13.20 1.00 [Time Of Use. | Peak [OmPeak| ‘Peak foi Peall Peak [OM Peak \c-1(¢For supply at 400/230 Volts 5 KW & |up to 800 Kw 400.00| 16.00] 10.50 2.00| 2.00 \c 2) For supply at 11,39 kV up to and Inctadine 5000 KW 380.00] 16.00] 10.30 - | 200) 2.00 lc -sp|For supply at 66 RV & above and | sanctioned load above 8000 KW 360.00] 16.00] 10.20 = | = | 200] 200 FIRED ‘GOP Tariff Rationalization VARIABLE. ‘Subsidy Surcharge cuarazs | “FixED | VARIABLE | VARIABLE Isr. No] TARIFF CATEGORY / PARTICULARS |CHARGE lcuanazs| CHARGES | CHARGES sewn Raion sw a/ew/m| Ree [p-1(e)[SCARP teas than KW : 1350 1.50 7 [p-2 |agrcwitaral Tube Welle 200 13.00 1.30, : Peak [OM-Pesk Peak [OW-Peall Peak OM Peak 200.00 [16.00] 10.20 zoo] aes] - | _| 200.00] 16.00| 10.20| 200.00|s.65| 195) - | - FERED “GOP Tariff Rationalization ‘VARIABLE ‘Subsidy Surcharge ls. Nol TARIFF CATEGORY / PARTICULARS cuarazs | —Facep | VARIABLE | VARIABLE Ictiarces lcuaRazs| cHances | cuancrs Ra/iw/a| — Rayewn | Re/eW/at| Re/ieWe | Rs /A fe-1qy [Residential Supply ci 16.00 2.00 lz-11u) [Commercial Supply 16.00 2.00 lea [industrial Supply a 13.50 1.00 Por the ctegocien of i abe abject tes intmam T- SEASONAL INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY TARIFF 125% of relevant industrial tariff TanfFF consumers wil! have the option t comet to Regular Tarff and wee farsa Th option canbe avert a the ti of ane conection ot at the Siping of the sean: Once srrcned; the opion erie tfc fr at — 26 Coo Pepe tor ae) lx. to} TARIFE CATEGORY / PARTICULARS CHARGES VARIABLE lcnaroes CHARGES aera] aya e/a Street Lighting 34.00 1.00) ‘der ast teresa slain out hag of Re 00. pr month pr XW oftemp epety neta I- RESIDENTIAL COLONIES ATTACHED TO INDUSTRIAL PREMISES FRED OP Tariff Ralonalzation VARUABLE serch Je. mo) TaRIPr CATEGORY / PARTICULARS cuanars VARIABLE lcuanoes cHaRaEs afew asa Reeve Residential Colonies tached to industrial premizes : 14.00 1.00] RAILWAY TRACTION FOE OF Ta Ra vaniante Subaley se. mo) TARIFP CATEGORY / PARTICULARS CHARGES [FIED | VARIABE | VARIABLE \cunnars, jcuaxers| Cuanazs | CHARGES fme/uw/a| nara _[a/ew/at| Rsvfuwn | Rae ainay aradtion 1500) To 100 “Neelum-Uhelum Surcharge” atthe rate of Rs. 0.10 per KWh onal eletecty consumers except lifeline domestic consumers ofthe category Residentil-A'for electricity wold Financing Cost Surcharge” at the rate of Ra, 0.49 per KWh applicable to all the categories of electricity consumers ‘except lifeline domestic consumers of Use category Residential Aor electricity ol " oo AS Ror re ey eer eager gee} PORTE ae | yop | vaniasue, ‘Subeldy Sarcbaige| TARIFF caTROORY / PARTICULARS |cHARGEs| CHARGES | —yixED | VARIABLE | VARIABLE cuancrs | CHARGES | CHARGES | pepew/e| —majewe | reset | Reem | Ras “|For Sanctioned load lees thas 6 LW 1)Up te 60 Unite 4.00 2.00 : [Fer Consumption exceeding 80 Unite : : | ul e1-100 vite 12.50 6m tu] «101-200 vaite 16.50 839 : 201 - 300 Unite 16.50 6.20 : tv) 301-700Unite 17.90 130 zi vy) Above 700 Unite 19.00 1.00 b)}ror Sanctioned load 5 XW & above Peak [omtPoat! Peak [OftPeak| Peake ime OF Use 13.00 | 13.30, 00| 0.80) poe Aa eco dS Sans wT TS ‘Vader tt 4-1, tare sal be malin monthly etme 1 singe Phan Connections eT esa a ony previous oa x 180) per comeemer por month Isr.mol TARIFF CATEGORY / PARTICULARS [cHARGES| CHARGES Refine] afew 1) For Sanctioned lond Tees 0 |b) ror Sanctioned load 5 KW & above 400.00 15.00 : 1.00 | (Trent Torrent] [Reni [omPent| Peak Bit Peak time of use 400,00 [19.00 12.30 00] 9.80 Fi 1) sage Phase Connrtons, 1S) Thee Poon Connections aims ety are 1a 175/- preonmamer pot month [Sor sari Ration ee ee ee nel anurcarzoony /rarnemane |ctanots| Cuinass | romp] wanna —|— taunt cintuse| Gaakans | cammes : manent) sare _| Saree | ‘eengrn | Sturn [tint a vo a00 7280 Woy Tas - ty fucecaugaesco nwa oovety | 40000] tno : rime ortee Pea [oa oa [otra Pat beER 1 (u]opcoae aw 00) 1530 Woof eep | fo) cece seco0 ewe soovein | 40000| 1900] 120 tee} on| | | fo lfovasecaepte stow ertia3 en} stoco| i900] 1200 too] so fo _[rocatiscasqcesasitvaser) "| seoo| i2g0| 1290 too] aso | a 80,00 ~ 28 As Caer Rte raged} . SINGLE-POINT SUPPLY FOR PURCHASE IN BULK BY A DISTRIBUTION LICENSEE AND MIXED LOAD CONSUMERS NOT Erne teed av Yar vm | camme a ae camry cassoory;nsmenans [elie] MEARE [a tare 1 Sn Aes - eee grasa | eons |x a oer aeee ps : Slecesceeseeeoeen a ee a : Ee epee eeterreen | arel Monee rE Tax oe a rat ees ics fa rales race es selene rll Pen ss0o0| 00] 1350 10] _oso| a — [raze | vaume ae — se] carr carononerasniomase (eESGea| WSEMREE [a Sees frases gas La fe eee eee | eee ens Sa soar a i oa eeceeras ae ae eT: nara ra foes war pres ee amoo| Bas se na ees ee eeearece Boas sous ane] trae [eae| ee aaa reer cecsrennes — sor rar al omar nae ae levte| sunnr cartoone /saencoasa olSGta| SASS -paa$inmaes |S {| e/kw/st| —Revewn | Se/kw/M | Res/ewe Be /ewR aa aor : = ree . oe : nae : togrne fh shve, he minima lf the comer bl be Ba. 5/- per {5p siber tos arnt he 500) the sate pei of apy ote as energy 125% of relevent Indatrialtaiet ote ‘Tanfesconmumera wt hve the option to cnet to Reputr Trif and ew 24 Coe FC See eke a) ‘GOP Farlf Rationalization ra on subaily aca ‘TARIFF CATEGORY / PARTICULARS | cHARGEs MUABLE CHARO}— VARIABLE "VARIABLE carers | Chanczs | cnanaze | __ neew/t| —na/ewrn | Sekw/ae| ‘Rayan | ‘eau (—Teeeeenigitng 1400 [ T4190 yop lero TARIFF cATECORY / PARTICULARS | CHARGES epew/t| nape | Resew/at | Rayewn | Re /iwh ‘Residential Colonies attached to Industral | es - 14.00 lsr.nol ARIF CATEGORY / PARTICULARS |cHARGES) cuaRcEs | yixED | VARIABLE | VARIABLE | cuaRors | cuanczs | CHARGES Reprev| —Repewn | Refae/ee | eae | een (Ased Jamana & Kashmle (AIK) | 360.00 14.00 Peak [OmPoak| _360,00 [19:00 13:30 rime of Day ‘Neelam Jhelum Surcharge” at the rate oF, 010 per KWh on alelectricy consumers except line domestic consumers of tne eangory Residential for eet 24 30 ‘SCHEDULE OF ELECTRICITY TARIFFS i ere eee gee SR | vamamue ‘batty Sera (i Mo.| TARIFF CATEGORY / PARTICULARS ‘cuancrs —yizep | VARIABLE | VARIABLE Rafew/a| napewe | Sefewine| ‘eeyam | he tn ‘|For Sanctioned Toad los than 6A vi fror Sanctioned load 5 RW & above Peak [owt Peak ‘Peak | Peak [om Peak Bl ine of ee 19.00] 1300] “pa ae Raye tees nai Satan Owe Gs en aa 1 sing Pane conocine e-mo.| TARIFF caTmoony / panmicutaRs |cHARGHES| CHARGES epew/s| mask ‘|For Senctioned ioe lve them SEW 19.00 10) |For unctioned load SAW & above 400.00 18.00 1.00 olmime oF tse 400.00 | 19.00] 1200 00) 0.80 ‘hae il 43, tee sh be nine ety chase flag te re ee Satay | rete mo.| taRIPP caTzoory / parricuars |cHaRGes| CHARGES Vaaaste | — ase mapa mayan _| eta | "paw | ar fbr [Beto ww wt 460/250 Wait) lsat) lexceeding 25-500 KW at 400 Vote) 400.00 ne Of Use Peak] O@-Feak| Pear [OrPeaE lax (2) |upto25 KW 100] 080 exceeding 25.500 Hw (at 400 Votes) 400.00) roo] ost] Por All Loads upto S000 KW (at 13,93 x¥)/ 280.00; 100] 080 Ber Au Lous ot 66,192 RV above) 360.00 x00] oso 3) Se Peet ter eet eae agro) [rsa] aren | Sawing | “am | ten [Po varny oo a20 vor yo 6 shore nk meeps ya scoyno vate sim esete | afoot = rst nis2 7 wp tenatindetng| “| | Be say eet | yo Yah nk | castard et abr 2000 sooo] 1900] 1270 rool oao| | ‘S.We.| TARIFF. CATEGORY / PARTICULARS |CHARGES| CHARGES ee Reyaw/m) — Rajiewn | eal Re. (KW [Dey |SCARP iow thea SW 1580/ Pear Pear] Off eur Peak [Om Penk 1>20 |scane s kw a shove | 200.00 18.00 32.70 4003.88| TaRFcaTecoRY parnicutans |chances| Chances ee aew/a| apron | fsfesina| nasa | aS. [EW Reedentil Bepoiy 19:00 [e100 commerciat seppiy 19.00 ie 2 _|ndustrat Supply __14.50 J 32 ar Se Peer eee tea gr ar eo.| TARP? caTecony / parnicutans |ctARGrs| CHARGES sey Se ey) ake neuen | Re /a leet pating t 1600 : 180 seo.| saurrecarzoone /parnicuLans |ctanobs| chataes Se | ne | epewrn| nara ‘mayen | Saas “Melun Jnlum Surcharge” at he rte oR 0.10 per Kh onal ler connumers except eine domestic eanaumers of the category Resdenua fo etry sl As SIE Posie aes sae Ure eesrey PSM eee ees ee ‘GOF Tariff Rationalization Fixe | VARIABLE ‘Subsidy ‘Surcharge Ist.No) TARIFF CATEGORY / PARTICULARS |cHARGES| CHARGES |~ FIXED | VARIABLE | VARIABLE cuarczs| cuarces | cuarces Raew/m | Re/ewe _| Re/iew/mt| Rei es.) /|For Sanctioned load eas than 5 kW 1 {up to 50 units 4.00 2.00 : 'For Consumption exceeding 50 Units : : 01-100 Unite : 979 4.00 ui] a. 101-200 Units 4 14.00 3.89 ', 201 - 300 Units 14.00 380 : te 301-700unite 2 15.00 : 1.00 | Above 700 Units : 16.00 : 2.00 |For Sanctioned load 5 kW & above Peak [ott Peak Peak [Of Peak) Peak [OM Peak l Time Of Use - [16.00] 10.20 F = | 200[ 2.30 {he por the Athorty decnton Felden Comramer Wl be gives the Donets of only one ‘Under tacit A, thee shal be slakmuoe meaty 1) single Pate Connections a. 75/- per connumer per month 1) Three Phase Connections 150)" per consumer per month ‘GOP Tariff Rationalization 1 FICED | VARIABLE ‘Subsidy Surcharge \sr. No) TARIFF CATEGORY / parTicuLans |cHARGES| cHARGES [—FIXED | VARIABLE | VARIABLE cuarcEs| CHARGES | CHARGES repiw/m | reyewn | Re/kO/M| Re. ew Re. / kW By 15.00 >) 400.00 13.00 ak [OAPeak o)|Time of Use 400.00 | 16.00 10.20 1) ingle Pane Connections e378) per 1) Thee Phase Connections 2.380): por SIT leno] saruvcarzconr / parricuans |etianczs| cHanaEs | ~FiXED cttanars| chances | chanors navtov/m| nave _|'earkwrt| Steere | Seaham TBI [Upto 25 kw wt 4007290 Volt) 1250 : 200 ata joncceing 25500 KW (at 400 Volts 400.00 1200 : 2.00 ime or Use Peak [Peak Peak [otter] Fook [otireak 1 (|v to 25 Kw 1600] 10.20 5 200] 2.20 Ina lencceding 2-500 kw (at 400 Volts 400,00| 16.00 | 10,00 = | + | 200] 225 Ina |ror autLeads wp to S000 kw (at 13,28 kv)| 390.00 1600| 9.80 - | = | 200) 240 [ns__|Por Al Loads (at 66,132 WY & above) 260.00| 16.00| 9.70 : 2.00| 2.40 Son een ey Pee ee O nnn okt ea aca) ‘GOP Tari Rationalization poxe | VARIABLE, Subsidy Surcharge Jsr.wo| tartrr careoory / parmicutars | cHaRors| cuaRGEs | vixeD | VARIABLE] VARIABLE cuarcrs| CHARGES | CHARGES Repaw/m| _repewn | Refuw/nt| ‘Rafewn | Rasen [e-1_[Foreupply at 400/230 vort= 1)|Senctioned lond les than 5 iv - 13.00 2 2.00 ‘|senctioned loud 5 KW & up to 500 kW 400.00 12.50 2.00 [c-21e|For supply at 11,39 AV wp to and including [S000 x 380.00 12.30 B 2.00 Jc -sta}ror supply at 66 Kv & above and anctioned load above 5000 kW 360.00 1220 2.00 Inime OF Use Peak pitPeak Peak [OW-Poak| Peak [OWPeak| 1 -tfe} or supply at 400/230 Volts 5 KW & up to soo uy 400.00| 16.00 10.20 2.00| 2.30 \c-20 380.00 16.00] 10.00 - | = | 200] 200 ic) lsanctioned load above 5000 KW 360.00| 16.00] 9.20 2.00| 2.40 See ‘GOP Tarif Rationalization romp | VARIABLE Subsidy Sorc| TARIFF CATEGORY / PaRTiCULARS | CHARGES| CHARGES |—FixeD | VARIABLE | — VARIABLE | carers| cuarozs | cHarazs L| | repavm| —repewn [eefew/ot| ‘revewn | ee/ewn | {Data SCARP iss than 5 uw : 12.50 050 | jo |agricutaral rae Wet 200.00 12.00 \ 0.50 a Peak [pftPeak Peak [onieak| Peak [OOPeak [p-10) |ScanP 5 ew & above 200.00 1600 9.80 100 035 5 [1 [Agricultural § KW & above 200.00| 1600 _9.80| 20000] 5.65 095 = “GOP Tariff Rationalization FIXED | VARIABLE ‘Subsidy ‘Surchae ler. No] TARIFF CATEGORY / PARTICULARS |CHARGES| CHARGES | FINED | VARIABLE | VARIABLE cHARGES| CHARGES | CHARGES Rajew/me| _ Raywon | a/ew in| me. /ewh Ra /kWh [E-1W [Residential Supply 16.00 2.00 lz-111) |commercial Supply 5 18.00 3.00 ‘2 _ [industrial Supply : 1250 2.00 Yor the categories of F-0 above, the minimum il ofthe conramer tall be Ra. 50/ ‘ny subject tos minima of fa 500) forthe ene period of wap, even if to ener fe See 125% of relevant industrial tariff Note: ‘Terf ? consumers wl have the option te convert to Regular Tariff and lee ‘Ths option can be anerlaed atthe time ofa naw connection aot the bapirpg of {he season, Once xeresed the option remain in force for at eat one yr. =< ™ See era eS ee est eaga aco) ‘GOP Tariff Rationalization rice | VARIABLE Subsidy Surcharge lee. No] TARIFF CATEGORY / PARTICULARS |CHARGES| CHARGES FIXED | VARIABLE | VARIABLE cuaRczs| cuarces | cuarces rayewim | Re/ewn | Rak | Re. (eh a /eWh. Street Lighting 14.00 100 ‘Under Tei G, there shall be manimam monthly charge of B.500/- per month per AW of ered ‘GOP Tariff Rationalization woxep | VARIABLE ‘Subsldy ‘Surcharge \se. No] TARIFF CATEGORY / PARTICULARS |CHARGES| CHARGES [FIXED | VARIABLE | VARIABLE CHARGES| CHARGES | CHARGES Repewiat | paywn | re/kw/at | Re./eh Rs. 14.00 1.00 “Neelum-Jhelum Surcharge" atthe rate of Rs. 0,10 per KWh on all electricity consumers except iene domestic consumers of the ategory Residential-A’ for electricity sold “Financing Cost Surcharge” at the rate of Re. 0.43 per KWh applicable to all thefcategores of electricity consumers except lifeline domestic consumers of the eategory ‘Residential.’ for electricity sol. Oo n~ aaa ae totes eee ease) PSM ee yore | VARIABLE ‘Sabeldy Serckage| tamrr carzcony /paricutans |cuaRars| CHARGES |~ypieD | VARIABLE | VARIABLE pepe! pepe | Rafat | Rasen | Resi i] For Sanctioned toad lee thon © RW slop eso uniee : 400 2.00 I yor Consumption exceeding 50 Unite . : a] 01-100 Unies on tu) «101-200 Unite 89 +] Above 700 Unite 1.00 bfror Sanctioned loed 5 XW & above 7 Peak [Om Peak ‘rime of Vso 19.00| 13.00) [oOrPoall Peak [OmPeck Bi ‘pot he Athol devin, oidental consumers willbe pen the bento nly oe Scr tei, there bal be minimum mentay cntmer charge atthe felling ree 1 stage Phase Connections a T8/- pr coo pots FINED | VARIARLE so] TARIFF CATEGORY / PARTICULARS |cHARGES| CHARGES Rapuoe/se| Rep esrn For Secimed ond ee tha #3 i300 rer sunctioned end £10 above | 40.00 1.00 Peak [ome alrime orve ____| sono0 [3840] 1200 1) Sings Phase Connections 2.178) per commer pet month S)ee Poon Coneestlone {Re 300/- put eomumer por meth GOP Tarif Rationalization vixep | VARIALE ‘Subsidy ‘sacar | lene] tarry carzcory/parricutans |cuancrs| cHamoes [—rixeb | VARIALE | VARIABLE cuarors | cuances | cHARozs L rapnow/ne|_rayuwn | Re/ew/t | Rese | Resi ‘si | Upto 25 KW (at 400/380 Volt) : 14.50) i nz) |exceeding 25-600 Xt" (at 400 Volts) 400.00 14.00 : : ‘rime of Use Peak [orPeail [oarreail Peak [OrPeck 1 (up te 28 KW 18.00] 13.00 050 ia [sain |enceeding 25-600 10 (xt 400 Volts) 4400.00| 19.00| 12.80 ost] - | - jaa [ror All toads wp to 6000 (at 11,83 4V}| 380.00 | 19.00] 12.70 | oso} - | - 'B4_[For All Loads (at 66,192 KV & above) 360.00| 19.00) 12.60 _| 100 | oso] 37 rey Soran ua kg ad) Lente recs Sehr ee re T T ‘GOP Tani Rationatintion Vansame Subsidy arcs ls. tol tamurr catzcony /rarricuars |cuarars| cuances |—yice> | vARIAsLe | —VaRIABEE canara | ckanozs | cnanors aew/at| rayon | afar | Sc/eorn | ‘Rus [e-1 |For vppiy «4007230 Vola si} sanctioned tod lee then 8407 1800 : *]sanctioned toad 5 ew & eptesooxw — | 400.00 14580 24] For supply at 11,33 KV upto and Intel 6000 ‘380.00 1420 Coa} or supply st 66 LV & shove ond | senctlomed loud sbove 8000 360.00 1420 lime or a [ona [reak [oatiea ce ror sappy at 400/290 Vole § xo up to 00 x 400.00 19.00 13.00 1.00} 0.80 |¢-209]Por supply at 31,38 Kv upto and fncieding S000 Xr 380.00 19.00] 12.20 100| o0| - [3 Fornupply wt 66 UV & shove and | 7 ___|_ 260.00 19.00| 12.70 100} oso] . | - = “GOF Tarif Rationalization] yomo | vaniame Saba Sarchange ls. mo} TARIFF CATEGORY / parricuLaRs |chamons| cHAROES | FoR | VaRIAnLE | VARIABLE carors | chanors | canons apes rayon _| Severn | ‘necruwrn | ‘pa [Dall SCARP Ins tae 5 EW 5 1830 230 5 Ina 20000|___14:70 320 | Fak [ores Peak [0m Pee Peak [OfiPoak b.ap |ScaRe 5 XW & stove 200.00) 19.00 12:70, 400 38s] > | baat [Agdcatural 5 MW & shove |_2o000|1900 1270| 20000| 26s 3:85) hate tor ball beats SOG Carpe ROOT ps ey Per ‘Sesth even fun coey coum 1 - TEMPORARY SUPPLY TARIFFS ‘GOP Tail Ritionaliation > | varase ‘Sarcharge Nol TARIFF CATEGORY / ParticuLaRs |cHARGES| CHARGES VARIABLE, CHARGES 2 _ [referral apo Rae | [a0 [Reetdental Supply 5 19.00 : 1231 |Commereta! Sappiy 19.00 : lea [industrial Suppiy - 14.50) _ the eateries fil shoe, he mama il ofthe omer abe ReS)- pe ‘ip mjc ts aim of forthe cate peed cap, ere oe tig 126% of relovent industrial tart {arp consume wl hav he option to conser oRepular Taf an lc hs apton carb eerie atthe tin ofa no enneein ra beg {he eaten Once tarted he optan eats firs fro lat one Yr oe rey eee eae ad a) ‘GOP Fart Rational ro | VARIABLE ‘Subsidy ‘Surcharge lsr.wo] Tarurr catzcory /raxricutars |cuarces| CHARGES |—FixED | VARIABLE | VARIABLE cuarcrs | cuarces | ckarces resi! rayewm | aew/se | Reson | “Ra. /urm Street Lighting 14.00 7 100 nro, hn a mits ety cae fH 80 par meth pr A of T — ra GOP Fart Ra 'sr.wo| TARIFF CATEGORY / PARTICULARS. cHarces | Fixe] VARIABLE | VARIABLE [cuanczs| cuarces | cuarors | chances Resuw/se| rape | Rajat | Reso | Resa ‘wiached w Induriial 14.00 4.00] “Neelum-Shelum Surcharge” atthe rate of 0.10 per KWh onal electricity consumers except Meline domestic consumers of the category Residential. fo let sold “Financing Cost Surcharge atthe rate offs 0.43 per KWh applicable all thefcategores of lecricty consumers except feline domestic consumers of the category Residential’ for lect sold ~K 349 aso oe ee eeeaeee ee) PERE ‘GOP Tarif Ratlomalintion voxep | VARIABLE ‘Subsidy saa jsr.No] tarurr catecory / parmicutars |cuanes| CHARGES |—yixED |] VARIABLE | VARIABLE cuances | cuanors | cHances Rayaw/s| _na/uwn | Rafewiat | “Re /ave a few ‘|For Sanctioned lon leas than 6 BW slop te 80 unite | 4.00 2.00 Fer Consumption exceeding 60 Uaite - - : 4) 01-100 Unite 1420 est tu), 101-200 unite 17.30 9.19 . 201 - 200 Unite 17.30 720) Ww) 301-700Uaite 18.00 2.00 +| Above 700 Unite 19.00 1.00 : Peak [ourear| ‘Peak [oft Peaid Peak [OftPeak Time oF Use 19.00| 14.50 1.00] 2.001 ‘a per the Autrey daca, ronda eowumer il 1 Sade Phas Cooneton e781 pe comms ports reap | vaname Subelay [surcharge Jse-no) taRury carzcory /rarricuans |eitanors| cuamors | —yocep | VARIAate | —VARIANLE ayie/s| _payeson | Safa | Rerretn | ‘Seen owe than 6 19.00 1.00 : SH t above 400.00 17.00 09 oral Peak [Omrenk Peak [ORPoutl Pook [oft 40000 | 19.00] 1480 3.00] 2.00 } ST T - ‘SOF Far Rtionlinton reo | vanase ay Schaap Jose] samy careaone pamncuians |otianaes) Chances [ros °) vARASE | VaR nepewa, —napawe | apew/a | “Revue | ‘Ree [bt [po 261 at 400/230 Voit é 1500 0.80 13210) |ereveding 25-500 XW (at 400 Vota 400.00 s4.80 00 nine oF vse Fear [OmrPoar| Peak [OWRoakl Peak [Om Peak 1 (fp teas ew 1900| 1450 1.00] 2.00 ] 13a [exceeding 26-500 KW (at 400 Vota 400.00) 19.00 1430 1.00] 201 133 |For All Loads upto 6000 KW (et 11,39 4]| 380.00) 19.00] 14.20 1.00| 2.00 | Ine _[rorauttonds et 66.192 kV wabove) | _360.00| 1900| 14.10| | 1.00| 200] ‘or Bi consumers her shail «ed milan hare of Re 980 pet we +0 Sey LO a uae aie) Cuma eee LICENSEE AND MIXED LOAD CONSUMERS NOT FALLING IW ANY OTHER GOP Tari Retioraliaon voxep | VARIABLE Subsidy Surcharge \sc.mol tarurr carecory / paxricutans |cuaRces| CHARGES | FIXED | VARIARLE | VARIABLE eapore| —eyworn | epeav/ne | Re fr a. [o-1 [For eapply «© 400/250 Volts 1/Senctioned load less than 5 XO : 18.80 oo i|sanctioned loud S kw & upto S0OK® — | 400.00 18.00 80 \c-24e) For nuppty 2¢ 21,33 KV up to and | including 5000 XO 380.00 14.20 050 2 Je-ata 360.00 14.70 oso Jette 400.00| 19.00| 14.50 1.00] 2.00 \c 2 380.00| 19.00| 14:30 1.00] 2.00 c-30 metloned load above 5000 KF 360.00] 19.00| 1420 1.00| 2.00 eae { roo | vanunuz [su ls--mo| TARIFF catEGoRY / paRTicuLans |cuanaes| CHARGES | — FIRED epicrjse| afin | “Reo [Date |SCARP ios than 6 KW 18.00 [D2 |agrlettural Tube Wells 200.00 14.50 | [ren [om ent| P11) [scar 6 uw & above 200.00/ 19.00 14.20 'p.1( |Agrcuttural § KW & above 200.00| 19.00 _1420| 200.00 oncuers having rationed led ine than $0 op for TOV mterag ‘GOP Farlf Rationaliention rox Subeldy Baca lsr.wo} Tamury carzcory / panticucars |cuaRces| cuarces |—FimED | VARIABTE | VARIABLE cuarors | cuances | cuaRoss peyew/se| — najuorn | epee | “Raju ai [E00 |Resbdentil Supply - 19.00 ] [e310 |Commercla Suppy 19.00 17. SEASONAL INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY TARIFF ve 128% freer teeta at ep commer whan thon cnt epulatTr an te Becta oes mercedes ra a ~ bh Aso poo ey Pe earner et Isr-mo| | tarurr carecony / pavicutars |cuaRces| CHARGES a/kor/se| a /re ‘Surcharge ‘VARIABLE CHARGES a ew leo] TARIFY CATEGORY / PARTICULARS [Residential Colonioe attached to India “eelum-Jhelum Surcharge” atthe rate of Bs. 0.10 per KWh on all lectycity consumers except lftine domestic consumers of “Financing Cost Surcharge” atthe rate of Ra 0.43 per kWh applicable f lth categories of electricity consumers except iline domestic consumers ofthe category Residential for eletrety sad bie ™ 42

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