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wa So oS s ENVUINEENING suUIenecs VATA awe nuviw | | WITH AMENDMENTS AANDB. | October 1972 SUPERSEDES W00.91:02 FLUID FORCES AND MOMENTS ON FLAT PLATES (APPROVED FOR ISSUE SEPTEMBER 1970) ENGINEERING SCIENCES DATA UNIT 251-259 REGENT STREET LONDON WIR 7AD @ S100L an SPONSORS ENGINEERING SCIENCES DATA ‘ter 70015 SUPERSEDES ‘Aero W.00.01:02 (WITH AMENDMENTS: ‘AAND 8 October 1972 FLUID FORCES AND MOMENTS ON FLAT PLATES {APPROVED FOR ISUE SEPTEMBER 1970) 81.88 RECENT STREFT LONDON WIR 7AD @ uw 1, ENGINEERING SCIENCES DATA UNIT So n S100 ENGINEERING SCIENCES DATA (Aeronautical Series) (Chenical Engineering Series) (Mechanical Engineering Series) ITEM No. 70015 Engineering Sciences Data Iteus provide eveluated data and authoritative information for use in engineering design. ‘The results of much valuable work, both theoretical and practical, are frequently not applied because they are not readily available or because the form in which they ore available is not suitable for use directly in design. Accordingly, the Engineering Sciences Data Unit of the Royal Aeronautical Society has for many years issued Data Sheots end Menoranda in three main Series and numerous Sub-series, The main Series have been sponsored by appropriate professional institutions; the Aeronautical Series by the Royal Aeronautical Society, the Mechanical Engineering Series by the Institution of Mechanical Engineers and the Chemical Engineering Series ty the Institution of Chemical Engineers, Crucial support for this work is provided voluntarily by industrial conpanies, government research laboratories, universities and others through the attendance at Technical Conaittees (see below) of their leading experts. In these and other ways assistance is provided to the Aeronautical Series by the Ministry of Technology and the Society of British Aerospace Companies. ‘The work of the permanent professional staff of the Engineoring Sciences Date Unit on this particular Iten, which supersedes and extends Data Sheet Aero W.00.01.02, was monitored and Buided by the following Working Party: Mr J. Araitt ~ Central Electricity Research Laboratories Dr L.F.Crabtree — Royal Aircraft Establishment Mr R.W.P.Gould National Physical Laboratory, on behalf of the Fluid Mechanics Steering Group which has the following constitution: chairmen fir WP. Wiles ~ Rolls Royce Ltd, Derby Menbers Mr E,C,Firman - Central Blectricity Research Laboratories Mr B.H.Pisher - Consulting Structural Engineer Dr G.Hobeon - English Electric - ARI Turbine Generators Ltd Mr T.V.Lewson ‘University of Bristol Mr C.Seruton ~ National Physical Laboratory. ‘The Steering Group has benefitted from the participation of meabers fron several engineer- ing disciplines. In particular, Mr B.H.Fisher has been sppointed to represent the interests of structural engineering as the nominee of the Institution of Structural Engineers and Mr .C.Pirman has been appointed to represent the interests of mechanical engineering as the nominee of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Continued on inside back cover Continued fron inside front cover ‘The Item was accepted for inclusion in the Acrodynanics Sub-sorii Committee which has the following constitution: by the Aerodynamics Chatraan Prof.G.N.Lilley — University of Southampton Vice-Chairmen Prof.D.W.Holder = University of Oxford hr W.P. Wiles = Rolls Royce Ltd, Derby Menbers Ur B.C.Carter © - Aircraft Research Association Dr L.P.Crabtree - Royal Aircraft Establishzent Mr R.L,Dommett © - Royal Aircraft Establishment Mr H.C.Garner -~ ‘National Physical Laboratory Mr J.R.C,Pederson — British Aircraft Corporatio (Guided Weapons) Ltd Mr M.W, Salisbury - British Aircraft Corporation (Weybridge) Ltd Mr J. Taylor ~ Hawker Siddeley Aviation Ltd, Woodford Mr J.W.HThoas © — Hawker Siddeley Aviation Ltd, Hatfield Mr J.Weir - University of Salford, ‘The Item has also been accepted for inclusion in the Chemical Engineering Series by the Institution of Chemical Enginee: ‘The members of staff of the Engineering Sciences Data Unit concemed are: Nir N. Thospson - Head of Fiuid Mechanics and Physical Properti Mr B.C.Freeman — Fluid Mechanics and Physical Properties Group. Group ‘The Fluid Mechanics Steering Group, which first met in April 1970, and the Aerodynamics Committee, which first uet in March 1942, have the co-operation of many engineers and scientists in industry, research establishments and universities fron whom much assistance and information is being received. Particular assistance in the preparation of this Item was received fron Dr P.N.Bearman of Inperial College of Science and Technology and from Wr T.B.Owen of the Royal Aircraft Establishment. In order to assist the preparation of new work and particularly to assist the periodic review and revision of work already issued, users are encouraged to make known their experi- ence in using the information and procedures and to notify the Unit of any additional information they can provide or to which reference can be mads, Prepaid reply service cards are available for this purpose, Whenever an Item is revised, users vho have a Stending Order automatically have their Items updated, Those who do not have # Standing Order are advised to consult the current edition of the Engineering Sciences Data Index to ensure that they hold the latest issues of tho Data Items. ALL enquiries and suggestions should be addressed to: Engineering Sciences Data Unit The Royal Aeronautical Society 251-259 Regent Street London WIR TAD Telephone: 01-437 4894, fron whon additional copies of this Iten and details of other work available may be obtained. § a f 5 j i & i fuviw FLUID FORCES AND MOMENTS ON FLAT PLATES 1. NOTATION AND UNITS. Three coherent systems of units are given telov. ST British a distance between tro plates in series 2 tt tt b span of plate 2 tt tt Cy normal force coefficient in uniform flow, N/1pV3S e chord of plate 2 tt tt h distance tron datum in shear flow (Section 3.6) = tt ft By ake cortection factors for effect of turbulence (page 3) Ly Longitudinal integral scale of turbulence* in free stream ” tt tt y normal force on plate ty “pd lot a constant defining velocity profile in shear flow (Section 3.6) Re Reynolds number, Vac/v s ares of plate ? te? 1? Sy ‘open area of perforated plate at tt? tt? v velocity a/s ft/s ft/s Yo average free-stroum velocity in umiform flow a/s ft/s ft/s Vesp effective average velocity in shear flow (Section 3.6) a/s ft/s ft/s Toot mean square value of longitudinal component of velocity fluctuations* due to turbulence in treo strean tt/s Fen distance along centre Line of centre of pressure behind leading edge of plate 2 ft « angle of incidence between plate and free stream degrees degrees v free-stream kinenatic viscositytt a%/s ft%/s e free-strean density ke/n® ab/st? ft/s ft degrees te7/s tug/tt? * For explanations of this tera see ESD Itom No. 70013 or Reference 2, Sone typical values are given in Table T. 4 IN = 1 newton = 102.0 x 107? kes. ** 1 pal = 31.08 x 10°? ibe. {f Kinematic viscosity = dynanic viscosity/density, 51 slug = 82.17 Ib. quuviwg Plate shopes, b may be greater than or tess thon ¢ CSA hb 4 #—— Hb For squore For circle b=¢2dametar Isolated plotes Plote on @ surfoce i Plate near @ surface T wx, |! Fow, |c Ves Ve s | 7 SKETCH A. 2. INTRODUCTION ‘This Data Tten gives information on the normal forces and centre of pressure positions for ‘thin flat plates of various shapes, The data are presented in terms of non-dimensional mean force coefficients, which are used in conjunction with predetermined free-strean velocities (e.g. wind velocity) to determine the actual forces acting on a plat In addition to the noraal force given by the Data Item, a plate at incidences of less than 90° will have a tangential force acting on it due to skin friction. However, the tangential force is not significant compared with the normal force except at incidences below about 10° ‘and, within the accuracy of the date in this Item, may be neglected at all incidences. In general, except at incidences below about 10° and near the stalling angle whore the exorinontal data aro less rolisble, values of Cy to within £5 per cent and values of the contre of pressure position #,,/c to within 40.09 may be obtained fron this Late Item ‘The data are predominantly for isolated plates in uniform flows. However, data for eurface mounted rectangular plates are given in Section 3.5 and a method of allowing for the effects of a shear flow (i.e. an approach flow with a velocity gradient, such as @ ground boundary layer) is given in Secticn 3.6. For plates near a surface but not actually touching it, interference between the plate and the surface affects the forces end more especially the centre of pressure position. ‘The data in this Item uay be taken to apply for plates not Less than half of one plate chord from a surface. Where applicable, the method of Reference 1 has been used to correct experimental data for wind-tunnel blockage effects, making due allowance for any previously applied corrections. It is possible to extend the application of the data in this Item to plates in ducts by using blockage corrections, such as given in Reference 1, in revers avuiw 3. FLAT PLATES NORWAL TO THE FLOW 3.1 Basic Infornation for Isolated Plates Figure 1, based on data from Derivations 4-8, 10, 18, 20, 22 and 25, shows the variation with b/c of the normal force coefficient for isolated rectangular plates, normal to & uniform flor. Over the range 1/30 < b/e < 30, Cy is eiven by iy = 1:10 + 0.02 (b/c + ¢/b). o For plates of other shapes the data of Figure 1 should give @ reasonable approximation to the normal force coefficient, taking b/c as defined on Sketch A in the Notation (Derivations 6, 9, 10, 18, 20 and 24). For range of Reynolds numbers from 10° to 3x10, the experimental data for rectangular and circular plates show that Cy does not vary significantly with Reynolds nusber. For Re < 10°, data for circular discs are plotted in Figure 2 (Derivations 6, 9 and 24). In the absence of nore specific data it should be assuned that Figure 2 may be applied for other plate shapes. ‘The limited information available on compressibility effects for air indicates thet there is little variation in Cy for free-stream Mach numbers* up to 0.6 and thereafter a ris toa value about 10 per cent greater than the low speed value for a Mach number of 0,9 (Derivations 14 and 21). The data available on the effects of turbulence (Derivations 12, 25 and 28) show effects due to both turbulence intensity! and to sealo of turbulencet, As en approximation it may be taken that the increase in Cy due to turbulence is given hy Eyceurourent) = Cr¢saootn) (1 + kite) @ where k, and k, are teken from Figures 3a and 3b. Typical values of /u2/V,, and L, ere given in Table 1. Tho data trom Derivation 25 stow that the rate of increase of the effect of scale of turbulence falls off rapidly for L,/e greater than 0.75 end, although no direct evidence exists, a corresponding trend for the effect of turbulence intensity may be expected, 3.2 Approximation to Thin Plates ‘The available data suggest that, provided the edges of the plate are bevelled to 2 sharp edge and the flat surface faces the flow, the norms] force coefficients for rectangular plates of maximum thickness up to one chord are approximately the same as for thin plete For blunt-edged plates, up to a maximun thickness of about 0.2c, the effect of thickness on the normal force coefficient 1s insignificant. However, for thicker blunt-edged plates the thickness begins to have a significant effect and data for rectangular cross section cylinders (Reference 3) should be used. * The free-strem Mach nunber of a flow is the free-strea flow velocity divided by the’ speed of sound im the free stream, 4 Por oxplanstions of these toms seo BSD Iten No.70013 or Reference 2. Sone typical vali in Table I. 8 are given Mwuidg ‘Sharp edged Blunt edged SKETCH B. PLATE CROSS SECTION 2.2. Two Plates in Series Figure 4 shows the effect on Cy of placing a plate in the wake of another identical plate, both in terms of the effect on the nomal force coefficients of the individual plates and in terms of the overall coefficient. Figure 4 is based on data for circular plates end rectangular plates of b/c =2 (Derivations 4, 5 and 22). The data do not apply when the plate thickness becomes significant compared with the spacing. 3.4 Perforated Plates Pigure 5 gives values of Cy for uniformly perforated plates, based on data for circular and square plates frou Derivations 15 and 19 and for plates with b/e=@ (i.e, plates in two-dimensional flow) from Derivations 26 and 29. Data for grids of low b/c built up from crossed flat strips (Derivations 11 and 27) and fron parallel flat strips (Derivation 11) and data for circular discs of vire mesh, all show similar trends although for the wire mesh the scatter of data about the mean curve is larg Figure 6 gives values of Cy for circular plates with a ciroular central hole (Derivation 6). ‘The step in the curve arises fron a change fron three-dimensional flow around the plate to an effectively two-dimensional flow across the annular ring. It should be noted that in both figures Cy is based on the total plate area and not on the remaining solid area. 3.5 Plates Mounted on 2 Surface Figure 7 gives values of Cy in uniform flow conditions. for surface mounted flat plates noral to both the surface and the flow. For b/e <1 these are based on the values of Cy for isolated plates of dimensions 6/2c (by application of the mirror image principle). However, for b/e > 1, the data (Derivation 27) suggest that Cy becomes constant at a value of about 1.2 and a tentative curve is show dotted. In general, for a surface nounted plate, the flow velocity will vary with distance from the surface and an effective value of {pV* must be calculated for use with the data from Figure 7 (see Section 3.6). y quviw 3.6 Plates in Shear Flons Velocity profile Velocity profte Vow heetk z heey Ww Picte: w a nek SKETCH ¢ ‘Two examples of plates mounted in shear flows are shown in Sketches C and D. The value of the constant n in the velocity profile equation depends on the flow conditions and e nunber of typical values are given in Table I. The effective mean velocity Vr is defined by Yigg = 2 ff Man @ ef where the Limits 1 and 2 represent the edges of the plate, It has been found (Derivations 23 and 31) that the normal force in a shear flow is then given to a good approximation by 2 N = 4pVipgSCy oo) where Cy 8 the value applying to uniform flow, obtained from Figure 1 or Pigure 7. For the case shown in Sketch C, the velocity measured at a distance of 0,4¢ tron the surface corresponds approximately to V,yy for most typical bomdary layer profiles. Sonetines V, is knom as a series of discrete values. In such cases tho total force on the plate 1s given approximately by the sum of the forcos on a series of strips across the plate, 1.0. @) where S, is the strip area and Cy 1s again the value for the complete plate in uniform flow. Although Equation (5) gives @ good approximation to the total force on the plate, local forces calculated in this way do not correspond exactly with the actual local forces and the method will only give a rough approximation to the centre of pressure position, www 4. FLAT PLATES INCLINED TO THE FLOW Figures 8 and 10 show the variation of normal force coefficient with incidence and b/c for a range of rectangular plates (Derivations 4, 5, 7, 8, 10 and 13). The discontinuities in the curves correspond to the incidence at which the flow separates from the rear edge of the upper surface of the plate, i.e, a form of stalling. The exéct incidence at which the discontinuity occurs is influenced by turbulence and by whether the plate incidence is changing (being increased if the plate incidence is increasing and decreased if the incidence is decreasing) but it may bo expected to lie within +5 degrees of the verti- cal Lines on the figures. Over the range of incidence near the discontinuities the values of normal force coefficient obtained in practice are somexhat uncertain, due to the uncertainty of the incidence at stall, but 11e within the range betwoen the full curves and the dotted extensions on the figures. The data for centre of pressure position, Figures 9 and 11, do not clearly indicate a corresponding discontinuity. The curve for %=0 ie taken from Derivation 30 and is based one lifting surface theory. Por b/e <2 (shown dotted) the accuracy of the theory deteriorates, For plates of shapes other than rectangular the available data (Derivations 10, 13, 16 and 18) suggest thet the data of Figures 8 and 10 may be used to obtain Cy, taking the value of b/c as defined by Sketch A of the Notation. For incidences below the stalling Tegion, experimental data for plates with straight, unsept leading edges show values clo: to those for rectangular plates while data for plates with curved or swept back leading edges lie in the range 0-15 per cent higher. At incidences above the stalling region the data for all shapes lie within about £10 per cent of the mean line through the rectangular plate data, In the region of the stall the data are more widely scattered, Figures 12 and 13 give the centre of pressure position for plates of shapes other than rectangular (Derivations 10, 13 and 16). The corrections given in Figure 12 correspond to the distance between the centre of area position for the shape considered and that of the equivalent rectangular plate. This approach doos not give good results for the case of a triangle with apex forvard for which date are given in Figure 19. For isolated plates at hich incidences, 60° tn 90°, the method given in Section 3.6 chould give reasonable results for inclined plates in shear flows. ‘The experimental data on which Figures 8-13 are based are for Reynolds numbers in the range 5x10" to 5x 10° and for low turbulence, incompressible flow. It is suggested that, tor incidences above 10° and away from the stall, the coments of Section 9.1 be taken to apply. As G 1 reduced from 90, the restriction on maximum plate thickness becomes increasingly Severe, The data should be applied with caution at low incidence if the plate thickness exceeds 0.05¢. 5. REFERENCES AND DERIVATION References 1. MASKELL, B.C, A theory of the blockage effects on bluff bodies and stalled wings in closed wind tunnel. ARC R&M 3400, 1963, 2, GOLDSTEIN, 8. Modern developments in fluid dynamics. Vol.1, pp. 204-205, Dover Publ. Inc., New York, 1965. 3, Fluid forces, pressures and moments on rectangular blocks, Engineering Sciences Data Item No. 71016, 1971. Worn No.70015 6 ‘Amend. october 1972 C Cc i i} er ivation 4 5 10, a. 12. 13, ua 15, 16. a. 18. 19. 20. EIFFEL, G. BIFFEL, @. WIESELSBERGER, C. BETZ, A. = FAGE, A. JOHANSEN, F.C. wNrcnT, Mm. ‘WENZINGER, C.J. = SIMMONS, LP. DEWEY, N.S. FLACHSBART, 0. LANGER, R. ‘SCHUBAUER, G.B. DRYDEN, HL, WINTER, H. LINDSEY, W.F. TAYLOR, 6.1. DAVIES, RM. JONES, R, MILES, C.J.¥, WICK, B.A. FAIL, B, OFEK, 1.8. EYRE, 2. DE BRAY, B.G, PAIL, Re LAWFORD, J.A. EYRE, R.C.W. fmuuvia Recherches expérinentales sur la résistance de l’air exécutées & lo Tour Fiffel, Librairie aéronautique, Paris, 1909, La résistance de L'air et L’aviation, Eapériences effectudes au Laboratoire du Chanp-de-Mars. Dunod et Pinat, Paris, 1910. Versuche ier den Luftwiderstand gerundoter und kantiger Kérper. Ergebnisse Aerodynanischen Versuchsanstalt Gétt ingen, II Lief., pp.22-35, 1923. on the flow of air behind an inclined flat plate of infinite span, ARC R& M 1104, 1927. Wind tunnel tests on © series of wing models through a larce angle of attack range. Part 1 - Force tests. NACA Rep.317, 1928. Wind tunnel experiments with circular discs, ARC R&M 1334, 1930, Messensen sn ebenen und gewdlbten Platten. Ergebnisse Aero- dynanischen Versuchsanstalt Géttingen, IV bief., pp. 96-100, 1932 Brenswirkung von Windschutzgittern, Ergebnisse Aerodynarischen Versuchsanetalt Gdttingen, IV Lief., pp.188-141, 1992, ‘The effect of turbulence on the drag of flat plat Rep. 546, 1935, NACA Flow phencnena on plates and airfoils of short span. NACA tech. Menor. 798, 1936. (Translation from Verein Deutscher Ingenieure, Special Issue (Aviation) 1936. ) Drag of cylinders of simple shapes. NACA Rep.619, 1998, The aerodynamics of porous sheets. ARC R&M 2237, 1944. ‘Tests on three equilateral triangular plates in the compressed air tunnel. ARC R&M 2518, 1952, Study of the subsonic forces and monents on en inclined plate of infinite span. NACA tech. Note 3221, 1954. Preliminary low speed wind tunnel tests on flat plates and air brakes: flow, vibration and balance measurements. ARC CP 251, 1958, Low speed wind tunnel tests on perforated square flat plates normal to the airstrean: drag and velocity fluctuation measure ments. ARC CP 323, 1957. Low-speed experiments on the wake characteristics of flat plates norsal to an air stream, ARC R&M 3120, 1959. nuvi 21. HOERNER, 8.P. Fluid-dynanic drag. Published by the author, 1965. 22, IDBL'OHIK, 1.8, Handbook of hydraulic resistance. Coefficients of local resist- ance end of friction. ABC-tr-6630, U.S. Atomic nergy Connis- sion, 1966. (Translation trox Spravochnik po gidravlicheskin Soprotivleniyan. Gos. Euerg, Izd., Moscow, 1960.) 23, GOULD, R.W.P. Neasurenents of the wind forces on a series of models of merchant ships. NPL Acro, Rop.1233, 1967, 24, ROOS, FLW. Experimental investigation of the unsteady flows about spheres WILLMARTH, WW. ‘end disks, University of Michigan Interim tech, Rep.0195¢-1-T, ‘AD 680917, 1968. 25, BHARMAN, P.1. An investigation of the forces on flat plates in turbulent flow. NPL Aero, Rep.1296, 1969. 26. CASTRO, T.P. Wake characteristics of two-dimensional perforated plates normal to an airstream. M.Sc. Thesis, Isperial College, London, 1969. Wake blockage corrections in a closed wind tunnel for one or two wall-mounted models subject to separated flow. NPL Aero. Rep. 1290, 1969. 28, ROBERSON, J.A, Turbulence effect on dreg of angular blunt bodies. Proc. an. SCOTT RUTHERFORD, @. Soc. civil Engrs, J. Mydraulics Div., Vol.95, No.i¥2, pp.781- 785, 1969. 29. VALENSI, J. Aérodynanique des parois perforées; Application au projet REBONT, “5.1. @ éorans de protection contre le vent. AGARD CP 48, Paper 27, February, 1970, 30. Lift-curve slope and aerodynamic contre position of wings in inviseid subsonie flow. Engineering Sciences Data Iten No. 70011, 1970, a1, Unpublished work at Nationel Physical Laboratory, Teddington, Englend. 6. BXAMPLES 1. The airbrakes fitted to the wings of a glider take the form of rectangular flat plat 3 inches in height and 2 fect long. When fully extended they stand 3 inches clear from the Wing surface on ectuating arms which are snall compared with the brakes. What will be the force on each brake shen fully extended with the aircraft flying streigh: and level at a true air speed of 60 knots at 1000 feet? (Assume air density = 2.30 x10"? slug/ft® and Kinematic viscosity = 157x10"° ft?/s at 1000 ft.) The flow velocity 60 knots = 401 ft/s. $x 2.30 x 107% x (101)? Also eve 11.74 Ibe/tt? muuis 160 x 10°. Since Re is greater than 10° and the airbrake is more than half a chord from the surface st may be considered as an isolated plate and the date from Figure 1 may be used. — Reynolds number based on plate chord Re = Voc/v, Re = 101 x 4/(157x 10" The ratio b/c for plate = 2/3 fron Figure 1 for b/e iy = 1.26 ‘he force on each airbrake 1s given by N= $pVESCy, hence N= 1.14 x (2x4) x 1.26 7.35 Ibe. a 2, An advertisement board is mounted on a van clear of the roof as shom below. lant XC Plan What will be the side force and drag on tho board if tho van is travelling at 30 mile/h with no wind? From the aketch, and since the board is voll clear of the van roof, the advertisement board “¢€ may be approximated by a thin, isolated elliptical plate at 30° incidence, with b = 2 ft and c=6 ft. The flow velocity Yq = 30 mile/h = 44 ft/s. Taking p = 2.38x10°° siug/tt® and v = 197 x 10° ft/s, Be = Vac = 44 x 6/(157 107%) = 1,68 * 10° ant tov = $x 2.98 x 105% 4? 2.90 1t/te? . “ The ratio b/e is 2/6 = 0,38. ‘The data fron Figure 10 apply and for b/c = 0.33, by interpolation, Cy = 1.02. @uUVID Hence the normal forc0 an the tesbonrd a, = dberbscy = 2.30% 6x2) x 102 xan = 22.4 Ibe. To obtain the drag and the side force on the sign the normal force 1s resolved slong and normal to the flow direction (i.e. along and normal to the direction of motion of the van). Drag = Nein 30? Side forces = Neos 30° 41 Woe 19 oe 3. A screen is to be erected in open country to provide a windbresk for equipment. The Screen is 2 metres high by 8 metres wide and stands normal to the ground. The expected Raxinum wind speed at 2 metres height is 30 a/s, What will be the wind load on the screen? (Assume an air density of 1.23 kg/m? and a kinematic viscosity of 14.6 x10" n?/s.) Fron Table I, for open country, a typical value of the constant n describing the wind velocity profile is n= 6 and Va%/¥,= 0.18 and L, 6 6 Hence Ving = ooo vt = Sx a0? cr gyate = gx = 675 (ass . 2 = Also bOVegg = Fx 1.28 x 675 435 N/a? Check the Raynntds number, Veyye/v, vers x he eis x 2 14.8 x 10 = 8.88 x 104, Since the screen is effectively a surface mounted plate, and Re > 10°. Cy is found directly from Figure 7. For b/c = 8/2 = Gy = 1.2. From Figures 3a and 3b, assuming these to aprly for # surface mounted plate, for Y¥a2/V= 0.15, key = 0,10; for L,/e = 100/2 = 50, k, = 1.5. The wind load on the screen is given by BOVE yfSOy (1+ kyka) = 415 x (Bx 2) x 1.2 (1+0,10% 1.5) = 9.16 x 10% (& 2060 IbE.y ywton 0 -yno 97p"03 suyBueT SuPPIING OF snoqe axe LT BUTPLING ¥ q pazezaUBa souaINaNy, ‘uaag? asoug 033 AIqeLepTsu0D Area AE suOTIONZISGO 0} 95OTO SONTEA pL oprN® opeUTAOAdde LH OU OTTEL 4) UF UOATS SoNeA ONL “sYONP uP SUT -onaqsqo 40 $0013 40 sPuTpITNA Se Wons sIuoeoTo Sufonpord oousTngiM Jo SyuTrOsd oy} vo vepuedap Are4 are souaTNGINY Jo aTeoe puE AyTEUDzUT oULe nuvi ' ‘Sioqowayp 3aNp Z°0-1'0 ro pag paztiu ¥ WON - saoqoureyp 300p 2°0-1°0 oro ‘sojomeyp yonp Assntpex prog juste puog oxe-swTnosTo v ZvON sxoqemeyp 30np 2°0-1'0 0°0 *puroq ¥ 70 wuozysuaop sxoq0meyp 9-¢ “Jonp WATE a9 ssouyorya xoker £zepumog x Z°0 ¥0'0 “eoesans qj00us uo seeet Axepunoq quornqany, 9 sxoyomyp omP T°0 v0 ssoqoeasqo 30 weoxysunop sx9}9UeTP OF “woYs quotnazny padopexep =AUIMS WTA YONP WRFES xeeey Szupmoq UT 3ds0K0 35 10°0-€0°0 "W z0°0-10'0 10° “Youung-pura eBeeay xekeT rupunog uy 3ooxe 0 35 10°0-€0°0 “ 20°0-10°0 100'0 > *Tauuny-pupA soueTNqaN-KoT 8 SSE 45 ose “™ Oo 90°0-20°0 | 02°0| 08°0| oF'0 «89013 [123 Jo syvorq PUFA UATH £zyIMOD woKOIG isdurpring 70 cose < | oce| oorfec> | cn =u "Hf 0008 #009 Imoqe saoqy oot > oot < | oor} oe |or> | Cm fumes saogn ayfray ue aumasune aprfoud fp00124 [7 _9y02s souaqnaany yourpnaysuoy| SA/enp aaverngm Jo Aixsuaru| ‘syuauuoayaug auog JOF IueISUO] 9TTJOIg AIT90 TAA, ire souajnqiny Jo afwog puw 10? E 26 24 22 fe 20 Fis : 1a be ro a 10 0 Re 0 FIGURE 2. EFFECT OF Re ON Cy FOR FLAT PLATES NORMAL TO FLOW 20 ° 005 01075015 020 Oe nOmHOLON el Ne + FIGURE 3. EFFECT OF TURBULENCE ON Cy See page 3 for application Cc Totct, both plates, 2 ot large spacing - os Cx ath two plates Gy for one plate aloe’ Downstrecm plate, | at large spacing 04 FIGURE 4 NORMAL, FORCE COEFFICIENT FOR TWO IDENTICAL, THIN PLATES IN SERIES, “NORMAL TO FLOW, Re > 10° # 2 co (Two-dimensona tow) os C 06 04 . 02 a 001 0203 04 O88 O7u08: Ueto b: 3 FIGURE 5 NORMAL FORCE COEFFICIENT’ FOR UNIFORMLY PERFORATED. THIN. PLATES, NORMAL’ TO “STREAM, Ren 10° 10 7 08 ' aes ; a Noe) 3 o4 j 02 i ° 02. 04,66 08 10 : ; FIGURE 6 Norma. “FORCE COEFFICIENT FOR CIRCULAR PLATES WITH A SINGLE. CENTRAL HOLE, NORMAL TO. STREAM, Re >I0® mt i oe 07 08 0810 Cc 2 Ol 02 03 04 05 FISURE 7.) NORMAL FORCE COEFFICIENT FOR SURFACE MOUNTED © 2% : RECTANGULAR PLATES IN UNIFORM FLOW Bee 4 os 04 03 let 02 ot i Rou Aerie 3. 4 Sop aSitrate FIGURE 9.“ VARIATION .OF CENTRE OF -PRESSURE POSITION ..WITH-®. AND. a; - RECTANGULAR, “AND “ELLIPTICAL: PLaTes, 2 >. a 04 03 et o2 ou ° 16 20. 30. «40 50 OO 90 FIGURE 0. VARIATION OF Cy WITH 3 AND @ FOR ALL PLATE SHAPES, £ <2 o2 FIGURE 1 04° 06 08 10, 12. 14, 46 VARIATION OF CENTRE OF PRESSURE POSITION WITH RECTANGULAR AND ELLIPTICAL PLATES, 2 <2 re 20 2 AND a, E i 3 i é + rs Flow Flow ipsa, including. velo Semi etipse, ‘Semi ellipse, Use Figure 9 or Figure 11 straight edge trong straght edge leading ‘Add 0:08 to valve Subtract 0.08 trom eo hon ake of SF has hema a Se | = Figure 9 or Figure i Figure 9 or Figure 1. Figure 9 6 Fie ft FIGURE. 12. "ESTIMATION OF CENTRE OF PRESSURE POSITION, FOR NON - RECTANGULAR PLATES 07, os os 03 02 == Extrapoloted data FIGURE 3. ‘CENTRE OF PRESSURE POSITION FOR TRIANGULAR PLATE): WITH APEX LEADING fuvig Nee tr i c FLAT PLATES: Centre of Pressure Position Normal Force Coefficient © Foret Aeronactioal society 1970 Printed vy Technical Sasting and Keproauetion Ltd, Harford House, 7-9 Charlotte Street, hondon HIP 18D.

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