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2017-18 Faith Journey Recommendation Form

The faith journey series typically features seniors (although others may be considered)
who have demonstrated spiritual maturity and the ability to publicly articulate their
stories, or faculty/staff who demonstrate the same criteria. In the past effective faith
journeys have featured those willing to share from their own conversion experiences,
spiritual struggles and/or spiritual insights gained along their journeys. In general the
Spiritual Life Committee seeks speakers representing the broad spectrum of orthodox
Christian tradition.

This year, we will be selecting four students/faculty/staff to give their faith journeys on
the first Friday of the month except when special campus events disallow it (ie
Homecoming). The dates are: November 3; December 1; January 12; March 9.

Student Name: Dr. Black (Faculty)

Recommender's name: Bethany Overbaugh Date: 9/3/2017

In what capacity do you know the recommended speaker? He has been my Musicianship
II prof as well as conductor of College Choir

Please describe your reasons for recommending this speaker: Already this year, Dr. Black
has spoken words of wisdom to the College Choir and myself specifically. Dr. Black has
offered advice to me on several occasions, whether specifically academic, or applicable
to various situations in life. Dr. Black’s faith is clearly evident in his character and
personality, and has been a role model to me professionally, as well as personally.

Have you ever heard this person speak in public previously? Yes, he speaks at concerts
and in class and choir regularly.

If yes, how would you rate his/her speaking skills? Excellent. He speaks clearly,
concisely, and chooses his words carefully to get the exact message across that he desires.

Please provide the name of a Houghton faculty or staff member who would affirm this
recommendation: Dr. Suzano

Please note: We receive many nominations, of which we can only choose 4. Most
nominees won’t be chosen, so please be understanding! If you have questions about this
form or the process please contact a committee member.

Please submit this form to Dr. Jordan by Friday, September 15 at noon.

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