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School of Nautical Studies


(Mar 2005)

Attempt ALL questions

Marks for each question are shown in brackets

Section A

1. (a) Explain the reasons for loadlines. (5)

(b) A vessel is loading in port in a Tropical Zone.

Summer load draught 10.62m; FWA 280mm; Dock water density 1.009tm -3.
Calculated TPC (Dock Water) 26 (constant).

The water line is 205mm below the Summer load line.

Calculate EACH of the following:

(i) the sinkage required in port in order that the vessel will be on her
Tropical marks in the open sea; (12)

(ii) the quantity of cargo to load to be on her Tropical marks at sea. (3)

2. (a) Explain the difference between an angle of list and an angle of loll. (5)

(b) Describe a safe procedure for correcting an angle of loll. (6)

(c) A box shaped vessel is presently at a mean draught of 6.24m

and is listed 4° to port.

KG 8.2m; KM 9.Om (constant); TPC 32; Displacement 10 400t

Calculate the quantity of cargo to be loaded in the tween deck,

13.5m off the centreline in order to finish upright. (5)

(d) The vessel in Q2(c) now loads 700t of cargo. Calculate the draught on
completion of loading this parcel. (4)

SQA Stability and Operations Past Papers 1 24/12/2017

No 01 March 2005 APR
School of Nautical Studies

Section B

3. With reference to a vessel moored alongside having completed all

cargo operations:

(a) produce a checklist to indicate the deck duties of the Officer of the
Watch (OOW) whilst waiting for the next sailing tide; (12)

(b) explain the initial emergency procedures the OOW should take in the
event of discovering a fire. (8)

4. (a) Describe the precautions and equipment required when using a gangway
as a means of access to a vessel. (7)

(b) Explain the procedures and precautions to be observed before entering an

enclosed space. (13)

5. (a) Outline the objectives and purpose of the International Safety Management
(ISM) Code. (11)

(b) Describe the legal status and purpose of EACH of the following:

(i) the Code of Safe Working Practices for Merchant Seamen (COSWP); (5)

(ii) Merchant Shipping Notices (MSNs). (4)

SQA Stability and Operations Past Papers 2 24/12/2017

No 01 March 2005 APR

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