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Schoolcraft College

Spartan Soldier

Michael Tucker

Professor Thomson

History 134

14 December 2017
Tucker 1

As a Spartan soldier, I am the protector of the Sparta and essentially Greece. I enjoy my

everyday life as being a soldier has its perks. I am looked to as a hero and a brave man by my

people. Typically I spend my days training and waiting. The people say we are soon to go to war

with the Persians. The Spartans are Greece’s only hope of survival as we must fight our enemies

for our land. The Athenians will provide little help, seeing that we are the true power in the our


Though we typically do not get along, we and the Athenians, when it comes to Greece we

all join arms to fight our enemies. Their silly system of Democracy proves their incapabilities.

How could anything get done? We Spartans have found the true optimal way of governing- the

oligopoly. Moreover, I believe that we can unite as one massive great army to push back the

persians and take our rightful land. I am excited for battle as I have never been in one. I have

been fighting since I was a 12 year old boy of course.

In Sparta, we train our warriors from a very young age. It is why we are the most feared

warriors in the world. When I turned 12 my dad handed me a wooden crafted sword to spar with

and my training began. Since then I continually train with my fellow soldiers as we have many

duties. Our training involves: sparring, shield and sword training, spear training, and archery. For

physical conditioning and strength training the Spartan soldier is well known for moving

mountains. Quite literally. Our commander will instruct a battalion to dig up a hill or large

amounts of rocks, and move them. It was a vigorous, long process that trains endurance and

Tucker 2

I know my training as a warrior will allow me to serve Greece and Sparta well in battle. I

look forward to battle and relish the opportunity to prove myself both in front of my brothers and

the gods. For whatever happens to me I know the gods will favor Greece.

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