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Thomas Ihn

Semiconductor Nanostructures
Fall 2017

Exercise 6 released: 25.10.2016

Topic: Electrostatics, Screening discussed: 01.11.2016

Problem 1

Two electrons are placed at the same distance d below a metallic plane connected to
ground. Discuss how their mutual repulsion is altered by the presence of the metallic
plane. How does the component parallel to the metallic plane of the repelling force
between the electrons change with the separation x of the two electrons?

Figure 1: Schematic of problem 1.

Problem 2

Consider a single ionized donor with positive charge +e located in the center of an
Al0.3 Ga0.7 As barrier of 34 nm thickness. On one side of the barrier is a metallic gate
electrode; on the other side is GaAs. Write down an expression for the potential energy
of an electron near the GaAs/AlGaAs heterointerface for the cases with and without
the metallic gate. Compare the minimum and extent of the corresponding potential
energies. Assume that the dielectric constant is the same for GaAs and AlGaAs.


34 nm


Figure 2: Schematic of problem 2.

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