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MISSION 2000 DATE : 12/24/17



XYZ LIMITED Title: To take a report.
Organisation/Area : Reports.
File name: Coumrpt.doc Solution/Release : R/3 4.6 B

Trigger : To take a report.

Business Process Description Overview

Taking a report : This function is used to view various reports available in the system.

Input-Required Fields Field Value /Comments

Fiscal year Financial year

From period Period from which you want to take the report
To period Period upto which you want to take the report
Version Version of the Plan or Actual you want to use for the report.

Output – Results Comments

You will get the message- Report generated. Please read the name of the message. If your entry is
incomplete, that will be shown as “message.”

Tips and Tricks:

Choosing the report according to the requirement is important than running the report.

Last change on: Last change by: Version Page 1 of 2

02.07.01 Viswanath
MISSION 2000 DATE : 12/24/17

XYZ LIMITED Title: To take a report.
Organisation/Area : Reports.
File name: Coumrpt.doc Solution/Release : R/3 4.6 B


1.1 Access transaction by :

Via Menus Accounting Controlling  Cost Centers

Information systemChoose reports and select the standard report OR
Information systemLine itemsActuals OR
Information systemReports for cost center accountingOther reports
for PIL/GTN and select the user defined reports created.
Via Transaction Code SART

1.2. On the “Application tree report selection cost center accounting“, enter information in the fields as specified in
the below table :

Select the required report from the list displayed.

Enter the data such as Cost center,cost center group, Cost element,cost element group, period, fiscal year etc.
in the respective column.

If you want to select a single cost element, range of group, you can use the path
Extrascost element selectncost element grp. or single values

If you want to select a single cost center, or range, you can use the path
Extrascost element selectncost center selectn.

1.3 Enter Execute or F8 to run the report.

1.4 To print the report, Click ReportPrint

1.5 In Print area, Click Print all pages or Print current page and click continue enter
1.6 In Print parameters screen, select the print options,like Select Output device, No. of copies etc. and click
print icon in the bottom right of the screen.
1.7 In the information screen press continue enter
You will get the message :Report was printed (spool request No. “...”)

Last change on: Last change by: Version Page 2 of 2

02.07.01 Viswanath
MISSION 2000 DATE : 12/24/17



1. Create primary cost element -KA01

2. Change cost element -KA02
3. Create cost element group -KAH1
4. Change cost element group -KAH2
5. Change Standard Hierarchy -OKEON
6. Create cost center -KS01
7. Change cost center -KS02
8. Create cost center group -KSH1
9. Change cost center group -KSH2
10. Create SKF -KK01
11. Change SKF -KK02
12. Create SKF group -KBH1
13. Change SKF group -KBH2
14. Change Cost element Planning -KP06
15. Change SKF Planning -KP46
16. Planning Allocation -KSUB
17. Planning Distribution -KSVB
18. Repost costs -KB11N
19. Repost line items -KB61
20. Actual SKF entry -KB31N
21. Actual Distribution -KSV5
22. Actual Assessment -KSU5
23. Create order -KO01
24. Change order -KO02
25. Create order group -KOH1
26. Change order group -KOH2
27. Planning on orders -KPF6
28. Actual Settlement -KO88
29. Reports --

Prepared by: Checked by:

Core Team Member-GTN Consultant -SISL

MISSION 2000 DATE : 12/24/17



In Controlling, each transaction is posted in respect to Controlling area. For our Group, there are two
controlling areas.

1. GTN for GTN Textiles limited covering all GTN Mills,


2. PIL for XYZ Limited

At the time of log in itself, You can enter the Controlling area. Otherwise, the system will ask the Controlling
area. This will be valid till you log off. This means that any transaction you enter will be in respect to the
Controlling area entered by you. So, if you want to enter some data in the other Controlling area, you should
change the Controlling area.

Controlling area can be changed by using the following path.

AccountingControllingCost centersEnvironmentSet controlling area

In the set controlling area pop-up window, enter the controlling area.
MISSION 2000 DATE : 12/24/17


Cost Element Groups

1. TOTEXP_CCA= Total expenses in CCA-will contain all cost elements grouped in a structured

1. TOTSPDL = Total expenses for spindle cost budget-Will contain all expenses except selling
& distribuition expenses.

2. CASH_COST-Total cash cost-Will contain all costs except Depreciation created for spindle
cost Analysis.

3. I_S_KSTAR_AL= All cost element defined by SAP, In one level,not grouped.

5. TOTPRIM = Total primary expenses. Ie. All costs except Apportioned cost elements.

Important reports:

1. To get Plan , Actual and balance available in plan for a given period and uptodate.

Information systems Choose reportsPlan/Actual comparisonCCtr:Ongoing period


Give Period, cost center/group, Cost element/Group combination and execute

You will get :

a) Plan - Actual for the period selected.

b) Plan – Actual from period 1 to current period cumulated
c) Plan – for the year
d) Balance available against plan. (ie. Yearly Planned cost-Actual to date)

2. To get Cost center -Cost Element-wise report or Cost element, Cost center-wise report,
Go to Information systemchoose reportLine itemsActual

a) On the report, click on any one of the cost center (line item) and click Sigma to get cost
center report-cost element wise and

b) Click on any of the cost element(line item and click on sigma , to get cost element
report,cost center wise.
MISSION 2000 DATE : 12/24/17

Tanveer Whether to get cost element description in this report ?
TanveerInstead of line item, whether we will get Total – ?
Ie. In the case of Cost element report,cost –center wise report, cost center total in one line
Ie. In the case of Cost center report,cost element wise –center element total in one line

3. To get report to test assessment cycle,

Eg. Compressor CCTR to Receivers (Based on percentage set in customising . Cost element =1000060)

Information systemChoose reportPlan/ Actual comparisonsArea:Cost elements.

Cost element = 1000060

Cost center group=Apportionment

4. To get Planning report for cost center (Only one cost center at a time.), Primary Cost-element wise first, then
apportioned costs, then SKF values.

Information systems choose reportsPlanning reportsplanning overview,

Enter Cost center,Period , Year and Version and execute.
MISSION 2000 DATE : 12/24/17



XYZ LIMITED Title: Create a Report
Organisation/Area : Report painter.
File name: Coumrpt.doc Solution/Release : R/3 3.1 H


1.1 Access transaction by :

Via Menus Information systemAdhoc reportsReport painter

Report writerLibraryCreate

Via Transaction Code SART

Last change on: Last change by: Version Page 2 of 2

MISSION 2000 DATE : 12/24/17

In Patspin and Palakkad, A and B units are there. Hence to allocate common costs to A & B Units, we have created
Common cost centers also. We have given the name for the common group as follows:

1. All cost center groups in Patspin A unit will start with PKA_.
All cost center groups in Patspin B unit will start with PKB_.
All cost center groups in Patspin (Common to A & B Units ) will start with PK_.

Similarly, for Nagpur Unit,

Nagpur A Unit will start with NGA_.

Nagpur B Unit will start with NGB_.
Nagpur (Common to A & B Units) will start with NG_.

2. For Patspin & Nagpur Units, to distribute common costs to A & B Units , we have created “Distribution Cycles” .
For this, we have created one alternate Hierarchy (Cost center group) . This is worded as follows:

For Patspin, this will start with P_ and for Nagpur, N_ . This groups can also be used to get reports for A & B units
together at any level (eg. MBO Cost (A&B ) , Preparatory Cost (A&B),Prodn. Cost(A&B)
Administration cost(A&B), Total cost(A&B).

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