CHCAGE001 Assignment

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CHCAGE001 Assignment Help


Unit Code/Title CHCAGE001 Facilitate the empowerment of older people Assessment
Type Underpinning Knowledge/Questions and case studyDue Date Location Term-Year

strong>Feedback to Student Assessment 1 Underpinningknowledge questions Question

1:The impacts/effects of stereotypical attitudes and myths on the older person

 Tick which of the following are based on stereotypes?

 All old people are incontinent of urine.
 All people over 70 have dementia.
 All old men are grumpy.
 All old women are fussy.
 All young people have no common sense.
 All people who are homosexual have AIDS.
 All migrants cannot speak English.
 All males are smarter than females.

Which of the following comments are ageist?

 Old people cannot learn anything new.

 She must be incontinent, she’s over 90.
 He cannot have sex, he is 78.
 Daring cannot skydive because she is too old.

Which of the following are myths? r Most people over 70 live in nursing homes.r He is
blind so is probably deaf as well.r She cannot do anything – she is demented.r Old people
do not have sex.

Question 2:Initiate interpersonal exchanges with clients as appropriate (PC1.1)Read the scenario
below and complete the task.

Scenario Today you have been given a client who has been receiving care and support from your
organisation for 5 years, from the same carer, but the carer has just finished working with your
organisation. You have read over your new client’s care plan.
Mr Zappala, has
been living
independently for
many years,
informed the
previous carer last
week that his sister,
who he sees every
week, had suddenly
passed away.
Today he seems
distant, and not
able to
clearly, often
speaking in his first
language, Italian,
which he
apparently does not
do during his
visits. There is a very bad smell in his home and you notice that there are some heavy boxes in
the hallway that make it difficult to get to the bathroom easily.

He seems to not be so clear in his responses and communication, and he does not get up and
make a cup of tea for you both as he usually likes to do. You are concerned about his health and
safety. You make a cup of tea for you both and sit and talk with him. While you are in the
kitchen, you notice that the element on the stove is on but nothing on it. You also have a mild
slip in the kitchen from a puddle of water.

Question3:Recognise and respect older people’s social, cultural and spiritual differences
(PC1.2) Question4:Maintain confidentiality and privacy of the person within organisation
policy and protocols (PC1.3) Confidentiality

Question 5:Work with the person to identify physical and social enablers and disablers
impacting on health outcomes and quality of life (PC1.4)

Question 6:Identify and discussing services which empower the older person (PC2.1)Based
on the following limited information, what kind of residential care would best suit the following
clients? Give reasons for your answer.

Scenario 1:Mr. Bright has been living at home with the support of a formal carer and a care
package of services. However he is becoming increasingly forgetful and confused as he is in the
early stages of dementia. He finds preparing any meals increasingly difficult and frequently
forgets to turn off the stove.He is fiercely independent and still lives in the family home which is
quite large. Although he is frail, he is reasonably mobile and occasionally uses a walking frame.
He can manage most of his personal routines himself with some prompting and direction but
needs supervision when bathing.

Scenario 2:Mr. Corrigan lives with his wife in their own home. They have been managing well
with regular support from a close family member. However, while trying to change a light bulb
Mr. Corrigan fell and broke his hip. He was hospitalised for a while during which time his
overall condition gradually deteriorated. His doctors and other family members became
concerned about his mobility, his emotional state and his general failure to recover.

Question 7:Support the older person to express their own identity and preferences without
imposing own values and attitudes(PC2.2)

 How can aged care workers assist clients in maintaining what they consider to be normal

Question 8:Provide services according to organisation policies, procedures and duty of

care requirements (PC2.4)

Question 9:Deliver services within a quality framework (PC2.4)Case Study

The Grange Villa Nursing Home is having a re-accreditation visit. The Accreditation Team has
asked to meet with the personal care assistants. At this meeting, one of the Accreditation Team
asks the PCA: ‘How do you feel about residents’ rights? John (a resident) has complained about
having baked beans for his evening meal on more than three occasions last week. Is this a
complaint you feel obliged to address?’

Question 10:Assist the older person to understand their rights and the complaints
mechanisms of the organisation (PC3.1)

Case study Martha and James Baldock live in the neighbouring suburb to their son Phillip, his
wife Judy and their children, Jenny aged eight and Matthew aged six years. After much
deliberation, Judy has decided to return to her career in Public Relations, which will mean her
working long hours and having to travel interstate from time to time.Martha enjoys good health,
apart from arthritis in the joints of both hands which restricts her ability to cook and carry out
some household chores. James too is generally healthy; however, the after effects of a stroke
four years ago have left him with a slight limp, diminished strength in his left arm and a minor
speech impediment which becomes worse when he is tired or upset.Martha and James are both
upset at first when Phillip and Judy reject their offer to take care of the children when they are
both working and/or away on business. The parents are aware of the older couple’s right to
make decisions about the way they fulfil their role as grandparents, but have to consider other
issues and others’ rights in making their own decision.

Question 11:Identify breaches of human rights and respond appropriately (PC3.3)

Question 12:Assist the person to access other support services and the complaints
mechanisms as required (PC3.5)
Question 13:Encourage the older person to engage as actively as possible in all living
activities and provide them with information and support to do so (PC4.1)

Question 14:Loss and grief (PC4.2) Question 15:Assist the older person to recognise the
impact that changes associated with ageing may have on their activities of living
(PC4.2)You will need to base the answer of this activity on one older person you know, ie: a
client, a friend or a relative.

Question 16:Identify strategies and opportunities that maximise engagement and promote healthy
lifestyle practices(PC4.3) Question 17:Discuss situations of risk or potential risk associated
with ageing (PC4.5)ScenarioMrs Brooks, 82 years, live with her pet cat in a three bedroom
home. There are stairs to the front and back of the house and a large yard and garden area. She
has lived in the same area for 60 years, is widowed and has no family in the immediate area.
Mrs Brooks:

 Has arthritis in her hands and knees

 Is diabetic – diet controlled
 Has some vision impairment

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