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Maintenance Instructions
Planned Maintenance

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2 Copyright / Version / Disclaimer
1Copyright / Version / Disclaimer

“© Siemens, 2010“ refers to the copyright of a Siemens entity such as Siemens Aktienge-
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Document Version
Siemens reserves the right to change its products and services at any time.
In addition, manuals are subject to change without notice. The hardcopy documents corre-
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10.10 Ultrasound
Table of Contents 3

0 Table of Contents
1________ Planned Maintenance _____________________________________________ 4

Affected Systems. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Performing Planned Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Required Tools, Materials, and Documents. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Tools. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Reference Documents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Acronyms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Preparations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Performing Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Safety Checks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
General System Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Functional System Check . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Network Setup Check . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Peripheral Devices Check . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Concluding the Maintenance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

2________ Changes to Previous Version _____________________________________ 18

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10.10 Ultrasound
4 Planned Maintenance
1 Planned Maintenance

1.1 Affected Systems

This document is valid for:
- Antares family, Aspen, CV70, Cypress family, Sequoia, XP systems, X300, X300 PE,
X150, X500, S2000, SC2000, Sonovista FX, S2000 ABVS
- Adara, Antares family, Elegra, G20, G40 family, G50, G60 S family, Omnia, Premier,
Prima, Sienna, Versa Plus, and Versa Pro systems
- G40 systems, X300, X500

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Planned Maintenance 5

1.2 Introduction
Planned maintenance (PM) is recurring and should be performed at least every 12 months.
The PM includes visual inspections, cleaning, functional performance checks of the system
and peripherals.
Prior to visiting the customer site for the PM, ask the customer to archive the patient data-
base and perform a disk defragmentation (where applicable).
After performing the PM, a Maintenance Protocol must be completed. Distribute a copy of
the completed Maintenance Protocol to the customer, the country Service Office, and the
Customer Service Engineer’s (CSE) record, as required by the Country Service Organiza-
Some regions have regulations that require planned maintenance more frequently. It is the
responsibility of the CSE to be aware of and adhere to all local regulations regarding
planned maintenance intervals for this system and peripherals.

1.2.1 Performing Planned Maintenance

While performing a PM, if any of the tests fail, document the failure and do the following:
• If the customer is covered under the equivalent of a full service agreement (such as a
Performance TOP or Shared BASIC plan):
a) Repair the defect and repeat the test.
b) Document the repair and the test results.
c) If it passes the test, check Passed in the Maintenance Protocol.
• If the customer is not covered under the equivalent of a full service agreement (such as
Shared ADVANCED or EXPERT, Performance PLUS or PRO plans, or no service
agreement), discuss the failure and the expected cost of repair with the customer.
- If the customer requests the repair, obtain a customer purchase order authorizing the
billable work, perform the repair, and repeat the test. Document the repairs and the
test results.
- If the customer does not desire the repair, or does not issue a purchase order autho-
rizing the billable work, do not perform the repair. Check Failed on the Maintenance
Protocol and make a note in the open issues section.

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10.10 Ultrasound
6 Planned Maintenance

1.3 Required Tools, Materials, and Documents

1.3.1 Tools
The following tools should be available in the Ultrasound department. If not, the CSE will
need to bring the following items:
• Standard field service tools
• Ultrasound phantom (optional)
• Optimization tool kit (P/N 10438124)
• Eye-One Display 2, S2000 (P/N 10438125)

1.3.2 Materials
The CSE will need to bring the following items:
• Lint-free alcohol wipes
• Ultrasound gel
• Scanning lotion for ABVS

1.3.3 Reference Documents

• (US00-002.860.01 / Field Electrical Safety Test Procedure)
• Electrical Safety Test Limits: use the platform-specific Electrical Safety Test Limits
found in the Safety section of the CB-DOC.
• (US00-000.832.01 / Planned Maintenance)
• System specific verification procedure.
• FPD Optimization procedure (US15-105.842.01 / Flat Panel Display (FPD) Optimiza-
tion Procedure - RM200)

1.3.4 Acronyms

Abbr. Explanation Abb. Explanation

SI Safety Inspection PMF Preventive Maintenance, Operat-
ing Value Check, Function Check
SIE Electrical Safety Inspection Q System Quality, Image Quality
SIM Mechanical Safety Inspection QIQ Image Quality
PM Preventive Maintenance QSQ System Quality Check

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Abbr. Explanation Abb. Explanation

PMP Periodic Preventive Maintenance SW Software Maintenance
PMA Preventive Maintenance Adjust- CSE Customer Service Engineer
ABVS Automatic Breast Volume Scan- MPTA Micro-pinless Test Assembly

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8 Planned Maintenance

1.4 Preparations

WARNING Some ultrasound parts may have had patient contact, expos-
ing them to blood borne pathogens.
¹ When handling parts that may have had patient con-
tact, take appropriate precautions against exposure to
blood borne pathogens.

PM Discuss Customer Concerns

NOTE Be aware of billing implications for the site. If parts and labor
are not covered by warranty or contract, ensure that you have
the customer's permission before performing any work or
repairs for which the customer will be billed.

1. Perform the following:

a) Discuss with the customer how the system has performed.
b) Find out about the concerns that the customer might have regarding the system.
c) Fill out the appropriate section of the Maintenance Protocol to document customer
concerns and the actions taken to resolve the issues.
2. If the customer has concerns in regards to system performance, steps may be required
to address this. If there are no concerns, skip this step and proceed to the next step.
PM Maintain the Patient Database

NOTE This may not apply to all US systems. The ultrasound system
is not designed to be an archive system. A full Patient Data-
base will slow down operation of the system.

Discuss with the customer whether there are unused studies present on the system. If
there are, work with the customer to either send the unused studies to a storage device or
delete the unused studies.
PM Perform Disk Maintenance
As directed in the platform specific system verification procedure.

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1.5 Performing Maintenance

PM System History Analysis
Review your notes from interviewing the customer. Define reported failures in order to cor-
relate results with the system logs and any subsequent diagnostic findings. Review the sys-
tem Logs for errors. Obtain dates and times reported for any problems. Record details of
problems found when reviewing logs.
PM Perform System Diagnostics Checks
Check the system integrity by performing system diagnostics checks. Refer to the associ-
ated US system Expert Service Manual for instructions on running the checks.
PM Perform System Calibration (where applicable)
Perform required calibration procedures as directed in the platform specific system verifi-
cation procedure.
PM Clean the System
Use a soft cloth, lightly moistened with a mild detergent solution, to clean the surface of the
system, including the system control panel, trackball, transducer holders, system side pan-
els, and any on-board OEM peripheral devices. Refer to the operating instructions for addi-
tional information on cleaning the system, transducers, etc.

CAUTION Do not use alcohol or other organic solvents, or cleansing

agents that contain alcohol or other organic solvents to clean
the system.
¹ Damage to the system can result if alcohol or solvents
are used.

PM Clean and Inspect Transducers

NOTE Perform leakage test in accordance with (US00-002.860.01 /

Leakage Test: Transducer).

CAUTION [For ABVS] Transducer and Scan Motor Failure May Occur
Using normal Ultrasound scanning gel can result in trans-
ducer and or scan motor failure. Use only ABVS scanning
¹ Use only ABVS scanning lotion only.

Perform the following checks for each transducer:

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10.10 Ultrasound
10 Planned Maintenance

1. Clean each transducer with a soft cloth dampened with a mild detergent solution. Take
care not to contaminate the transducer connector.

CAUTION Do not clean the transducer head with isopropyl alcohol or

other organic solvents. Do not allow the transducer cable
and connector to become very wet.
¹ Damage to the transducer can result if alcohol or sol-
vents are used.

2. Check the transducer heads for physical damage such as cracks, splits, or any other
malfunction that may affect their performance. Inspect the cable and the connection at
the strain relief on both ends of the cable.

WARNING Some ultrasound parts may have had patient contact, expos-
ing them to blood borne pathogens.
¹ When handling parts that may have had patient con-
tact, take appropriate precautions against exposure to
blood borne pathogens.

WARNING The outer surfaces of an endocavity or intra-operative trans-

ducer should be checked to ensure there are no unintended
rough surfaces, sharp edges, or protrusions that may cause
a safety hazard.
¹ Check the outer surfaces of an endocavity or intraoper-
ative transducer.

3. Inspect all transducers and user accessible ports for cleanliness, damage, loose con-
nectors, bent pins, etc.
4. Using a lint-free alcohol wipe, carefully clean the transducer connector to remove dirt,
debris or dried gel.
5. [For ABVS] Visually inspect transducer cable at the Column Arm carrier for ware and
tear. Refer to Figure 15 of (US15-103.841.01 / Routing the Transducer Cable).
PM Clean Air Filters
Clean or replace air filters as necessary.
PM Clean the Trackball
Clean or replace the trackball.
PM Check Monitor / Flat Panel Display (FPD)
Verify that the monitor/FPD is securely mounted on the system, and that the tilt/swivel
mechanisms work as designed.

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PM Perform Monitor Optimization Procedure

NOTE This Optimization procedure applies to S2000 systems with

software version 2.0 or higher.

Whenever the FPD requires replacement, the monitor optimization procedure will have to
be completed following replacement of FPD. Refer to (US15-105.842.01 / Flat Panel Dis-
play (FPD) Optimization Procedure - RM200)
PM Calibrate the ABVS LCD
Run the ABVS calibration on the LCD as necessary.
PM Clean the ABVS POD
Clean the ABVS POD.
PM Check Movement of User Controls
Verify keyboard/UI and control panel moves as designed (where applicable).
PM Check Mechanical Operation

1. Verify that the following groups of controls (where applicable) are complete and undam-
aged, operate freely and correctly and are not clogged with debris or gel:
- Keyboard and UI controls
- Monitor Controls
- ECG Controls
2. Verify transducer holders and inserts function correctly.
- For systems with a “Park” position is available, verify the transducer is retained
- Verify secondary barrier doors operate freely and close completely.
- Verify caps and bezels are intact.
3. Verify the mechanical operation of the doors and user-accessible parts.
4. [For ABVS] Verify the free movement and bearing operation of the ABVS arm Joint A
(p/n 10434972), and Joint B (p/n 10434971), and conduct brake checks.
5. [For ABVS] Inspect Counterweight Cables for wear.
6. [For ABVS] Verify proper operation of the ABVS upper (p/n 10434988) and lower (p/n
10434989) Curtains.
7. [For ABVS] Inspect and adjust as necessary the Drive Unit Mounted Assembly (p/n
8. [For ABVS] Inspect the Boom Arm for drift. If the Boom Arm moves freely without fric-
tion, adjust or replace the Boom Drift Pins.

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12 Planned Maintenance

1.6 Safety Checks

SI Check Wheels and Wheel Locks

1. Check the wheels and wheel locks for damage.

2. Verify brakes/steering function as designed.
SI Check Cooling Fans
Power on the system and check that the cooling fans are functioning correctly.
SI Check the Power Cord
Check the AC power cord for signs of wear, heating, or any other signs of malfunction or
SI Check Electrical Safety
Perform electrical safety checks1 (see (US00-002.860.01 / Field Electrical Safety Test Pro-
cedure), (US00-001.860.01 / Field Electrical Safety Report), and the Electrical Safety Test
Limits: use the platform-specific Electrical Safety Test Limits found in the Safety section of
the CB-DOC.
SI [For ABVS] Permanent Mounting Fixtures
For systems that are permanently mounted, check mounting bolts to ensure system is
securely mounted to the floor.
SI Check ABVS Brakes
Power on ABVS, listen for brake sounds, and run brake diagnostics.

1. Electrical safety testing is not required unless a primary electrical component has been replaced. pri-
mary electrical components are found in the AC subsystem of the ultrasound system.

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1.7 General System Maintenance

PM Check Modules and Cables
With the system powered off, verify all modules are properly secured and that all cables are
properly connected.
PM Check Mandatory/Non-Mandatory System Modifications
Verify all mandatory system modifications have been performed. Refer to the (Siemens
Customer Services Intranet site,
info/default.asp?startfolder=e1e5c5c57686ca3cdf4a4754e0148d44) for more information.
Refer to the (Siemens Customer Services Intranet site,
ductinfo/default.asp?startfolder=e1e5c5c57686ca3cdf4a4754e0148d44) for applicable
non-mandatory system modifications. Schedule these as required with the customer.
PM Check Loctite Usage During Assembly/Disassembly Procedures
[For ABVS] Add loctite (#242) to screws that have metal to metal contact, excluding all
earth ground connections during any assembly/disassembly in the field.

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1.8 Functional System Check

QSQ Check the System

1. Power on the system.

2. Verify that the system initializes in the appropriate time and displays the image screen.
3. Record the system software version on the Maintenance Protocol.
4. Verify all connected transducers are properly recognized when selected.
5. Verify the trackball is functioning smoothly.
6. Verify the operation of all modes 2D (B) mode, M mode, and C mode.
a) Verify Doppler waveform and audio in both directions
7. Functionally test all operator controls and indicators, including the alphanumeric key-
board and the touch panel. Verify the appropriate LED indicators illuminate.
8. Check the system time and date.
9. Verify the CD/DVD-R / MO drive is working properly by archiving a patient study to the
disc, then retrieving the patient study from the disc.
10. Verify installed features are working properly.
11. Perform a backup of System and Preset data as required by each system to their
respective Customer and CSE Service Backup Disk.
QSQ Check Image Quality and Transducers
For each site transducer, verify the following:

1. Use the Service-specified tissue-mimicking phantom, or equivalent, and check the near
field in 2D imaging.
2. Look for dropout and lines in the image near the transducer face (dark columns ema-
nating into the image).
3. While scanning, flex the cable at the strain relief and verify that the image quality is not
4. Check the Freeze function using all applicable transducers, the control panel, and the
foots witch (if installed).
5. Correlate results with any diagnostic problems. If any diagnostic problems are found,
record the images for return with the Transducer.
QSQ Check Air Filter
For systems with air filters perform the following:
1. Clean or replace the air filter as required, or every six months. Refer to the User Man-

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1.9 Network Setup Check

PMF Verify Network Settings (if applicable)
If the system is connected to a network. Verify that the Network settings match the cus-
tomer’s requirements.

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16 Planned Maintenance

1.10 Peripheral Devices Check

Siemens recommends to clean and check peripheral operation for Siemens-supplied
peripherals. Additional information on peripherals settings can be found in Installation >

1. Perform verification and planned maintenance of the Siemens installed peripherals at

the site.
2. On the checklist, check only those installed. These may include but are not limited to:
- Page Printer
QSQ B/W and Color Video Printers

1. Freeze an image and test each printer by making a print of the image.
2. If necessary, optimize printer settings together with the customer. Refer to the applica-
ble Expert Service Manual for more information on optimizing settings.
QSQ VCR and/or DVR

1. Test the VCR and/or DVR by recording an image and playing it back.
2. Check the Doppler audio and verify it is being recorded and played back.
3. Verify the microphone operation.
4. If necessary, clean and test the VCR and/or DVR according to the OEM’s operating

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1.11 Concluding the Maintenance

PM Check System / Preset Data (Backup)
Perform a backup of System and Preset data as required by each system to their respective
Customer and CSE Service Backup Disk (where applicable).
PM Concluding the Maintenance

1. Discuss with the customer the maintenance findings and any items noted in the
included Maintenance Protocol.
2. Obtain the customer’s signature on the Maintenance Protocol.
3. Give the customer the completed Maintenance Protocol, and return a copy to the
Regional Service Office or Home Office, as appropriate to the region. Additional copies
may be distributed, as required, by the Country Service Organization.

NOTE Keep as a CSE record, a copy of the completed Maintenance


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10.10 Ultrasound
18 Changes to Previous Version
2 Changes to Previous Version
Change(s) Description
Revision 11 Added p/n 10438125 Eye-One Display 2 to tools
list. Removed references to MPTA;
Revision 10 Added PM and references for FPD Optimization
procedure. Added FPD Optimization tool kit to
Tools list, and procedural document to Reference
Revision 09; added additional Added Joint A and B, curtain operation, drive unit,
PMs for ABVS. counterweight cables and transducer cable
inspections for ABVS
Revision 08; updated to include Added new product ABVS for S2000. Added
ABVS product Scanning lotion for ABVS to 1.3.2; added NOTE
to page 6; added various PMs and SIs for ABVS
Updated to add signature block Added signature block between section 1.4 and
and add product Material Num- 1.5
Updated document to include Added new products, ACUSON X300, ACUSON
new products. X500, X150, and SONOVISTA X500.
Updated document to include Deleted check electrical safety SI (section 1.5);
minor deletions and changes. modified various section PMs.

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10.10 Ultrasound

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