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Disaster in Russia Worksheet

1. Explain briefly in your own words why Napoleon was defeated during his Russian campaign in
1812. Make sure that your answer includes the three core components of the Russian strategy.
3 points.

2. What (two) factors made invading Russia so different to Napoleon’s other campaigns (ie.
contrast)? Previously the French had successfully invaded both Austria and Prussia, forcing those
nations to surrender once their respective capitals had fallen (Vienna and Berlin). Why did the
Tsar not surrender when Moscow was captured by the French? 3 points.

3. What were the consequences of the disastrous Russian campaign? There are a number of
possible answers, so please feel free to name any two consequences, whether political, military,
reputation-based (for Napoleon) and so forth. 2 points.

4. Bonus: If you were Napoleon, how would you have handled the Russian campaign differently?
This question is speculative and is intended to make you think. There are no “wrong” answers as
such. Please feel free to consider diplomacy, tactics, strategy and any other factors you deem
necessary. 2 points.

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