Index of Authors

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Index of Authors

Adair, Virginia Hamilton Beattie, Ann Broe, Mary Lynn

Peeling an Orange, 673 Janus, 248 Protean Poetic, 961
Adams, Franklin P. Behn, Aphra Brontë, Emily
Composed in the Composing On Her Loving Two Equally, The Night-Wind, 670
Room, 795 612 Brooks, Gwendolyn
Alexie, Sherman Bernstein, Charles First Fight. Then Fiddle.,
Flight Patterns, 49 Of Time and the Line, 683 784
Ali, Agha Shahid Betjeman, John We Real Cool, 655
Postcard from Kashmir, 634 In Westminster Abbey, 677 Browning, Elizabeth Barrett
Alvarez, A. Bierce, Ambrose How Do I Love Thee?, 595
from Sylvia Plath, 956 An Occurrence at Owl Creek To George Sand [A Desire],
Angelou, Maya Bridge, 507 829
Africa, 901 Birney, Earle To George Sand [A Recogni-
Annas, Pamela J. Anglosaxon Street, 799 tion], 829
A Disturbance in Mirrors, Irapuato, 680 [When our two souls stand
965 Bishop, Elizabeth up erect and strong], 786
Anonymous Casabianca, 822 Browning, Robert
Sir Patrick Spens, 766 Exchanging Hats, 825 My Last Duchess, 827
[There was a young girl from Sestina, 792 Soliloquy of the Spanish
St. Paul], 739 Blake, William Cloister, 644
The Twenty-third Psalm, The Lamb, 880 Burns, Robert
710 London, 625 A Red, Red Rose, 707
Western Wind, 805 The Sick Rose, 723 To a Louse, 652
Arnold, Matthew The Tyger, 978 Bushnell, Rebecca W.
Dover Beach, 668 Blundell, Mary Whitlock Prophesying Tragedy: Sign
Atwood, Margaret Helping Friends and Harm- and Voice in Sophocles’
Death of a Young Son by ing Enemies: A Study in Theban Plays, 1466
Drowning, 642 Sophocles and Greek Buson
Scarlet Ibis, 553 Ethics, 1467 [Coolness—], 888
Auden, W. H. Bontemps, Arna [Listening to the moon], 889
In Memory of W. B. Yeats, A Black Man Talks of Reap- Byatt, A. S.
774 ing, 916 The Thing in the Forest, 35
Musée des Beaux Arts, 808 Borges, Jorge Luis
[Stop all the clocks, cut off The Garden of the Forking Campion, Thomas
the telephone], 609 Paths, 546 When to Her Lute Corinna
Axelrod, Steven Gould Borson, Roo Sings, 749
Jealous Gods, 969 After a Death, 727 Carter, Angela
Bourdillon, Francis Souvenir of Japan, A, 266
Baldwin, James William Carver, Raymond
Sonny’s Blues, 88 The Night Has a Thousand Cathedral, 20
Bambara, Toni Cade Eyes, 715 Chabon, Michael
Gorilla, My Love, 418 Bowra, Maurice The Lost World, 437
Barrett, Andrea Sophoclean Tragedy, 1455 Chasin, Helen
Littoral Zone, The, 198 Bradstreet, Anne Joy Sonnet in a Random
Bashō To My Dear and Loving Universe, 788
[This road—], 888 Husband, 610 The Word Plum, 729
[A village without bells—], Brewer, Linda Cheever, John
888 20/20, 15 The Country Husband, 71


Chekhov, Anton [The Brain—is wider than the Faulkner, William

The Cherry Orchard, 1102 Sky—], 982 A Rose for Emily, 467
The Lady with the Dog, 218 [I dwell in Possibility—], 694 Fearing, Kenneth
Cherry, Kelly [I stepped from Plank to Dirge, 732
Alzheimer’s, 635 Plank], 981 Ferry, David
Chin, Marilyn [A narrow Fellow in the At the Hospital, 714
Summer Love, 672 Grass], 747 Evening News, 801
Chiyojo [My Life had stood—a Fetterley, Judith
[Whether astringent], 887 Loaded Gun—], 811 A Rose for “A Rose for
Chopin Kate [She dealt her pretty words Emily,” 489
The Story of an Hour, 449 like Blades—], 982 Finch, Anne, Countess of
Cleghorn, Sarah [We do not play on Graves— Winchelsea
[The golf links lie so near the ], 981 There’s No To-morrow, 683
mill], 682 [Wild Night—Wild Nights!], Fisher, Rudolph
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor 716 The Caucasian Storms Har-
Kubla Khan, 979 [The Wind begun to knead lem, 932
Metrical Feet, 738 the Grass—], 768 Frost, Robert
Collins, Billy Dillon, George L. Design, 810
Morning, 676 Styles of Reading, 481 Fireflies in the Garden, 724
Sonnet, 789 Donne, John Range-Finding, 785
Collins, Martha [Batter my heart], 712 The Road Not Taken, 988
Lies, 693 The Canonization, 713 Stopping by Woods on a
Conrad, Joseph The Computation, 712 Snowy Evening, 989
The Secret Sharer, 299 [Death, be not proud], 982
Constable, Henry The Flea, 661 Gallagher, Tess
[My lady’s presence makes The Good-Morrow, 674 Sudden Journey, 646
the roses red], 782 Song, 984 Garcı́a Márquez, Gabriel
Cope, Wendy The Sun Rising, 983 A Very Old Man with Enor-
Emily Dickinson, 738 A Valediction: Forbidding mous Wings, 451
Crane, Stephen Mourning, 985 Gilbert, Sandra
The Open Boat, 343 Donnelly, Susan Sonnet: The Ladies’ Home
Cullen, Countee Eve Names the Animals, Journal, 816
From the Dark Tower, 918 897 Gilman, Charlotte Perkins
Saturday’s Child, 917 Dove, Rita The Yellow Wallpaper, 513
Yet Do I Marvel, 916 Daystar, 662 Ginsberg, Allen
Cummings, E. E. Fifth Grade Autobiography, A Further Proposal, 893
[Buffalo Bill ’s], 796 605 [The old pond], 890
[in Just-], 696 Dryden, John Glaspell, Susan
[l(a], 795 To the Memory of Mr. Old- Trifles, 1046
[(ponder,darling,these busted ham, 740 Gray, Thomas
statues], 894 Du Bois, W. E. B. Elegy Written in a Country
Two Novels, 937 Churchyard, 989
Danticat, Edwidge Dunbar, Paul Laurence Grimke, Angelina
A Wall of Fire Rising, 252 Sympathy, 986 The Black Finger, 918
de la Mare, Walter We Wear the Mask, 986 Tenebris, 918
Slim Cunning Hands, 687 Dunn, Stephen Grosholz, Emily
Deutsch, Babette Poetry, 771 Eden, 630
[The falling flower], 890 Gunn, Thom
Dickey, James Eliot, T. S. A Blank, 833
Cherrylog Road, 658 Journey of the Magi, 987 In Time of Plague, 622
The Leap, 718 Emanuel, James A. A Map of the City, 680
Dickinson, Emily Emmett Till, 814
[After great pain, a formal Ray Charles, 891 Ha Jin
feeling comes—], 690 Erdrich, Louise In Broad Daylight, 564
[Because I could not stop for Jacklight, 904 Hansberry, Lorraine
Death—], 980 Love Medicine, 327 A Raisin in the Sun, 1621

Hardy, Thomas The Negro Speaks of Rivers, Ode on a Grecian Urn, 845
Channel Firing, 815 920 Ode to a Nightingale, 843
The Ruined Maid, 639 The Weary Blues, 919 On First Looking into Chap-
Harper, Michael Hughes, Ted man’s Homer, 840
Dear John, Dear Coltrane, To Paint a Water Lily, 701 On Seeing the Elgin Marbles,
751 841
Harwood, Gwen Ibsen, Henrik On the Grasshopper and the
In the Park, 787 A Doll House, 1508 Cricket, 840
Hawthorne, Nathaniel On the Sonnet, 783
Young Goodman Brown, Jarrell, Randall Preface to Endymion, 852
232 The Death of the Ball Turret Sonnet to Sleep, 841
Hayden, Robert Gunner, 715 To Autumn, 846
Frederick Douglass, 821 Jebb, Richard C. Kennedy, X. J.
Homage to the Empress of The Antigone of Sophocles, In a Prominent Bar in
the Blues, 750 1454 Secaucus One Day, 641
Those Winter Sundays, 633 Jennings, Elizabeth Kincaid, Jamaica
The Whipping, 993 Delay, 803 Girl, 456
Heaney, Seamus Jiles, Paulette King, Henry
Digging, 993 Paper Matches, 831 Sic Vita, 711
Mid-Term Break, 604 Johnson, Helene Kinnell, Galway
Hearn, Lafcadio Sonnet to a Negro in Har- After Making Love We Hear
[Old pond—], 889 lem, 921 Footsteps, 629
Hemans, Felicia Dorothea Johnson, James Weldon Blackberry Eating, 995
Casabianca, 821 Preface to The Book of Knight, Etheridge
Hemingway, Ernest American Negro Poetry, [Eastern guard tower], 890
Hills Like White Elephants, 924 Hard Rock Returns to Prison
128 Jonson, Ben from the Hospital for the
Herbert, George [Come, my Celia, let us Criminal Insane, 624
The Collar, 809 prove], 879 Knox, Bernard
Easter Wings, 798 Epitaph on Elizabeth, L. H., The Three Theban Plays,
Herrick, Robert 811 1457
Delight in Disorder, 697 On My First Son, 602 Koch, Kenneth
Upon Julia’s Clothes, 806 Still to Be Neat, 697 Variations on a Theme by
Hollander, John Jordan, June William Carlos Williams,
Adam’s Task, 897 Something Like a Sonnet for 895
Hollander, Robert Phillis Miracle Wheatley, Kroll, Judith
You Too? Me Too—Why 901 Rituals of Exorcism:
Not? Soda Pop, 883 Joyce, James “Daddy,” 958
Homans, Margaret Araby, 432 Kumin, Maxine
A Feminine Tradition, 964 Woodchucks, 627
Hopkins, Gerard Manley Kafka, Franz
God’s Grandeur, 994 A Hunger Artist, 242 Lahiri, Jhumpa
Pied Beauty, 695 Kawabata, Yasunari Interpreter of Maladies, 284
Spring and Fall, 746 The Grasshopper and the Bell Larkin, Philip
The Windhover, 995 Cricket, 457 Church Going, 760
Howe, Irving Keats, John Lawrence, D. H.
The Plath Celebration: A Endymion (Book 1), 842 I Am Like a Rose, 722
Partial Dissent, 955 Letter to Benjamin Bailey, Odour of Chrysanthemums,
Howe, Marie Nov. 22, 1817, 847 524
Practicing, 826 Letter to George and Thomas Layton, Irving
Hudgins, Andrew Keats, Dec. 21, 1817, 848 From Colony to Nation,
Begotten, 636 Letter to John Hamilton 819
Hughes, Langston Reynolds, Feb. 19, 1818, Le Guin, Ursula K.
The Big Sea, 941 849 She Unnames Them, 462
Harlem, 820 Letter to John Taylor, Feb. Lee, Li-Young
I, Too, 921 27, 1818, 851 Persimmons, 631

Lessing, Doris Miner, Earl Paley, Grace

Our Friend Judith, 179 [The still old pond], 890 A Conversation with My
Levertov, Denise Montagu, Lady Mary Wor- Father, 31
Wedding-Ring, 613 tley Parker, Dorothy
Locke, Alain Written the First Year I Was A Certain Lady, 647
The New Negro, 927 Marry’d, 830 One Perfect Rose, 722
Lorde, Audre Moore, Gene M. Pastan, Linda
Hanging Fire, 650 Of Time and Its Mathemati- love poem, 597
Lovelace, Richard cal Progression: Problems Marks, 706
Song: To Lucasta, Going to of Chronology in Faulk- To a Daughter Leaving
the Wars, 827 ner’s “A Rose for Emily,” Home, 663
Lowell, Amy 495 Perdomo, Willie
The Lonely Wife, 831 Moore, Lorrie 123rd Street Rap, 752
Lowell, Robert How, 132 Piercy, Marge
Skunk Hour, 996 Moore, Marianne Barbie Doll, 619
Love in America? 882 What’s That Smell in the
MacLeish, Archibald Poetry, 791 Kitchen?, 830
Ars Poetica, 794 Mora, Pat Plath, Sylvia
Marlowe, Christopher Elena, 635 Barren Woman, 1000
The Passionate Shepherd to Gentle Communion, 688 Daddy, 948
His Love, 885 Sonrisas, 763 Lady Lazarus, 1001
Marvell, Andrew Mukherjee Bharati Morning Song, 675
The Garden, 997 The Management of Grief, Point Shirley, 666
On a Drop of Dew, 702 272 Poe, Edgar Allan
To His Coy Mistress, 671 Munro, Alice The Cask of Amontillado, 123
Mary, Lady Chudleigh Boys and Girls, 422 The Raven, 742
To the Ladies, 613 Pope, Alexander
Nemerov, Howard
McGough, Roger Sound and Sense, 734
Boom! 880
Here I Am, 799 Porter, Katherine Anne
The Goose Fish, 758
McKay, Claude Flowering Judas, 537
The Vacuum, 603
The Harlem Dancer, 923 Pound, Ezra
A Way of Life, 999
Harlem Shadows, 922 In a Station of the Metro,
Nussbaum, Martha C.
If We Must Die, 922 1003
The Fragility of Goodness:
The Tropics in New York, The River-Merchant’s Wife: A
Luck and Ethics in Greek
923 Letter, 599
Tragedy and Philosophy,
The White House, 923 A Virginal, 1003
Melville, Herman
Bartleby, the Scrivener, O’Connor, Flannery Ralegh, Sir Walter
153 Everything That Rises Must The Nymph’s Reply to the
Merrill, James Converge, 400 Shepherd, 892
Watching the Dance, 745 A Good Man Is Hard to Ramsey, Jarold
Millay, Edna St. Vincent Find, 364 The Tally Stick, 596
[I, being born a woman and The Lame Shall Enter First, Randall, Dudley
distressed], 655 375 Ballad of Birmingham, 824
[What lips my lips have Passages from Essays and Ransom, John Crowe
kissed, and where, and Letters, 410 Bells for John Whiteside’s
why], 787 Olds, Sharon Daughter, 1003
[Women have loved before as Last Night, 611 Rich, Adrienne
I love now], 654 Leningrad Cemetery, Winter Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers, 628
Miller, Arthur of 1941, 717 At a Bach Concert, 855
Death of a Salesman, 1556 Sex without Love, 692 A Communal Poetry, 869
Milton, John The Victims, 764 Diving into the Wreck, 725
On the Late Massacre in Ortiz, Simon J. For the Record, 862
Piedmont, 664 My Father’s Song, 637 History, 863
[When I consider how my Owen, Wilfred How Does a Poet Put Bread
light is spent], 786 Dulce et Decorum Est, 823 on the Table? 867

Modotti, 865 [Shall I compare thee to a Waddington, Miriam

[My mouth hovers across summer’s day?], 710 Ulysses Embroidered, 898
your breasts], 863 [That time of year thou Wagoner, David
Planetarium, 861 mayst in me behold], 704 My Father’s Garden, 706
Snapshots of a Daughter-in- Shelley, Percy Bysshe Walcott, Derek
Law, 857 Ode to the West Wind, 772 A Far Cry from Africa, 902
Storm Warnings, 856 Skirrow, Desmond Midsummer, 679
Two Songs, 709 Ode on a Grecian Urn Sum- Waller, Edmund
When We Dead Awaken: marized, 895 Song, 721
Writing as Re-Vision, 866 Smith, Stevie Walsh, Clara A.
Why I Refused the National The Jungle Husband, 797 [An old-time pond], 889
Medal for the Arts, 870 Snodgrass, W. D. Welty, Eudora
Rı́os, Alberto Alvaro Leaving the Motel, 620 Why I Live at the P.O., 145
Advice to a First Cousin, 903 Song, Cathy Wharton, Edith
Robinson, Edwin Arlington Heaven, 769 Roman Fever, 110
Mr. Flood’s Party, 755 Sophocles Wheatley, Phillis
Rodgers, Lawrence R. Antigone, 1423 On Being Brought from
“We all said, ‘She will kill her- Oedipus the King, 1470 Africa to America, 900
self ’ ”: The Narrator/ Steiner, George Whitman, Walt
Detective in William Dying Is an Art, 952 Facing West from California’s
Faulkner’s “A Rose for Stevens, Wallace Shores, 1014
Emily,” 474 Anecdote of the Jar, 1005 [I celebrate myself, and sing
Roethke, Theodore The Emperor of Ice-Cream, myself], 656
My Papa’s Waltz, 691 1004 I Hear America Singing, 1014
Rosenberg, Liz Sunday Morning, 1005 A Noiseless Patient Spider,
Married Love, 600 Stoppard, Tom 1015
The Silence of Women, 832 The Real Inspector Hound, Wilbur, Richard
Rossetti, Dante Gabriel 1058 The Beautiful Changes, 700
A Sonnet Is a Moment’s Suckling, Sir John Love Calls Us to the Things of
Monument, 783 Song, 739 This World, 1015
Rossetti, Christina Swift, Jonathan Wilde, Oscar
In an Artist’s Studio A Description of the Morn- Symphony in Yellow, 699
Rushdie, Salman ing, 677 Williams, C. K.
The Prophet’s Hair, 572 Alzheimer’s: The Wife, 1016
Williams, Miller
Tan, Amy
Seifū Thinking about Bill, Dead of
A Pair of Tickets, 204
[The faces of dolls], 889 AIDS, 819
Tennyson, Alfred, Lord
Sexton, Anne Williams, Tennessee
The Kraken, 900
The Fury of Overshoes, 606 A Streetcar Named Desire,
Tears, Idle Tears, 1008
Shakespeare, William 1140
Tithonus, 1009
[Th’expense of spirit in a Williams, William Carlos
Ulysses, 1011
waste of shame], 769 The Dance, 767
Thomas, Dylan
[Full many a glorious morn- Raleigh Was Right, 892
Do Not Go Gentle into That
ing have I seen], 674 The Red Wheelbarrow, 694
Good Night, 790
Hamlet, 1325 This Is Just to Say, 695
Fern Hill, 1012
[Let me not to the marriage The Use of Force, 459
Tobin, Daniel
of true minds], 611 Wilson, August
The Clock, 633
[Like as the waves make The Piano Lesson, 1205
Toplady, Augustus
towards the pebbled shore], Winters, Yvor
745 At the San Francisco Airport,
A Prayer, Living and Dying,
A Midsummer Night’s 685
Dream, 1272 Wordsworth, William
[My mistress’ eyes are noth- Lines Written a Few Miles
ing like the sun], 788 Van Duyn, Mona above Tintern Abbey,
[Not marble, nor the gilded What the Motorcycle Said, 1017
monuments], 884 730 London, 1802, 785

Wordsworth, William Wyatt, Sir Thomas The Lake Isle of Innisfree,

(continued ) They Flee from Me, 651 1020
Nuns Fret Not, 781 A Last Confession, 614
She Dwelt among the Yeats, W. B. Leda and the Swan, 1024
Untrodden Ways, 649 Among School Children, Sailing to Byzantium, 1025
Wright, Richard 1026 The Second Coming, 1023
[In the falling snow], 891 Easter 1916, 1021

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