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Construction Of Mixed Traffic Lane adjacent to Existing BRT Lane Between Hubli-Dharwad Along SH-73

HDBRTS Hubli Dharwad Bus Rapid Transit System
KRDCL Karnataka Road Development Corporation limited
NWKRTC North West Karnataka Road Transport Corporation
PWP& IWTD public works, Ports & Inland Water Transport Department
HDMC Hubli Dharwad Municipal Corporation
DULT Directorate of Urban Land Transport
CEPT Centre for Environmental Planning and Technology
EMP Environmental Management Plan
HDUDA Hubli Dharwad Urban Development Authority
MoUD Ministry of Urban Development
BRTL Bus Rapid Transit Lane
ROW Right of Way
MORT&H Ministry of Road Transport and Highways
SWR South Western Railway
GSDP Gross State Domestic Product
IRC Indian Road Congress
IRC: SP Indian Road Congress Special Code
IS Indian Standard
ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials
AASHTO American Association of State Highways and Transportation Officials
CTTS Comprehensive Traffic and Transportation Study
KUIDFC Karnataka Urban Infrastructure Development and Finance Corporation
BOT Built Operate and Transfer BOOT
Built Operate Own and transfer SUTP
Sustainable Urban Transport Project ITS
Intelligent Transport System
DPR Detailed Project Report
PPR Preliminary Project Report
WB World Bank
GEF Global Environment Facility
NH National Highway
SH State Highway
MDR Major District Road

Department Of Civil Engineering, RVCE

HD – BRTS Company Ltd., Dharwad. Page i
Construction Of Mixed Traffic Lane adjacent to Existing BRT Lane Between Hubli-Dharwad Along SH-73

ODR Other District Road

RR Rural Road
MTL Mixed Traffic lane
UGD Under Ground Drainage
GSB Granular Sub-Base
WMM Wet Mix Macadam
WBM Water Bound Macadam
DBM Dense Bituminous Macadam
BC Bituminous Concrete
FSL Free Swelling Index
AIV Aggregate Impact Value
MDD Maximum Dry Density
OMC Optimum Moisture Content
CBR California Bearing Ratio
JMF Job Mix Formula
VMA Volume of Mineral Aggregate
VFB Volume Filled with Bitumen
OBC Optimum Bitumen Content
TPH Tonne per Hour
FOB Foot Over Bridge
ROB Rail Over Bridge

Department Of Civil Engineering, RVCE

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Construction Of Mixed Traffic Lane adjacent to Existing BRT Lane Between Hubli-Dharwad Along SH-73

1.1 General 1
1.2 Authority: Public works, Ports & Inland Water Department 1
1.3 Karnataka Budget 2015-16 1
2.1 Hubli – Dharwad 3
2.1.1 KRDCL proposal for road widening between Hubli Dharwad 5
2.1.2 DULT proposal for prepaing PPR for BRTS 5
2.1.3 NWKRTC proposal for upgrading infrastructure 6
2.1.4 Ongoing initiatives by HDMC 6
2.2 Previous studies 6
2.3 Organizational chart of agencies of the project 7
2.4 HD-BRTS Company Ltd 7
2.5 Organizational chart of the company 8
2.6 HD-BRTS Corridor 9
2.7 Features of HD-BRTS Corridor 10
2.7.1 Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) lanes 10
2.7.2 Mixed Traffic Lanes (MTL) 11
2.7.3 Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Stations 12
2.7.4 Grade Separators 13
2.7.5 Rail Over Bridge (ROB) 13
3.1.1 R N Shetty Infrastructure ltd, Hubli 15
3.1.2 LEA Associates South Asia Pvt. Ltd (LASA) 15

Department Of Civil Engineering, RVCE

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Construction Of Mixed Traffic Lane adjacent to Existing BRT Lane Between Hubli-Dharwad Along SH-73

3.2 Scope of work 16

3.3 Thickness details of the project road 16
3.4 Plant and Machinery 17
3.5 Quality Management 18
3.6 Construction 19
3.6.1 Clearing and Grubbing 19
3.6.2 Subgrade 20
3.6.3 Granular Sub-Base (GSB) 22
3.6.4 Wet Mix Macadam (WMM) 25
3.6.5 Prime coat 27
3.6.6 Tack coat 28
3.6.7 Dense Bituminous Macadam (DBM) 29
3.6.8 Bituminous Concrete (BC) 35
3.7 Quality Control 37
3.7.1 Quality control tests for Subgrade 37
3.7.2 Quality control tests for Granular Sub-Base (GSB) 41
3.7.3 Quality control tests for Wet Mix Macadam(WMM) 42
3.7.4 Quality control tests for Prime and Tack coat 45
3.7.5 Quality control tests for Dense Bituminous Macadam (DBM) 46

Department Of Civil Engineering, RVCE

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Construction Of Mixed Traffic Lane adjacent to Existing BRT Lane Between Hubli-Dharwad Along SH-73

Table no. DESCRIPTION no.
1.1 Road length of different class of roads 2
2.1 Right of way (ROW) details of the project corridor 9
2.2 Project component share excluding the loan sanctioned 10
3.1 Details of the work undertaken by the agencie 15
3.2 Thickness details of Mixed traffic Lane (MTL) 17
3.3 Plant & Machinery details 17
3.4 Compaction requirements of embankment and subgrade 21
3.5 Density requirements of embankment and subgrade 21
3.6 Physical requirements for materials of Granular Sub-Base (GSB) 23
3.7 Grading for GSB 23
3.8 Control tests and their minimum frequency for GSB 24
3.9 Physical requirements of coarse aggregates of Wet Mix Macadam (WMM) 25
3.10 Grading requirements of aggregates of WMM 25
3.11 Control tests and their minimum frequency for WMM 27
3.12 Quality of bitumen emulsions for various types of granular surfaces 27
3.13 Types and quantity of cutback bitumen for various types of granular surfaces 27
Quality control tests and minimum frequency for prime/ tack coat & fog
3.14 spray 28
3.15 Rate of application of tack coat 29
3.16 Grading requirements for mineral filler 30
3.17 Physical requirement of coarse aggregates for DBM 30
3.18 Composition of DBM 31
3.19 Requirements of DBM mix 32
3.20 Permissible variation in actual mix from JMF 32
3.21 Mixing, laying and rolling temperatures for bituminous mixes 33
3.22 Quality control tests and their minimum frequency for DBM 34
3.23 Quality control tests and their minimum frequency for DBM 34
3.24 Physical requirement of coarse aggregate for BC 35
3.25 Composition of BC 36

Department Of Civil Engineering, RVCE

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Construction Of Mixed Traffic Lane adjacent to Existing BRT Lane Between Hubli-Dharwad Along SH-73

3.26 Particle size distribution of soil used for subgrade 37

3.27 Calculation of MDD and OMC 38
3.28 Initial data collected for determination of CBR 39
3.29 Determination of CBR at 2.5mm and 5mm penetration 40
3.30 Determination of Free Swell Index (FSL) 40
3.31 Determination of atterberg limits for soil used for subgrade 41
3.32 Sieve analysis for GSB 41
3.33 Determination of atterberg limits for GSB 42
3.34 Sieve analysis for both layers of WMM 42
3.35 Determination of Aggregate Impact Value (WMM) 43
Determination of combined flakiness and elongation index for WMM bottom
3.36 layer 43
Determination of combined flakiness and elongation index for WMM top
3.37 layer 44
3.38 Determination of atterberg limits for WMM bottom layer 44
3.39 Determination of atterberg limits for WMM top layer 45
3.40 Control test for prime coat on WMM surface 45
3.41 Control test for tack coat on granular surface 46
3.42 Sieve analysis for both layers of DBM 46
3.43 Determination of Aggregate impact value (DBM layers 47
3.44 Determination of combined flakiness and elongation index for DBM bottom layer 47
3.45 Determination of combined flakiness and elongation index for DBM top layer 48
3.46 Core Density for DBM bottom layer 48
3.47 Core Density for DBM top layer 49
3.48 Determination of bitumen content 49
3.49 Gradation of aggregates after extraction 50
3.50 Determination of Maximum and Effective Specific gravity of DBM mix. 50
3.51 Marshall Properties evaluated for the extracted cores. 51

Department Of Civil Engineering, RVCE

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Construction Of Mixed Traffic Lane adjacent to Existing BRT Lane Between Hubli-Dharwad Along SH-73

2.1 Details of Existing Right of Way (ROW) 4
2.2 Organizational chart of various agencies involved in the project 7
2.3 Organizational structure of the company 8
2.4 Right of Way (ROW) details of the project corridor 9
2.5 BRT lane (CC pavement) 10
2.6 BRT lane (CC pavement) 11
2.7 Cross section of MTL and BRT lane for ROW 35m at midway and BRT stations 11
2.8 Cross section of MTL and BRT lane for ROW 45m at midway and BRT stations 12
2.9 General design of BRT stations 12
2.10 BRT stations with pedestrian overpass 13
2.11 Ongoing construction of grade separator at navanagar 13
2.12 Existing ROB along the project road 14
3.1 Soil spreading to uniform surface using motor grader 21
3.2 Granular Sub-Base construction 24
3.3 Laying and Compaction of WMM course 26
3.4 Laying and compaction of DBM course 33

Department Of Civil Engineering, RVCE

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Construction Of Mixed Traffic Lane adjacent to Existing BRT Lane Between Hubli-Dharwad Along

Department Of Civil Engineering, RVCE

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Construction Of Mixed Traffic Lane adjacent to Existing BRT Lane Between Hubli-Dharwad Along

Department Of Civil Engineering, RVCE

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