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Jordan University of Science and Technology (JUST)

Faculty of Engineering/Department of Civil Engineering

Syllabus for the Advanced Transportation Planning Course
Fall Semester 2017/2018

Course Title and Number: Advanced Transportation Planning (CE 744)

Credit Hours: 3
Level: Elective Graduate Course

Prerequisites: None

Dr. Aslam Ali Al-Omari
Office: C2L1 Phone: +962 2 7201000 Ext. (26915)
E-mail List: I will create an e-mail list to keep contact with all of the class students.
WhatsApp Group: I will create a WhatsApp group to keep contact with all of the class students.
Useful Facebook Groups:

Class Days and Time: Section 1: Tue. (2:15 pm to 05:15 pm) Hall: DRNHALL

Course Description:
This course will be providing the students with basic understanding of transportation modeling;
demand forecasting models; models of demand elasticity; mass transit pricing and marketing;
urban mass transportation systems.

Course Content:
1) Introduction
2) Urban Transportation Planning (Trends, Process & Management)
3) Statewide Transportation Planning (Methodologies & Process)
4) Transportation Demand Forecasts (Demand Models: aggregate & disaggregate)
5) Transportation System Evaluation (Judgment & Economical Analysis)
6) Transportation Planning issues (energy, environment, & social factors)
7) Highway Planning (Classification, studies & Programming)
8) Mass Transit Planning (Evaluation, Economics, Financing & Fare)
9) Traffic Congestion (Causes and Solutions)
10) New Technologies in Transportation (IVHS, ITS & ITI)
Textbooks and References:
 "Transportation Engineering; Introduction to Planning, Design & Operation". Jason C. Yu,
Elsevier, New York 1983.

 “Transportation Planning Handbook” John D. Edwards, Institute of Traffic Engineers, Prentice

Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, 1992.

 “Urban Transportation Planning; A Decision Oriented Approach” Michael D. Meyer and Eric
J. Miller, McGraw Hill Inc., New York, 1984.

 “Traffic Engineering” William R. McShane and Roger P. Roess, Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs,
New Jersey, 1990.

 “Traffic and Highway Engineering” Nicholas J. Garber and Lester A. Hoel, Cengage Learning,
Stamford, CT, USA, 4th Edition, 2010.

Assessment and Grading Policies:

In-Class Midterm: 30.0 %
Projects, Presentations, Assignments, and other Class Work: 20.0 %
Final Examination: 50.0 %

Attendance: University rules will be strictly applied

Solid Rules:
1. Academic Honesty
a) Homework: Students may work together on homework assignments and are encouraged to help
each other with them. However, blind copying of assignments is not permitted. Copying of homework
will be considered an act of scholastic dishonesty and will receive zero credit for that assignment.
b) Exams: Students have the responsibility of avoiding the appearance of cheating during tests,
e.g., clearing desk top of all unauthorized material, putting all unauthorized study materials out of
view, and keeping their eyes on their own work.
Violations of academic honesty on exams will result in punishment ranging from a grade of zero to
a grade of F in the course.
2. Exams Attendance
It is the student's responsibility to be fully aware of exams dates. Only sound reasons will be
accepted for being absent from an exam. For authorized absences, the instructor will give a makeup
test. For unauthorized absences, the instructor will decide on a course of action depending on the
circumstances. Lost of credit for the missed test is a possible course of action.

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