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ticket 2 English Unit 3 : Education

Target Vocabulary : education

1- Types of education :
there are many types of education but the most frequent ones are : Formal ,
Non-formal and informal education

• Formal education : refers to the types of learning that is taking place in an

educational institution , where there is a syllabus , a teacher and is usually
recognised in a qualification or a certificate .
• Non-formal education : it refers to a learning through programme (like
formal education ) but it is not usually evaluated and it does not lead to
certification .
• informal education : it refers to any learning resulted from activities related to
our daily life .
Examples of Education :

• Formal education : Secondary

school-vocational training
workshop-university studies.
• Non-formal education : Evening
classes ,literacy classes.
• Informal education : Theater,
television, daily life in general .

2-Collocations :
A collocation is a pair of words that generally goes or occurs together .Here
are some that are related to education.
ticket 2 English Unit 3 : Education
collocation related to education


Education goals



School year



Private institution



equal rights

ticket 2 English Unit 3 : Education
Other collocation :
• higher education
• university graduate
• free classes
• learning needs
• mixed classes
• cultural background
• adult illiteracy

Functions : expressing purpose

Use to , so as to, and in order to to express purpose in the affirmative


• He is working hard to have a good grade in his exam.

• Leila plays sports in order lose weight.
• The journalist met the president so as interview him .
Use so as not to and in order not to to express purpose in the negative


• They woke up early in order not to be late.

• She exercises regularly so as not to get fat.
• He helped the new policewoman so as not to fail in her first mission.

Purpose with so that


• He turned down the music so that he wouldn’t disturb the neighbours.

• He got a visa so that he can travel to the USA.
• He decided to stay in England for a while so that he could practice his

Purpose with for
ticket 2 English Unit 3 : Education
Purpose can be also expressed by using for.

For may be followed by either a noun or a verb + ing.


• I stopped there for a chat.

• This mop is for cleaning the floor.

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