CS 100 - Computational Problem Solving: Fall 2017

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CS 100 – Computational Problem Solving

Fall 2017
Quiz 6

Time: 10 min Total Marks: 10

Name: ___________________________________________

Roll Number: _______________________ Section: __________

a. Write array function that shifts all elements by one to the left and move
the first element into the last position [7]

Example 1 Example 2

5 36 12 27 2 32 29 28 35 72 31 77 68 95 72 87 74 68 85 35
36 12 27 2 32 29 28 35 72 5 77 68 95 72 87 74 68 85 35 31

void rotate_left(int arr[], int size)

b. What is wrong with the following loop? Explain two ways of fixing the error.

int values[10];

for (int i = 1; i <= 10; i++)


values[i] = i * i;


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