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Rijksuniversiteit Groningen Faculteit der Economische Wetenschappen Jakgroep Algemene Economie Intemationale Economische Betrekkingen, C.J, Jepma Groningen, 7 oktober 1993 LS., F.N. Heinsius, student Algemene Economie, heeft mij te kennen gegeven van 10 januari 1994 tot en met 3 juni 1994 de Verenigde Staten te gaan studeren. Gedurende én semester gaat genoemde student het vak "International Business and Trade” volgen aan de American Universiteit in Washington DC. Gegeven de globale informatie van de student over de inhoud en het niveau van deze cursus, acht ik het niet onwaarschijnlijk dat de student hiermee na terugkeer (minimal) 10 studiepunten kan verkrijgen, mits het desbetreffende tentamen met een voldoende is afgesloten Hoogachtend, x] /, Prof-drimr. C.3. Jepma THE AMERICAN UNIVERSITY Washington Semester Program Spring 1994 INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS AND TRADE Course Number: 12.496.64/65 Instructor: George T. DeBakey Course Title: International Business Ph.:Off: 202-895-4925 and Trade Capitol Room 110 Home: 301-320-6443 SEMINAR SYLLABUS REQUIRED TEXTS Khambata, Dara, and Ajami, Ryad, International Business: Theory and Practice, McMillan: 1992. Ricks, David A., Blunders in International Business, Blackwell: 1993. Tolchin, Martin ans Susan, Selling Our Security, Penguin, 1992 Ottman, Jacquelin A. Green Marketing: Challenges and Opportunities NTC Books, 1993. 4. Class participation: The very nature of this class requires that each student take an active role in class discussion and the educational process occuring in the classroom. Students are strongly encouraged to begin reading the newspaper and watching television shows dedicated to covering world news and business related subjects. Students are expected to come to class with a general understanding of the major stories in the world and business news of the past week. Students should learn to watch for the moves of governments and how these moves impact markets and the overall business world. The class participation grade will be based on the student's thoughtful discussions with guest speakers and overall participation in class lectures and case studies. $. Class attendance is required, GRADING The above components of the final grade will be weighted as follows: 1. Threetests 75% cacé- 45% 2. Project paper -wrtting and oral 20% 3. Class participation 10% 4, Short papers and case studies 15% Broa eee cian RE. friday aphaprit pial exam ACADEMIC INTEGRITY CODE 60% Standards of academic conduct are set forth in the University's Academic Integrity Code which was provided i im your orientation packet. By participating in this program, you have acknowledged your awareness of the Academic Integrity Code, and you are obliged to becom with you rights and responsibilities as defined by the ¢ Code:

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