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Raphael Sevilla

Midterm Exam – War Peace & Theological Ethics

Study Guide

1. Old Testament and New Testament Readings

a. Genesis 22 – The Binding of Isaac
God was not shy to implement a threat of violence. He told Abraham to take his only son Isaac and offer
him as a burning sacrifice towards God.
b. Exodus
Pharoah enslaved the Israelites, so Yahweh appoints Moses to talk to Pharaoh to tell him that
those are his people. Don’t piss of Yahweh, he has your back.
c. Joshua 6
Israelites were walking towards eastern banks of Jordan, facing Jericho. Never unconquerable.
Joshua followed God’s instructions, the walls of Jericho fell down.
Luke 6
Beautitudes, people should embrace their enemies rather than show them with mercy.
Luke 10
Good Samaritan – the aspect of loving your neighbor
Hebrew 11
Did things through faith, the Israelites did everything through faith and strength in battle
Romans 13
God is the ultimate authority
Luke 22
Two swords
Matthew 10
God has brought the Sword through force
Matthew 21
House of prayer but a den of thieves

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