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MATH 604 – Derivative free Optimization

Assignment 1 by Deepak Kumar

Q.1.6 ->

Matlab code:
% to compute the ny vec
function[ny] = nystrain(n0,lambda,beta,st)
bt = (beta-1)/2;
lt = (1+ (((lambda)^2)*(st.^2)));
ny = n0*(lt.^bt);

% to compute the value of g

function [g] = compute_g(ny,ni)
g = 0;
for i=1:length(ny)
g = g + abs(ny(i)-ni(i));

% to plot the difference

function [] = plot_diff(ny,ni)
diffvec = abs(ny-ni);

ans a) g(5205.2,141.4,.3838) = 496.8742

ans b)
Q2.7 ->

Ans a) contour plot

x = -5:.001:5;
y = -5:.001:5;
[X,Y] = meshgrid(x,y);
f1 = X + (Y.^2);
f2 = (X.^2) + Y;
Z = max(f1,f2);
figure, contour(X,Y,Z)

Ans b) Since, descent direction is perpendicular to the contour lines and the contour line at (2,0) is
smooth, hence the descent direction at (2,0) should be perpendicular to the contour line containing

Ans c) Since, the point (1,1) is a corner point and is non smooth, hence, descent direction at (1,1) will be
a set of vectors.

Ans d)

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