Assignment Individual - 1 ParallelProg

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COURSE : BCS3413 Parallel Programming

STUDENT NAME : Azrul Bin Hazizan (B01150007)

ASSIGNMENT : Assignment Individual 1
SUBMISSION DATE : 10th October 2017



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I have read and understood the Assignment Regulations set out in the assignment documentation.

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DATE : 10th October 2017


Question 1

Suppose comm_sz =4 and suppose that x is a vector with n = 14 components.

a) How would the components of x be distributed among the processes in a program that used
a block distribution?
b) How would the components of x be distributed among the processes in a program that used
a cyclic distribution?
c) How would the components of x be distributed among the processes in a program that used
a block-cyclic distribution with block size b=2?
You should try to make your distributions general so that they could be used regardless of what
comm_sz and n are. You should also try to make your distributions “fair” so that if q and r are any
two processes, the difference between the number of components assigned to q and the number of
components assigned to r is as small as possible.


a) Block Distribution
0 0 1 2 12
1 3 4 5 13
2 6 7 8
3 9 10 11

b) Cyclic Distribution
0 0 4 8 12
1 1 5 9 13
2 2 6 10
3 3 7 11

c) Block-Cyclic (Block size = 2)

0 0 1 8 9
1 2 3 10 11
2 4 5 12 13
3 6 7
Question 2

Suppose comm_sz=8 and n=16.

a) Draw a diagram that shows how MPI_Scatter can be implemented using tree-structured
communication with comm_sz processes when process 0 needs to distribute an array
containing n elements.

b) Draw a diagram that shows how MPI_Gather can be implemented using tree-structured
communication when an n-element array that has been distributed among comm_sz
processes needs to be gathered onto process 0.
Question 3

The following are some collective communication functions available in MPICH. Briefly explain their
use with an example.
MPI_Alltoall ( ), MPI_Scatterv ( ), MPI_Gatherv ( ), MPI_Alltoallv ( ), MPI_Allgatherv ( )


a. MPI_Alltoall ( )
- Used to send data from all to all processes
- E.g. suppose there are four processes including the root, each with array u. When those
processes gone through all-to-all operation,
MPI_Alltoall (u, 2, MPI_INT, v, 2, MPI_INT, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
The data will be distributed as shown below on the array v;
Rank array u array v
0 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 10 11 20 21 30 31 40 41

1 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 12 13 22 23 32 33 42 43

2 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 14 15 24 25 34 35 44 45

3 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 16 17 26 27 36 37 46 47

b. MPI_Scatterv ( )
- Used to Scatters a buffer in parts to all tasks in a group
- Example:
o The root process scatters sets of 100 ints to the other processes, but the sets of 100 are
stride ints apart in the sending buffer. Requires use of MPI_SCATTERV. Assume Stride >=
c. MPI_GatherV ( )
- Used to gather into specified locations from all processes in a group
- Example:
o Now have each process send 100 ints to root, but place each set (of 100)
stride ints apart at receiving end. Use MPI_GATHERV and the displs
argument to achieve this effect. Assume stride >= 100.
d. MPI_Alltoallv ( )
- Used to Sends data from all to all processes with a displacement
- Example:

e. MPI_AllGatherv ( )
- Used to gathers data from all processes and delivers it to all. Each process may
contribute a different amount of data.
- Example:

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