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Brown University Physics 0050/0070

Physics Department L-3 Uniformly Accelerated Motion

L-3 Uniformly Accelerated Motion

In this experiment, we study the motion of a system of bodies experiencing a
constant acceleration not equal to g. The system consists of a mass m1 and a glider of
mass m2, connected by a string over a pulley (fig.1). For all details of analyzing the data,
see L-4.
The glider is accelerated along a linear air track (figs. 1 & 2), a long tube of triangular
cross section, with its two upper faces pierced by many small holes. Air is forced, by a
blower unit, through the tube and out of these holes; consequently the glider always rides
on a thin layer of air and experiences almost no frictional force as it moves.
Positions of the glider are recorded, at known instants of time, on special tape by the
Pasco Tape Timer, as in L-4. Rapid pulses from the timer, either 10 or 40 Hz, mark the
tape which is attached to the other end of the glider. As the string and weights pull the
glider, the glider in turn pulls the tape through the tape timer. With the tape marked at
known time intervals, it is possible to measure distances between pulses and calculate


131126 1
Brown University Physics 0050/0070
Physics Department L-3 Uniformly Accelerated Motion
(1) The air track has been carefully leveled in advance. Do not try to change this
adjustment. If you believe that your air track might be not be properly leveled,
then consult the laboratory assistant. The TA will show you how to install the
tape and operate the air blower and timer.
(2) Connect one end of the string to the glider and the other end to some weights
of known mass. Ask your TA for a suitable value for the attached weights.
(3) Pull the glider back to starting position. Start the timer and release the glider.
(4) Repeat for various weights. Always remember to use new tape for each
different weight value and record those values on the tape so that you don’t
get confused or forget.
(5) Analyze the data from each run as in L-4. Select the first distinguishable mark
on each tape as t = 0. Record tables of distance as a function of time. Plot
these data points on a graph. Use this graph to check for gross errors, calculate
instantaneous velocities, test for constant acceleration, and calculate v0 and a.
Use the methods from L-4.

The dynamical relations are simple; and they predict the acceleration. Let m1 be
the mass of the weights. Then a force of F = m1g is exerted downward on this body. The
string pulls back with tension T1. Newton’s second law becomes

m1g – T1 = m1a1. (1)

The only net force on the glider (m2) is the string tension T2:

T2 = m2a2. (2)

If the string does not appreciably change length during the run, both bodies traverse equal
distances in equal times. Thus, velocity and acceleration also remain equal. So, a1 = a2 =
a. Also, because m1and m2 are the only appreciable masses in the system, T1 = T2 = T.
Therefore, a can be computed from Eqs. 1 and 2, and compared with the measured
R.P. Feynman, et al, Lectures on Physics, Vol 1, Ch. 8 (Addison Wesley, 1963).

Questions (to be answered in report):

(1) If the string, the pulley or both had appreciable mass, how would the acceleration
be affected? How would Eqs. 1 and 2 be altered? (suggestion: Pretend, for greater
simplicity, that all the mass of the pulley is concentrated in its rim.) What
measurements would most simply show whether the effect is significant?
(2) Suppose the mass m1 is increased indefinitely, in repeated trials, m2 being
unchanged. Would the acceleration increase indefinitely or approach a finite
upper limit? Explain.
(3) How would the experiment be affected if the air track, although still straight, were
not level? (hint: see L-5)

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