YPRL Strategic Library Plan 2008-2012

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Yarra Plenty Regional Library enjoys a

reputation as an innovative,
progressive and effective library
service; providing library services to
the municipalities of Banyule, Nillumbik
and Whittlesea through 8 branches
Yarra Plenty and 2 mobiles.

Regional Library The role of the public library is evolving

as people’s information seeking
behaviour changes and use of online
Strategic Plan media grows. The public library is
increasingly being recognised as an
2008 – 2012 essential community hub; a place
where all are welcome and there is
something for everyone. The public
library builds community connections,
facilitates learning opportunities and
Creating informed, provides access to informational,
educational and recreational
connected, resources.

inclusive To maintain its position as a leading

Australian public library service and
communities ensure that it remains relevant in a
rapidly changing environment the
library will pursue the following
objectives over the next 4 years.
1. Libraries building community In 4 years time: Actions:
• The library’s role in improving Deliver on actions identified in the
Building community capacity means reading and literacy is valued, Strategic Framework documents.
libraries partnering with other agencies measurable and recognised.
to deliver wider agendas (ie Council, Develop the library collection to enable
State and Federal) and developing co- • Community outcomes are being learning, encourage reading and
operative arrangements which will achieved in libraries as part of the improve literacy.
improve and expand services to the broader agenda of the three levels
community. of government. Focus on programs and services that
enhance reading and pre reading
Services need to be focussed and • Community learning opportunities skills.
balanced according to social justice are enhanced through libraries
precepts and libraries can bridge the partnering with other learning Partner with member councils and
digital divide and offer equitable organisations. community organisations to
access to new technologies. collaboratively deliver programs and
• Important issues of the day are services.
In order to have strong communities, highlighted, debated and discussed
there is a need to develop capacity. at the library. Develop programs to encourage
The library has a role in developing debate and raise community
informed citizenry, of becoming a awareness and knowledge - to create
marketplace of ideas. a marketplace of ideas.

The library needs to identify

opportunities to strengthen
communities and recognise leverage in
integrated activities.
2. Libraries as community hubs In 4 years time: Actions:

The public library is increasingly being • The library is full of multi format Develop a forward plan with member
recognised as an essential community content – informational and councils for new libraries that respond
hub; a place where all are welcome recreational – that is popular, to community needs and demands.
and there is something for everyone. current, relevant and in good
The public library builds community condition. Develop a wide range of programs and
connections, facilitates learning events celebrating the diverse range of
opportunities and provides access to • The library fosters community cultures in our communities.
informational, educational and connections through cultural and
recreational resources. learning events and programs. Continually monitor and assess library
buildings to ensure that they are well
With the increased focus on local • The library is visible and connected maintained, attractive and welcoming,
places and local activity centres, the to the community and is marketed and that spaces are fully optimised.
library service needs to have quality and promoted professionally and
facilities and effective means of effectively. Continue to develop marketing and
engagement with the capacity to pull communication initiatives to ensure
together the energy that is in the • Quality spaces have different that people know what collections,
community. zones for activities, quiet spaces programs, services and facilities are
and reading. There are learning available at their library.
spaces, art work is incorporated in
the building, IT is integrated and
the presentation of libraries is

• Libraries are the hubs of

communities and are
contemporary, sited in the right
place, accessible and appropriate
to their communities.
3. Libraries Online In 4 years time: Actions:

Libraries are changing from being • There is significant local content Build content that documents life in
service providers to facilitating the created in local history, literature Melbourne’s north through participation
creation of content. Relevant areas for and the arts. in the Wikinorthia project.
public libraries are local history, local
writing and local literature. Libraries are • Social networking enables people
aware of the need to acquire and make to form new networks and interact
accessible content “born digital” to online creating new communities of
ensure that they are providing the interest.
information that people require and to
remain relevant in an increasingly • The network is stable, redundant
online world. and secure. There are enough pcs, Develop and promote online
peripherals and equipment for collections.
New social networking technologies people to access and create
enhance the ability to find, share and content. Engage with borrowers, promote
combine information more easily. programs and services, and encourage
• The Library Management System is participation using social networking
at the leading edge and online technologies.
content is easy to access and
authoritative. Ensure the Network meets the needs
of the library service.

Implement SirsiDynix’s Enterprise

Portal Solution, Rooms and the digital
media archive module, Hyperion.
4. Skilled and confident library In 4 years time: Actions:
• There is a culture of learning and Ensure that staff development
In order to realise our exciting and staff are skilled and confident in programs are relevant, interesting and
positive vision for the future of our their roles. encourage staff to learn new things.
libraries we need to recruit, retain and
develop a diverse, appropriately skilled • There is a safe and healthy Promote a safe and healthy workplace.
workforce. workplace.

Library staff need to be familiar and • There is an organisational culture

comfortable with the new ways of of innovation and flexibility.
engaging and helping users find
information, gather knowledge and • Systems, processes and policies
create content. that facilitate effective management
of all staff are in place.
We need to invest in skills
development to enable staff to deliver
on our agenda, and staff need to the
opportunity to acquire skills that will
enable them to further their career in a Promote an environment of innovative
sector that is constantly changing. thinking, adaptability, flexibility and risk

Implement systems, processes and

policies that facilitate the effective
management of all staff.
5. Seamless integrated In 4 years time: Actions:
• YPRL is considered a best practice Redevelop the website and intranet.
We value a culture of innovation and public library.
pride ourselves on providing resources, Monitor and evaluate network
programs, services and up to date • Technology is fully integrated and performance to ensure it is providing
technology that are continually the network provides seamless, the necessary bandwidth.
evolving to meet the needs of our reliable and fast service.
community. Ensure RFID is being exploited to
• There is a culture of continuous provide maximum benefit including the
We strive for continuous improvement. improvement. introduction of automated returns.
We continually look for new ways of
doing things and streamlining our • RFID is fully utilised and is Identify and prioritise key areas for
processes. We value personalised providing significant benefit. review.
services both in branches on online.
We ensure that we are getting value for Identify process and system changes
money. required to improve reliability and
performance and implement.
6. Sustainable and responsible In 4 years time: Actions:
finance and governance
• The organisation is sustainable and Ensure sustainable asset replacement
appropriately funded, including including collections.
The Library Service is governed by a realistic asset replacement.
Board comprising 2 councillors from Meet budget targets.
each of the 3 municipalities. The Audit • Strategic and operational plans are
Committee is a sub committee of the robust, meaningful and future Continually monitor spending to ensure
Board and advises it on financial and oriented. best value is obtained from funding.
risk management issues.
• Income from other sources is Monitor the Risk Management Plan so
Sustainability ratios measuring maximised. that it is a living document that
underlying result; liquidity; accurately reflects the risks to the
indebtedness; and investment gap are • All relevant legislation and policies organisation and manage those risks.
regularly monitored. are complied with, to Best Practice
standards. Continue with the Internal Audit
The library is proactive in ensuring that process, addressing areas of highest
all legislative requirements are met and risk to the library service.
that all processes and procedures
meet best practice through regular Use relevant benchmarking and best
internal audits. practice tools to improve performance.

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