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English Writing

Wahyuni Nur Prattomo



Developing with Technology

Information and communication technology is progressing rapidly. In modern times

like this, we can not avoid the use of technology. Currently, the use of technology, especially
computers will be more widespread and information will be more obtained easily. Without
technology, people will find it difficult to communicate and convey information.
The term technology can be interpreted as knowledge of the ordinance. Then the
computer comes from the term to compute which means a tool to calculate. From the use of
the computer itself, many things can be done easily. The use of computers in almost every
field causes the world to be surrounded by various means and media created with the help of
computers. For example, with a computer we can see the whole world without having to visit
it, doctors use computer to help check or diagnose patient condition, office using computer to
make administration, and with computer also we can shopping to supermarket without need
to bring cash.
As a result of the rapid advances in technology today, it is undeniable that technology
has become a living part of society. Society needs to developing with technology.
Technology do not look at age, children, adolescents, and adults can use technology. Children
also need to developing with technology, because they are an asset of the nation that will
become one of the nation's hopes. For that, early recognition of computers is needed. This is
done to prepare for the future and catch up on technology.
Early childhood is a newborn child until the age of 6 years. The formation of the
character and personality of the child is largely determined at this age. At this age is also the
golden age where children experience growth and rapid development. Children are very easy
to absorb information, so it needs to be utilized by introducing children about computer
Computer technology can be an appropriate learning tool for early childhood. In
addition, many positive things that can be taken from the introduction of computer
technology from an early age.
1. Borderless Learning Space
At an early age, children tend to like imagination. This imagination is born of
a human mental process, where this imagination will develop along with the
development of speech abilities. The ability of this imagination is part of the brain
activity that is useful for intelligence.
When the child is imagining, he will find a place to express his imagination.
Whether it's on the wall or on paper. Computer can be one of the media to express
the imagination. By introducing computer early on, children can develop their
imagination inside the computer. One of the reasons why computers can be a
media in developing children's imagination, because the computer is an infinite
media and continues to grow with the development of the era.
Computers provide drawing programs that allow children to learn various
forms by combining beautiful colors. Drawing the program also provides a large
land for children to pour all imaginations.
Children's imagination is keep on growing, that is can also create unlimited
creativity. Creativity is important, because creativity can improve the quality of
someone's life. For that, with the introduction of computers early on can provide
children to explore about new things that will be directly related to the
development of children's imagination. Later, it will also contribute to increased
motivation, self-perception in children, and improved quality of life.

2. Harmonizing Mind and Body

Every child will love the name of play. In early childhood, playing is a natural
trait. It is also encouraged by the child's saturation after following the activities at
school. Early children have a high interest in playing, especially playing computer
The game continues to develop with technological developments. Playing
computer for early childhood is a play activity that is interactive and fun for child.
Games in the computer can be a medium of learning as well as entertainment
facilities. Through computer games, can help the child in harmonizing mind and
body. This is because, while playing the child will set the strategy to be able to win
the game. The child will think the right way to win the game. Then when the child
is able to think the right strategy, the hand will help the child to do what the
strategy has been arranged child in mind.
Computer games were also originally created for the purpose of stimulating
child development from child intelligence, social-emotional, language, and art. By
playing computer games too, can train the coordination between the eyes and hands
so that children's development can run optimally.
3. The Language Literacy
As we know, that computer has its own language. That's because, computers
can not understand human language. The computer only understands its own
language. This is where the function of the programming language.
Human language is a high-level language understood by humans. While
computer language is machine language or low level language.
When you want to create a program, we will be difficult if you have to use
machine language or low-level language that only understood by the computer.
Similarly, the computer will not understand if we create a program with human
This programming language which later can be a bridge between humans and
computers. We can use in this programming language for making a program.
However, programming languages are also included in high-level languages that
can not be understood by the computer. Therefore, the program we have created
using the programming language, need to be translated first so the computer can
understand. Programs that have been written using a programming language need
to be translated by the compiler and interpreter. Once translated by the compiler
and interpreter, then the computer can understand the program we create and run it.
Compilers and interpreters are programs used to translate programs written in
programming languages to computer languages.
Currently many programming languages can be learned. Examples of some
programming languages, namely:
1. BASIC (Beginer All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code)
This programming language, very easy to learn especially for beginners.
2. Cobol (Common Business Oriented Language)
This programming language, used for business or administrative
3. Fortran (Formula Translator)
This programming language, used to calculate scientific computing. Quite
a lot of users are using this programming language.
4. Pascal
This programming language is highly structured or systematic. Because it
is highly structured, this programming language is used for scientific and
business applications.
5. C
This programming language, using modular language, so it will be more
efficient. This programming language also uses code that is solid in its
language, so reducing compile time.

Perhaps many argue that programming is difficult to understand. Because

when creating the program, we must write the program in detail, systematic,
logical, so can be understood and implemented by the computer.
Although the reality of programming language is still difficult to understand, it
can not be denied that early childhood can also understand the programming
language and create a simple program. There is an app called Scratch that can help
a child to create a simple program.
Scratch is a visual programming language for children aged 6 years and over.
Scracth uses block pieces in graphical form to describe the program code so that it
appeals and helps those children who are not proficient in fast typing. This app is
free and can run on Windows and Linux operating systems.
In addition to Scratch, there is also Alice programming. This application is a
3D programming designed to teach children about object-based programming. The
child can pull and place a piece of graphical code to animate an object and create a
program. This app can also be downloaded for free.
Introduce early childhood in programming language very much benefit. By
introducing the programming language, children will learn logic, analysis, and
critical thinking. Not only that, learning programming will also make children
think systematically.
Children who already have the ability to program early on will learn how to
solve the problem itself, and this child helps him later as an adult. Perhaps many
argue that programming is difficult to understand. Because when creating the
program, we must write the program in detail, systematic, logical, so that can be
understood and implemented computer.
Although the reality of programming language is still difficult to understand, it
can not be denied that early childhood can also understand the programming
language and create a simple program. There is an app called Scratch that can help
a child to create a simple program.
Scratch is a visual programming language for children aged 6 years and over.
Scracth uses block pieces in graphical form to describe the program code so that it
appeals and helps those children who are not proficient in fast typing. This app is
free and can run on Windows and Linux operating systems.
In addition to Scratch, there is also Alice programming. This application is a
3D programming designed to teach children about object-based programming. The
child can pull and place a piece of graphical code to animate an object and create a
program. This app can also be downloaded for free.
Introduce early childhood in programming language very much benefit. By
introducing the programming language, children will learn logic, analysis, and
critical thinking. Not only that, learning programming will also make children
think systematically.
Children who already have the ability to program early on will learn how to
solve the problem itself, and this child helps him later as an adult.

4. Encourage them to be creators of novel technology

Computers are learning media that can enhance children's creativity. A child
who has been introduced to computers early on will quickly develop along with
technology. From the beginning of the introduction of computers, children will
develop imagination via computer. Children will be creative and explore new
things. When his imagination has developed according to his age, the child needs
to harmonize his mind and body. Here is one of the goals of games in the
computer. Unwittingly, the child will train to harmonize his mind and body while
playing computer games.
When the child is able to harmonize his mind and body, the programming
language needs to be taught to practice the ability to analyze and think critically.
By teaching children a programming language, they will also learn how to solve
their own problems.
From it all, it can encourage a child to create a new technology. The child will
begin to wonder about something and criticize what he sees.

Information and communication technology needs to be introduced early on. In

addition to catching up on technology, introducing technology also has great benefits.
Although introducing technology early on has huge benefits, the use of technology also needs
to be limited. Technology is constantly developing, information is getting easier, and much of
the information that is not true widespread. Children tend to easily absorb information, this
can also be harmful if children get negative information. For that the role of parents is
necessary in this case. Parents should be able to monitor and limit the use of technology. The
use of technology too often can cause an addiction effect on children. In modern times,
parental policy in the use of technology can affect child development.

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