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Welcome to the Physics books catalogue 2015.
Here you will find new and forthcoming titles, representing the highest level of
academic research from renowned authors. Our highlights this year include exciting
new works The Singular Universe and the Reality of Time and A Student’s Guide
to Waves.

Our publications are available in a variety of formats, including ebooks and print,
as well as online collections for institutional purchase via our publishing service
University Publishing Online, which incorporates the Cambridge Books
Online platform.

We also publish a range of leading Physics journals, including Journal of Plasma

Physics and Laser and Particle Beams (see back inside page for more information).

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this catalogue.

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Contents see page 1

Theoretical physics and

mathematical physics 1 Duality
Atomic physics, molecular physics
Foundations and Applications

Martin Ammon
Johanna Erdmenger
and chemical physics 2
General and classical physics 3
see page 1
Condensed matter physics,
nanoscience and mesoscopic
physics 4
Optics, optoelectronics and
photonics 6
Quantum physics, quantum
information and quantum
computation 7 see page 3

Particle physics and nuclear physics 8

Statistical physics 9
History, philosophy and
foundations of physics 10
Computational science and
modelling 11
Plasma physics and fusion physics 12
9781107043176 Cooper JKT C M Y K

Leon N Cooper is the Thomas J. Watson Does science have limits?

Senior Professor of Science at Brown Where does order come from?

see page 10
University and Director of the Institute for
Can we understand consciousness?
Brain and Neural Systems. He has received
• A unique collection of essays and talks from

numerous awards and prizes for his scientific

Nonlinear science and fluid S C I E N C E AN D

Written by Nobel Laureate Leon N Cooper, this book Nobel Laureate Leon N Cooper
achievements, most notably the 1972 Nobel
places pressing scientific questions in the broader context

Prize in Physics (with J. Bardeen and J. R. • Presents Cooper’s original views on many
of how they relate to human experience. subjects, from the relationship between
Schrieffer) for his studies on the theory of
superconductivity. science and society, to consciousness and the


Widely considered to be a highly original thinker, nature and limits of science

Cooper has written and given talks on a large variety of
• A fascinating read for anyone interested in

dynamics 13
subjects, ranging from the relationship between art and

science, possible limits of science, to the relevance of science and its interaction with the human

es, Culture, and the M

the Turing test. These essays and talks have been brought experience

together for the first time in this fascinating book, giving
readers an opportunity to experience Cooper’s unique ind “A fascinating melange of essays on topics
perspective on a range of subjects.
ranging from the question of fraud in science

to Euclidean geometry and the ‘neural-network’

Mathematical methods and

Tackling a diverse spectrum of topics, from the conflict approach to brain research. Cooper’s
of faith and science to whether understanding neural characteristic combination of lucidity and
networks could lead to machines that think like humans, common sense had me nodding in enthusiastic
this book will captivate anyone interested in the agreement on just about every page.”
interaction of science with society. Anthony Leggett, Nobel Laureate

“From black body radiation to brain circuitry;

computational tools 14
from Copenhagen to consciousness – this
well-curated set of essays crackles with bracing
insights about science, and about the world that
science strives to fathom. An almost hushed voice
(often with a slightly jocular tinge), marshaling
volumes of data into an abruptly well-ordered,
breathtakingly lucid condensate: that’s

Biological physics 16
Leon Cooper in a nutshell.”
Richard Granger, Dartmouth College

“As a scientist and a humanist, Cooper is

well versed in philosophy, literature, art, and the
practicalities of making science serve humanity,
as opposed to being in thrall to special interests.
His intellectual open-mindedness and compelling

Electronics for physicists 17

prose style make Science and Human Experience
a thought-provoking pleasure to read.”
Peter Byrne, Author of The Many Worlds of
Cover design and illustration by Zoe Naylor Hugh Everett III
Printed in the United States

Cosmology, relativity and

gravitation 17
see page 17
Also of interest 18
Information on related journals
Inside back cover General Relativity
and Gravitation
A Centennial Perspective
Abhay Ashtekar, Beverly K. Berger,
James Isenberg and Malcolm MacCallum
Featured authors

Daniel Fleisch, Wittenberg University, Ohio

Laura Kinnaman, Wabash College, Indiana
Authors of A Student’s Guide to Waves

This text is designed for students who seek to understand the conceptual
and mathematical foundations of wave theory, with application
to mechanical, electromagnetic, and quantum waves. The book is
accompanied by a website containing a rich set of freely available
supporting materials, including interactive solutions for every problem
in the text and a series of audio podcasts in which the authors explain the
important concepts of every section of the book.

for a range of step-by-step guides for authors

The Singular Universe

and the Reality of Time
A Proposal in Natural Philosophy
Roberto Mangabeira Unger, Harvard Law School, Massachusetts
Lee Smolin, Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics, Canada

‘It might be one of the most important books of our time …

Right or wrong, this book is an event.’ Bryan Appleyard, The Sunday Times

‘A hefty explication setting out clear agendas for research into quantum
foundations, explanations for the ‘arrow of time’ and other parts of this puzzle.’

‘Any serious intellectual rebellion is worth watching. This one is ambitious: it

seeks to root out one of the oldest impulses in the western imagination.’
The Spectator

Hardback | 978-1-107-07406-4 | 566 pages | £19.99 / $29.99

Theoretical physics and mathematical physics 1

Theoretical Scattering Amplitudes The Physics of

in Gauge Theory Ettore Majorana
physics and and Gravity Theoretical, Mathematical, and
mathematical Henriette Elvang
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor Salvatore Esposito
Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN),
physics and Yu-tin Huang
National Taiwan University Napoli

Providing a comprehensive, pedagogical Ettore Majorana left an indelible mark

introduction to scattering amplitudes in physics, mathematics, computer
Introduction science and even economics before his
in gauge theory and gravity, this book
to the AdS/CFT is ideal for graduate students and mysterious disappearance. This unique
Correspondence researchers. It offers a smooth transition volume explores Majorana’s known
Horaţiu Năstase from basic knowledge of quantum papers and unveils his unpublished
Instituto de Física Teórica, Universidade Estadual field theory to the frontier of modern works, and will fascinate graduate
Paulista, São Paulo research. students and researchers interested in
An innovative and accessible text that the history of science.
introduces all the necessary concepts ‘In recent years, a series of surprising 2014 247 x 174 mm 393pp 15 b/w illus.  
insights and new methods have 978-1-107-04402-9 Hardback
needed to engage with the methods,
transformed the understanding of £50.00 / US$85.00
tools, and applications of AdS/CFT
gauge and gravitational scattering For all formats available, see
correspondence, without assuming amplitudes. These advances are
anything beyond an introductory important both for practical
course in quantum field theory. calculations in particle physics, and
Pedagogical and self-contained, it is an for the fundamental structure of Gauge/String Duality,
excellent introduction for students and relativistic quantum theory. Elvang Hot QCD and Heavy
researchers across theoretical physics. and Huang have written the first
comprehensive text on this subject, Ion Collisions
2015 246 x 189 mm 450pp 43 b/w illus.  
978-1-107-08585-5 Hardback and their clear and pedagogical Jorge Casalderrey-Solana
c. £44.99 / c. US$79.99 approach will make these new Universitat de Barcelona
ideas accessible to a wide range of Hong Liu
Publication August 2015
students.’ Massachusetts Institute of Technology
For all formats available, see
Joseph Polchinski, University of California, David Mateos
Santa Barbara Institució Catalana de Recerca i Estudis Avançats
(ICREA) and Universitat de Barcelona
2015 246 x 189 mm 323pp
Gauge/Gravity Duality 137 b/w illus.  153 exercises   Krishna Rajagopal
Foundations and Applications 978-1-107-06925-1 Hardback Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Martin Ammon £40.00 / US$65.00 and Urs Achim Wiedemann
Friedrich-Schiller-Universität, Jena, Germany For all formats available, see Conseil Européen de Recherches Nucléaires, Geneva
and Johanna Erdmenger
Max-Planck-Institut für Physik, Munich This book provides a comprehensive
introduction to gauge/string duality
Gauge/gravity duality presents new Supersymmetric and its applications to the study of
links between quantum theory and
Field Theories the thermal and transport properties
gravity, and provides new tools to solve
Geometric Structures and of quark-gluon plasma. It is an ideal
problems in many areas of theoretical
Dualities reference for students and researchers
physics. This book is the first textbook on
this important topic, enabling graduate Sergio Cecotti in string theory, quantum field theory,
students and researchers in particle
Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi quantum many-body physics, heavy ion
Avanzati, Trieste physics and lattice QCD.
and condensed matter physics to get
acquainted with the subject. Adopting an elegant geometrical 2014 246 x 189 mm 465pp
approach, this advanced pedagogical 10 b/w illus.  71 colour illus.  
Advance praise: text describes deep and intuitive 978-1-107-02246-1 Hardback
methods for understanding the subtle £60.00 / US$90.00
‘An excellent introduction to the
gauge/gravity duality and its main logic of supersymmetry while avoiding For all formats available, see
applications. A valuable guide both for
lengthy and complex computations.
graduate students and experienced A self-contained toolkit of useful
Juan Maldacena, Institute for Advanced Study,
techniques, formulae and constructions, Path Integrals and
and an outstanding resource for
Princeton Hamiltonians
graduate students and researchers in
Principles and Methods
2015 246 x 189 mm 552pp theoretical physics.
72 b/w illus.  156 exercises   Belal E. Baaquie
2015 247 x 174 mm 424pp
978-1-107-01034-5 Hardback National University of Singapore
978-1-107-05381-6 Hardback
£49.99 / US$79.99 £65.00 / US$99.00 Introduces the powerful and flexible
Publication March 2015 For all formats available, see combination of Hamiltonian operators
For all formats available, see and path integrals in quantum mathematics.
2014 247 x 174 mm 433pp 74 b/w illus.  
978-1-107-00979-0 Hardback
£75.00 / US$120.00
For all formats available, see

eBooks available at

2 Theoretical physics and mathematical physics / Atomic physics, molecular physics and chemical physics

Textbook The Bethe Inflation and

Quantum Field Wavefunction String Theory
Theory and the Michel Gaudin Daniel Baumann
Translated by Jean-Sébastien Caux University of Cambridge
Standard Model Universiteit van Amsterdam and Liam McAllister
Matthew D. Schwartz Cornell University, New York
Harvard University, Massachusetts Translation of an influential book on
exactly solvable models of many-body This accessible volume provides the
Modern introduction to quantum field cosmological and string-theoretic
physics for graduate students and
theory for graduates, providing intuitive, background necessary to understand
researchers in physics.
physical explanations supported by inflation in string theory. Presenting
2014 247 x 174 mm 360pp 27 b/w illus.  
real-world applications and homework a modern treatment of inflationary
978-1-107-04585-9 Hardback
problems. £70.00 / US$110.00 cosmology and its connections to string
‘A wonderful tour of quantum field For all formats available, see theory and elementary particle theory,
theory from the modern perspective, this is a self-contained resource for
filled with insights on both the graduate students and researchers in
conceptual underpinnings and the string theory, cosmology, and related
concrete, elegant calculational tools of
Difference Equations fields.
the subject.’ by Differential Cambridge Monographs on Mathematical
Nima Arkani-Hamed, Institute for Advanced Equation Methods Physics
Study, Princeton Peter E. Hydon 2015 247 x 174 mm 336pp 64 b/w illus.  
University of Surrey 978-1-107-08969-3 Hardback
Contents: Part I. Field Theory: £65.00 / US$99.00
1. Microscopic theory of radiation; Many texts teach solution methods
Publication March 2015
2. Lorentz invariance and second for differential equations, but this is
For all formats available, see
quantization; 3. Classical Field Theory; the first that explains how to extend
4. Old-fashioned perturbation theory; these methods to difference equations.
5. Cross sections and decay rates; 6. The It assumes no prior knowledge of
S-matrix and time-ordered products; difference equations, making it ideal for Principles of Discrete
7. Feynman rules; Part II. Quantum newcomers, but also contains much new
Electrodynamics: 8. Spin 1 and gauge Time Mechanics
material that will interest researchers in
invariance; 9. Scalar QED; 10. Spinors; George Jaroszkiewicz
the field. University of Nottingham
11. Spinor solutions and CPT;
Cambridge Monographs on Applied and
12. Spin and statistics; 13. Quantum Computational Mathematics, 27 A unique introduction to the chronon
electrodynamics; 14. Path integrals; hypothesis, systematically building the
2014 228 x 152 mm 222pp
Part III. Renormalization: 15. The Casimir theory up from scratch.
20 b/w illus.  120 exercises  
effect; 16. Vacuum polarization; 17. The 978-0-521-87852-4 Hardback Cambridge Monographs on Mathematical
anomalous magnetic moment; 18. Mass £40.00 / US$65.00 Physics
renormalization; 19. Renormalized 2014 247 x 174 mm 360pp 21 b/w illus.  
For all formats available, see
perturbation theory; 20. Infrared 978-1-107-03429-7 Hardback
divergences; 21. Renormalizability; £85.00 / US$130.00
22. Non-renormalizable theories; 23. The For all formats available, see
renormalization group; 24. Implications of Gravity and Strings
Unitarity; Part IV. The Standard Model: Second edition
25. Yang–Mills theory; 26. Quantum Yang-
Tomás Ortín
Mills theory; 27. Gluon scattering and the
spinor-helicity formalism; 28. Spontaneous
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Self-contained, comprehensive, and
Atomic physics,
symmetry breaking; 29. Weak interactions;
30. Anomalies; 31. Precision tests of consistent, this definitive new edition
is a unique resource for graduate
the standard model; 32. QCD and the
parton model; Part V. Advanced Topics:
33. Effective actions and Schwinger proper
students and researchers in theoretical
physics. This second edition contains
physics and
time; 34. Background fields; 35. Heavy-
quark physics; 36. Jets and effective field
over 300 pages of new material, chemical physics
covers an extensive array of topics,
theory; Appendices; References; Index. and is accompanied by an exhaustive
2014 246 x 189 mm 863pp index and bibliography. An exceptional Atomic and Molecular
39 b/w illus.  191 exercises   reference work.
978-1-107-03473-0 Hardback
Cambridge Monographs on Mathematical
£55.00 / US$90.00 Basic Concepts and Applications
For all formats available, see Rita Kakkar
2015 247 x 174 mm 1048pp 43 b/w illus. University of Delhi
978-0-521-76813-9 Hardback
£90.00 / US$150.00 The book includes various
Publication March 2015 spectroscopic techniques including
For all formats available, see atomic spectroscopy, pure rotational spectroscopy, vibrational spectroscopy
of diatomic and polyatomic molecules,
Raman spectroscopy and electronic
spectroscopy. Solved and unsolved
exercises are provided throughout the
Atomic physics, molecular physics and chemical physics / General and classical physics 3

book for easy understanding and better Observational worked examples to help readers get to
assessment. Molecular Astronomy grips with the subject.
2015 244 x 170 mm 430pp Contents: 1. The basic ideas of
Exploring the Universe Using
978-1-107-06388-4 Hardback thermodynamics and statistical mechanics;
£45.00 / US$75.00
Molecular Line Emissions
2. The care and feeding of thermodynamic
Publication September 2015
David A. Williams
variables; 3. Gases and other matters;
University College London
For all formats available, see 4. The laws of thermodynamics; 5. The and Serena Viti Boltzmann factor and the density of states;
University College London
6. Thermodynamic functions; 7. Statistical
This is the first book for astronomers mechanics for fixed and variable; 8. More
New in Paperback who wish to use molecular emissions as advanced topics; 9. Solutions; Index.
Textbook a tool to explore the Universe. 2015 228 x 152 mm 176pp
Cambridge Observing Handbooks for 44 b/w illus.  96 exercises  
Atomic Astrophysics Research Astronomers, 10 978-1-107-08011-9 Hardback
and Spectroscopy 2014 228 x 152 mm 184pp £40.00 / US$75.00
Anil K. Pradhan 41 b/w illus.  24 tables   978-1-107-46549-7 Paperback
Ohio State University 978-1-107-01816-7 Hardback £19.99 / US$32.99
£35.00 / US$55.00 Publication February 2015
and Sultana N. Nahar
Ohio State University For all formats available, see For all formats available, see
Bridging the gap between physics
and astronomy, this is the first
integrated graduate-level textbook The Cambridge
on atomic astrophysics. It covers General and Companion to Einstein
the basics of atomic physics and
astrophysics, and state-of-the-art classical physics Edited by Michel Janssen
University of Minnesota
research applications, methods and
tools. A website hosted by the authors, and Christoph Lehner
HIGHLIGHT Max-Planck-Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte,
containing updates, corrections, Berlin
exercises and solutions, is available at A Student’s Guide These fourteen essays by leading
to Waves historians and philosophers of
‘This is a very important book Daniel Fleisch science introduce the reader to the
that bridges the gap between Wittenberg University, Ohio work of Albert Einstein. Following an
modern atomic physics and modern and Laura Kinnaman introduction that places Einstein’s work
astrophysics. It covers all the essential Wabash College, Indiana in the context of his life and times, the
subjects, and is very well written. Written to complement course essays explain his main contributions to
I think it will be of considerable physics in terms that are accessible to a
textbooks, this book focuses on the
value to research workers in both
topics that students find most difficult. general audience.
broad areas, to professors who wish
to teach about the subjects, and to It uses plain language to explain Cambridge Companions to Philosophy
students. I expect that it will be very fundamental ideas, and features 2014 228 x 152 mm 575pp 47 b/w illus.  
well received by both communities. exercises and fully-worked examples. 978-0-521-82834-5 Hardback
I’m happy that Cambridge [University Ideal for undergraduates in physics and £65.00 / US$99.00
Press] will add this book to its engineering, the book is supported by a 978-0-521-53542-7 Paperback
distinguished series of books in suite of online resources. £22.99 / US$36.99
physics and astrophysics.’ 2015 228 x 152 mm 225pp For all formats available, see
Dimitri Mihalas, G. C. McVittie Professor 109 b/w illus.  60 exercises
Emeritus, University of Illinois and Laboratory 978-1-107-05486-8 Hardback
Fellow, Los Alamos National Laboratory c. £40.00 / c. US$65.00
978-1-107-64326-0 Paperback
Information and the
Contents: 1. Introduction; 2. Atomic
structure; 3. Atomic processes; 4. Radiative c. £16.99 / c. US$26.99 Nature of Reality
transitions; 5. Electron-ion collisions; Publication April 2015 From Physics to Metaphysics
6. Photoionization; 7. Electron-ion For all formats available, see Edited by Paul Davies
recombination; 8. Multi-wavelength Arizona State University
emission lines; 9. Absorption lines and and Niels Henrik Gregersen
radiative transfer; 10. Stellar properties University of Copenhagen
and spectra; 11. Stellar opacity and Textbook
Many scientists regard mass and energy
radiative forces; 12. Gaseous nebulae Thermal Physics as the primary currency of nature. In
and HII regions; 13. Active galactic nuclei Energy and Entropy recent years, however, the concept of
and quasars; 14. Cosmology; Appendices; information has gained importance.
David Goodstein
References; Index. Why? In this book, eminent scientists,
California Institute of Technology
2015 246 x 189 mm 376pp philosophers and theologians chart
148 b/w illus.  36 exercises   Written by distinguished physics
educator David Goodstein, this fresh various aspects of information, from
978-1-107-48358-3 Paperback
£40.00 / US$60.00 introduction to thermodynamics, quantum information to biological
statistical mechanics, and the study and digital information, in order
Also available
978-0-521-82536-8 Hardback of matter is ideal for undergraduate to understand how nature works.
£49.99 / US$89.99 courses. Favoring intuitive descriptions Beginning with a historical treatment
For all formats available, see over mathematical derivations, the of the topic, the book also examines textbook uses numerous problems and physical and biological approaches

For regular email alerts visit

4 General and classical physics / Condensed matter physics, nanoscience and mesoscopic physics

to information, and its philosophical, Statistical Mechanics physics, chemistry, materials science and
theological and ethical implications. and Applications in electrical engineering.
2015 246 x 189 mm 639pp
‘This is the anthology we have Condensed Matter 76 b/w illus.  241 colour
been waiting for … Philosophers, Carlo Di Castro illus.  4 tables  50 exercises  
theologians and scientists all have Università degli Studi di Roma ‘La Sapienza’, 978-0-521-87700-8 Hardback
their say, wrestling with the theme of Italy £50.00 / US$85.00
God as the ultimate informational and and Roberto Raimondi Publication June 2015
structuring principle in the universe.’ Università degli Studi Roma Tre For all formats available, see
Professor Sir Brian Heap, President, European
This innovative and modular textbook
Academies Science Advisory Board, German
Academy of Sciences combines established classical topics
in thermodynamics and statistical
Contributors: Paul Davies, Niels Henrik mechanics with the latest developments
Elements of
Gregersen, Ernan McMullin, Philip Clayton, in condensed matter physics research. Friction Theory and
Seth Lloyd, Henry Pierce Stapp, John Logically structured to cater for Nanotribology
Maynard Smith, Terrence W. Deacon, Bernd- undergraduate to postgraduate level, Enrico Gnecco
Olaf Küppers, Jesper Hoffmeyer, Holmes and including numerous problems and Instituto Madrileño de Estudios Avanzados
Rolston, Arthur Peacocke, Keith Ward, John worked examples, it is an invaluable and Ernst Meyer
F. Haught, Michael Welker
resource to all students of physics. Universität Basel, Switzerland
Canto Classics
2015 246 x 189 mm 577pp 82 b/w illus.   A thorough guide to the mechanisms
2014 216 x 138 mm 506pp 5 b/w illus.   978-1-107-03940-7 Hardback
978-1-107-68453-9 Paperback
ruling friction processes, based on state-
c. £50.00 / c. US$80.00
£12.99 / US$19.99 of-the-art models and experimental
Publication August 2015 results, this multi-scale book for
For all formats available, see
For all formats available, see researchers and students combines the classical theories of contact mechanics
and lubrication with nanotribology to
explore friction in a range of forms.
Condensed Fundamentals,
Properties, and 2015 247 x 174 mm 320pp 212 b/w illus.  

matter physics, Applications

978-1-107-00623-2 Hardback
£74.99 / US$118.00
of Polymer
nanoscience Nanocomposites
Publication March 2015
For all formats available, see

and mesoscopic Joseph Koo

University of Texas, Austin

physics This book is focused primarily Scattering Methods

on polymer nanocomposites. The in Complex Fluids
main discussion is on polymer Sow-Hsin Chen
Introduction to nanocomposites composed of a family Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Many-Body Physics of polymeric materials whose properties and Piero Tartaglia
Piers Coleman are capable of being tailored to meet Università degli Studi di Roma ‘La Sapienza’,
Rutgers University, New Jersey specific applications. This volume serves Italy
A modern, graduate-level introduction as a general introduction to researchers Summarising recent research on the
to many-body physics in condensed just entering the field and to scholars. physics of complex liquids, this in-depth
matter, this textbook explains the tools 2015 253 x 177 mm 650pp analysis for graduates and researchers
1047 b/w illus.  96 tables   examines the topic of complex liquids
and concepts needed for a research-
978-1-107-02996-5 Hardback
level understanding of the correlated from a modern perspective. Exploring
c. £85.00 / c. US$135.00
behavior of quantum fluids. With experimental and theoretical views, this
Publication July 2015
numerous exercises, this an invaluable unique text is an invaluable resource for
For all formats available, see
course book for graduate students in those looking to explore the expanding
condensed matter physics. field of complex fluids.
2015 246 x 189 mm 766pp 2015 247 x 174 mm 400pp 144 b/w illus.  
161 b/w illus.  229 colour Nanostructures and 978-0-521-88380-1 Hardback
illus.  10 tables  30 exercises   £75.00 / US$120.00
978-0-521-86488-6 Hardback
Publication March 2015
c. £45.00 / c. US$80.00 Douglas Natelson
Rice University, Houston For all formats available, see
Publication August 2015
For all formats available, see Focusing on unchanging fundamental principles, this carefully developed
textbook equips students with a deep Theory of Inelastic
understanding of the nanoscale. Packed Scattering and
with end-of-chapter problems and
Absorption of X-rays
colour illustrations, this is an ideal
Michel van Veenendaal
resource for senior undergraduate and Northern Illinois University
graduate students with backgrounds in
This is the definitive guide to the theory
behind X-ray spectroscopy, providing
graduate students, researchers, materials
scientists and optical engineers with
Condensed matter physics, nanoscience and mesoscopic physics 5

everything they need to begin extracting students and industrial development micro and nanofibers and their use in
the maximum amount of information engineers. functional smart materials.
available from X-ray spectra. 2014 247 x 174 mm 364pp 214 b/w illus.  
978-1-107-00593-8 Hardback ‘Many new, imaginative and important
2015 247 x 174 mm 237pp 30 b/w illus.  
978-1-107-03355-9 Hardback £70.00 / US$110.00 technological and biomaterial
£60.00 / US$95.00 For all formats available, see
applications of fibers are being built upon information presented in this
For all formats available, see
comprehensive, authoritative and
enabling book.’
Phase Transitions Darrell H. Reneker, University of Akron, Ohio
Fundamentals of in Materials 2014 247 x 174 mm 453pp
Polymer Physics and Brent Fultz 274 b/w illus.  19 tables  
Molecular Biophysics California Institute of Technology 978-1-107-06029-6 Hardback
£65.00 / US$99.00
Himadri B. Bohidar This clear, concise and rigorous textbook
For all formats available, see
Jawaharlal Nehru University covers the thermodynamics and kinetics
This book discusses the essential of phase transitions in the context of
concepts that can be used to model modern advances in electronic structure
and analyse the static and transport and statistical mechanics. The ideal Critical Dynamics
behaviour of polymers and biopolymers. companion for graduate students A Field Theory Approach to
It provides the application of essential and researchers in materials science, Equilibrium and Non-Equilibrium
concepts in different physical parameters condensed matter physics, solid state Scaling Behavior
including conformational properties and science and physical chemistry. Uwe C. Täuber
physicochemical features of protein and 2014 246 x 189 mm 583pp 446 b/w illus.   Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
nucleic acids. 978-1-107-06724-0 Hardback
A comprehensive and unified
£60.00 / US$90.00
2015 246 x 189 mm 350pp introduction to describing and
For all formats available, see
978-1-107-05870-5 Hardback
understanding complex interacting
£70.00 / US$110.00 systems.
For all formats available, see 2014 247 x 174 mm 488pp Introduction to 115 b/w illus.  2 tables  79 exercises  
978-0-521-84223-5 Hardback
Nanofiber Materials £55.00 / US$85.00
Transition Metal Frank K. Ko For all formats available, see
Compounds University of British Columbia, Vancouver
Daniel I. Khomskii and Yuqin Wan
Universität zu Köln University of British Columbia, Vancouver
Presenting the latest coverage of Introduction to
Describes all aspects of the physics of
transition metal compounds, providing the fundamentals and applications Graphene-Based
a comprehensive overview of this of nanofibrous materials and their Nanomaterials
diverse class of solids. Set within a structures for graduate students and From Electronic Structure to
modern conceptual framework, this researchers, this book bridges the Quantum Transport
is an invaluable, up-to-date resource communication gap between fiber
Luis E. F. Foa Torres
for graduate students, researchers and technologists and materials scientists Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Argentina
industrial practitioners in solid-state and engineers. Stephan Roche
physics and chemistry, materials science, 2014 247 x 174 mm 282pp Catalan Insitute of Nanotechnology – ICN
and inorganic chemistry. 216 b/w illus.  20 tables  
and Jean-Christophe Charlier
978-0-521-87983-5 Hardback
2014 247 x 174 mm 496pp 292 b/w illus.   Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium
£65.00 / US$99.00
978-1-107-02017-7 Hardback A detailed primer describing the most
For all formats available, see
£80.00 / US$125.00 effective theoretical and computational
For all formats available, see methods and tools for simulating
graphene-based systems.
Fundamentals and 2014 246 x 189 mm 421pp
The MOS System Applications of Micro- 270 b/w illus.  30 exercises  
978-1-107-03083-1 Hardback
Olof Engström and Nanofibers £60.00 / US$90.00
Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenberg Alexander L. Yarin
For all formats available, see
A detailed, up-to-date guide to University of Illinois, Chicago
modern MOS structures, describing Behnam Pourdeyhimi
key tools, cutting-edge models, novel North Carolina State University
phenomena and challenges for future and Seeram Ramakrishna
development. Abstract concepts are National University of Singapore
supported by practical examples and A comprehensive exposition of
presented alongside recent theoretical micro and nanofiber forming, this
and experimental results. An ideal text provides a unified framework of
companion for researchers, graduate these processes (melt and solution
blowing, electrospinning, and so
on) and describes their foundations,
development and applications. Ideal for
researchers, engineers and graduate
students interested in formation of

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6 Optics, optoelectronics and photonics

Optics, 2015 243 x 186 mm 150pp

30 b/w illus.  50 colour illus.  
design, layout and working of optical
978-1-107-47741-4 Paperback
optoelectronics c. £19.99 / c. US$29.99 2014 228 x 152 mm 196pp 80 b/w illus.  
978-1-107-05054-9 Hardback
Publication April 2015
and photonics For all formats available, see
£45.00 / US$70.00
978-1-107-68793-6 Paperback £22.99 / US$34.99
For all formats available, see
Principles of Optics
for Engineers Nonlinear Optical
Diffraction and Modal Analysis Systems
Luigi Lugiato New in Paperback
William S. C. Chang
Università degli Studi dell’Insubria, Italy
University of California, San Diego Introduction to
Franco Prati
Uniting classical and modern photonics Università degli Studi dell’Insubria, Italy Nonlinear Optics
approaches to optics by presenting Geoffrey New
and Massimo Brambilla
optical analyses as solutions of Università degli Studi e Politecnico di Bari. Italy Imperial College of Science, Technology and
Maxwell’s equations, this unique book Medicine, London
enables students and practitioners to Guiding graduate students and
researchers through the complex world Providing a gentle introduction to the
fully understand the interplay between principles of the subject, this textbook
the different methods. Diffraction and of laser physics and nonlinear optics, this
book provides an in-depth exploration is ideal for graduate students starting
modal analysis are covered and applied their research in this exciting area.
to imaging, spectral analysis, signal of the dynamics of lasers and other
relevant optical systems, under the More advanced topics are confined to
processing, and optoelectronic devices. specialist chapters so that readers can
umbrella of a unitary spatio-temporal
2015 247 x 174 mm 240pp focus on basic principles before tackling
61 b/w illus.  1 table  
these more difficult aspects of the
978-1-107-07490-3 Hardback 2015 246 x 189 mm 464pp 169 b/w illus.  
£75.00 / US$125.00 978-1-107-06267-2 Hardback subject.
£55.00 / US$85.00 2014 246 x 189 mm 274pp
Publication June 2015
Publication February 2015 110 b/w illus.  66 exercises  
For all formats available, see 978-1-107-42448-7 Paperback For all formats available, see
£30.00 / US$45.00
Also available
978-0-521-87701-5 Hardback
Light Localisation £49.99 / US$84.99
The Wonders of Light and Lasing For all formats available, see
Marta García-Matos
Institut de Ciències Fotòniques (ICFO) Random and Pseudo-random
Photonic Structures
and Lluis Torner
Institut de Ciències Fotòniques (ICFO) Edited by Mher Ghulinyan Electromagnetic
Discover the spectacular power of light
Fondazione Bruno Kessler Scattering by Particles
and Lorenzo Pavesi and Particle Groups
with this visually stunning celebration Università degli Studi di Trento, Italy
of the multitude of ways in which An Introduction
light-based technology has shaped Presenting basic and state-of-the-art
Michael I. Mishchenko
our society. Be inspired by state-of- research on quasi-random and random NASA-Goddard Space Flight Center
the-art science: sixteen beautiful, photonic systems, this collection of
Provides a self-contained, accessible
straightforward chapters demonstrate self-contained chapters is an ideal
introduction to a complex
the science behind the fascinating and introductory text for graduate students
topic, combining the theories of
surprising ways in which light can be entering this field, as well as a useful
electromagnetic scattering, radiative
harnessed and used, from displays, reference for researchers in optics,
transfer, and weak localization into a
solar cells and the Internet to advanced photonics and optical engineering.
consistent branch of physical optics
quantum technologies. Be dazzled by 2014 247 x 174 mm 260pp 104 b/w illus.  
978-1-107-03877-6 Hardback
directly based on the Maxwell equations.
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For all formats available, see
edge science and groundbreaking optical communications, atmospheric
innovations to life, clearly explaining the physics and astrophysics.
fundamental principles behind them.
Be part of something bigger: published An Introduction ‘Featuring over 120 end-of-chapter
exercises, with hints and solutions
in association with the Institute of to Practical provided, this clear, one-stop
Photonic Sciences (ICFO) to celebrate
Laboratory Optics resource is ideal for self-study or
the 2015 UNESCO International Year of
J. F. James classroom use, and will be invaluable
Light, it is perfect for anyone interested
to both graduate students and
in the frontiers of science, engineering Aimed at students taking practical
researchers in remote sensing,
or medicine, and in the phenomenal laboratory courses in experimental physical and biomedical optics, optical
technological advances that have been optics, this book helps readers to communications, optical particle
made possible by human innovation. understand the components within characterisation, atmospheric physics,
optical instruments. Topics covered and astrophysics.’
range from the operation of lenses and GeoQ
mirrors to the laws which govern the
Optics, optoelectronics and photonics / Quantum physics, quantum information and quantum computation 7

2014 247 x 174 mm 450pp Plasmonic Textbook

125 b/w illus.  18 colour
illus.  3 tables  100 exercises   Nanoelectronics Quantum Mechanics
978-0-521-51992-2 Hardback and Sensing An Experimentalist’s Approach
£45.00 / US$70.00
Er-Pin 9781107069190 g Li Eugene D. Commins
For all formats available, see A*STAR Institute of High Performance University of California, Berkeley Computing, Singapore A self-contained introduction to help
and Hong-Son Chu graduate and advanced undergraduate
A*STAR Institute of High Performance
Lasers and Computing, Singapore
students in physics and related sciences
Electro-optics acquire serious knowledge and
A comprehensive overview, from understanding of quantum mechanics.
Fundamentals and Engineering fundamental theory and numerical Based on the author’s popular course
Second edition methods to the design of real plasmonic at the University of California, Berkeley,
Christopher C. Davis structures for nanoelectronic and it takes an experimentalist’s approach,
University of Maryland, College Park sensing applications. discussing many modern developments
Comprehensive coverage of topics in EuMA High Frequency Technologies Series in addition to the traditional topics.
optical physics and engineering for 2014 247 x 174 mm 262pp Contents: Preface; 1. Introduction;
undergraduate students studying laser 170 b/w illus.  10 tables  
2. Mathematical preliminaries; 3. The rules
physics, optoelectronics, photonics and 978-1-107-02702-2 Hardback
of quantum mechanics; 4. The connection
optical engineering. £80.00 / US$125.00
between the fundamental rules and wave
2014 246 x 189 mm 882pp For all formats available, see
mechanics; 5. Further illustrations of the
490 b/w illus.  115 exercises
rules of quantum mechanics; 6. Further
978-0-521-86029-1 Hardback developments in one-dimensional wave
£50.00 / US$80.00
mechanics; 7. The theory of angular
For all formats available, see
Quantum momentum; 8. Wave mechanics in three
dimensions: hydrogenic atoms; 9. Time-
physics, independent approximations for bound
state problems; 10. Applications of static
The Quantum Theory
of Nonlinear Optics quantum perturbation theory; 11. Identical particles;
12. Atomic structure; 13. Molecules;
Peter D. Drummond
Swinburne University of Technology, Victoria information 14. The stability of matter; 15. Photons;
16. Interaction of non-relativistic charged
and Mark Hillery
Hunter College, City University of New York
and quantum particles and radiation; 17. Further topics
in perturbation theory; 18. Scattering;
A self-contained treatment of field
quantization requiring no prior
computation 19. Special relativity and quantum
mechanics: the Klein–Gordon equation;
knowledge of nonlinear optics. 20. The Dirac equation; 21. Interaction
of a relativistic spin ½ particle with an
2014 246 x 189 mm 380pp Advanced Concepts in external electromagnetic field; 22. The Dirac
17 b/w illus.  10 tables  50 exercises  
978-1-107-00421-4 Hardback
Quantum Mechanics field; 23. Interaction between relativistic
£50.00 / US$80.00 Giampiero Esposito electrons, positrons, and photons; 24. The
Università degli Studi di Napoli ‘Federico II’ quantum mechanics of weak interactions;
For all formats available, see Giuseppe Marmo 25. The quantum measurement problem;
Università degli Studi di Napoli ‘Federico II’ Appendix A: useful inequalities for quantum
Gennaro Miele mechanics; Appendix B: Bell’s inequality;
Introduction to Università degli Studi di Napoli ‘Federico II’ Appendix C: spin of the photon: vector
spherical waves; Works cited; Bibliography;
Modern Digital and George Sudarshan
University of Texas, Austin Index.
Holography 2014 253 x 203 mm 720pp
With Matlab Ideal for advanced undergraduate
181 b/w illus.  18 tables  294 exercises  
Ting-Chung Poon
and graduate students in quantum 978-1-107-06399-0 Hardback
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University mechanics and mathematical physics, £55.00 / US$90.00
and Jung-Ping Liu this book introduces a geometric view For all formats available, see
Feng Chia University, Taiwan of fundamental physics. Focusing on
structural issues and geometric ideas,
Get up to speed with digital holography
this book guides readers from the
with this compact and straightforward
concepts of classical mechanics to those Quantum
introduction to modern techniques and
of quantum mechanics. Measurement Theory
2014 247 x 174 mm 223pp
2014 246 x 189 mm 397pp and its Applications
25 b/w illus.  79 exercises   Kurt Jacobs
124 b/w illus.  28 tables  
978-1-107-07604-4 Hardback University of Massachusetts, Boston
978-1-107-01670-5 Hardback
£55.00 / US$85.00
£60.00 / US$95.00 Understanding quantum measurement
For all formats available, see
For all formats available, see theory is essential in subjects ranging from thermodynamics to experiments
on mesoscopic systems. This book
introduces graduate students and
researchers in physics to the basic theory
and its applications. Topics covered
include quantum control, metrology, the

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8 Quantum physics, quantum information and quantum computation / Particle physics and nuclear physics

thermodynamics of Maxwell’s demon,

and the emergence of classical chaos.
Light: 10. Perturbations and approximation
methods; 11. Hydrogen and helium atoms; Particle physics
2014 247 x 174 mm 554pp
23 b/w illus.  200 exercises  
12. Hydrogen molecular ion; 13. Quantum
optics; Part IV. Quantum Information: State and nuclear
978-1-107-02548-6 Hardback
£50.00 / US$80.00
and Correlations: 14. Quantum theory of
open systems; 15. State measurement in physics
For all formats available, see quantum mechanics; 16. Entanglement: non-separability; 17. Entanglement:
quantum information; References; Index. Advanced Concepts
2014 246 x 189 mm 755pp in Particle and
An Introduction to 978-1-107-66589-7 Paperback
Field Theory
Macroscopic Quantum £45.00 / US$75.00
Tristan Hübsch
Phenomena and Also available Howard University, Washington DC
978-0-521-86963-8 Hardback
Quantum Dissipation £59.99 / US$104.99 Uniting the usually distinct areas of
A. O. Caldeira For all formats available, see particle physics and quantum field
Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Brazil theory with gravity and general
Develops the basic material necessary relativity, this expansive and
to understand the quantum dynamics of comprehensive textbook for advanced
Quantum Stochastics undergraduates and graduate students,
macroscopic variables. Ideal for graduate
Mou-Hsiung Chang includes numerous exercises and
students and researchers.
Mathematical Sciences Division, U.S. Army
2014 247 x 174 mm 294pp 58 b/w illus.   worked examples to aid technical
Research Office
978-0-521-11375-5 Hardback understanding, as well as philosophical
£50.00 / US$80.00 This book provides a systematic, and historical anecdotes to develop
For all formats available, see
self-contained treatment of the theory contextual knowledge. of quantum probability and quantum 2015 246 x 189 mm 575pp
Markov processes for graduate students 99 b/w illus.  32 tables  167 exercises  
and researchers. Building a framework 978-1-107-09748-3 Hardback
New in Paperback that parallels the development of £54.99 / US$94.99
Textbook classical probability, it aims to help Publication June 2015
readers up the steep learning curve of For all formats available, see
Quantum Mechanics the quantum theory.
Gennaro Auletta
Pontificia Universitas Gregoriana ‘This excellent introductory book on
Mauro Fortunato quantum stochastics is most timely An Introduction to
Cassa depositi e prestiti S.p.A., Italy – the highly interdisciplinary book the Engineering of
and Giorgio Parisi needed in this century. Dr Chang has
Università degli Studi di Roma ‘La Sapienza’, organized and presented the material Fast Nuclear Reactors
Italy in a systematic and coherent manner. Anthony M. Judd
[The] … material is self-contained United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority
Advanced undergraduate and graduate
and self-readable; ideas, concepts and Designed for graduate-level engineering
students will benefit from this topics are up-to-date, well-motivated,
perspective on the fundamental physical students and nuclear engineers who
well presented and well associated
paradigm and its applications. want to expand their knowledge of fast
with the classical approach: starting
from the idea of a quantum system, to
nuclear reactors.
‘A truly original treatment that quantum probability space, measure, 2014 228 x 152 mm 299pp
towers over most of its competitors processes with quantum stochastic 116 b/w illus.  15 tables  
and makes many of them look calculus, quantum stochastic 978-1-107-03464-8 Hardback
pedestrian. Auletta, Fortunato and differential equations, quantum £80.00 / US$135.00
Parisi’s handsomely produced book stability, quantum semigroups, and For all formats available, see
will benefit thousands of students so on. I am looking forward to using
and has the potential to rekindle the this book for my graduate course on
passion of many teachers who have quantum stochastic dynamic systems.
taught quantum mechanics for so long I will also highly recommend it to my
that they yawn even at the thought of
teaching it again. This is the freshest
students and colleagues.’ Introduction
G. S. Ladde, University of South Florida, and
new treatment of a well-established founder and editor of the Journal of Stochastic
to Elementary
branch of physics I have read for more Analysis and Applications Particle Physics
than a decade, as far away as I can
Second edition
imagine from being ‘yet another book Cambridge Series in Statistical and
on quantum mechanics’.’ Probabilistic Mathematics Alessandro Bettini
2015 253 x 177 mm 372pp Università degli Studi di Padova, Italy
The Times Higher Education Supplement
978-1-107-06919-0 Hardback Provides fully updated coverage of
Contents: Introduction; Part I. Basic £55.00 / US$85.00 undergraduate particle physics, including
Features of Quantum Mechanics: 1. From For all formats available, see the Higgs boson discovery, with an
classical mechanics to quantum mechanics; emphasis on physics over mathematics.
2. Quantum observable and states;
3. Quantum dynamics; 4. Examples of Review of the first edition:
quantum dynamics; 5. Density matrix; ‘There are many gems within these
Part II. More Advanced Topics: 6. Angular pages … The author has managed
momentum and spin; 7. Identical particles; to bring out the importance of
8. Symmetries and conservation laws; 9. The experiment in the field, and to explain
measurement problem; Part III. Matter and both the reasoning and the difficulties
Particle physics and nuclear physics / Statistical physics 9

behind these experiments, but does experimentalists in nuclear and particle is mathematically complete, but
not get bogged down in minutiae. We physics. not intense, making it intellectually
are left with an excellent introduction Cambridge Monographs on Particle Physics, stimulating, with conclusions that are
to the thinking behind modern Nuclear Physics and Cosmology, 36 sometimes surprising. I recommend it
quantum field theory.’ with considerable enthusiasm.’
2014 247 x 174 mm 460pp 520 b/w illus.  
Todd Huffman, University of Oxford 978-1-107-04301-5 Hardback Samuel A. Werner, University of Missouri
£75.00 / US$120.00
Contents: Preface to the first edition; 2014 247 x 174 mm 633pp
For all formats available, see 60 b/w illus.  62 colour illus.  57 tables  
Preface to the second edition; 1. Preliminary 978-1-107-03281-1 Hardback
notions; 2. Nucleons, leptons and mesons;
3. Symmetries; 4. Hadrons; 5. Quantum £60.00 / US$100.00
electrodynamics; 6. Chromodynamics; For all formats available, see
7. Weak interactions; 8. The neutral
mesons oscillations and CP violation;

9. The standard model; 10. Neutrinos;

11. Epilogue; Appendixes; References; Index.
physics The Surprising
2014 246 x 189 mm 489pp
Mathematics of
265 b/w illus.  264 exercises   Introduction to Longest Increasing
978-1-107-05040-2 Hardback
£40.00 / US$75.00 Statistical Physics Subsequences
João Paulo Casquilho Dan Romik
For all formats available, see
Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal University of California, Davis
and Paulo Ivo Cortez Teixeira This book presents for the first time
Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa, to a graduate-level readership recent
Dynamics of the Portugal groundbreaking developments in
Standard Model Rigorous and comprehensive, this probability and combinatorics related
Second edition textbook introduces undergraduate to the longest increasing subsequence
John F. Donoghue students to simulation methods in problem. Its detailed, playful
University of Massachusetts, Amherst statistical physics. Any formalism is presentation provides a motivating entry
Eugene Golowich kept simple and derivations are worked to elegant mathematical ideas that are
University of Massachusetts, Amherst out in detail to ensure the material is of interest to every mathematician and
and Barry R. Holstein accessible to students from subjects to many computer scientists, physicists
University of Massachusetts, Amherst other than physics. and statisticians.
Describing the fundamental theory of 2014 246 x 189 mm 346pp
96 b/w illus.  70 exercises  
Advance praise:
particle physics and its applications, this ‘The story of longest monotone
book provides a detailed account of the 978-1-107-05378-6 Hardback
£45.00 / US$75.00 subsequences in permutations has
Standard Model, focusing on techniques been, for six decades, one of the
For all formats available, see
that can produce information about most beautiful in mathematics,
real observed phenomena. This is a ranging from the very pure to the
valuable book for graduate students and applied and featuring many terrific
researchers in particle physics, nuclear A Certain Uncertainty mathematicians, starting with Erdõs–
physics and related fields. Szekeres’s ‘happy end theorem’ and
Nature’s Random Ways
continuing through the Tracy–Widom
Cambridge Monographs on Particle Physics, Mark P. Silverman
Nuclear Physics and Cosmology, 35 distribution and the breakthrough
Trinity College, Connecticut
of Baik–Deift–Johansson. With
2014 247 x 174 mm 590pp 62 b/w illus.  
This engaging introduction to its connections to many areas
978-0-521-76867-2 Hardback
£50.00 / US$80.00 statistical reasoning will teach readers of mathematics, to the Riemann
how to apply powerful statistical, hypothesis, and to high-energy physics
For all formats available, see
qualitative and probabilistic tools in a we cannot foresee where the story is
technical context. Physical, statistical heading. Dan Romik tells the tale thus
far – and teaches its rich multifaceted
and mathematical principles are
Gaseous Radiation mathematics, a blend of probability,
introduced step-by-step through combinatorics, analysis, and algebra –
Detectors an engaging narrative style, and in a wonderful way.’
Fundamentals and Applications illustrations throughout the book make Gil Kalai, Hebrew University
Fabio Sauli it easy to pinpoint the most important
information. Institute of Mathematical Statistics
Organisation Européenne pour la Recherche
Textbooks, 4
Nucléaire (CERN), Geneva
‘For physicists, it has long been 2015 228 x 152 mm 432pp
Reviewing the major developments in integral to our science to ascribe 3 b/w illus.  94 exercises  
the design and operation of gaseous an uncertainty to every data point, 978-1-107-07583-2 Hardback
radiation detectors, this book provides to every inference, to every theory. £65.00 / US$99.00
a detailed understanding of the various That is, a measurement is regarded 978-1-107-42882-9 Paperback
processes involved in detection. as meaningless without assigning £27.99 / US$39.99
Including examples of applications, it is an ‘error bar’ to it. This delightful Publication March 2015
a valuable reference for researchers and book by Mark Silverman shows the For all formats available, see
reader how a physicist does this
with the ‘tools of his trade’; namely
mathematical analysis, starting with
Bayes’ theorem, Poissonian and
Gaussian statistics, and progressing
through Shannon’s information
formulation of entropy. This book

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10 Statistical physics / History, philosophy and foundations of physics

Noise Sensitivity of and researchers interested in the the broader context of how they relate
Boolean Functions conceptual foundations of quantum to human experience. Widely considered
mechanics. to be a highly original thinker, Cooper
and Percolation 2015 247 x 174 mm 250pp 14 b/w illus.   has written and given talks on a large
Christophe Garban 978-1-107-06963-3 Hardback variety of subjects, ranging from the
Ecole Normale Supérieure, Lyon £65.00 / US$99.00 relationship between art and science,
and Jeffrey E. Steif For all formats available, see possible limits of science, to the
Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenberg relevance of the Turing test. These essays
This account of the new and exciting and talks have been brought together
area of noise sensitivity of Boolean for the first time in this fascinating
functions – in particular applied to book, giving readers an opportunity to
critical percolation – is designed for The Singular Universe experience Cooper’s unique perspective
graduate students and researchers in and the Reality of Time on a range of subjects. Tackling a
probability theory, discrete mathematics, A Proposal in Natural Philosophy diverse spectrum of topics, from the
and theoretical computer science. conflict of faith and science to whether
Roberto Mangabeira Unger
It assumes a basic background in Harvard Law School, Massachusetts understanding neural networks could
probability theory and integration theory. lead to machines that think like
and Lee Smolin
Each chapter ends with exercises. Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics, humans, this book will captivate anyone
Canada interested in the interaction of science
Advance praise:
Cosmology is in crisis. The more we with society.
‘Presented in an orderly, accessible
manner, this book elegantly integrates discover, the more puzzling the universe ‘As a scientist and a humanist, Cooper
the general theory of noise sensitivity appears to be. How and why are is well-versed in philosophy, literature,
into a concrete study, allowing for a the laws of nature what they are? A art, and the practicalities of making
new understanding of the percolation philosopher and a physicist, world- science serve humanity, as opposed
process. It provides an excellent renowned for their radical ideas in their to being in thrall to special interests.
and clear exposition of the general fields, argue for a revolution. To keep His intellectual open-mindedness and
theory of noise sensitivity and its compelling prose style make Science
cosmology scientific, we must replace
manifestation in two-dimensional and Human Experience a thought-
critical percolation.’
the old view in which the universe is
governed by immutable laws by a new provoking pleasure to read.’
Itai Benjamini, Weizmann Institute of Science, Peter Byrne, author of The Many Worlds of
Israel one in which laws evolve. Then we can
Hugh Everett III: Multiple Universes, Mutual
hope to explain them. The revolution
Institute of Mathematical Statistics Assured Destruction, and the Meltdown of a
that Roberto Mangabeira Unger and Nuclear Family
Textbooks, 5
Lee Smolin propose relies on three
2015 228 x 152 mm 222pp central ideas. There is only one universe 2014 216 x 138 mm 256pp 33 b/w illus.  
29 b/w illus.  75 exercises   978-1-107-04317-6 Hardback
978-1-107-07643-3 Hardback
at a time. Time is real: everything in
£17.99 / US$28.99
£60.00 / US$99.00 the structure and regularities of nature
For all formats available, see
978-1-107-43255-0 Paperback
changes sooner or later. Mathematics,
£21.99 / US$34.99 which has trouble with time, is not the
Publication February 2015 oracle of nature and the prophet of
For all formats available, see
science; it is simply a tool with great Causal Reasoning power and immense limitations. The in Physics
argument is readily accessible to non-
Mathias Frisch
scientists as well as to the physicists and University of Maryland, College Park
cosmologists whom it challenges.
History, This book will be of interest to
professional philosophers, graduate
‘It might be one of the most important
philosophy and books of our time … Right or wrong,
this book is an event.’
students, and anyone interested in
the role of causal thinking in science.
foundations of Bryan Appleyard, The Sunday Times Through detailed case studies and
critical analyses of anti-causal
physics 2015 228 x 152 mm 566pp
978-1-107-07406-4 Hardback
arguments, the book argues that causal
£19.99 / US$29.99 reasoning plays an important role even
For all formats available, see in well-established theories of physics.
Protective 2014 228 x 152 mm 264pp 11 b/w illus.  
Measurement and 978-1-107-03149-4 Hardback
£60.00 / US$95.00
Quantum Reality Highlight For all formats available, see
Towards a New Understanding
of Quantum Mechanics Science and Human
Edited by Shan Gao Experience
Chinese Academy of Sciences Values, Culture, and the Mind
With contributions from two of the Leon N. Cooper
original discoverers of protective Brown University, Rhode Island
measurement, this book investigates Does science have limits? Where does
its broad applications and deep order come from? Can we understand
implications. Addressing both physical consciousness? Written by Nobel
and philosophical aspects, this is a Laureate Leon N. Cooper, this book
valuable resource for graduate students places pressing scientific questions in
History, philosophy and foundations of physics / Computational science and modelling 11

New in Paperback on an enjoyable journey – by turns Highlight

historical, philosophical, and physical
The Road to – in a quest to unravel many of the ‘Nature and the
Maxwell’s Demon subtleties that underlie the concept of Greeks’ and ‘Science
a minimum length in physics.’
Conceptual Foundations of and Humanism’
Statistical Mechanics Luis J. Garay, Physics Today
Erwin Schrödinger
Meir Hemmo 2014 247 x 174 mm 276pp 7 b/w illus.  
University of Haifa, Israel
Nobel laureate Erwin Schrödinger was
978-1-107-06280-1 Hardback
one of the most distinguished scientists
and Orly R. Shenker £60.00 / US$90.00
Hebrew University of Jerusalem
of the twentieth century; his lectures on
For all formats available, see
the history and philosophy of science
Addressing fundamental problems are legendary. ‘Nature and the Greeks’
in physics, this book provides a and ‘Science and Humanism’ makes
philosophical perspective to statistical Einstein’s Opponents available for the first time in many years
mechanics. Mathematical treatments are the texts of two of Schrödinger’s most
The Public Controversy about the
avoided and instead newly developed Theory of Relativity in the 1920s famous lecture series. ‘Nature and the
conceptual tools are used. This is a Greeks’ offers a comprehensive historical
Milena Wazeck
fascinating book for graduate students University of East Anglia account of the twentieth-century
and researchers interested in the scientific world picture, tracing modern
Translated by Geoffrey S. Koby
foundations and philosophy of physics. Kent State University, Ohio science back to the earliest stages of
‘The Road to Maxwell’s Demon is A detailed account of the contemporary Western philosophic thought. ‘Science
an exceptionally clear and readable controversy surrounding the publication and Humanism’ addresses some of the
book, intended for readers without of Albert Einstein’s theory of relativity. most fundamental questions of the
physics or philosophy backgrounds. It 2014 247 x 174 mm 376pp 33 b/w illus.  
century: what is the value of scientific
is also a highly original and important 978-1-107-01744-3 Hardback research? And how do the achievements
contribution to the foundations of £65.00 / US$99.00 of modern science affect the relationship
physics. It goes against much of the For all formats available, see between material and spiritual matters?
received wisdom and offers novel A foreword by Roger Penrose sets the
solutions to many problems: among lectures in a contemporary context, and
them, discussions of time asymmetry
affirms they are as relevant today as
in classical mechanics, an empiricist In Search of the when they were first published.
alternative to typicality, a criticism of
the role of ergodicity, the notion of a
True Universe Canto Classics
physical observer and the irrelevance The Tools, Shaping, and Cost of 2014 216 x 138 mm 184pp 15 b/w illus.  
of information theory to the Cosmological Thought 978-1-107-43183-6 Paperback
foundations of statistical mechanics. Martin Harwit £12.99 / US$19.99
Readers interested in the foundations Cornell University, New York For all formats available, see
of physics will welcome such a fresh Examines how our understanding of
outlook on these topics.’ the cosmos advanced rapidly during the
Amit Hagar, Metascience
twentieth century and identifies factors
2014 229 x 152 mm 340pp 105 b/w illus.  
978-1-107-42432-6 Paperback
contributing to this progress. Computational
£40.00 / US$65.00 Association of American Publishers
PROSE Award in Cosmology and
science and
Also available
978-1-107-01968-3 Hardback
£74.99 / US$104.99
Astronomy 2013 – Winner
2014 253 x 177 mm 408pp
For all formats available, see 61 b/w illus.  4 tables  
978-1-107-04406-7 Hardback
£35.00 / US$50.00 A Student’s Guide to
For all formats available, see Numerical Methods
Discrete or Ian H. Hutchinson
Continuous? Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Written for senior undergraduates A Student’s Guide to
The Quest for Fundamental Revealing the Heart Numerical Methods
Length in Modern Physics in all disciplines of physical science
of the Galaxy and engineering, the plain language
Amit Hagar
Indiana University, Bloomington
The Milky Way and its Black Hole style of this concise guide to
Robert H. Sanders numerical methods concentrates
Combining novel conceptual analysis, Kapteyn Astronomical Institute, The Netherlands
fresh historical perspectives, and on developing computational skills
concrete physical examples, this unique Provides an insider’s view of how the and avoids potentially intimidating
book tells the story of the search for massive black hole was discovered at formal mathematical proofs. Including
discrete length in modern physics, the Galactic Center. numerous worked examples and
presenting philosophical theses in an 2014 253 x 177 mm 204pp 79 b/w illus.   exercises, this textbook explains
978-1-107-03918-6 Hardback
accessible format that avoids complex £25.00 / US$39.99
mathematics, and which sheds light
For all formats available, see
on one of the most thought-provoking
topics in physics.

‘Amit Hagar’s Discrete or Continuous?:

The Quest for Fundamental Length
in Modern Physics takes the reader

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12 Computational science and modelling / Plasma physics and fusion physics

the practical realities of numerical themselves and solve the test problems Ray Tracing
techniques. discussed. and Beyond
2015 228 x 152 mm 207pp 73 b/w illus.   Cambridge Texts in Applied Mathematics, 50
Phase Space Methods in Plasma
978-1-107-09567-0 Hardback 2014 247 x 174 mm 516pp
£39.99 / US$69.99
Wave Theory
107 b/w illus.  16 colour illus.  222 exercises  
978-1-107-47950-0 Paperback 978-0-521-89990-1 Hardback E. R. Tracy
£80.00 / US$130.00 College of William and Mary, Virginia
£17.99 / US$29.99
978-0-521-72852-2 Paperback A. J. Brizard
Publication May 2015
£37.50 / US$60.00 Saint Michael’s College, Vermont
For all formats available, see For all formats available, see A. S. Richardson US Naval Research Laboratory (NRL)
and A. N. Kaufman
A Guide to Monte University of California, Berkeley
Carlo Simulations in
Statistical Physics
Plasma physics A complete introduction to the use of
modern ray tracing techniques in plasma
Fourth edition and fusion physics.
2014 247 x 174 mm 541pp
David P. Landau
University of Georgia physics 101 b/w illus.  2 tables  
978-0-521-76806-1 Hardback
and Kurt Binder £75.00 / US$115.00
Johannes Gutenberg Universität Mainz, Germany For all formats available, see
With extensive new material on Ideal MHD
powerful cutting-edge algorithms, Jeffrey P. Freidberg
unappreciated older techniques, and Massachusetts Institute of Technology
petascale computing, this revised fourth Comprehensive, self-contained, Magnetoconvection
edition provides an example- and and clearly written, this fully N. O. Weiss
University of Cambridge
exercise-rich introduction to computer updated successor to Ideal
simulations in physics. Ideal for graduate Magnetohydrodynamics (1987) and M. R. E. Proctor
University of Cambridge
students and researchers, both in describes the macroscopic equilibrium
academia and industry, who want to and stability of high temperature Here, leading experts present the current
learn these essential techniques. plasmas – the basic fuel for the state of knowledge of the subject of
development of fusion power. An magnetoconvection: the study of the
Review of the first edition: exceptional resource for graduate interplay between magnetic fields and
‘This book will serve as a useful students and researchers in plasma and convection. The book covers all aspects
introduction to those entering the of the subject from the viewpoint of
fusion physics.
field, while for those already versed in applied mathematics, and as a branch
the subject it provides a timely survey 2014 247 x 174 mm 740pp 192 b/w illus.  
978-1-107-00625-6 Hardback of astrophysical (or geophysical) fluid
of what has been achieved.’
£50.00 / US$85.00 dynamics.
D. C. Rapaport, Journal of Statistical Physics
For all formats available, see Cambridge Monographs on Mechanics
2014 247 x 174 mm 530pp 172 b/w illus. 2014 247 x 174 mm 432pp 220 b/w illus.  
978-1-107-07402-6 Hardback 978-0-521-19055-8 Hardback
£55.00 / US$85.00 £75.00 / US$120.00
For all formats available, see Magneto- For all formats available, see hydrodynamics
of the Sun
An Introduction Eric Priest Waves and Mean Flows
University of St Andrews, Scotland
to Computational Second edition
This advanced textbook provides
Stochastic PDEs a detailed account of our progress
Oliver Bühler
New York University
Gabriel J. Lord towards answering many key unsolved
Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh A fundamental reference for graduate
puzzles in solar physics. Developed for
Catherine E. Powell students and researchers in fluid
a graduate course, is essential reading
University of Manchester mechanics. Now revised throughout, it
for graduate students and researchers
and Tony Shardlow also includes exercises.
University of Bath
in solar physics, astronomy, plasma
Cambridge Monographs on Mechanics
physics and fluid dynamics. Problem
This comprehensive introduction to sets and other resources are available at 2014 247 x 174 mm 374pp
stochastic partial differential equations 30 b/w illus.  20 exercises 978-1-107-66966-6 Paperback
incorporates the effects of randomness
2014 253 x 203 mm 576pp £30.00 / US$50.00
into real-world models, offering 493 b/w illus.  13 tables  94 exercises   For all formats available, see
graduate students and researchers 978-0-521-85471-9 Hardback
powerful tools for understanding £55.00 / US$90.00
uncertainty quantification for risk For all formats available, see
analysis. MATLAB codes are included, so
that readers can perform computations
Plasma physics and fusion physics / Nonlinear science and fluid dynamics 13

Nature of Prominences 2015 253 x 177 mm 568pp Physical applications to turbulence,

313 b/w illus.  139 tables   combustion, acoustics, radiative
and their Role in Space 978-1-107-64125-9 Paperback
heat transfer, multiphase flow,
Weather (IAU S300) c. £38.99 / c. US$59.99
electromagnetic flow, and general
Edited by Brigitte Schmieder Publication October 2015
relativity assist the reader in practical
Observatoire de Paris, Meudon Also available
978-0-521-76052-2 Hardback use of computational schemes.
Jean-Marie Malherbe Homework problems and computer
£74.99 / US$144.99
Observatoire de Paris, Meudon
For all formats available, see programs demonstrating solutions of all
and S. T. Wu speed regimes are available.
University of Alabama
2014 253 x 177 mm 1055pp
Reviews state-of-the-art theoretical and 349 b/w illus.  28 tables  32 exercises  
numerical modelling of prominences and Dynamics 978-1-107-42525-5 Paperback
filaments, and their role in the dynamics Theory and Application of Kane’s £55.00 / US$85.00
of Sun–Earth relations. Method Also available
Proceedings of the International Carlos M. Roithmayr 978-0-521-76969-3 Hardback
Astronomical Union Symposia and Colloquia NASA-Langley Research Center £84.99 / US$169.99
2014 247 x 174 mm 550pp 250 b/w illus.   and Dewey H. Hodges For all formats available, see
978-1-107-04519-4 Hardback Georgia Institute of Technology
£76.00 / US$125.00
This is a textbook for advanced students
For all formats available, see
in engineering or physics, as well as a New in Paperback
reference for professionals interested Textbook
in deriving equations that govern the
motions of mechanical systems. It Convective Heat
Nonlinear presents Kane’s method, which is suited and Mass Transfer
for dealing with multibody system. The
science and fluid text analyzes the dynamics of complex
S. Mostafa Ghiaasiaan
Georgia Institute of Technology
spacecraft and robotic devices.
dynamics 2015 253 x 177 mm 536pp
This book is ideal for a graduate course
on convection heat and mass transfer.
217 b/w illus.  34 tables  253 exercises  
978-1-107-00569-3 Hardback
It treats well-established theory and
New in Paperback £75.00 / US$135.00 practice but is also enriched by coverage
Publication July 2015
of areas such as flow in microchannels,
Ship Resistance computational fluid dynamics-based
For all formats available, see
and Propulsion design and analysis methods. Numerous
Practical Estimation of Propulsive examples, exercises and solutions are
Power included.
Anthony F. Molland Ultrasonic Guided
‘Throughout the whole book, the
University of Southampton Waves in Solid Media author has made large pedagogical
Stephen R. Turnock Joseph L. Rose efforts in order to help the reader
University of Southampton Pennsylvania State University who tries to assimilate the different
and Dominic A. Hudson Ultrasonic guided waves in solid media notions which are presented. The
University of Southampton are important in nondestructive testing book will be useful for students
This comprehensive approach to and structural health monitoring, as new who want to be acquainted with the
evaluating ship resistance and faster, sensitive, and economical ways of thermodynamics of fluid flows and
propulsion provides guidance for to researchers who will find here a
looking at materials and structures have
complete survey of this science.’
practical estimation for a range of become possible. This book can be read
Alain Brillard, Zentralblatt MATH
ship types. Published standard series by managers from a ‘black box’ point of
data for hull resistance and propeller view, or used as a professional reference Contents: 1. Thermophysical and
performance enables practitioners to or textbook. transport fundamentals; 2. Boundary
make ship power predictions based on 2014 253 x 177 mm 530pp layers; 3. External laminar flow: similarity
material contained within the book. 390 b/w illus.  35 tables  334 exercises   solutions for forced laminar boundary
978-1-107-04895-9 Hardback layers; 4. Internal laminar flow; 5. Integral
‘This book should be in your shopping £55.00 / US$99.00 methods; 6. Fundamentals of turbulence
cart. The authors present the subject For all formats available, see and external turbulent flow; 7. Internal
matter in clear, concise terms without turbulent flow; 8. Effect of transpiration on
leaving out any important details. friction, heat and mass transfer; 9. Analogy
Although the overwhelming majority among momentum, heat, and mass
of the text is chock-a-block with New in Paperback transfer processes; 10. Natural convection;
regression-analysis based formulas,
and frequently republished figures, Computational 11. Mixed convection; 12. Turbulence
transport models; 13. Flow and heat transfer
there are enough double integrals and Fluid Dynamics in miniature channels; Appendices.
differential equations to validate the Second edition
presence of the work in a theorist’s 2014 253 x 177 mm 528pp
T. J. Chung 140 b/w illus.  34 tables  147 exercises  
professional library.’ University of Alabama, Huntsville 978-1-107-65831-8 Paperback
Marine Technology £38.99 / US$65.00
In this second edition, the author
presents up-to-date treatments of Also available
computational methods of fluid 978-1-107-00350-7 Hardback
£109.99 / US$159.99
dynamics, including finite differences,
For all formats available, see
finite elements, and finite volumes.

eBooks available at

14 Nonlinear science and fluid dynamics / Mathematical methods and computational tools

New in Paperback Applied Computational Mathematical

Textbook Aerodynamics
Vibration of A Modern Engineering Approach methods and
Russell M. Cummings
Mechanical Systems
Alok Sinha
United States Air Force Academy computational
William H. Mason
Pennsylvania State University
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University tools
This is a brief yet complete textbook for Scott A. Morton
a first course in mechanical vibrations. University of Dayton Research Institute
In this book, all the basic concepts and David R. McDaniel Mathematical Methods
in mechanical vibration are clearly University of Alabama, Birmingham in Engineering
identified and presented in a simple This computational aerodynamics (CA) Joseph M. Powers
manner with illustrative and practical textbook is written at the undergraduate University of Notre Dame, Indiana
examples. There are more than sixty level and focuses on developing the and Mihir Sen
exercise problems, and a complete engineering skills required to become University of Notre Dame, Indiana
solutions manual. The use of MATLAB® an intelligent user of aerodynamic This book is designed for engineering
software is emphasized. simulation codes. This is done by taking graduate students. It connects
Contents: 1. Equivalent single degree advantage of CA codes that are now mathematics to a variety of methods
of freedom system and free vibration; available and doing projects to learn used for engineering problems by
2. Vibration of a single degree of freedom the basic numerical and aerodynamic walking the reader stepwise through
system under constant and purely harmonic concepts. examples that have been worked in
excitation; 3. Responses of a SDOF
Cambridge Aerospace Series detail, followed by numerous homework
spring-mass-damper system to periodic
2015 253 x 177 mm 896pp problems to reinforce learning
and arbitrary forces; 4. Vibration of two
degrees of freedom systems; 5. Finite and
641 b/w illus.  25 tables  49 exercises   and connect the subject matter to
978-1-107-05374-8 Hardback engineering applications.
infinite (continuous) dimensional systems; £75.00 / US$125.00
References; Appendix A; Appendix B; 2015 253 x 177 mm 700pp
Publication June 2015 225 b/w illus.  479 exercises  
Appendix C.
For all formats available, see 978-1-107-03704-5 Hardback
2014 228 x 152 mm 326pp £65.00 / US$120.00
225 b/w illus.  2 tables  60 exercises  
978-1-107-69417-0 Paperback Publication March 2015
£40.00 / US$64.99 For all formats available, see
Flow, Deformation
Also available
978-0-521-51873-4 Hardback and Fracture
£54.99 / US$84.99 Lectures on Fluid Mechanics and
For all formats available, see the Mechanics of Deformable A Guided Tour Solids for Mathematicians and of Mathematical
Physicists Methods for the
Grigory Isaakovich Barenblatt
Heat Transfer Physics University of California, Berkeley
Physical Sciences
Second edition Third edition
An outstanding resource for every
Massoud Kaviany Roel Snieder
teacher and student of the mechanics Colorado School of Mines
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
of continuous media. The author’s
This graduate textbook describes and Kasper van Wijk
unique approach, using the concept of University of Auckland
atomic-level kinetics of thermal energy intermediate asymptotics, has been tried
storage, transport, and transformation and tested over a period of forty years This completely revised edition provides
by principal energy carriers. teaching the subject in Russia, Europe a tour of the mathematical knowledge
2014 253 x 177 mm 788pp and America. and techniques needed by students
388 b/w illus.  72 tables  165 exercises   across the physical sciences. There
978-1-107-04178-3 Hardback ‘Now those not fortunate enough to are new chapters on probability and
£75.00 / US$120.00 have been able to attend the course statistics and on inverse problems. It
For all formats available, see have the opportunity to see what has serves as a stand-alone text or as a made it so special. The present book source of exercises and examples to
is a masterful exposition of fluid and complement other textbooks.
solid mechanics, informed by the
ideas of scaling and intermediate Advance praise:
asymptotics, a methodology and point ‘[This] is an excellent textbook for
of view of which Professor Barenblatt young people to acquire practical
is one of the originators ... This is mathematical methods; furthermore,
indeed a remarkable book.’ it is a wonderful guidebook for them
Alexandre J. Chorin, from the Foreword to learn a mathematical thinking style.
I highly recommend this splendid
Cambridge Texts in Applied Mathematics, 49
book to students and teachers in [the]
2014 247 x 174 mm 276pp 110 b/w illus.   sciences.’
978-0-521-88752-6 Hardback Haruo Sato, Tohoku University, Japan
£65.00 / US$100.00
978-0-521-71538-6 Paperback
£30.00 / US$50.00
For all formats available, see
Mathematical methods and computational tools 15

2015 253 x 177 mm 572pp It presents the roots, applications and practical examples to help students get
153 b/w illus.  10 tables   numerical implementation of probability started.
978-1-107-08496-4 Hardback
theory, covers advanced topics and 2014 247 x 174 mm 581pp
£75.00 / US$130.00
features real-world problems. 90 b/w illus.  25 tables  70 exercises  
978-1-107-64160-0 Paperback 978-1-107-02108-2 Hardback
£37.99 / US$65.00 2014 247 x 174 mm 649pp 128 b/w illus.  
978-1-107-03590-4 Hardback £65.00 / US$99.00
Publication March 2015 £60.00 / US$95.00 For all formats available, see
For all formats available, see For all formats available, see

Applications of Group
A Concise Text Physics and Partial Theory to Atoms,
on Advanced Differential Equations Molecules, and Solids
Linear Algebra Volume 2 Thomas Wolfram
Yisong Yang Tatsien Li University of Missouri, Columbia
Polytechnic School of Engineering, New York Fudan University, Shanghai and Şinasi Ellialtıoğlu
University TED University, Ankara
and Tiehu Qin
An engaging textbook for advanced Fudan University, Shanghai An applications-oriented approach gives
undergraduate students and beginning Following on from Volume 1, this graduate students and researchers in
graduates covering the core subjects book provides a bridge between the physical sciences the tools needed to
in linear algebra. The author clearly more problems in physics and the analyze any physical system.
motivates the theory to give readers mathematical techniques used to solve 2014 247 x 174 mm 481pp
a thorough grasp of the concepts and them. The reader is guided through the 110 b/w illus.  135 exercises  
draws clear links to applications in derivation of some fundamental PDEs 978-1-107-02852-4 Hardback
mathematics and beyond. through to analysis of the solutions. £95.00 / US$150.00
2014 228 x 152 mm 331pp 390 exercises   Accessible to students and researchers For all formats available, see
978-1-107-08751-4 Hardback
in both mathematics and physics.
£70.00 / US$115.00
2014 247 x 174 mm 280pp
978-1-107-45681-5 Paperback
£29.99 / US$55.00
978-1-61197-331-0 Paperback Methods of Applied
£57.00 / c. US$96.00
For all formats available, see For all formats available, see
Mathematics for Engineers and
Python for Scientists Calculus for the Tomas B. Co
John M. Stewart Michigan Technological University
University of Cambridge
This engineering mathematics textbook
T. W. Körner
Python is a free and easy-to-use University of Cambridge is rich with examples, applications and
software tool that offers a significant exercises, and emphasises applying
This short introduction is perfect for matrices.
alternative to proprietary packages such
any 16 to 18 year old about to begin
as MATLAB and Mathematica. This book 2013 253 x 177 mm 582pp
studies in mathematics, or anyone who 176 b/w illus.  52 tables  298 exercises  
explains Python from scratch, covering
would like to see a different account 978-1-107-00412-2 Hardback
everything students and researchers
of the calculus from that given in the £75.00 / US$135.00
need to get up and running. No previous
standard texts. Easy to read, this book For all formats available, see
knowledge of the software is required.
will enthuse a new generation of
2014 247 x 174 mm 230pp 36 b/w illus.  
978-1-107-06139-2 Hardback
£65.00 / US$100.00 2014 228 x 152 mm 174pp
15 b/w illus.  195 exercises  
978-1-107-68642-7 Paperback
£27.95 / US$40.00
978-1-107-06392-1 Hardback Analysis of
£40.00 / US$65.00
For all formats available, see
978-1-107-68674-8 Paperback
Multivariate and High-
£17.99 / US$27.99 Dimensional Data CalCulus
For all formats available, see Inge Koch for the ambitious
Bayesian Probability University of Adelaide

Theory This modern approach integrates

Applications in the Physical Numerical Analysis classical and contemporary methods,
Sciences fusing theory and practice and bridging
for Engineers the gap to statistical learning.
Wolfgang von der Linden
Technische Universität Graz, Austria
and Scientists Contents: Part I. Classical Methods:
G. Miller 1. Multidimensional data; 2. Principal
Volker Dose T. W. Körner
University of California, Davis component analysis; 3. Canonical
Max-Planck-Institut für Plasmaphysik, Garching,
Germany Striking a balance between theory correlation analysis; 4. Discriminant analysis;
and Udo von Toussaint and practice, this graduate-level text Part II. Factors and Groupings: 5. Norms,
Max-Planck-Institut für Plasmaphysik, Garching, is perfect for students in the applied proximities, features, and dualities;
Germany sciences. It provides full coverage 6. Cluster analysis; 7. Factor analysis;
Covering all aspects of probability of classical methods with a clear 8. Multidimensional scaling; Part III. Non-
explanation of how they work, together Gaussian Analysis: 9. Towards non-
theory, statistics and data analysis from
a Bayesian perspective, this book is ideal with sample programs and many
for graduate students and researchers.

For regular email alerts visit

16 Mathematical methods and computational tools / Biological physics

Gaussianity; 10. Independent component Models of Life 2014 247 x 174 mm 416pp

analysis; 11. Projection pursuit; 12. Kernel 26 b/w illus.  69 colour illus.  
Dynamics and Regulation in 978-1-107-01080-2 Hardback
and more independent component Biological Systems
methods; 13. Feature selection and principal £80.00 / US$120.00
component analysis revisited; Index. Kim Sneppen For all formats available, see
Niels Bohr Institutet, Copenhagen
Cambridge Series in Statistical and
Probabilistic Mathematics, 32 Focusing on simple models, this book
describes methods for studying the
2014 253 x 177 mm
quantitative aspects of life through
Neuronal Dynamics
526pp 5 b/w illus.  98 colour
illus.  76 tables  138 exercises   physical modelling, using E. coli and From Single Neurons to
978-0-521-88793-9 Hardback phage lambda as key examples. It Networks and Models of
£55.00 / US$89.00 Cognition
encompasses fields such as quantitative
For all formats available, see molecular biology, systems biology and Wulfram Gerstner École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
biophysics, providing a tool for students
from both biological and physical Werner M. Kistler
European Patent Attorney
Random Matrix science backgrounds.
Richard Naud
Theory, Interacting ‘Models of Life is an insight of a University of Ottawa
Particle Systems and physicist into biological regulatory and Liam Paninski
mechanisms. It provides a quantitative Columbia University, New York
Integrable Systems basis of how many of the biological
Edited by Percy Deift Exploring neuron models, the neural
systems work. Using simple logic and code, decision making and learning,
New York University, Courant Institute of mathematics, Kim Sneppen, a world
Mathematical Sciences this textbook provides a thorough
renowned scientist and thinker, has
and Peter Forrester created a ‘must’ read for investigators
and up-to-date introduction to
University of Melbourne in quantitative biology. The book computational neuroscience for
This volume, based on the Fall 2010 provides a clear explanation of advanced undergraduate and beginning
MSRI program, includes review articles, triumphant experiments in a lucid way graduate students. With step-by-step
research contributions on long-standing with crisp figures. The brilliance of the explanations, end-of-chapter summaries
questions on universalities of Wigner author’s analytical mind is on display and classroom-tested exercises, it is
when one sees how he explains ideal for courses or for self-study.
matrices and beta-ensembles, and other
some of the exciting paradigmatic 2014 247 x 174 mm 578pp
core aspects of random matrix theory regulatory systems, beginning with
such as integrability and free probability 280 b/w illus.  6 tables  80 exercises  
the basics of molecular biology. The 978-1-107-06083-8 Hardback
theory. book is also replete with intellectually £65.00 / US$99.00
Mathematical Sciences Research Institute challenging problem questions for 978-1-107-63519-7 Paperback
Publications, 65 readers, making the book an excellent £32.00 / US$50.00
2015 234 x 156 mm 552pp text for students as well.’
For all formats available, see
978-1-107-07992-2 Hardback Sankar Adhya, National Cancer Institute,
£75.00 / US$120.00 Maryland
Publication February 2015
2014 247 x 174 mm 350pp
For all formats available, see 25 b/w illus.  193 colour New in Paperback illus.  5 tables  165 exercises  
978-1-107-06190-3 Hardback
Protein Condensation
£40.00 / US$65.00 Kinetic Pathways to
Crystallization and Disease
Biological For all formats available, see James D. Gunton

Lehigh University, Pennsylvania
Andrey Shiryayev
Quantum Effects Lehigh University, Pennsylvania
in Biology and Daniel L. Pagan
Biophysics of DNA Edited by Masoud Mohseni Lehigh University, Pennsylvania
Alexander Vologodskii Google For an interdisciplinary graduate and
New York University
Yasser Omar academic audience, this book describes
Designed to enable students and Instituto de Telecomunicações protein crystallization from solution.
researchers of molecular biology, Gregory S. Engel The first part explains the production
biochemistry and physics to better University of Chicago of high quality protein crystals, which
understand the biophysics of DNA, this and Martin B. Plenio is necessary to understand protein
text surveys the very latest research. Universität Ulm, Germany structure and function. The second part
The author integrates theoretical and Using data, fundamental theory and concerns the aggregation of proteins
experimental approaches, emphasizing experiment, this book explores the role in undesirable ways, which can cause
the importance of quantitative of quantum mechanics in biology, from disease.
knowledge of physical properties in photosynthesis to avian navigation
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Third edition
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Formerly Program Director for Gravitational
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Heidelberg and Clifford M. Will and Mark H. Jones
University of Florida The Open University, Manchester
and Shinji Tsujikawa
Tokyo University of Science Exploring approximate solutions Compiled by a team of experts, this
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observational methods and results, this consequences, this textbook offers a properties and evolution of stars.
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suited to graduate courses on dark can be applied to astrophysical systems. this revised second edition has a greater
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Contents: Introduction; 1. Seeing the

Sun; 2. The working Sun; 3. Measuring
stars; 4. Comparing stars; 5. The formation
of stars; 6. The main sequence life of
stars; 7. The life of stars beyond the main
Also of interest 19

sequence; 8. The death of stars; 9. The Python Programming trees; 10. Drawing trees; 11. The UPGMA
remnants of stars; Conclusion; Answers algorithm; Part IV. Additional Topics:
and comments; Appendices; Glossary;
for Biology 12. RNA secondary structure prediction;
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references; Index. Tim J. Stevens maximum likelihood method; 14. Birds,
MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology, bees, and genetic algorithms; Where to go
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Cambridge from here; Index.
25 b/w illus.  225 colour
illus.  16 tables  120 exercises   and Wayne Boucher 2014 246 x 189 mm 218pp
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£39.99 / US$74.99 This book presents core concepts in 978-1-107-64218-8 Paperback
Publication February 2015 computational biology in an accessible, £29.99 / US$49.99
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Tony Hey versions 2 and 3. Gresham Lectures on Astronomy
Microsoft Research, Redmond, Washington
2015 247 x 174 mm 711pp Ian Morison
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Computers now impact almost £44.99 / US$69.99
Providing an in-depth understanding
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is just the beginning. In this book, Earth. The book explores our Solar
Tony Hey and Gyuri Pápay lead us on a Computing for System, its planets and other bodies;
journey from the early days of computers Biologists examines the Sun and how it and other
in the 1930s to the cutting-edge Python Programming and stars evolve through their lifetimes;
research of the present day that will Principles discusses the search for planets beyond
shape computing in the coming decades. Ran Libeskind-Hadas our Solar System and how we might
Along the way, they explain the ideas Harvey Mudd College, California detect life on them; and highlights
behind hardware, software, algorithms, and Eliot Bush interesting objects found within our
Moore’s Law, the birth of the personal Harvey Mudd College, California galaxy, the Milky Way. It also looks at
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Turing Test, Jeopardy’s Watson, World students with no prior computing and evolution of the Universe, as well
of Warcraft, spyware, Google, Facebook experience, this textbook teaches as many other intriguing topics, such
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also introduces the fascinating cast of with Python programming skills. The theories, dark matter, dark energy and
dreamers and inventors who brought chapters cover three key tools – gene the Cosmic Microwave Background. The
these great technological developments finding, sequence alignment and book is uniquely supported by video
into every corner of the modern world. phylogenetic methods. An accompanying lectures given by the author, available
This exciting and accessible introduction website features numerous integrated online. It also includes the very latest
will open up the universe of computing exercises, equipping students with the astronomical observations, such as
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where his or her smartphone came from. spacecraft.
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history that has inspired us all.’ Professor of Computer Science, University of Martin Rees, University of Cambridge
Bill Gates California, San Diego
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2015 297 x 210 mm 424pp 596 colour Contents: Preface; Meet python; 137 b/w illus.  8 colour illus.  
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Part II. Sequence Alignment and Sex
Publication February 2015 Determination: 5. Recursion; 6. The
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alignments and the evolution of sex
chromosomes; Part III. Phylogenetic
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Humans: 9. Representing and working with

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20 Also of interest

Research Methods on my computer and start working on 2014 228 x 152 mm 325pp

it in Photoshop following his clever 107 b/w illus.  16 colour illus.  1 map  2 tables  
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Griffith University, Queensland columnist and author of the Deep-Sky For all formats available, see
Learn how to plan for success with this Companions series
hands-on guide to conducting high- 2014 247 x 187 mm 344pp
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University Lectures and Business
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Parham Aarabi
students and academics looking to University of Toronto
launch their research careers.
Highlight An accessible, example-based guide
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The Surprising Science of our
£24.99 / US$39.99 2007 228 x 152 mm 166pp
For all formats available, see 978-0-521-70352-9 Paperback
Second edition £17.99 / US$29.99
Leon Golub For all formats available, see
Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
An Amateur’s Guide and Jay M. Pasachoff
Williams College, Massachusetts
to Observing and
How did the Sun evolve, and what will The Golem at Large
Imaging the Heavens What You Should Know about
it become? What is the origin of its light
Ian Morison Technology
University of Manchester and Gresham College, and heat? How does solar activity affect
London the atmospheric conditions that make Harry Collins
life on Earth possible? These are the University of Bath
An Amateur’s Guide to Observing and Trevor Pinch
questions at the heart of solar physics,
and Imaging the Heavens is a highly Cornell University, New York
and at the core of this book. The Sun
comprehensive guidebook that bridges
is the only star near enough to study In the very successful and widely
the gap between the beginners’
in sufficient detail to provide rigorous discussed first volume in the Golem
and hobbyists’ books and the many
tests of our theories and help us series, The Golem: What You Should
specialised and subject-specific texts for
understand the more distant and exotic Know about Science, Harry Collins
more advanced amateur astronomers.
objects throughout the cosmos. Having and Trevor Pinch likened science to
Written by an experienced astronomer
observed the Sun using both ground- the Golem, a creature from Jewish
and educator, the book is a one-
based and spaceborne instruments, the mythology, a powerful creature which,
stop reference providing extensive
authors bring their extensive personal while not evil, can be dangerous
information and advice about observing
experience to this story revealing what because it is clumsy. In this second
and imaging equipment, with detailed
we have discovered about phenomena volume, the authors now consider the
examples showing how best to use
from eclipses to neutrinos, space Golem of technology. In a series of
them. In addition to providing in-
weather, and global warming. This case studies they demonstrate that the
depth knowledge about every type of
second edition is updated throughout, imperfections in technology are related
astronomical telescope and highlighting
and features results from the current to the uncertainties in science described
their strengths and weaknesses, two
spacecraft that are aloft, especially in the first volume. The case studies
chapters offer advice on making visual
NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory, for cover the role of the Patriot anti-missile
observations of the Sun, Moon, planets,
which one of the authors designed some missile in the Gulf War, the Challenger
stars and galaxies. All types of modern
of the telescopes. space shuttle explosion, tests of nuclear
astronomical imaging are covered, with
fuel flasks and of anti-misting kerosene
step-by-step details given on the use of Review of the first edition: as a fuel for airplanes, economic
DSLRs and web-cams for solar, lunar and ‘In Nearest Star, two of the world’s modeling, the question of the origins
planetary imaging and the use of DSLRs leading solar scientists give us a
of oil, analysis of the Chernobyl nuclear
and cooled CCD cameras for deep sky fascinating and informative account of
disaster, and the contribution of lay
imaging. our sun as a star … Rather, they show
us how the process of science works expertise to the analysis of treatments
‘Ian Morison’s new amateur astronomy … Throughout, the authors emphasize for AIDS.
guide is a rare gem. The book tackles why and how we study the sun at
the major aspects of our hobby many different wavelengths and what ‘Of the many impressive texts that
with clear and insightful writing. His has been discovered by looking at use case studies to convey ‘what you
experience both as an astronomer and the sun in each of these wavelength should know about technology’, The
an observer shine through. Personally regimes. Nearest Star is a delight to Golem at Large is the clearest and
I found the photos and sections on read. Golub and Pasachoff transmit simplest.’
astro-imaging extremely helpful and not only their obvious expertise Barry Barnes, Nature
refreshing. Several times his advice but also a genuine affection for the Canto Classics
prompted me to call up a DSLR image subject. Nearest Star will surely leave
2014 216 x 138 mm 256pp 12 b/w illus.  
you with a renewed appreciation
978-1-107-68828-5 Paperback
for the beauty, complexity, and £12.99 / US$19.99
importance of our nearest star, the
For all formats available, see
Jennifer Birriel, Astronomy
Also of interest 21

Edited by William Brown
Darwin College, Cambridge
and Andrew Fabian
Darwin College, Cambridge
Eight distinguished scholars present
a vibrant and thought-provoking
collection of essays from their own
areas of expertise that expose both
conventional and unconventional views
on the meaning of life, the enigmatic
boundaries between the living and the
dead, and what may or may not follow
Darwin College Lectures, 25
2014 247 x 174 mm 187pp
32 b/w illus.  9 colour illus.  3 tables  
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For all formats available, see

Visit our website at

22 Index

A Covariant Loop Quantum Gravity............18 Golowich, Eugene....................................9

Aarabi, Parham......................................20 Critical Dynamics......................................5 Golub, Leon...........................................20
Adhesive Particle Flow............................17 Cummings, Russell M.............................14 Goodstein, David......................................3
Advanced Concepts in Particle and Field Gravity...................................................18
Theory...................................................8 D Gravity and Strings...................................2
Advanced Concepts in Quantum Green, Simon F.......................................18
Dark Energy...........................................18
Mechanics.............................................7 Gregersen, Niels Henrik............................3
Dark Matter Problem, The.......................18
Amateur’s Guide to Observing and Guide to Monte Carlo Simulations in
Davies, Paul..............................................3
Imaging the Heavens, An.....................20 Statistical Physics, A.............................12
Davis, Christopher C.................................7
Amendola, Luca.....................................18 Guided Tour of Mathematical Methods
Deift, Percy.............................................16
Ammon, Martin........................................1 for the Physical Sciences, A..................14
Di Castro, Carlo........................................4
Analysis of Multivariate and High- Gunton, James D....................................16
Difference Equations by Differential
Dimensional Data................................15 Equation Methods.................................2
Applications of Group Theory to Atoms, Discrete or Continuous?.........................11 H
Molecules, and Solids..........................15 Donoghue, John F.....................................9 Hagar, Amit............................................11
Applied Computational Aerodynamics.....14 Dose, Volker...........................................15 Harwit, Martin........................................11
Art of Electronics, The.............................17 Drummond, Peter D..................................7 Heat Transfer Physics..............................14
Art of Lecturing, The...............................20 Dynamics...............................................13 Hemmo, Meir.........................................11
Ashtekar, Abhay.....................................17 Dynamics of the Standard Model..............9 Hey, Tony...............................................19
Atomic and Molecular Spectroscopy.........2 Hill, Winfield..........................................17
Atomic Astrophysics and Spectroscopy......3 Hillery, Mark.............................................7
Auletta, Gennaro......................................8 E
Hodges, Dewey H...................................13
Einstein’s Opponents..............................11
Holstein, Barry R.......................................9
Electromagnetic Scattering by Particles
B and Particle Groups...............................6
Horowitz, Paul........................................17
Baaquie, Belal E.......................................1 Huang, Yu-tin...........................................1
Elements of Friction Theory and
Bachmann, Michael................................17 Hübsch, Tristan.........................................8
Barenblatt, Grigory Isaakovich................14 Hudson, Dominic A.................................13
Ellialtıoğlu, Şinasi...................................15
Baumann, Daniel......................................2 Hutchinson, Ian H...................................11
Elvang, Henriette......................................1
Bayesian Probability Theory....................15 Hydon, Peter E..........................................2
Engel, Gregory S.....................................16
Berger, Beverly.......................................17 Engström, Olof.........................................5
Bethe Wavefunction, The..........................2 Erdmenger, Johanna.................................1 I
Bettini, Alessandro...................................8 Esposito, Giampiero..................................7 Ideal MHD.............................................12
Binder, Kurt............................................12 Esposito, Salvatore...................................1 In Search of the True Universe.................11
Biophysics of DNA..................................16 Inflation and String Theory........................2
Bohidar, Himadri B....................................5 Information and the Nature of Reality.......3
Boucher, Wayne......................................19 F
Introduction to Computational
Brambilla, Massimo..................................6 Fabian, Andrew......................................21
Stochastic PDEs, An.............................12
Brizard, A. J............................................12 Fleisch, Daniel..........................................3
Introduction to Elementary Particle
Brown, William.......................................21 Flow, Deformation and Fracture..............14
Bühler, Oliver..........................................12 Foa Torres, Luis E. F...................................5
Introduction to Galaxies and Cosmology,
Bush, Eliot..............................................19 Forrester, Peter.......................................16
Fortunato, Mauro.....................................8
Introduction to Graphene-Based
Freidberg, Jeffrey P..................................12
C Frisch, Mathias.......................................10
Calculus for the Ambitious......................15 Introduction to Macroscopic Quantum
Fultz, Brent..............................................5
Caldeira, A. O...........................................8 Phenomena and Quantum Dissipation,
Fundamentals and Applications of
Cambridge Companion to Einstein, The.....3 An........................................................8
Micro- and Nanofibers...........................5
Casalderrey-Solana, Jorge.........................1 Introduction to Many-Body Physics...........4
Fundamentals of Polymer Physics and
Casquilho, João Paulo...............................9 Introduction to Modern Digital
Molecular Biophysics.............................5
Causal Reasoning in Physics...................10 Holography...........................................7
Fundamentals, Properties, and
Caux, Jean-Sébastien...............................2 Introduction to Nanofiber Materials..........5
Applications of Polymer
Cecotti, Sergio..........................................1 Introduction to Nonlinear Optics...............6
Certain Uncertainty, A...............................9 Introduction to Practical Laboratory
Chang, Mou-Hsiung.................................8 Optics, An..............................................6
Chang, William S. C..................................6 G Introduction to Statistical Physics..............9
Charlier, Jean-Christophe..........................5 Gao, Shan..............................................10 Introduction to the AdS/CFT
Chen, Sow-Hsin........................................4 Garban, Christophe................................10 Correspondence....................................1
Chu, Hong-Son.........................................7 García-Matos, Marta................................6 Introduction to the Engineering of Fast
Chung, T. J..............................................13 Gardner, Martin......................................21 Nuclear Reactors, An.............................8
Co, Tomas B...........................................15 Gaseous Radiation Detectors....................9 Introduction to the Sun and Stars, An......18
Coleman, Piers.........................................4 Gaudin, Michel.........................................2 Isenberg, James......................................17
Collins, Harry..........................................20 Gauge/Gravity Duality..............................1
Commins, Eugene D.................................7 Gauge/String Duality, Hot QCD and J
Computational Fluid Dynamics...............13 Heavy Ion Collisions...............................1
Jacobs, Kurt..............................................7
Computing for Biologists........................19 General Relativity and Gravitation...........17
James, J. F.................................................6
Computing Universe, The........................19 Gerstner, Wulfram..................................16
Janssen, Michel........................................3
Concise Text on Advanced Linear Ghiaasiaan, S. Mostafa...........................13
Jaroszkiewicz, George...............................2
Algebra, A...........................................15 Ghulinyan, Mher.......................................6
Jones, Mark H.................................. 17, 18
Convective Heat and Mass Transfer.........13 Gnecco, Enrico.........................................4
Journey through the Universe, A..............19
Cooper, Leon N.......................................10 Golem at Large, The...............................20
Judd, Anthony M......................................8
Index 23

K Neuronal Dynamics................................16 Roche, Stephan........................................5

Kakkar, Rita..............................................2 New, Geoffrey..........................................6 Roithmayr, Carlos M...............................13
Kaufman, A. N........................................12 Noise Sensitivity of Boolean Functions Romik, Dan..............................................9
Kaviany, Massoud..................................14 and Percolation...................................10 Rose, Joseph L........................................13
Khomskii, Daniel I.....................................5 Nonlinear Optical Systems........................6 Rovelli, Carlo..........................................18
Kinnaman, Laura......................................3 Numerical Analysis for Engineers and
Kistler, Werner M....................................16 Scientists.............................................15 S
Knots and Borromean Rings, Rep-Tiles, Sanders, Robert H............................. 11, 18
and Eight Queens................................21 O Sauli, Fabio..............................................9
Ko, Frank K...............................................5 Observational Molecular Astronomy..........3 Scattering Amplitudes in Gauge Theory
Koby, Geoffrey S.....................................11 Omar, Yasser..........................................16 and Gravity............................................1
Koch, Inge..............................................15 Ortín, Tomás.............................................2 Scattering Methods in Complex Fluids......4
Koo, Joseph..............................................4 Schmieder, Brigitte.................................13
Körner, T. W............................................15 Schrödinger, Erwin..................................11
Schwartz, Matthew D...............................2
Pagan, Daniel L......................................16
L Paninski, Liam........................................16
Science and Human Experience...............10
Lambourne, Robert J. A...........................17 Sen, Mihir..............................................14
Pápay, Gyuri...........................................19
Landau, David P......................................12 Serjeant, Stephen...................................17
Parisi, Giorgio...........................................8
Lasers and Electro-optics..........................7 Shardlow, Tony.......................................12
Pasachoff, Jay M.....................................20
Lehner, Christoph.....................................3 Shenker, Orly R.......................................11
Path Integrals and Hamiltonians...............1
Li, Er-Ping................................................7 Ship Resistance and Propulsion...............13
Pavesi, Lorenzo........................................6
Li, Shuiqing............................................17 Shiryayev, Andrey...................................16
Phase Transitions in Materials...................5
Li, Tatsien...............................................15 Silverman, Mark P.....................................9
Physics and Partial Differential
Libeskind-Hadas, Ran.............................19 Singular Universe and the Reality of
Life........................................................21 Time, The.............................................10
Physics of Ettore Majorana, The................1
Light Localisation and Lasing....................6 Sinha, Alok.............................................14
Pinch, Trevor...........................................20
Linden, Wolfgang von der.......................15 Smolin, Lee............................................10
Plasmonic Nanoelectronics and Sensing....7
Liu, Hong.................................................1 Sneppen, Kim.........................................16
Plenio, Martin B......................................16
Liu, Jung-Ping..........................................7 Snieder, Roel..........................................14
Poisson, Eric...........................................18
Lord, Gabriel J........................................12 Statistical Mechanics and Applications
Poon, Ting-Chung.....................................7
Lugiato, Luigi...........................................6 in Condensed Matter.............................4
Pourdeyhimi, Behnam...............................5
Steif, Jeffrey E.........................................10
Powell, Catherine E................................12
Stevens, Tim J.........................................19
M Powers, Joseph M...................................14
Stewart, John M.....................................15
MacCallum, Malcolm..............................17 Pradhan, Anil K.........................................3
Student’s Guide to Numerical Methods,
Magnetoconvection................................12 Prati, Franco.............................................6
Magnetohydrodynamics of the Sun.........12 Priest, Eric..............................................12
Student’s Guide to Waves, A.....................3
Malherbe, Jean-Marie.............................13 Principles of Discrete Time Mechanics.......2
Sudarshan, George...................................7
Marmo, Giuseppe.....................................7 Principles of Optics for Engineers..............6
Supersymmetric Field Theories..................1
Marshall, Jeffery S...................................17 Proctor, M. R. E.......................................12
Surprising Mathematics of Longest
Mason, William H...................................14 Protective Measurement and Quantum
Increasing Subsequences, The................9
Mateos, David..........................................1 Reality.................................................10
Mathematical Methods in Engineering....14 Protein Condensation.............................16
McAllister, Liam........................................2 Python for Scientists...............................15 T
McDaniel, David R..................................14 Python Programming for Biology............19 Tartaglia, Piero.........................................4
Methods of Applied Mathematics for Täuber, Uwe C..........................................5
Engineers and Scientists......................15 Q Teixeira, Paulo Ivo Cortez..........................9
Meyer, Ernst.............................................4 Theory of Inelastic Scattering and
Qin, Tiehu..............................................15
Miele, Gennaro.........................................7 Absorption of X-rays..............................4
Quantum Effects in Biology.....................16
Miller, G.................................................15 Thermal Physics........................................3
Quantum Field Theory and the Standard
Mishchenko, Michael I..............................6 Thermodynamics and Statistical
Models of Life........................................16 Mechanics of Macromolecular Systems.17
Quantum Measurement Theory and its
Mohseni, Masoud..................................16 Thiel, David V..........................................20
Molland, Anthony F.................................13 Torner, Lluis..............................................6
Quantum Mechanics............................ 7, 8
Morison, Ian..................................... 19, 20 Toussaint, Udo von.................................15
Quantum Stochastics................................8
Morton, Scott A......................................14 Tracy, E. R...............................................12
Quantum Theory of Nonlinear Optics, The.. 7
MOS System, The......................................5 Transition Metal Compounds....................5
Tsujikawa, Shinji....................................18
R Turnock, Stephen R.................................13
N Raimondi, Roberto...................................4
Năstase, Horaţiu.......................................1 Rajagopal, Krishna...................................1
Nahar, Sultana N......................................3
Ramakrishna, Seeram...............................5
Nanostructures and Nanotechnology........4 Ultrasonic Guided Waves in Solid Media.13
Random Matrix Theory, Interacting
Natelson, Douglas....................................4 Unger, Roberto Mangabeira....................10
Particle Systems and Integrable
‘Nature and the Greeks’ and ‘Science Systems...............................................16
and Humanism’...................................11 Ray Tracing and Beyond..........................12 V
Nature of Prominences and their Role in Research Methods for Engineers.............20 van Veenendaal, Michel............................4
Space Weather (IAU S300)...................13 Revealing the Heart of the Galaxy...........11 van Wijk, Kasper....................................14
Naud, Richard........................................16 Richardson, A. S......................................12 Vibration of Mechanical Systems.............14
Nearest Star...........................................20 Road to Maxwell’s Demon, The...............11 Vidotto, Francesca..................................18

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24 Index

Viti, Serena..............................................3 Weiss, N. O.............................................12 Y

Vologodskii, Alexander...........................16 Wiedemann, Urs Achim............................1 Yang, Yisong..........................................15
Will, Clifford M.......................................18 Yarin, Alexander L.....................................5
W Williams, David A.....................................3
Wolfram, Thomas...................................15
Wan, Yuqin...............................................5
Wonders of Light, The...............................6
Waves and Mean Flows..........................12
Wu, S. T..................................................13
Wazeck, Milena......................................11
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