Resoulution 758 and 760

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RESOULUTION 758 (1992), 8 JUNE 1992

The Security Council,

Reaffirming its resoultions 713 (1991) of 25 September, 721 (1991) of 27 november, 724 (1991)
of 15 December 1991, 727 (1992) of 8 january 1992, 740 (1992) of 7 february 1992, 743 (1992)
of 21 February 1992, 749 1992 of 7 april 1992, 752 1992 of 15 may 1992 and 757 1992 of 30
may 1992.
Nothing that the Seceretary-General has secured the evacution of the marsshal Tito barracks in
Nothing also the agreement of all the parties in Bosnia and Herzegovina to the reopening of
Sarajevo airport for humanitarian purposes, under the exclusive authority of the United
Nations, and with the assistance of the United Nations Protection Force,
Noting further that reopening of Sarajevo airport for humanitarian purpoeses would constitute
a first step in establishing a security zone encompassing Sarajevo and its airport.
Deploring the continuation of the fighting in BiH wich is rendering impossible the distribution of
humanitarian assistance in Sarajevo and its environs.
Stressing the imperative need to find an urgent negotiated political soultion for the situtation in
1. Approves the report of the Seceretary-General of 6 Junbe 1992 submitted pursuant to
Security Council resouliton 757 (1992)
2. Decides to enlarge the mandate and strength of the United Nations Protection Force,
established under resouliton 743 (1992), in accordance with the report of the
3. Authorizes the Seceretary-General to deploy, when he judges in appropriate, the
military observes and related presonnel and equipment required for the activities
referred to in paragraph 5 of his report;
4. Requests the Seceretary-General to seek Security Council authorization for the
deployment of the additional elements of Force, after he was reported to the Council
that all the conditions neccessary for them to carry out the mandate approved by the
Council, including an effective and durable cease-fire, have benn fulfilled;
5. Strongly condemns all those parties and others concerned that are responsbile for
violations of the cease-fire reaffirmed in paragraph 1 of the agreement of 5 Junge 1992
annexed to the report of the Secretary-General
6. Calls upon all parties and others concerned to comply fully with the above-mentioned
agreement and it particular to respect strictly the cease-fire reaffirmed in paragraph 1
7. Demands that all parties and others concerned cooperate fully with the Force and
international humanitarian agencies and take all necessary steps to ensure the safety of
their personnel;
8. Demands also that all parties and others concerned create immediately the necessary
conditions for unmpeded delivery of humanitarian supplies to Sarajevo and others
destinations in BiH, including the establishment of a security zone encompassing
Sarajevo and its airport and respecting the agreements signed at Geneva on 22 may
9. Requests the Seceretary-General to continue to use his good offices in order to achieve
the objectives contained in paragraph 8 above, and invites him to keep under continous
review any further measures that may become necessary to ensure unimpeded delivery
of humanitarian supplies;
10. Also requests the Seceretary-General to reprot to the Security Council on his efforts no
later than seven days after the adoption of the present resolution;
11. Decides to remain actively seized of the matter.

Adopted unanimosuly at the 3083rd meeting.


In a letter dated 30 June 1992, addressed to the President of the Security Council for the
attention of the members of the Council, the Seceretary-General noted that further to
the decision of the Seceretary Council in its resolution 758 (1992) of 8 June 1992, and
having completed the necessary consultations, he proposed that Ukraine be added to
the list of Member states contributing military personnel to the United Nations
Protection Force. In a ltter dated 2 July 1992, the President of the Security Council
informed the Secretary -General as follows:

'' I have the honour to inform you that your later dated 30 June 1992 concerning the
addition to the composition of the Untied nations Protection Force has been brought to
the attention of the members of Council. They agree with the proposal contained in
your letter''

Report of the Secretary-General pursuant to paragraph 15 of Security Council

resouliton 757 (1992) and paragraph of resolution 758 (1992)

At its 3086th meeting, on 18 june 1992, the Council discussed the item etitled '' Report
of the Seceretary-General prusuant to paragraph 15 of resolution 757 (1992) and
pragraph 10 of resouliton 758 (1992) (S/24100 and Corr. 1)''

RESOLUTION 760 (1992) OF 18 JUNE 1992

The Security- Council,

Recalling its resolutions 752(1992) of 15 May 1992, 757 (1992) of 30 May 1992 and 758 (1992)
of 8 June 1992, and it particular paragraph 7 of resolution 752 (1992), in wich it emphasized the
urgent need for humanitarian assistance and fully supported the current efforts to deliver
humanitarian aid to all the victims of the conflict,

Acting under Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations,

Decides that prohibitions in paragraph 4 (c) of resolution 757 1992 concerning the sale or
supply to the Federal repulic of Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro) of commodities or
products, other than medical supplies and foodstuffs, and the prohibitions against financial
transactions related thereto contained in resolution 757 (1992) shall not apply, with the
approval of the Security Council Committee established by resoultion 754 (1991) on Yugoslavia
under the simplified and accelerated '' no objection'' procedure, to commodities and products
for essnetail humanitarian need.
Adopted unanimosuly at the 3086th meeting.

Oral reports of the Seceratry-General on 26 and 29 June 1992 pursuant to Security Council
resolution 758 (1992).

At its 3087th meeting, on 29 June 1992, the Council discussed the item entitled '' Oral reports
of the Secertary and to cease hostile military activities within or adjacent to the Untied nations
Protected Areas;
4. Urges the remaining units of the Yugoslav People's Army, the Serb territorial defence forces
in Croatia and others concerned to compoly strictly with their obligations under the United
Nations peace-keeping plan, in particular with regard to the withdrawal and the disarming of all
forces in accordance with the plan;
5. Urges the Goverment of Croatia and others concerned to follow the course of action outlined
in paragraph 16 of the report of the Secertary-General and appeals to all parties to assist the
Force in its implementation;
6. Recoommends the establishment of the Join Commission described in paragraph 16 of the
report of the Secertary-General, wich should counsult, as may be necessary or appropriate with
the Belgrade authoriities in performing its functions;
7.Authorizes the strengthening of the Force by the addition of up to sixty military observes and
one hundred and twenty civilian police to prefrom the functions envisaged in paragraph 16 of
the report of the Secertary-General, with the agreement of the Govermentof Croatia and
others concerned;
8. Reaffirms the embargo applied in paragraph 6 of resolution 713 (1991), paragraph 5 of
resolution 724 (1991) and paragraph 6 of resolution 727(1992);
9 Supports the views expressed in pagraph 18 of the report of the Seceretary-General about
the grave consequences wich the collapse of the United Nations peace-keeeping plan would
have throughout the region;
10.Encourages the Secertary-General to puruse his efforts to fulfill as soon as possbile the
terms of paragraph 12 of resolution 752 (1992);
11. Calls again upon all parties concerned to coopearte fully with the Conference on Yugoslavia
and its aim of reaching a political sttlement consisten with the principles of the reaffirmes that
the United nations peace-keeping plan and its implementation is in no way intended to
prejudge the terms of political settlement;
12. decides to remain actively seized of the matter until a peaceful solution is achived.

Adopted unanimously at the 3088th meeting.

On 9 July 1992 following consultations with the members of the Council, the President
issued the following statement on their behalf.
'' the members of the Security Council take note of the fact that document S/24258 will
be issued on 11 July 1992. They agree that this fact does not prejudge decisions that may be
taken by appropriate United Nations bodies or their natinaol positions on this matter.''

Report of the Secertary-General pursuant to Security Council resolution 757(1992)

At its 3083rd meeting, on 8 June 1992, the Council discussed the item entitled '' Report
of the Secretary-General pursuant to Security Council resolution 757 (1992) (S/24075 and

Ništa što je generalni sekretarijat osigurao evakuiranje vojarne marssije Tita u Sarajevu.
Ništa ne znači i sporazum svih stranaka u Bosni i Hercegovini na ponovnom otvaranju zračne
luke u Sarajevu za humanitarne svrhe, isključivo u nadležnosti Ujedinjenih naroda, i uz pomoć
Ujedinjenih naroda za zaštitu,
Konstatirajući da će ponovno otvaranje zračne luke u Sarajevu za humanitarne svrhe
predstavljati prvi korak u uspostavi sigurnosne zone koja obuhvaća Sarajevo i njenu zračnu luku.
Oprosti nastavak borbi u BiH koji onemogućava raspodjelu humanitarne pomoći u Sarajevu i
Naglašavajući imperativnu potrebu za pronalaženjem hitne pregovaračke političke prilike za
postavljanje u BiH.
1. odobrava izvješće Glavnog tajnika
2. od 6. lipnja 1992. podneseno na temelju Rezolucije Vijeća sigurnosti 757 (1992)
2. odlučuje o povećanju mandata i snage Ujedinjenih naroda za zaštitu, uspostavljenih pod
rezulitivanjem 743 (1992), sukladno izvješću Glavnog tajnika
3. Ovlašćuje Glavni tajnik da, kad sudi primjereno, vojne propise i srodne pretpostavke i opremu
potrebnu za aktivnosti iz stavka 5. njegovog izvješća;
4. traži od glavnog tajnika da zatraže odobrenje Vijeća sigurnosti za raspoređivanje dodatnih
elemenata Sile, nakon što je Vijeću prijavljeno da su svi uvjeti potrebni za njihovo izvršavanje
mandata koje je odobrilo Vijeće, uključujući učinkovitu i izdržljivi prekid vatre, ispunjeni;
5. snažno osuđuje sve one stranke i druge zainteresirane koje su odgovorne za kršenja prekid
vatre potvrđene u stavku 1. sporazuma od 5. lipnja 1992. priloženog izvješću glavnog tajnika
6. poziva sve stranke i druge zainteresirane da se u potpunosti pridržavaju gore spomenutog
sporazuma i osobito da strogo poštuje vatrogasce potvrđeno u njegovom stavku 1
7. zahtijeva da sve stranke i ostale zainteresirane u potpunosti surađuju sa Sila i međunarodnim
humanitarnim agencijama i poduzmu sve potrebne korake kako bi osigurale sigurnost njihovog
8. traži također da sve stranke i ostale zainteresirane odmah stvaraju neophodne uvjete za
neuplaćenu isporuku humanitarnih pomagala Sarajevu i drugim destinacijama u BiH, uključujući
uspostavu sigurnosne zone koja obuhvaća Sarajevu i njegovu zračnu luku te poštujući sporazume
potpisane u Ženevi 22. ožujka svibanj 1992.
9. traži od glavnog tajnika da nastavi koristiti svoje urede u cilju postizanja ciljeva iz gornjeg
stavka 8. i poziva ga da kontinuirano preispita sve daljnje mjere koje mogu biti neophodne kako
bi se osigurala neometana isporuka humanitarnih zaliha;
10. također od Generalnog sekretarijata zatražio da se na svoje napore podnese Vijeću sigurnosti
najkasnije sedam dana nakon usvajanja ove Rezolucije;
11. Odluči ostati aktivno oduzeti tu stvar.

U pismu od 30. lipnja 1992. godine, upućen predsjedniku Vijeća sigurnosti na pozornost članova
Vijeća, glavni tajnik je napomenuo da je uz odluku Sekeretarnog vijeća u svojoj rezoluciji 758
(1992) od 8. lipnja 1992., a nakon što je dovršio potrebne konzultacije, predložio je da se
Ukrajini dodaju na popis država članica koje doprinose vojnom osoblju Ujedinjenim narodima za
zaštitu. U istom od 2. srpnja 1992. predsjednik Vijeća sigurnosti obavijestio je glavnog tajnika
kako slijedi:

'' Imam čast obavijestiti vas da je vaš kasniji datum od 30. lipnja 1992. o dopunjavanju sastava
Službe za zaštitu od nezakonitih snaga upozoren članovima Vijeća. Slažu se s prijedlogom koji
se nalazi u vašem pismu "

Izvještaj glavnog tajnika na temelju stavka 15 rezulitacije Vijeća sigurnosti 757 (1992) i stavka
rezolucije 758 (1992

Vijeće je na svom 3086. sastanku, 18. lipnja 1992. godine, raspravljalo o točki izneseno u
"Izvješću glavnog tajnika o prijedlogu iz stavka 15. rezolucije 757 (1992) i pragraf 10 rezulita
758 (1992) (S / 24100 i Corr. 1) '

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