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Laboratory Hematology

R e c o m m e n d a t i o n s o f t h e I n t e r n a t i o n a l

C o u n c i l f o r S t a n d a r d i z a t i o n i n H a e m a t o l o g y

f o r E t h y l e n e d i a m i n e t e t r a a c e t i c A c i d

A n t i c o a g u l a t i o n o f B l o o d f o r B l o o d C e l l

C o u n t i n g a n d S i z i n g



Of the three ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) salts used for tassium EDTA is recommended as the anticoagulant of choice in speci-
anticoagulation of blood specimens for hematologic testing, potassium men collection for blood cell counting and sizing. The amount of dipo-
salts are the most readily soluble. Tripotassium EDTA is dispensed as tassium EDTA used is 1.5-2.2 mg (3.7-5.4 >«mol) per milliliter of
a liquid and thus causes a slight dilution of the specimen. This salt also blood. (Key words: Anticoagulant; Blood cell count; EDTA) Am J Clin
has been shown to affect the red blood cell size more at increased con- Pathol 1993;100:371-372.
centrations and on storage than the dipotassium salt. Therefore, dipo-

Throughout the world, three different salts of the chelating red blood cell shrinkage with increasing EDTA concentration
agent ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA; C,0 H16 N2 0 8 ) (11% shrinkage at 7.5 mg/mL blood), the largest change in cell
are being used for hematologic testing: disodium, dipotassium, volume on standing (+1.6% after four hours), and lower mean
and tripotassium EDTA. The potassium salts have an advan- cell volume (MCV) values (-0.1 % to — 1.3%, depending on the
tage over the sodium salt in that they are more readily soluble type of instrument). In addition, K3EDTA is dispensed as a
in the blood when present in the dry form in the collection liquid, causing all directly measured values (ie, hemoglobin
container; however, all three salts have been shown to affect red concentration, red and white blood cell counts, and platelet
blood cell size, especially after storage of anticoagulated speci- count) to be 1-2% lower than the circulating blood values be-
mens for a number of hours. cause of specimen dilution. Finally, a decreased white blood
Automated blood cell counters are calibrated by reference cell count obtained with an automated blood cell counter has
methods.' For cell sizing, this requires the measurement of the been reported for blood anticoagulated with K3EDTA in high
packed cell volume (PCV) of fresh blood samples so that values concentrations.4
can be assigned to materials provided by the manufacturer.2 With regard to the choice between the dipotassium and diso-
This implies that calibration of automated blood cell counters dium salt of EDTA for standardization purposes, the following
will depend on the anticoagulant used. Thus, for harmoniza- were observed: Compared with PCV measurements on
tion between counters, it is essential that the same anticoagu- K2EDTA-anticoagulated specimens, Na2EDTA-anticoagu-
lants are used. lated specimens consistently gave slightly lower values (n = 40,
Studies have been performed in four laboratories to docu- PCV range, 0.30-0.46; average, -0.0005; range, -0.0001 to
ment differences between the three EDTA salts on the apparent -0.001); compared with MCV measurements (n = 116),
PCV with the microcapillary ("microhematocrit") method and Na2EDTA-anticoagulated specimens consistently gave slightly
several hematology analyzers.3 Of the three salts tested, higher values (average, +0.2 fL; range, +0.1 to +0.4 fL).3 Com-
KjEDTA proved the least suitable because it causes the largest pared with PCV measurements on defibrinated blood (n = 4,
ten individual measurements on each specimen), K2EDTA ap-
peared to cause slight shrinkage of the red blood cells (—0.005)
and Na2EDTA a marginal swelling (+0.001); compared with
* Members: J. M. England (Chairman), R. M. Rowan (Secretary), PCV measurements on whole blood without anticoagulation,
O. W. van Assendelft, B. S. Bull, W. Coulter, K. Fujimoto, W. Groner, spun immediately after collection (n = 4), K2EDTA appeared
A. Richardson-Jones, G. Klee, J. A. Koepke, S. M. Lewis, C. E. to cause marginal (-0.003) shrinkage and Na2EDTA slight
McLaren, N. K. Shinton, N. Tatsumi, and R. L. Verwilghen. (—0.005) shrinkage of the red blood cells.3 On standing for four
Prepared for the panel by O. W. van Assendelft and S. M. Lewis. hours at ambient temperature, 20-24 °C, K2EDTA and
Revised manuscript accepted for publication December 21,1992. Na2EDTA appeared to cause approximately the same degree of
Address reprint requests to Dr. van Assendelft, NCID 1/2302, MS swelling of the red blood cells (+0.005 and +0.004, respec-
D-17, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Public Health Ser-
vice, Department of Health and Human Services, 1600 Clifton Road, tively)3; however, when the greater solubility of K2EDTA
Atlanta, GA 30333. (1,650 g/L v.?. 100 g/L for Na2EDTA)5 and the widespread use


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Laboratory Hematology

of the potassium salt (eg, in Europe, Japan) are taken into ac- Storage of EDTA-anticoagulated blood for as long as 6 hours
count, the International Council for Standardization in Hae- is acceptable; extended storage (24 hours) is not recommended
matology recommends the dipotassium salt as anticoagulant in because the stability of the specimens can vary, depending on
specimen collection for blood cell counting and sizing, espe- the reagents, system, and instrumentation used in testing.5
cially when PCV values are required for calibration of auto-
mated blood cell counters.
K2EDTA.2H20, an odorless white crystalline powder, has a
relative molecular mass of 404.4; 1 g (2.4 mmol) will chelate 1. Lewis SM, England JM, Rowan RM. Current concerns in haema-
100 mg (2.4 mmol) of calcium ion.5 The pH of a 1% (weight/ tology: 3. Blood count calibration. J Clin Pathol 1991;44:881-
volume) K2EDTA solution is 4.8 ± 1.0. 884.
The amount of dipotassium EDTA, dihydrate, added to 2. International Committee for Standardization in Haematology:
blood should be 1.5-2.2 mg/mL (4.55 ± 0.85 ^mol/mL). This Expert Panel on Cytometry. The assignment of values to fresh
amount is a compromise between the amount required to pro- blood used for calibrating automated blood cell counters. Clin
Lab Haematol 1988; 10:203-212.
duce anticoagulation and the amount at which cellular changes 3. Koepke JA, van Assendelft OW, Bull BS, Richardson-Jones A.
are produced. Standardization of EDTA anticoagulation for blood counting
Tubes containing blood specimens must have an air bubble procedures. Labmedica 1988/89,5(6): 15-17.
constituting at least 20% of the tube volume. The tube must be 4. Goossens W, van Duppen V, Verwilghen RL. K2- or K3-EDTA:
inverted completely several times to ensure adequate mixing of The anticoagulant of choice in routine haematology? Clin Lab
blood and anticoagulant. Haematol 1991;13:291-295.
With respect to the white blood cell morphologic characteris- 5. National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards. Additives
tics of EDTA-anticoagulated blood on storage at ambient (20- to Blood Collection Devices: EDTA. Tentative Standard.
24 °C) temperatures, a slight vacuolization of monocytes was NCCLS document H35-T (ISBN 1-56238-162-8). Villanova,
found after one hour, progressing to moderate after four hours; PA: National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards,
a slight vacuolization of neutrophilic granulocytes was found 6. van Assendelft OW, Parvin RM. Specimen collection, handling
after three to four hours, progressing to moderate after six and storage. In: Lewis SM, Verwilghen RL, eds. Quality Assur-
hours.6 Only minimal changes in the white blood cell morpho- ance in Haematology. London: Bailliere Tindall, 1988, pp 5-32.
logic characteristics have been reported on storage at 4 °C for as 7. Lloyd E. The deterioration of leukocyte morphology with time: Its
long as 12 hours.7 effect on the differential count. Lab Perspect 1982; 1(1): 13-16.

A.J.C.P. • October 1993

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