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Yildiz Technical University

Electrical Engineering Department

Control Systems, Exercises, 2016-2017 Fall November 4, 2016

1. a) Find the transfer function, G(s) = VC (s)/V (s), for the electrical network shown in
the figure below.
b) Let R = 500Ω. From the transfer function you obtained, find the values of L and C
that yield a settling time (Ts ) of 0.1s and a peak time (Tp ) of 0.01s to a step input.


VC (s) 1/(LC)
= 2 1 1
V (s) s + RC s+ LC


C = 25µF
L = 0.3988H

2. Find the transfer function, G(s) = X1 (s)/F (s), for the translational mechanical system
shown below.
4 N-s/m 5 N/m
5 kg f(t)


X1 (s) 1 5
= = s+4
F (s) s(5s + 4) s( 5 )
November 4, 2016

3. Convert the transfer function given by

Y (s) 4
G(s) = = 3
R(s) s + 5s − 3s + 1

to a state-space representation.


      
x˙1 0 1 0 x1 0
 x˙2  =  0 0 1   x2  +  0  r
x˙3 −1 3 −5 x3 4
 
y = 1 0 0  x2 

4. Consider the system given below. Determine the value of k such that the damping ratio
ζ is 0.5. Then obtain the peak time Tp and settling time Ts in the unit-step response.


k = 0.2
Tp = 0.907sec.
Ts = 2sec.

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