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Lean In is written by Sheryl Sandberg, the Chief Operating Officer of Facebook. The
book is an interesting examination of the current workplace and women’s role
within it. She identifies a need for women to be in leadership roles and explains the
reasons why women both hold themselves back, and are held back. Sandberg
includes many examples from her own life, specifically working with Mark
Zuckerberg and emphasises the importance of men supporting women in the
workplace, and women supporting women. We all need to lean in.


There’s no doubt that women have the skills to lead in the workplace. Girls are
increasingly outperforming boys in the classroom, earning about 57 percent of the
undergraduate and 60 percent of the master’s degrees in the United States.

Career progression often depends upon taking risks and advocating for oneself—
traits that girls are discouraged from exhibiting. This may explain why girls’
academic gains have not yet translated into significantly higher numbers of women
in top jobs. The pipeline that supplies the educated workforce is chock-full of
women at the entry level, but by the time that same pipeline is filling leadership
positions, it is overwhelmingly stocked with men.

When jobs are described as powerful, challenging, and involving high levels of
responsibility, they appeal to more men than women. Even among highly educated
professional men and women, more men than women describe themselves as

Since more men aim for leadership roles, it is not surprising that they obtain them,
especially given all the other obstacles that women have to overcome. This pattern
starts long before they enter the workforce.


Women hold themselves back, literally choosing to watch from the sidelines.

Instead of feeling worthy of recognition, they feel undeserving and guilty, as if a
mistake has been made. Despite being high achievers, even experts in their fields,
women can’t seem to shake the sense that it is only a matter of time until they are
found out for who they really are—impostors with limited skills or abilities.

For women, feeling like a fraud is a symptom of a greater problem. We consistently

underestimate ourselves. Multiple studies in multiple industries show that women
often judge their own performance as worse than it actually is, while men judge
their own performance as better than it actually is.

And it’s not just women who are tough on themselves. Colleagues and the media
are also quick to credit external factors for a woman’s achievements.

Fake it
When you don’t feel confident, one tactic is that it sometimes helps to fake it.

Research backs up this “fake it till you feel it” strategy. One study found that when
people assumed a high-power pose (for example, taking up space by spreading
their limbs) for just two minutes, their dominance hormone levels (testosterone)
went up and their stress hormone levels (cortisol) went down. As a result, they felt
more powerful and in charge and showed a greater tolerance for risk. A simple
change in posture led to a significant change in attitude.


Research has already clearly shown: success and likeability are positively
correlated for men and negatively correlated for women. When a man is successful,
he is liked by both men and women. When a woman is successful, people of both
genders like her less. This truth is both shocking and unsurprising

This bias is at the very core of why women are held back. It is also at the very core
of why women hold themselves back. For men, professional success comes with
positive reinforcement at every step of the way. For women, even when they’re
recognized for their achievements, they’re often regarded unfavorably.

In order to protect ourselves as women from being disliked, we question our

abilities and downplay our achievements, especially in the presence of others. We
put ourselves down before others can.


There is a saying, “Think globally, act locally.” When negotiating, “Think personally,
act communally.” Explain that you know that women often get paid less than men
so you are going to negotiate rather than accept the original offer. By doing so, you
position yourself as connected to a group. And as silly as it sounds, pronouns
matter. Whenever possible, women should substitute “we” for “I.” A woman’s
request will be better received if she asserts, “We had a great year,” as opposed to
“I had a great year.

But a communal approach is not enough. The second thing women must do is
provide a legitimate explanation for the negotiation. Men don’t have to legitimize
their negotiations; they are expected to look out for themselves. Women, however,
have to justify their requests. One way of doing this is to suggest that someone
more senior encouraged the negotiation (“My manager suggested I talk with you
about my compensation”). Still, every negotiation is unique, so women must adjust
their approach accordingly.

Knowledge is power
It is also true, as any good negotiator knows, that having a better understanding of
the other side leads to a superior outcome. So at the very least, women can enter
these negotiations with the knowledge that showing concern for the common
good, even as they negotiate for themselves, will strengthen their position.

"For the time being, I fear that women will continue to sacrifice being liked for being

Real change will come when powerful women are less of an exception. It is easy to
dislike senior women because there are so few. If women held 50 percent of the top
jobs, it would just not be possible to dislike that many people.

“Everyone needs to get more comfortable with female leaders—including female

leaders themselves. ”

Less than six months after Sheryl Sandberg started at Facebook, Mark and her sat
down for the first formal review. One of the things he said was that the desire to be
liked by everyone would hold her back. He said that when you want to change
things, you can’t please everyone. If you do please everyone, you aren’t making
enough progress.


The most common metaphor for careers is a ladder, but this concept no longer
applies to most workers.

Ladders are limiting—people can move up or down, on or off. Jungle gyms offer
more creative exploration. There are many ways to get to the top of a jungle gym.
The jungle gym model benefits everyone, but especially women who might be
starting careers, switching careers, getting blocked by external barriers, or
reentering the workforce after taking time off. The ability to forge a unique path with
occasional dips, detours, and even dead ends presents a better chance for
fulfilment. Plus, a jungle gym provides great views for many people, not just those
at the top. On a ladder, most climbers are stuck staring at the butt of the person

The job search

This 'jungle gym' concept is especially comforting in a tough market where job
seekers often have to accept what is available and hope that it points in a desirable
direction. We all want a job or role that truly excites and engages us. This search
requires both focus and flexibility, so adopt two concurrent goals: a long-term
dream and an eighteen-month plan.

A long-term dream does not have to be realistic or even specific. It may reflect the
desire to work in a particular field or to travel throughout the world. Maybe the
dream is to have professional autonomy or a certain amount of free time. Even a
vague goal can provide direction, a far-off guidepost to move toward.

“If you’re offered a seat on a rocket ship, you don’t ask what seat. You just get on.”

Everyone should have an eighteen-month plan. (Eighteen months because two

years seems too long and one year seems too short, but it does not have to be any
exact amount of time.)

A shift in thinking
Women need to shift from thinking “I’m not ready to do that” to thinking “I want to
do that—and I’ll learn by doing it.

One reason women avoid stretch assignments and new challenges is that they
worry too much about whether they currently have the skills they need for a new
role. This can become a self-fulfilling prophecy, since so many abilities are acquired
on the job.


Now young women are told that if they can just find the right mentor, they will be
pushed up the ladder and whisked away to the corner office to live happily ever
after. Once again, we are teaching women to be too dependent on others.

To be clear, the issue is not whether mentorship is important. It is. Mentorship and
sponsorship are crucial for career progression.

Studies show that mentors select protégés based on performance and potential.
Intuitively, people invest in those who stand out for their talent or who can really
benefit from help. Mentors continue to invest when mentees use their time well and
are truly open to feedback.

Given this, We need to stop telling women, “Get a mentor and you will excel.”
Instead, we need to tell them, “Excel and you will get a mentor.

Men and women

Men will often gravitate toward sponsoring younger men, with whom they connect
more naturally. Since there are so many more men at the top of every industry, the
proverbial old-boy network continues to flourish. And since there are already a
reduced number of women in leadership roles, it is not possible for the junior
women to get enough support unless senior men jump in too.

We need to make male leaders aware of this shortage and encourage them to
widen their circle. It’s wonderful when senior men mentor women. It’s even better
when they champion and sponsor them. Any male leader who is serious about
moving toward a more equal world can make this a priority and be part of the
solution. It should be a badge of honor for men to sponsor women.


Authentic communication is not always easy, but it is the basis for successful
relationships at home and real effectiveness at work. Yet people constantly back
away from honesty to protect themselves and others. This reticence causes and
perpetuates all kinds of problems. Often these situations don’t improve because no
one tells anyone what is really happening. We are so rarely brave enough to tell the

Being honest in the workplace is especially difficult. All organizations have some
form of hierarchy, which means that someone’s performance is assessed by
someone else’s perception. This makes people even less likely to tell the truth.
Every organization faces this challenge.

Effective communication starts with the understanding that there is my point of
view (my truth) and someone else’s point of view (his truth). Rarely is there one
absolute truth, so people who believe that they speak the truth are very silencing of

When we recognize that we can see things only from our own perspective, we can
share our views in a nonthreatening way. Statements of opinion are always more
constructive in the first person “I” form.

Truth is also better served by using simple language. Office-speak often contains
nuances and parentheticals that can bury not just the lead but the entire point.

Being aware of a problem is the first step to correcting it. It is nearly impossible to
know how our actions are perceived by others. We can try to guess what they’re
thinking, but asking directly is far more effective. With real knowledge, we can
adjust our actions and avoid getting tripped up. Still, people rarely seek enough

To really care about others, we have to understand them—what they like and
dislike, what they feel as well as think. Emotion drives both men and women and
influences every decision we make. Recognizing the role emotions play and being
willing to discuss them makes us better managers, partners, and peers.

Research suggests that presenting leadership as a list of carefully defined qualities

(like strategic, analytical, and performance-oriented) no longer holds. Instead, true
leadership stems from individuality that is honestly and sometimes imperfectly
expressed. Leaders should strive for authenticity over perfection.

This shift is good news for women, who often feel obliged to suppress their
emotions in the workplace in an attempt to come across as more stereotypically
male. And it’s also good news for men, who may be doing the exact same thing.


From an early age, girls get the message that they will have to choose between
succeeding at work and being a good mother. By the time they are in college,
women are already thinking about the trade-offs they will make between
professional and personal goals.

Women rarely make one big decision to leave the workforce. Instead, they make a
lot of small decisions along the way, making accommodations and sacrifices that
they believe will be required to have a family. Of all the ways women hold
themselves back, perhaps the most pervasive is that they leave before they leave.

Often without even realizing it, the woman stops reaching for new opportunities. If
any are presented to her, she is likely to decline or offer the kind of hesitant “yes”
that gets the project assigned to someone else.

By not finding ways to stretch herself in the years leading up to motherhood, she
has fallen behind. When she returns to the workplace after her child is born, she is
likely to feel less fulfilled, underutilized, or unappreciated.

When a couple announces that they are having a baby, everyone says
“Congratulations!” to the man and “Congratulations! What are you planning on
doing about work?” to the woman. The broadly held assumption is that raising their
child is her responsibility.

Personal choices are not always as personal as they appear. We are all influenced
by social conventions, peer pressure, and familial expectations. On top of these
forces, women who can afford to drop out of the workplace often receive not just
permission but encouragement to do so from all directions.

One miscalculation that some women make is to drop out early in their careers
because their salary barely covers the cost of child care. Child care is a huge
expense, and it’s frustrating to work hard just to break even. But professional
women need to measure the cost of child care against their future salary rather
than their current salary.


As women must be more empowered at work, men must be more empowered at
home. So many women inadvertently discourage their husbands from doing their
share by being too controlling or critical. Social scientists call this “maternal
gatekeeping,” which is a fancy term for “Ohmigod, that’s not the way you do it! Just
move aside and let me!”

When it comes to children, fathers often take their cues from mothers. This gives a
mother great power to encourage or impede the father’s involvement. If she acts as
a gatekeeper mother and is reluctant to hand over responsibility, or worse,
questions the father’s efforts, he does less.

Anyone who wants her mate to be a true partner must treat him as an equal—and
equally capable—partner.

The single most important career decision that a woman makes is whether she will
have a life partner and who that partner is. I don’t know of one woman in a
leadership position whose life partner is not fully—supportive of her career. No

Fathers in the workforce

Both men and women can be penalized at work for prioritizing family, but men may
pay an even higher price. When male employees take a leave of absence or just
leave work early to care for a sick child, they can face negative consequences that
range from being teased to receiving lower performance ratings to reducing their
chance for a raise or promotion.

Fathers who want to drop out of the workforce entirely and devote themselves to
child care can face extremely negative social pressure. Currently, fathers make up
less than 4 percent of parents who work full-time inside the home, and many report
that it can be very isolating.

Husband and wife

Making gender matters even worse, men’s success is viewed not just in absolute
terms, but often in comparison to their wives’. The image of a happy couple still
includes a husband who is more professionally successful than the wife.

Women face enough barriers to professional success. If they also have to worry
that they will upset their husbands by succeeding, how can we hope to live in an
equal world?

When women work outside the home and share breadwinning duties, couples are
more likely to stay together. In fact, the risk of divorce reduces by about half when
a wife earns half the income and a husband does half the housework.


Trying to do it all and expecting that it all can be done exactly right is a recipe for
disappointment. Perfection is the enemy.


Major changes can result from these kinds of “nudge techniques,” small
interventions that encourage people to behave in slightly different ways at critical
moments. The simple act of talking openly about behavioural patterns makes the
subconscious conscious.

“Talking can transform minds, which can transform behaviours, which can
transform institutions.”


First, we must decide that true equality is long overdue and will be achieved only
when more women rise to the top of every government and every industry. Then we
have to do the hard work of getting there. All of us—men and women alike—have to
understand and acknowledge how stereotypes and biases cloud our beliefs and
perpetuate the status quo.

Instead of ignoring our differences, we need to accept and transcend them. For
decades, we have focused on giving women the choice to work inside or outside
the home. We have celebrated the fact that women have the right to make this
decision, and rightly so. But we have to ask ourselves if we have become so
focused on supporting personal choices that we’re failing to encourage women to
aspire to leadership. It is time to cheer on girls and women who want to sit at the
table, seek challenges, and lean in to their careers.

None of this is attainable unless we pursue these goals together. Men need to
support women and, I wish it went without saying, women need to support women


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