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EV Kit General Description The MAXI76 evaiation kt (EV Ki) provides a proven. design anda fuly assembled PC board for fast na easy valuation of tha MAKI76 al sample rales up 10 250k Samples per second (ks), The kt includes a MAX176 44MM cryetaloscatar, shift registers, and LEDS to ds- ay the output code. An op amp i included butter the put signal required. Protonypng space Is po: ‘ded for application specie crculry. It addition, a Varely of Cormeciors and jumpers offer flexibility and provide easy interface to external systoms, evaluation {bate signal analyzers, and signal sources. MAX176 Evaluation Kit Features Proven 250ksps, 12-Bit Serial ADC Layout and Creuit Desig 4 Fully Assemble PC Board @ :5V input Range ‘¢ Complete Solution for Serial Intertace Timing ¢ LED Display for Output Monitoring 4 Prototyping Space for Additional Circuitry Ordering Information PanT TEMP. RANGE BOARDTYPE [iartrcvatoe "pce ste Pascoe Meng] WM AW 9ZLEXUW aiads pee wat 76 dt amo cP swsxecee | raab es aptes si up mp2, a8 ee | ene: | 3 [ eonnesces — 5! suns | Sua 1 | BD 1% esr one 02.64, 8.610.012 ce. ‘0A ruin potentometor | 1 | 1o01 55 reste 824015 reser ~_1yF eecretreraa 1 _[ eawrow 5A cnc canacior 2 uF capcors LEDs MAX176 EV Kit MAX176 Evaluation Kit Quick Reference ‘You can verty EV kt operation by using the on-board Crystal oscar and conversion startloge. The folowng Sap wal Con" gute The Board for stand-alone operation ‘wih the output code displayed on the row of LEDS, 1. Setthe jumpers according to Table 1. Do ottum on The power supplies unt all suppies are connected and al jumpers are set. 2. Connect he SV supply tothe SV teminalofthe power Connector The BV supply shu have 20078 ca pabity ifthe LED cigplay is enabled. A 100A, Supply wil sutice # the LED) cepa is disables Carnget the ground iead forthe SV supply to tre [BGND (aig tal ground) terminal of ine power corner: 3. Conmecttne-15V cupply:othe 1SVslot onthe power CconnactarThe-15V ie deed oniylorthe MAXT Tend the opamp. Connect ine ground connection fo tne 18V sup tothe AGND (analog ground) terminal thepower connector, Analog and digital grounds are ‘connected together ea the power connector onthe printed arcu board Connect a vatiable source tothe anaiag input (1), tan ampilior lacated in U1, comect a 18V supply to te 18V slot onthe power cammoctor Table 2. Jumper Selection Options aumpen| sevecrion |, SHME,, open snes trou Select Sroree ompiter mien gain= 6. Tumonthepower supplies and vary he vetage input lout 2.079 of the LED cispay wil spay Ne MAX1 76s output coue._D' should remain on. id caling the state of the leading data bi, which is ainays nigh Table 1. Jumper Configuration for Stand-Alone Opera JUMPER coMEcT uncon ee semer |" Suaiagoss | emesis crgoonomn Hardware Description Jumper Selection You may select tom several jumper options by placing a huntin ne appropnate pastion Table Isis the ju. (FS and the ioatures they select (OPERATION AR Tb anaiag routs conecied otha output ol reader apiter Ut MAKI76 ratg wou connected i.1. Tes apap, lene used nd should be 1&2 Anewteral coos, connecteou4, dives he MAK’ 76 (Nake 1) Thc boars ae cyst cecltrcrwos the MAIZE ‘An exenaconverson sar gna, cormactadoJ2, gers me MAXTE (No. The conversion te apa generates ny U6 ang U on EV stump | Cooksotet Gomerson | 182 sasmer | Son Sec iS 2a Open The LED asa is abled sume | LeDEnapie L_P= a ‘Shorted | Te LED aepay is enablea ‘outers doses onthe WAK' Tala sac the tn Clock Solac ox Conweron Ste Sects corti or exes sig°als he user ust sist the img MAXIM Several other jumper locations on the board provide for flebie use of the oufpul ribbon cable connector. AS shown In the senemato (Figure 3), shoring locations Jumps, Jumpa, and Jump conects the MAK176 soil interac pine (CONVST, CLOCK, DATA) to the dala ‘connect for complete User contol of the AID tering. ‘Aternaiivey, ese connectox pins may be user thar lagic signals 28 desited. The board is dolvered wit Jump shoried which comects the shit-register atch pin tothe or-boardlogic. For user conta ol he shf-ogisor Iateh signal, Jump9 can be cut, and wired to ane of he urused ribbon cable connector pins Input Amplifier Many appsication cveuts akeady have an ampli tha ve he nput tothe MAXT76. For these highimpedance inputs that require an aetional but, the MAK 70 EV Hl has prowison or an input ampli stage (U1). The pat ‘Stage can be configured or uney gain ora gain ol #6, To use the op amp, remove the shunt across Jumpt Instaling shunt across Jump wil operate bw op am 5 2 unty-gain butfer Without the shunt, the slage is Configured asa gan of two amp fer wih adjustable gain ancl Inadalton, the usr must supply resistor and capacitor for RQ and C1.A2 and C1 form an put lowpass ior The rolot requency should be no more than one-hal he MAXT76 sarnpling fate 1 AiaisamD Ta agus the input bute’ offset, ground the input and gst R10 fora 20 ourpul code. YoU can observe he MaXI76 dala output ph, oF use the LED dspiay lor adjustments pexcie To agjust the input buller gain, adiust the analog input to -2500V an! agjust potentiometer Ré for a negative ful Seale code. The negative ful-seale cade is 1000 0000 (0000. $011 (alas high) and 02 (he MSB LED) wil be fon, “Abother LEDS willbe ofl. Trem RB so tat D1 (the USBLED) is ust turned ot The noise level of many inputsignas can beimmproved by adding a eaoactor between Ine MAXT76 analog input ‘ana analog g’ound, You can install ths user supped Ccapactor at locatan C18 on the board. The capactor = ecormendes whenaver the input source wl oleate & ‘capacitive laa MAXIM MAX176 Evaluation Kit axt76 ‘The MAXI76 i relerenced to a separate ground called analog ground. It desirable fo rave such a ground most systems. ts main purpose is to separate high ‘current transien's, commen in digital systems rom Ine bound used in crtical analog sections. Howover is ecessaty fo connect the two grounds together at some point to ensure fatal the Grout elements nave a com fron relerence. On the MAX176 EV ki crcut board, he two grounds ae tied together near the power connector Having the two grounds connect at only one point pre- vents a current path through te analog section fore figtal eurentransiens Tre inout range tor the MAKI7B is 25.0V._The input ampli (U1) ean be used: as a unity-gain buffer (45.00 input orin a gain of two (42 BV pul), Roferto tho input “Ampiiorsection or moreinformaton about nput requ Data Latches Shit registers US and Us ate used 10 convert the serial ‘uiput of the MAXI76 to a paral form thal may be examined or asplayesby the LEDS. Because the st bt fof the MAKI76 ala siteam is always high, Gg o! Ud Should always be high. The frst LED (D1) displays this leading bit. The next twelve Dts latched by the PAHCS95s are determined by the value othe MAKITE ‘anaiog pas. LEDS D2-D13 cispay the value of those is, The timing is shown i Figures 1 ana 2 Clock and Conversion Start Circuits The 74HCTOO quad NAND gate and the 7&HCT393 dual -4bitcounlerenps are sed generate meproner img relationships for clocxs up to 4MIH2. Figures 1 and? are Timing ciagrars fr the MAXT76 digital interface. I you Choose lo use externa’ MAXI76 Ing signa, be sure that all tang spectieations on the MAX1T6 data seet ‘we salstied by you circut The MAX176 evakiaon ki has a 4MH2 crystal asilator, 1 741700 quad NAND gate, and a 744C393 countot fn ne Board To provide locking and conversion contal Signals fer the MAXI76. Figures 1 ard 2 ilustale the wavetorms generated by nese devices. Figure 1 deals the ting feaionsrips forthe stat of conversion cycles Figure 2 covers fll conversion cycle HM AW 9LIXUW MAX176 EV Kit MAX176 Evaluation Kit oem f . i ot SHELESEER ft a [ (we Figure 1. Camera Sit Tring Diagram ‘The MAX176'6 data output ie shied imo a shit reais and latches every 16 cleck cycles for dapiay. Data is Shite through the 7AHCSESS on the rising edge of the Clock input ine. Displayed data is latched onthe rsing edge ole shitregiste latch sgnal. The laichng edge 'sgonerated an tn faling edge ot he shift ciock to nsure proper clocking ofthe data The shit-egister clock s inverted and used clock he MAX176._ The combned propagation delay of (ne fe Verter anc MAX 76 proudes @ smal hold time for te T4HC505 inputs. This technique alows nearly a (u Glock pened forthe MAX 76 clock: toate deay, whieh is spectied al 17008 max ovar temperature (see data sheet) Tre MAKI76 conversion star (CONVST) signal is gen efales ay 2 dvide-by-16 counter (74HC399), The Propagation delay of the 744C393 insures that the fising eage of ine conversion start sqnel Wals the falling edge of the MAXI70 clock signal. Therelore, @ Ccorvesion wil rot star unt the net faling edge ofthe MAXt76 clock Figure2 i he timing dlagram ‘ora complete conversion cycle Maxim MAX176 Evaluation Kit MAXIM 5 HM AW 9ZLLXVN MAX176 EV Kit MAX176 Evaluation Kit MAX176 Evaluation Kit MAX176 EV Kit Fue 3 MAXIE EV a cortsedh Maxim

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