Basic Electrical Engineering QP

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‘C 20175 “ Pages : 3) Name. Reg. No......... COMBINED FIRST AND SECOND SEMESTER B.TECH. (ENGINEERING) DEGREE EXAMINATION, JUNE 2006 CS 04-109—BASIC ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING (For CS, IT, PT) [2004 admissions) Time : Three Hours Maximum : 100 Marks Anzwer all questions, PartA * 1. (a) A50Q resistor is in parallel with a 100 Q resistor, The current in 50 Q resistor is 7-2 A. What is the value of third resistance to be added in parallel to make the line current as 12-1 A? (b) What is meant by du: of network ? Explain with examples. (©) Derive the expression for resonant frequency of a parallel circuit having R, and L in one branch and R, in C in the second branch. (@) State initial’and final value theorem of Laplace transform, (e) Derive an expression for energy stored in magnetic field. * (® Explain in detail the principie of operation of series motor. State its applications. (g) What are the types of induction motots ? Explain them with neat sketches. (h) Enumerate and explain the features of electronic voltmeter. (8x 5 = 40 marks) Part B 2. (a) Gi) Obtain the equation for the current through any resistance, in a parallel circuit having n number of different resistances. 7 : (8 marks) (ii) 8 resistors 8 2, 6 @ and 10 Q are connected in series to a battery of terminal voltage 24 volts. Find the current in the circuit, potential difference across each resistor and power dissipated in each resistor. (7 marks) - Or (b) (i) Determine the equivalent resistance between A and B. 9a A 92 92 92, 92. Bo——_ (8 marks) ‘Turn over 2 © 20175" (i) Draw the dual network for the circuit, shown. Explain the steps. (7 marks) 3. (a) (i) Define average value and obtain the same for a half-wave rectified voltage wave. 7 (8 marks) Gi) Find the form factor and peak factor for the waveform shown ! ay 16V f 001 0.02 0030.04 y (t marks) Or (®) (i) State and prove the properties of Laplace transform. (8 marks) Gi) In the series RL circuit shawn in figure, the applied voltage is e = 100 e-8°¢. Find (@) resulting current ; and (b) initial rate of change of current. : > ~ e=100 6% (7 marks) 4, (a) @ Define and explain self-inductance and mutual inductance. Derive expressions for them. 8 marks) (i) Compare electric circuits with magnetic circuits. (7 marks) Or BEE C 20175 (b) (i) Explain the Sonstruction of single-phase transformer with neat sketches, (8 marks) + (ii) Explain the methods of speed controlling of D.C. motors. (1 marks) 5. (a) (i) Describe in detail the types and construttional features of synchronous machines. (@ marks) (i) Give an account on squirrel cage and slip-ring induction motors. (7 marks) Or (b)_ Write short notes on : @ Qmeter. (ii) Dynamometer type wattmeter. (ii) Elegtronic multimeter. (8 x 5 = 15 marks) {4x 15 = 60 marks]

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