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1H A P T E R

Introduction to Liquid
Penetrant Testing

John J. Flaherty, Flare Technology, Incorporated, Elk

Grove Village, Illinois
Ward D. Rummel, D&W Enterprises, Limited, Littleton,
Amos G. Sherwin, Sherwin Incorporated, South Gate,
Holger H. Streckert, General Atomics, San Diego,
Noel A. Tracy, Universal Technology Corporation,
Dayton, Ohio
PART 1. Nondestructive Testing1

Nondestructive testing (NDT) has been sampling. Sampling (that is, less than 100
defined as comprising those test methods percent testing to draw inferences about
used to examine or inspect a part or the unsampled lots) is nondestructive
material or system without impairing its testing if the tested sample is returned to
future usefulness.1 The term is generally service. If the steel is tested to verify the
applied to nonmedical investigations of alloy in some bolts that can then be
material integrity. returned to service, then the test is
Strictly speaking, this definition of nondestructive. In contrast, even if
nondestructive testing includes spectroscopy used in the chemical testing
noninvasive medical diagnostics. X-rays, of many fluids is inherently
ultrasound and endoscopes are used by nondestructive, the testing is destructive if
both medical and industrial the samples are poured down the drain
nondestructive testing. Medical after testing.
nondestructive testing, however, has come Nondestructive testing is not confined
to be treated by a body of learning so to crack detection. Other discontinuities
separate from industrial nondestructive include porosity, wall thinning from
testing that today most physicians never corrosion and many sorts of disbonds.
use the word nondestructive. Nondestructive material characterization
Nondestructive testing is used to is a growing field concerned with material
investigate specifically the material properties including material
integrity of the test object. A number of identification and microstructural
other technologies — for instance, radio characteristics — such as resin curing, case
astronomy, voltage and amperage hardening and stress — that have a direct
measurement and rheometry (flow influence on the service life of the test
measurement) — are nondestructive but object.
are not used specifically to evaluate Nondestructive testing has also been
material properties. Radar and sonar are defined by listing or classifying the
classified as nondestructive testing when various techniques.1-3 This approach
used to inspect dams, for instance, but conveys a sense of nondestructive testing
not when they are used to chart a river that is a practical sense in that it typically
bottom. highlights methods in use by industry.
Nondestructive testing asks “Is there
something wrong with this material?”
Various performance and proof tests, in
contrast, ask “Does this component Purposes of
work?” This is the reason that it is not Nondestructive Testing
considered nondestructive testing when
an inspector checks a circuit by running Since the 1920s, the art of testing without
electric current through it. Hydrostatic destroying the test object has developed
pressure testing is another form of proof from a laboratory curiosity to an
testing, one that may destroy the test indispensable tool of production. No
object. longer is visual testing of materials, parts
Another gray area that invites various and complete products the principal
interpretations in defining nondestructive means of determining adequate quality.
testing is future usefulness. Some material Nondestructive tests in great variety are in
investigations involve taking a sample of worldwide use to detect variations in
the inspected part for testing that is structure, minute changes in surface
inherently destructive. A noncritical part finish, the presence of cracks or other
of a pressure vessel may be scraped or physical discontinuities, to measure the
shaved to get a sample for electron thickness of materials and coatings and to
microscopy, for example. Although future determine other characteristics of
usefulness of the vessel is not impaired by industrial products. Scientists and
the loss of material, the procedure is engineers of many countries have
inherently destructive and the shaving contributed greatly to nondestructive test
itself — in one sense the true test object — development and applications.
has been removed from service The various nondestructive testing
permanently. methods are covered in detail in the
The idea of future usefulness is relevant literature, but it is always wise to consider
to the quality control practice of objectives before details. How is

2 Liquid Penetrant Testing

nondestructive testing useful? Why do life were not well known. After relatively
thousands of industrial concerns buy the short periods of service some of these
testing equipment, pay the subsequent aircraft suffered disastrous failures.
operating costs of the testing and even Sufficient and proper nondestructive tests
reshape manufacturing processes to fit the could have saved many lives.
needs and findings of nondestructive As technology improves and as service
testing? requirements increase, machines are
Modern nondestructive tests are used subjected to greater variations and to
by manufacturers (1) to ensure product wider extremes of all kinds of stress,
integrity and, in turn, reliability; (2) to creating an increasing demand for
avoid failures, prevent accidents and save stronger or more damage tolerant
human life; (3) to make a profit for the materials.
user; (4) to ensure customer satisfaction
and maintain the manufacturer’s Engineering Demands for Sounder
reputation; (5) to aid in better product
design; (6) to control manufacturing Materials
processes; (7) to lower manufacturing Another justification for nondestructive
costs; (8) to maintain uniform quality tests is the designer’s demand for sounder
level; and (9) to ensure operational materials. As size and weight decrease and
readiness. the factor of safety is lowered, more and
These reasons for widespread profitable more emphasis is placed on better raw
use of nondestructive testing are sufficient material control and higher quality of
in themselves, but parallel developments materials, manufacturing processes and
have contributed to its growth and workmanship.
acceptance. An interesting fact is that a producer of
raw material or of a finished product
Increased Demand on Machines sometimes does not improve quality or
performance until that improvement is
In the interest of greater speed and rising demanded by the customer. The pressure
costs of materials, the design engineer is of the customer is transferred to
often under pressure to reduce weight. implementation of improved design or
This can sometimes be done by manufacturing. Nondestructive testing is
substituting aluminum alloys, magnesium frequently called on to deliver this new
alloys or composite materials for steel or quality level.
iron, but such light parts may not be the
same size or design as those they replace.
The tendency is also to reduce the size. Public Demands for Greater Safety
These pressures on the designer have The demands and expectations of the
subjected parts of all sorts to increased public for greater safety are apparent
stress levels. Even such commonplace everywhere. Review the record of the
objects as sewing machines, sauce pans courts in granting higher and higher
and luggage are also lighter and more awards to injured persons. Consider the
heavily loaded than ever before. The stress outcry for greater automobile safety, as
to be supported is seldom static. It often evidenced by the required auto safety
fluctuates and reverses at low or high belts and the demand for air bags,
frequencies. Frequency of stress reversals blowout-proof tires and antilock braking
increases with the speeds of modern systems. The publicly supported activities
machines and thus parts tend to fatigue of the National Safety Council,
and fail more rapidly. Underwriters Laboratories, the
Another cause of increased stress on Occupational Safety and Health
modern products is a reduction in the Administration and the Federal Aviation
safety factor. An engineer designs with Administration in the United States, as
certain known loads in mind. On the well as the work of similar agencies
supposition that materials and abroad, are only a few of the ways in
workmanship are never perfect, a safety which this demand for safety is expressed.
factor of 2, 3, 5 or 10 is applied. However, It has been expressed directly by
because of other considerations, a lower passengers who cancel reservations
factor is often used that depends on the following a serious aircraft accident. This
importance of lighter weight or reduced demand for personal safety has been
cost or risk to consumer. another strong force in the development
New demands on machinery have also of nondestructive tests.
stimulated the development and use of
new materials whose operating Rising Costs of Failure
characteristics and performance are not
completely known. These new materials Aside from awards to the injured or to
create greater and potentially dangerous estates of the deceased and aside from
problems. As an example, an aircraft part costs to the public (e.g. evacuation due to
was built from an alloy whose work chemical leaks), consider briefly other
hardening, notch resistance and fatigue factors in the rising costs of mechanical

Introduction to Liquid Penetrant Testing 3

failure. These costs are increasing for materials and structures without
many reasons. Some important ones are disruption or impairment of serviceability.
(1) greater costs of materials and labor; Nondestructive testing makes it possible
(2) greater costs of complex parts; for internal properties or hidden
(3) greater costs due to the complexity of discontinuities to be revealed or inferred
assemblies; (4) greater probability that by appropriate methods.
failure of one part will cause failure of Nondestructive testing is becoming
others because of overloads; (5) trend to increasingly vital in the effective conduct
lower factors of safety; (6) probability that of research, development, design and
the failure of one part will damage other manufacturing programs. Only with
parts of high value; and (7) part failure in appropriate nondestructive testing
an automatic production machine, methods can the benefits of advanced
shutting down an entire high speed, materials science be fully realized. The
integrated, production line. When information required for appreciating the
production was carried out on many broad scope of nondestructive testing is
separate machines, the broken one could available in many publications and
be bypassed until repaired. Today, one reports.
machine is tied into the production of
several others. Loss of such production is
one of the greatest losses resulting from
part failure. Classification of Methods
In a report, the National Materials
Applications of Nondestructive Advisory Board (NMAB) Ad Hoc
Testing Committee on Nondestructive Evaluation
adopted a system that classified
Nondestructive testing is a branch of the techniques into six major method
materials sciences that is concerned with categories: visual, penetrating radiation,
all aspects of the uniformity, quality and magnetic-electrical, mechanical vibration,
serviceability of materials and structures. thermal and chemical-electrochemical.3 A
The science of nondestructive testing modified version is presented in Table 1.1
incorporates all the technology for Each method can be completely
detection and measurement of significant characterized in terms of five principal
properties, including discontinuities, in factors: (1) energy source or medium used
items ranging from research specimens to to probe object (such as X-rays, ultrasonic
finished hardware and products in service. waves or thermal radiation); (2) nature of
By definition, nondestructive testing the signals, image and/or signature
methods are means for inspecting resulting from interaction with the object

TABLE 1. Nondestructive testing method categories.

Categories Objectives

Basic Categories

Mechanical-optical color; cracks; dimensions; film thickness; gaging; reflectivity; strain distribution and magnitude; surface
finish; surface flaws; through-cracks
Penetrating radiation cracks; density and chemistry variations; elemental distribution; foreign objects; inclusions; microporosity;
misalignment; missing parts; segregation; service degradation; shrinkage; thickness; voids
Electromagnetic-electronic alloy content; anisotropy; cavities; cold work; local strain, hardness; composition; contamination;
corrosion; cracks; crack depth; crystal structure; electrical and thermal conductivities; flakes; heat
treatment; hot tears; inclusions; ion concentrations; laps; lattice strain; layer thickness; moisture content;
polarization; seams; segregation; shrinkage; state of cure; tensile strength; thickness; disbonds
Sonic-ultrasonic crack initiaion and propagation; cracks, voids; damping factor; degree of cure; degree of impregnation; degree of
sintering; delaminations; density; dimensions; elastic moduli; grain size; inclusions;
mechanical degradation; misalignment; porosity; radiation degradation; structure of composites; surface stress;
tensile, shear and compressive strength; disbonds; wear
Thermal and infrared bonding; composition; emissivity; heat contours; plating thickness; porosity; reflectivity; stress; thermal
conductivity; thickness; voids
Chemical-analytical alloy identification; composition; cracks; elemental analysis and distribution; grain size; inclusions; macrostructure;
porosity; segregation; surface anomalies

Auxiliary Categories
Image generation dimensional variations; dynamic performance; anomaly characterization and definition; anomaly
distribution; anomaly propagation; magnetic field configurations
Signal image analysis data selection, processing and display; anomaly mapping, correlation and identification; image enhancement;
separation of multiple variables; signature analysis

4 Liquid Penetrant Testing

(attenuation of X-rays or reflection of discontinuities. Volumetric methods
ultrasound, for example); (3) means of include radiography, ultrasonic testing,
detecting or sensing resultant signals acoustic emission testing, certain infrared
(photoemulsion, piezoelectric crystal or thermographic techniques and less
inductance coil); (4) method of indicating familiar methods such as
and/or recording signals (meter deflection, acoustoultrasonic testing and magnetic
oscilloscope trace or radiograph); and resonance imaging. Through-boundary
(5) basis for interpreting the results (direct methods described include leak testing,
or indirect indication, qualitative or some infrared thermographic techniques,
quantitative and pertinent dependencies). airborne ultrasonic testing and certain
The objective of each method is to techniques of acoustic emission testing.
provide information about the following Other less easily classified methods are
material parameters: material identification, vibration analysis
1. discontinuities and separations (cracks, and strain gaging.
voids, inclusions, delaminations etc.); No one nondestructive testing method
2. structure or malstructure (crystalline is all-revealing. That is not to say that one
structure, grain size, segregation, method or technique of a method is
misalignment etc.); rarely adequate for a specific object or
3. dimensions and metrology (thickness, component. However, in most cases it
diameter, gap size, discontinuity size takes a series of test methods to do a
etc.); complete nondestructive test of an object
4. physical and mechanical properties or component. For example, if surface
(reflectivity, conductivity, elastic cracks must be detected and eliminated
modulus, sonic velocity etc.); and the object or component is made of
5. composition and chemical analysis ferromagnetic material, then magnetic
(alloy identification, impurities, particle testing would be the obvious
elemental distributions etc.); choice. If that same material is aluminum
6. stress and dynamic response (residual or titanium, then the choice would be
stress, crack growth, wear, vibration liquid penetrant or electromagnetic
etc.); and testing. However, for either of these
7. signature analysis (image content, situations, if internal discontinuities were
frequency spectrum, field to be detected, then ultrasonics or
configuration etc.). radiography would be the selection. The
exact technique in either case would
Terms used in this block are further depend on the thickness and nature of
defined in Table 2 with respect to specific the material and the type or types of
objectives and specific attributes to be discontinuities that must be detected.
measured, detected and defined.
The limitations of a method include
conditions required by that method: Value of Nondestructive Testing
conditions to be met for method The contribution of nondestructive
application (access, physical contact, testing to profits has been acknowledged
preparation etc.) and requirements to in the medical field and computer and
adapt the probe or probe medium to the aerospace industries. However, in
object examined. Other factors limit the industries such as heavy metals, though
detection and/or characterization of nondestructive testing may be grudgingly
discontinuities, properties and other promoted, its contribution to profits may
attributes and limit interpretation of not be obvious to management.
signals and/or images generated. Nondestructive testing is sometimes
thought of only as a cost item. One
Classification Relative to Test possible reason is industry downsizing.
When a company cuts costs, two
Object vulnerable areas are quality and safety.
Nondestructive testing methods may be When bidding contract work, companies
classified according to how they detect add profit margin to all cost items,
indications relative to the surface of a test including nondestructive testing, so a
object. Surface methods include liquid profit should be made on the
penetrant testing, visual testing, grid and nondestructive testing. However, when
moiré testing, holography and production is going poorly and it is
shearography. Surface/near-surface anticipated that a job might lose money,
methods include tap, potential drop, it seems like the first corner that
magnetic particle and electromagnetic production personnel will try to cut is
testing. When surface or nondestructive testing. This is
surface/near-surface methods are applied accomplished by subtle pressure on
during intermediate manufacturing nondestructive testing technicians to
processes, they provide preliminary accept a product that does not quite meet
assurance that volumetric methods a code or standard requirement. The
performed on the completed object or attitude toward nondestructive testing is
component will reveal few rejectable

Introduction to Liquid Penetrant Testing 5

gradually improving as management nondestructive testing at the end of a
comes to appreciate its value. manufacturing process. This approach will
Nondestructive testing should be used ultimately increase production costs.
as a control mechanism to ensure that When used properly, nondestructive
manufacturing processes are within design testing saves money for the manufacturer.
performance requirements. It should Rather than costing the manufacturer
never be used in an attempt to obtain money, nondestructive testing should add
quality in a product by using profits to the manufacturing process.

TABLE 2. Objectives of nondestructive testing methods.

Objectives Attributes Measured or Detected

Discontinuites and separations

Surface anomalies roughness; scratches; gouges; crazing; pitting; inclusions and imbedded foreign material
Surface connected anomalies cracks; porosity; pinholes; laps; seams; folds; inclusions
Internal anomalies cracks; separations; hot tears; cold shuts; shrinkage; voids; lack of fusion; pores; cavities;
delaminations; disbonds; poor bonds; inclusions; segregations
Microstructure molecular structure; crystalline structure and/or strain; lattice structure; strain; dislocation; vacancy;
Matrix structure grain structure, size, orientation and phase; sinter and porosity; impregnation; filler and/or
reinforcement distribution; anisotropy; heterogeneity; segregation
Small structural anomalies leaks (lack of seal or through-holes); poor fit; poor contact; loose parts; loose particles; foreign objects
Gross structural anomalies assembly errors; misalignment; poor spacing or ordering; deformation; malformation; missing parts
Dimensions and metrology
Displacement; position linear measurement; separation; gap size; discontinuity size, depth, location and orientation
Dimensional variations unevenness; nonuniformity; eccentricity; shape and contour; size and mass variations
Thickness; density film, coating, layer, plating, wall and sheet thickness; density or thickness variations
Physical and mechanical properties
Electrical properties resistivity; conductivity; dielectric constant and dissipation factor
Magnetic properties polarization; permeability; ferromagnetism; cohesive force
Thermal properties conductivity; thermal time constant and thermoelectric potential
Mechanical properties compressive, shear and tensile strength (and moduli); Poisson’s ratio; sonic velocity; hardness; temper and
Surface properties color; reflectivity; refraction index; emissivity
Chemical composition and analysis
Elemental analysis detection; identification, distribution and/or profile
Impurity concentrations contamination; depletion; doping and diffusants
Metallurgical content variation; alloy identification, verification and sorting
Physiochemical state moisture content; degree of cure; ion concentrations and corrosion; reaction products
Stress and dynamic response
Stress; strain; fatigue heat treatment, annealing and cold work effects; residual stress and strain; fatigue damage and life (residual)
Mechanical damage wear; spalling; erosion; friction effects
Chemical damage corrosion; stress corrosion; phase transformation
Other damage radiation damage and high frequency voltage breakdown
Dynamic performance crack initiation and propagation; plastic deformation; creep; excessive motion; vibration; damping; timing of
events; any anomalous behavior
Signature analysis
Electromagnetic field potential; strength; field distribution and pattern
Thermal field isotherms; heat contours; temperatures; heat flow; temperature distribution; heat leaks; hot spots
Acoustic signature noise; vibration characteristics; frequency amplitude; harmonic spectrum and/or analysis; sonic and/or
ultrasonic emissions
Radioactive signature distribution and diffusion of isotopes and tracers
Signal or image analysis image enhancement and quantization; pattern recognition; densitometry; signal classification, separation
and correlation; discontinuity identification, definition (size and shape) and distribution analysis;
discontinuity mapping and display

6 Liquid Penetrant Testing

PART 2. Management of Liquid Penetrant

indications and provides a contrasting

Synopsis of Liquid white background for visible (red) dye
liquid penetrant indications.
Penetrant Testing 5. Visually examine surfaces for liquid
Liquid penetrant testing can be defined as penetrant indications; interpret and
a physical and chemical nondestructive evaluate the indications.
testing procedure designed to detect and 6. Postclean the part to remove process
expose surface connected discontinuities residues if they will be detrimental to
in nonporous engineering materials. The subsequent operations or the part’s
method relies on the physical interaction intended function. (In some cases, a
between an appropriately formulated treatment to prevent corrosion may be
chemical liquid and the surface of a part. required.)
This interaction causes the liquid to enter Liquid penetrant testing is popular
surface cavities and later to emerge, because it is relatively easy to use and has
visually indicating the location and a wide range of applications. Because it
approximate size and shape of the surface uses physical and chemical properties
opening. The objective of liquid penetrant rather than electrical or thermal
testing is to provide visual evidence of phenomena, it can be used in the field,
cracks, porosity, laps, seams and other far from power sources. Test equipment
surface discontinuities rapidly and can be as simple as a small, inexpensive
economically with a high degree of kit of aerosol cans or as extensive as a
reliability. This objective is facilitated by large mechanized and automated
formulating the liquid to include dyes installation. However, in all cases, the
that are highly visible with either white or success of liquid penetrant testing
near ultraviolet radiation. With proper depends on cleanliness of test surfaces, on
technique, liquid penetrant testing will absence of contamination or surface
detect a wide variety of discontinuities conditions that can interfere with liquid
ranging in size from readily visible to penetrant entry into and subsequent
microscopic. emergence from surface openings of
The liquid penetrant process consists of discontinuities, and on care by
six basic steps. inspectors/operators to ensure proper
1. Preclean and dry the test surfaces of processing techniques and observation of
the object to be tested. Cleaning is a test indications. Previous manufacturing
critical part of the liquid penetrant processes also may inhibit detection of
process and is emphasized because of some types of discontinuities by liquid
its effect on the test results. penetrants. For example, many seams and
Contaminants, soils or moisture, laps are forged shut by the hot rolling or
either inside a discontinuity or on the piercing processes that create these
part surface at the discontinuity elongated discontinuities; in addition,
opening, can reduce or completely local welding of the metal or trapping of
destroy the effectiveness of the test. heat treat byproducts within the opening
Etching and pickling are used at this can inhibit or prevent entry of the liquid
stage to remove smeared surface metal. penetrant, making testing ineffective.
2. Apply liquid penetrant to the test Liquid penetrant testing is also used for
surfaces and permit it to dwell on the leak testing. The same basic fundamentals
part surface for a period of time to apply but the liquid penetrant removal
allow it to enter and fill any step may be omitted. The container is
discontinuities open to the surface. either filled with liquid penetrant or the
3. Remove excess liquid penetrant from liquid penetrant is applied to one side of
the test surfaces. Care must be the container wall. The developer is
exercised to prevent removal of liquid applied to the opposite side, which is
penetrant contained in discontinuities. visually examined after allowing time for
4. Apply a developer, which aids in the liquid penetrant to seep through any
drawing any trapped liquid penetrant leak points. This method may be used on
from discontinuities and spreading it thin parts where there is access to both
on the test surface for improved surfaces and where the discontinuity is
discontinuity detection. Developer expected to extend through the material.
enhances the brightness of fluorescent

Introduction to Liquid Penetrant Testing 7

It may be further enhanced by the the inspector can visually see the
application of a pressure differential. discontinuity. Other methods such as
ultrasonic testing and eddy current
testing have a signal output that has
to be compared to that of a reference
Reasons for Selecting standard.
Liquid Penetrant Testing
Some of the reasons for choosing liquid
penetrant testing are as follows. Disadvantages and
1. Liquid penetrant testing can quickly Limitations of Liquid
examine all the accessible surfaces of
objects. Complex shapes can be Penetrant Testing
immersed or sprayed with liquid 1. Liquid penetrant testing depends on
penetrant to provide complete surface the ability of liquid penetrant to enter
coverage. and fill discontinuities. Liquid
2. Liquid penetrant testing can detect penetrant testing will only reveal
very small surface discontinuities. It is discontinuities open to the surface.
one of the most sensitive 2. Surfaces of objects to be tested must
nondestructive testing methods for be clean and free of organic or
detecting surface discontinuities. inorganic contaminants that will
3. Liquid penetrant testing can be used prevent interaction of the penetrating
on a wide variety of materials: ferrous media with a surface. Organic surface
and nonferrous metals and alloys; coatings, such as paint, oil, grease or
fired ceramics and cermets; powdered resin, are in this category. Any coating
metal products; glass; and some types that covers or blocks the discontinuity
of organic materials. Restrictions on opening will prevent liquid penetrant
materials imposed by the nature of the entry. Even when the coating does not
liquid penetrant process are covered in cover the opening, material at the
the discussion of limitations, below. edge of the opening may affect entry
4. Liquid penetrant testing can be or exit of liquid penetrant and greatly
accomplished with relatively reduce reliability of the test. Coatings
inexpensive, nonsophisticated in the vicinity of a discontinuity will
equipment. If the area to be tested is also retain liquid penetrant, causing
small, the test can be accomplished background indications. Cleaning test
with portable equipment. surfaces is discussed in more detail
5. Liquid penetrant testing magnifies the below.
apparent size of discontinuities, 3. It is also essential that the inside
making the indications more visible. surface of discontinuities be free of
In addition, the discontinuity materials such as corrosion,
location, orientation and approximate combustion products or other
size and shape are indicated on the contaminants that would restrict entry
part, making interpretation and of liquid penetrant. Because it is
evaluation possible. impossible to check inside
6. Liquid penetrant testing is readily discontinuities, one must trust that
adapted to volume processing, processes selected to clean test surfaces
permitting 100 percent surface testing. will clean inside surfaces of
Small parts may be placed in baskets discontinuities also.
for batch processing. Specialized 4. Mechanical operations, such as shot
systems may be partially or fully peening, some types of plastic media
automated to process many parts per blasting (PMB), machining, honing,
hour. abrasive blasting, buffing, brushing,
7. The sensitivity of a liquid penetrant grinding or sanding will smear or peen
testing process may be adjusted the surface of metals. This mechanical
through appropriate selection of liquid working closes or reduces the surface
penetrant, removal technique and opening of existing discontinuities.
type of developer. This allows the Mechanical working (smearing or
liquid penetrant process to be adapted peening) also occurs during service
to characteristics (e.g., composition, when parts are in contact or rub
surface condition) of the part together. Liquid penetrant testing will
requiring testing and to be tailored to not reliably detect discontinuities
detect specified minimum allowable when it is performed after a
discontinuities. Thus, inconsequential mechanical operation or service use
discontinuities can be suppressed that smears or peens the surface.
whereas larger discontinuities of more Depending on the severity of the
concern are indicated. mechanical operation, chemical
8. Liquid penetrant testing is a direct removal (etching) of smeared metal
nondestructive testing method in that may restore test reliability.

8 Liquid Penetrant Testing

5. Unless special procedures are used, discontinuities) produced by other
liquid penetrant testing is impractical nondestructive test techniques. For
on certain materials, such as some instance, a forged steel bracket might
types of anodized aluminum surfaces, have such a sharp change of section
other protective coatings and certain that test processes such as magnetic
nonmetallic parts. Liquid penetrant particle tests would show nonrelevant
rapidly enters pores of the material indications in that area. Or a weld
and becomes trapped. This can result might be so located that a change in
in an overall background fluorescence thickness could mask the X-ray
or color that could mask any potential indication of a crack.
discontinuity indications. In addition, 3. When the size or shape of the surface
removal of the liquid penetrant may discontinuity is such that it can escape
not be possible after the test. detection by other techniques. An
6. Penetrants, emulsifiers and some types aluminum forging may have a forging
of developers have very good wetting lap, almost sealed shut, which is so
and detergent properties. They can act small that only liquid penetrant
as solvents for fats and oils. They also testing can show it. A tiny crack in the
can clean ferrous materials so radius of a turbine bucket is very
thoroughly that rust will begin almost difficult to find by any means other
immediately if corrosion inhibitor is than liquid penetrant testing.
not applied. If allowed to remain in 4. When parts are to be tested in
contact with human skin for extended locations where electric power is not
periods, they may cause irritation. available or is too expensive or too
inconvenient to use or where
electricity creates a safety hazard.
When the surface of parts must be
Reasons for Using Liquid checked in the field, perhaps in
remote areas, liquid penetrant systems
Penetrant Testing are especially advantageous.
Liquid penetrant testing is often the first However, if the test material is
nondestructive testing method ferromagnetic, magnetic tests may offer
management considers for testing of advantages over liquid penetrant tests in
industrial products (1) because it often detection of near-surface discontinuities
requires minimal capital expenditure for and surface discontinuities that do not
implementation and (2) because it can permit entry of a liquid penetrant. If tests
accommodate a variety of test object for internal and surface soundness are
materials, shapes and sizes, test locations required, then liquid penetrant testing
and environmental conditions. However, can be used in addition to other
the outcome of a liquid penetrant test is nondestructive test methods such as
largely dependent on the human operator. penetrating radiation, ultrasonic or eddy
Liquid penetrant testing is a labor current tests.
intensive method. Therefore, labor
constitutes a high recurring test cost. In
short, the quality of the test and the cost
of testing warrant considerable Choosing Which Liquid
management attention to the selection,
training, management and audit of liquid Penetrant Process
penetrant testing personnel. When the decision to use liquid penetrant
Liquid penetrant testing detects only testing has been made, which system
those discontinuities that are present on should be selected? There are varieties of
or are open to the surface of the part. penetrants, liquid penetrant removal
Therefore, if only surface discontinuities systems and developers; there are also
are of interest, liquid penetrant processes many ways to combine these different
may be appropriate in the following liquid penetrant system elements. The
situations. manager must consider the specific
1. When the test material is a application. For the great majority of
nonmagnetic metal (such as annealed parts, the conventional water washable or
austenitic stainless steel, titanium, postemulsifiable penetrants are suitable
aluminum, magnesium and copper and adequate. However, many factors
alloys) or a nonmetallic material (such must be considered when selecting the
as plastics or ceramics). Although optimum liquid penetrant system. For
magnetic particle testing is usually example, the preferred system should
thought of for magnetic materials, (1) indicate significant discontinuities
liquid penetrant testing could also be open to part surfaces; (2) not adversely
used. affect the material or the part in later
2. When the geometry of the part is such service, (3) be affordable and (4) not take
that the shape itself may hide or so much time that it unreasonably
obscure indications (of surface disrupts production schedules.

Introduction to Liquid Penetrant Testing 9

What Material Is in Test Parts? test sensitivity. Depending on the
quantity involved, it may be more
Most materials, both metallic and
economical to install a conventional
nonmetallic, can be satisfactorily tested by
liquid penetrant system for the majority
conventional fluorescent or visible dye
of parts and send the one item with
penetrants. But austenitic stainless steels,
stricter requirements to a commercial
nickel base alloys and titanium (at
nondestructive testing laboratory for
elevated temperatures) are subject to stress
processing. (In like manner, many
corrosion; for these metals, the liquid
companies have their own X-ray machine
penetrant materials should be low in
for normal applications but have a
sulfur and in halogens, especially
commercial nondestructive test laboratory
chlorine. For materials harmed by water, a
handle parts requiring very large X-ray
nonaqueous system is indicated. Some
nonmetallic materials are affected by oil
base liquid penetrants or emulsifiers; for
these test objects, a water base liquid How Many Parts Are to Be Tested
penetrant system should be selected. and How Often?
After having established the size and type
What Type of Service Is Expected of discontinuity that must be found,
for Test Parts? managers may find that there are several
liquid penetrant systems that would
Ordinary liquid penetrant systems are
probably be equally suitable. Therefore,
suitable for nearly all parts. But if the
the choice in this case, will usually be
service involves exposure to liquid oxygen
based on cost factors such as the capital
or gaseous oxygen or in nuclear
investment required, the materials used,
applications, special penetrants should be
the volume of parts to be processed, the
necessity for treating waste water or the
plant space needed for test operations.
What Size of Discontinuity Is
Significant in Test Parts? Where Is Test to Be Performed?
The optimum liquid penetrant process Management must ask, especially if there
indicates surface discontinuities that are only a small number of parts to be
could adversely affect the serviceability of tested, whether it would be cheaper to use
test parts while minimizing nonrelevant a commercial nondestructive testing
indications from such causes as surface laboratory. Are commercial facilities easily
roughness. To select this optimum system, accessible or would it cause an
engineering must decide which unacceptable delay to ship parts into and
discontinuities are important: what type, out of the plant? How much space is
size and location will really affect service. available in the plant for liquid penetrant
Prior history from similar parts is very processing and where is it located? When
helpful in making such decisions. If the is the part to be checked: in receiving
operation is new or lacking good service inspection, in process, just before final
records, management can draw on the assembly, as the finished product or at
experience of liquid penetrant system several of these areas? Are there some
suppliers or reported information on the items that must be checked on test stands
capabilities of liquid penetrant testing. or high in the air, or in the field away
For instance, if small shallow from other installations? For these,
discontinuities on the surface do not portable liquid penetrant kits may be the
affect the part, one might select a water best selection.
washable fluorescent liquid penetrant
process. But if shallow discontinuities are
of major concern, this is not the best What Handling of Parts Is
choice, because trapped liquid penetrant Involved?
can be washed out of shallow What is the range of size, shape and
discontinuities so the discontinuity weight of part to be checked by liquid
indications cannot be formed. Sometimes, penetrant? Are the parts large, heavy and
one part will present a special problem unwieldy or are they small lightweight
because both large and small items or a mixture of both? Are additional
discontinuities are of consequence; a handling facilities required?
special liquid penetrant may be the
solution in this case.
What Is Surface Condition of Test
What Facility Should Test Parts?
Occasional Critical Test Parts? If most parts are checked in the as-cast
condition, this will be a big factor in
In typical cases, the great majority of parts selecting the best liquid penetrant system.
to be checked may be much alike, with If some are rough as-cast or as-forged parts
only one critical item demanding utmost and others are highly machined, the

10 Liquid Penetrant Testing

liquid penetrant test procedure may have
to be modified to get equally good results
on both types of surfaces.

Checklist of Factors for

Choosing Liquid Penetrant
Testing Technique
Managers are urged to consider the
following important factors and to discuss
them with suppliers of liquid penetrant
test equipment and processing materials
before reaching a decision on the type of
liquid penetrant testing system to install
or use:
1. test object material (aluminum,
magnesium, copper alloys, austenitic
stainless steel, nickel alloys, titanium,
iron, steel or others);
2. number of test parts or test areas to be
tested (per hour, per shift, per day or
per week);
3. size of test object to be handled
(largest dimension under 20 mm,
100 mm, 500 mm, 1 m, 2 m, 5 m,
10 m etc.);
4. weight of test objects to be handled
(1 to 300 g, 300 g to 1 kg, 1 to 3 kg, 3
to 10 kg, 10 to 30 kg, 30 to 100 kg
5. location at which testing is required
(receiving department, in process
along production line, during
assembly, as final inspection, in field
during erection, in service or at
maintenance bases);
6. types of discontinuities to be detected:
small, deep, large, shallow, clustered or
scattered; porosity, cracks, seams, laps,
7. surface condition of parts to be tested
(as-cast, as-forged, machined, ground,
lapped, polished, plated, painted,
corroded, oily, engine varnish, eroded,
scratched, scaled);
8. conditions to which parts will be
subjected after testing (medical,
nuclear, liquid or gaseous oxygen
systems; welding, plating or finishing
operation; high temperature,
aerospace, industrial or transportation
uses; inaccessible locations; consumer
products; etc.).

Introduction to Liquid Penetrant Testing 11

PART 3. Personnel Selection and Qualification
for Liquid Penetrant Testing4

Liquid Penetrant Testing

Qualification of Liquid Dependence on Management
Penetrant Testing Interest
Capabilities Inspectors with the proper temperament,
discipline, vigilance and integrity must be
Reliable liquid penetrant testing in selected and sustained by management to
industry requires (1) qualification of the ensure consistent and reliable
test method for revealing critical performance in the testing environment.
conditions in test parts to be evaluated; The effectiveness of liquid penetrant
(2) qualification of the test personnel for testing depends on management policy,
the method and performance level personnel selection and motivation and
required; and (3) management of test direct interest and involvement.
operations to ensure consistent However, liquid penetrant testing is
performance. also process dependent. Proper selection
Productivity in liquid penetrant testing and control of liquid penetrant process
requires consistent and reliable test variables are mandatory to qualify a liquid
performance at minimum cost. penetrant testing process to reveal critical
conditions in the part to be tested and to
Skill and Integrity of Liquid establish inspector confidence that the
Penetrant Testing Personnel task objectives of detection of critical
discontinuities are attainable. (Variables in
The success of a liquid penetrant test the liquid penetrant process are described
depends primarily on the personnel in detail elsewhere in this volume.)
performing the varying processing steps
and on their interpretation of the cause
and criticality of indications produced by
the test process. Qualification, skill and Requirements for Liquid
excellence in performance are important
to reliable liquid penetrant testing. Penetrant Testing
Liquid penetrant testing involves Personnel
skillful and judicious processing to Liquid penetrant testing requires that test
produce visible evidence of the soundness personnel be (1) physically and mentally
of a part. Vigilant observation and qualified to perform the required
decision making based on this visual processing steps; (2) skilled and
evidence is used to ascertain acceptance of experienced in performing the actual
test parts for service. Thus, liquid processing steps; (3) alert to consistent
penetrant testing is people dependent. In processing and resultant indications;
most cases, the skill and integrity of the (4) motivated to perform with vigilance at
liquid penetrant inspector must be equal the required detection and reliability
to or greater than that of the operator level; and (5) capable of consistent,
who produced the part. Unlike the independent and unbiased decisions
production of the part, there is usually no based on interpretation of resultant liquid
tangible evidence (no permanent record) penetrant indications.
of the quality of testing completed. The
reliability of and confidence in the test
(and ultimately in the part) depend on Qualification of Personnel for
the test operator. The test operator is a Liquid Penetrant Testing
professional and must be selected and Personnel qualification depends on
treated as one. Management inattention requirements of the test to be performed,
to human factors in liquid penetrant the individual capabilities of the inspector
testing will waste production resources and the management philosophy and skill
and may compromise the reliability of the applied. Qualification for one liquid
hardware submitted for testing. penetrant testing operation may not be
reasonable or valid for a second operation.
Personnel qualification cannot be
separated from the operating facility.
Thus, the nondestructive test method and

12 Liquid Penetrant Testing

management factors must be considered operation. In general, the inspector
for each application. should able to perform the test with little
The apparent simplicity of liquid physical discomfort and minimal fatigue
penetrant testing is deceptive. Very slight during the test.
process variations during the performance
of a test can invalidate the test by
counteracting the formation of
indications. It is essential that personnel Ensuring Good Vision of
performing liquid penetrant testing be Liquid Penetrant
trained and experienced in the liquid
penetrant process. All individuals who Inspectors
apply liquid penetrant materials or Liquid penetrant testing requires visual
examine components for penetrant examination of part surfaces under
indications should be qualified. conditions unique to the test process. The
Qualification requires classroom and conditions under which the human eye is
practical training, passing marks on used play a large role in determining the
examinations and experience. Typical behavior of the eye and must always be
qualification requirements are contained taken into account. No single test or set of
in ANSI/ASNT CP-189, Standard for tests has been devised to screen operators
Qualification and Certification of for all conditions and characteristics
Nondestructive Testing Personnel;5 in EN important to liquid penetrant testing.
473, Qualification and Certification of NDT Factors that have been identified as
Personnel — General Principles;6 in ISO influencing the visual capabilities of
9712, Nondestructive Testing — liquid penetrant inspectors include vision
Qualification and Certification of Personnel;7 acuity, vernier acuity, color vision, motion
and in AIA/NAS 410, NAS Certification & detection, distance perception and dark
Qualification of Nondestructive Test adaptation. The characteristic of the eye
Personnel.8 Another widely used document that is probably of greatest interest to the
intended as a guideline for employers to optical engineer is its ability to recognize
establish their own written practice for small, fine details. Vision acuity is defined
the qualification and certification of their and measured in terms of the angular size
nondestructive testing personnel is ASNT of the smallest character that can be
Recommended Practice No. SNT-TC-1A.9 In recognized.
the 1990s, the American Society for Filtered mercury arc ultraviolet sources
Nondestructive Testing introduced the emit a substantial amount of 405 nm
ASNT Central Certification Program.10 (violet) radiation only dimly seen by the
human eye. The plastic lens implants that
result from cataract surgery are
transparent at 405 nm. An inspector with
Physical Qualifications of such plastic lens implants is thus
the Liquid Penetrant inspecting against a bright violet light
background and can easily overlook tiny
Inspector fluorescent indications. Goggles that filter
A liquid penetrant inspector must be ultraviolet radiation would be appropriate.
physically qualified to perform liquid
penetrant testing reliably. The inspector’s Vision Acuity Examinations
capability depends on the inspector’s
health, physical strength and dexterity, Various eye test methods have been
good vision and consistency in devised and are used routinely in industry
performance. to measure vision acuity. The vision
acuity of the liquid penetrant operator
must be sufficient to detect and evaluate
Motor Ability and Dexterity of the the indications produced by the test
Liquid Penetrant Inspector process. To confirm natural or corrected
The liquid penetrant inspector’s vision, eyes should be examined initially
coordination must be sufficient to enable and periodically to ensure continuing
performance of precise, time dependent performance. Specifications and industrial
execution of all processing steps. Liquid standards set requirements for vision
penetrant inspectors must have the acuity and the frequency of its
physical capabilities necessary for timely reverification for liquid penetrant testing
application of fluids to test objects or for personnel.
timely movement of test parts through
various processing fluid exposures. Ensuring Adequate Color Vision
Inspectors must also be able to visually
test all critical areas of the test objects for The inspector must perceive color
evidence of anomalies. Physical strength, brightness and contrast to perform liquid
motor ability and dexterity requirements penetrant testing with visible dye (color
vary with the hardware to be tested and contrast) penetrants. One of the
with the nature of the production challenging unsolved problems of vision

Introduction to Liquid Penetrant Testing 13

is determination of the response of the After a short time, the eyes adjust or adapt
human eye to colors that differ in hue to the low light level and objects in the
and saturation as well as brightness. dark room become visible. The time
Tests of inspectors for color blindness required for dark adaptation before visual
are required by some liquid penetrant examination for indications can be
specifications, with varying criteria for performed varies with the individual and
acceptance. Although such tests provide depends on the overall health and age of
an indication of operator capability for the individual operator. A dark adaptation
performing liquid penetrant testing, they time of 1 min is usually sufficient for
do not definitively measure operator fluorescent liquid penetrant testing.
capability. If color vision tests indicate a (Complete dark adaptation may take as
color deficiency, the operator should be long as 20 min.)
tested on his ability to distinguish actual Suitable red lens eyeglasses may reduce
liquid penetrant indications. Color the required time for dark adaption but
blindness is usually inherited. Most forms should not be worn during inspection.
of inherited color blindness can occur
without being associated with other kinds Disuse of Photosensitive Eye
of visual anomalies. Color blindness is
usually found in both eyes but is Glasses
occasionally confined to one eye. There Photosensitive eyeglasses darken in the
are also acquired types of color blindness presence of ultraviolet radiation. Lens
that may affect performance. The type darkening is proportional to the amount
and severity of color blindness will of incident radiation. Although this type
determine the capability of an inspector of lens has advantages in sunlight
for liquid penetrant testing. In some cases, conditions, such glasses can decrease the
the type and severity of color blindness ability of an operator to perform
will permit the inspector to perform fluorescent liquid penetrant testing. Use
fluorescent liquid penetrant testing (color of photosensitive eyeglass lenses by liquid
contrast discrimination not required) even penetrant operators is not permitted. On
though the inspector is incapable of the other hand, suitable red eyeglasses
performing testing with color contrast may aid dark adaptation. Eyeglass frames
visible dye penetrants. that fluoresce and cause an unnecessary
background during fluorescent liquid
Ensuring Adequate Brightness penetrant testing should not be used.
Magnification in Evaluation of
Brightness discrimination is necessary for
fluorescent liquid penetrant inspectors. Small Liquid Penetrant Indications
The sensitivity of fluorescent liquid Testing using optical magnification can
penetrant is usually measured in terms of assist vision acuity of liquid penetrant
the brightness of the indications it inspectors, particularly when small
produces. Although color blindness is the indications are involved. A 10×
usual cause for variation in discrimination magnifying glass or 10× magnifier on a
of brightness or contrast in white light, supporting stand should be included in
other factors may contribute. Inherited the standard equipment available to
anomalies, eye disease and external liquid penetrant inspectors. In this
factors such as photosensitive eyeglasses connection, the value of a broad field
may affect brightness discrimination. This microscope for critical viewing cannot be
factor is evaluated by observance of actual overemphasized. The microscope is an
liquid penetrant indications. indispensable tool for the analysis of
microindications (with 20× to 100×
Ensuring Adequate Dark enlargements) as well as for determining
the extent and nature of macroindications
Adaptation (with 5× to 20× enlargements).
The lowest level of brightness that can be
seen or detected is determined by the
light level to which the eye has become
accustomed. When the illumination level Mental and Skill
is reduced, the pupil of the eye expands, Qualifications Required of
admitting more light. The retina of the
eye becomes more sensitive by switching the Liquid Penetrant
from cone vision to rod vision and also by Inspector
an electrochemical mechanism involving Liquid penetrant testing requires skillful,
rhodopsin, the visual purple pigment. repetitive performance of multiple
This process is called dark adaptation. processing steps and the interpretation of
Everyone has had the experience of not the resultant visual indications. To qualify
being able to see a thing on passing from as a liquid penetrant inspector, the
a brightly lighted room into a dark one. operator must not only understand and

14 Liquid Penetrant Testing

be familiar with test principles and production techniques, indications of a
execution steps but also with factors that relevant nature and specification
may influence the success and/or results interpretation comprise the elements of
of the liquid penetrant testing process. the training process for liquid penetrant
Liquid penetrant testing principles and inspectors. Skill in execution of liquid
practices are discussed in detail penetrant testing must then be developed
throughout this volume. The inspector by practice. Ideally, practice would
should be able to answer written and include experimental cross sectioning of
verbal questions concerning processing tested parts to determine the nature of
principles and to demonstrate a thorough discontinuities whose indications were
knowledge of the subject. Demonstrated observed and whose indications were
knowledge should include interpretation missed. This process of metallurgical
of causes for failure of the liquid evaluation is too costly in most industrial
penetrant process to reveal material operations, and practical skill must be
anomalies. This knowledge should cover gained by working with an experienced,
test procedures used and the production knowledgeable and skilled inspector.
history of the articles to be tested. Practice should develop skill in executing
the liquid penetrant testing process, skill
in performing the process and confidence
in the outcome of the process.
Ensuring Inspector After knowledge of the liquid penetrant
Knowledge of Types and process has been demonstrated by verbal
and written examination and after skill in
Locations of Indications the methods has been developed by
Sought practice, the inspector should be able to
Liquid penetrant testing reveals a variety demonstrate ability in liquid penetrant
of material surface conditions. Knowledge tests of typical production hardware
of the source and kinds of material containing known and documented
anomalies to be revealed by the liquid discontinuities. Demonstrations should be
penetrant process is required to use liquid repeated periodically to ascertain a
penetrant process principles effectively. In measure of performance and confidence
short, the inspector must know where to in the test. Skill and technique must be
look for indications, how to interpret the developed for each liquid penetrant
indications and how to judge system for each part type. Skill in testing
acceptability of test objects for use in of one part type, e.g., forgings, cannot be
service. The liquid penetrant inspector assumed in testing of a second part type,
must be able to recognize relevant e.g., weldments. Skill and technique for
indications and to distinguish relevant varying situations are developed by
indications from nonrelevant (noise) experience and no substitute for
indications. The inspector must then experience is known.
evaluate relevant indications with respect
to the requirements of the product being Attaining Productivity by Judicious
tested. This skill is gained by observation Application of Tools Available
and experience in liquid penetrant
testing. Liquid penetrant testing must detect
The liquid penetrant inspector must be discontinuities reliably and economically
able not only to perform the required to be of value in the production process.
liquid penetrant process and locate and The liquid penetrant inspector must in
evaluate liquid penetrant indications but turn perform the test reliably in the
the inspector must also determine the shortest practical time to be productive.
frequency and severity of discontinuities Productivity is measured both by the
and analyze these with respect to number of tests completed and by the
specification requirements. At first glance reliability of detection of rejectable
this task appears to be straightforward. For discontinuities, without rejection of
inspectors who work for a producer who acceptable test objects.
checks similar parts each day to company Test process output may be increased
specifications, this may be true. However, by the addition of tools, jigs, materials
the situation is quite different for and parts sequencing in the same manner
inspectors working for commercial as any other production process step.
laboratories. Interpretation and grading of Learning curves and shop efficiency
liquid penetrant test indications must be factors familiar to those dealing with
done in accordance with requirements of other shop operations are applicable to
the particular part involved and may liquid penetrant testing. However, check
involve understanding and interpretation and balance measurements with respect to
of both written and verbal instructions. operator performance are not as simple
Acquiring written and verbally and available as are those for other
demonstrated knowledge of liquid processes. No increase in productivity is
penetrant testing principles, part gained unless the reliability and

Introduction to Liquid Penetrant Testing 15

3PT01 (1-32) 8/13/99 12:30 PM Page 16

FIGURE 1. Aluminum alloy flat plate by crack length: (a) as machined; (b) after etch; (c) after

Probability of Detection (percent) 90









0 1.3 2.5 3.8 5.1 6.4 7.6 8.9 10.2 11.4 12.7 14.0 15.2 16.5 17.8 19.1
0 (0.05) (0.10) (0.15) (0.20) (0.25) (0.30) (0.35) (0.40) (0.45) (0.50) (0.55) (0.60) (0.65) (0.70) (0.75)
Actual Crack Length, mm (in.)

Probability of Detection (percent)









0 1.3 2.5 3.8 5.1 6.4 7.6 8.9 10.2 11.4 12.7 14.0 15.2 16.5 17.8 19.1
0 (0.05) (0.10) (0.15) (0.20) (0.25) (0.30) (0.35) (0.40) (0.45) (0.50) (0.55) (0.60) (0.65) (0.70) (0.75)
Actual Crack Length, mm (in.)

Probability of Detection (percent)









0 1.3 2.5 3.8 5.1 6.4 7.6 8.9 10.2 11.4 12.7 14.0 15.2 16.5 17.8 19.1
0 (0.05) (0.10) (0.15) (0.20) (0.25) (0.30) (0.35) (0.40) (0.45) (0.50) (0.55) (0.60) (0.65) (0.70) (0.75)
Actual Crack Length, mm (in.)
= predicted probability of detection
X = hit data
© Copyright 1999, D&W Enterprises, Littleton, CO.

16 Liquid Penetrant Testing

3PT01 (1-32) 8/13/99 12:31 PM Page 17

FIGURE 2. Aluminum alloy flat plate by crack depth: (a) as machined; (b) after etch; (c) after


Probability of Detection (percent)









0 1.3 2.5 3.8 5.1
0 (0.05) (0.10) (0.15) (0.20)
Actual Crack Depth, mm (in.)

Probability of Detection (percent)









0 1.3 2.5 3.8 5.1
0 (0.05) (0.10) (0.15) (0.20)
Actual Crack Depth, mm (in.)

Probability of Detection (percent)









0 1.3 2.5 3.8 5.1
0 (0.05) (0.10) (0.15) (0.20)
Actual Crack Depth, mm (in.)
= predicted probability of detection
X = hit data
© Copyright 1999, D&W Enterprises, Littleton, CO.

Introduction to Liquid Penetrant Testing 17

consistency of the testing process are Measuring Inspector Performance
maintained. in Terms of Throughput and
Before measuring an inspector’s
Ensuring Reliability of Test performance, it is necessary to ensure that
Results rejectable discontinuities can be found by
the testing process. This task is a part of
When a test is performed, there are four the design qualification for a new
possible outcomes: (1) a discontinuity can production part. Reliable detection of
be found when a discontinuity is present; rejectable discontinuities should have
(2) a discontinuity can be missed even been demonstrated by actual test or by
when a discontinuity is present; (3) a similarity to parts for which testing has
discontinuity can be found when none is been demonstrated.
present; and (4) no discontinuity is found Because all discontinuities are not
when none is present. A reliable testing equally detectable, the type of
process and a reliable inspector should discontinuity to be detected must be the
find all discontinuities of concern with no basis for testing qualification. For
discontinuities missed (no errors as in example, machining tears may be easily
case 2, above) and no false callouts detected by a given liquid penetrant
(case 3, above). process whereas grinding cracks may be
To achieve this goal, the probability of completely missed by that specific
finding a discontinuity must be high and process. The liquid penetrant testing
the inspector must be both proficient in process must be qualified to the part
the testing process and motivated to produced.
perform a maximum efficiency. A reckless Because discontinuity size affects
inspector may accept parts that contain detection, the size of discontinuity to be
discontinuities, with the resultant detected must be the basis for test
consequences of possible inservice part qualification. Figures 1 and 2 and Table 3
failure. A conservative inspector may show actual demonstrated liquid
reject parts that contain actual penetrant detection reliability as a
discontinuities but the inspector also may function of fatigue crack size in
reject parts that do not contain aluminum alloy flat plate. A discontinuity
discontinuities, with the resultant size is shown at the inflection point of the
consequences of unnecessary scrap and curve. This process would be expected to
repair. Neither inspector is doing a good reliably detect discontinuities greater than
job. the threshold size. Acceptance criteria
should be based on discontinuities of this
size or larger.

TABLE 3. Probability of detection for fluorescent liquid penetrant testing of aluminum flat
plates (see Figs. 1 and 2). False calls were not documented.
Quantity Threshold for 90 Percent
of Cracks Probability of Detection
Data Set Condition Detected/Present mm (in.)

Crack Length
C1001C (Fig. 1a) as machined 233/311 7.95 mm (0.313 in.)
C1002C (Fig. 1b) after etch 260/311 2.69 mm (0.106 in.)
C1003C (Fig. 1c) after proof testing 280/306 1.50 mm (0.059 in.)
Crack Depth
C1001C (Fig. 2a) as machined 233/311 3.56 mm (0.140 in.)
C1002C (Fig. 2b) after etch 260/311 0.79 mm (0.031 in.)
C1003C (Fig. 2c) after proof testing 280/306 0.38 mm (0.015 in.)

18 Liquid Penetrant Testing

PART 4. History of Liquid Penetrant Testing11

Through their efforts, a number of found. There were no standards, no

creative people made significant penetration time, nothing about the
contributions to the technology of liquid quality of the materials or even what
penetrant testing, a major method of kinds of materials to use. People who used
nondestructive testing. The story should it could find gross discontinuities, but the
be especially interesting to readers results were not consistent. The
familiar with the green stuff, with its interesting thing was that, although the
features and problems, with its approach found and located
tremendous capabilities and its frustrating discontinuities, it had little to do with the
limitations. It is the story of problems and innovations that led to the useful and
how ingenious people solved them. practical techniques routinely used in the
fluorescent technique of liquid penetrant
testing. With the introduction of the
magnetic particle method in the 1930s,
Oil and Whiting the oil-and-whiting technique became
It is generally agreed that the origins of obsolete.4
the liquid penetrant testing method lie in
the railroad industry in a technique
known as the oil-and-whiting method.12
This approach was in use early in this Need for Nonferrous
century and possibly even before. It was a Surface Testing
craft that was used to test critical steel In the mid-1930s, the use of aluminum
components for discontinuities. and other nonmagnetic metals was
Basically, the oil-and-whiting increasing significantly. The need for a
technique worked as follows. The part to simple and effective nondestructive
be tested was cleaned and immersed in testing method for locating surface
dirty crankcase oil diluted in kerosene.12 discontinuities in these materials was
(The oil used in the large railroad engines obvious. Carl E. Betz, F.B. Doane and
was very heavy, on the order of 600 Taber DeForest were a few of the people
weight, and experience showed that dirty who were experimenting with everything
oil worked best.) The part was then and anything that might solve this
allowed to drain and was cleaned with a industrial need. Techniques using brittle
solvent. After this, it was covered with lacquer, electrolysis, anodizing, etching
whiting (powdered chalk).13 The and color contrast penetrants were all
entrapped oil would then bleed into the evaluated and generally discarded with
whiting (Fig. 3). It also has been reported the exception of the anodizing process.14
that alcohol based or water based chalk This was used by the military for detailing
suspension was used as the developer.4 cracks in critical aluminum airframe
The technique was widely used but members. A specification was generated to
never refined. Results were not consistent, define and control this process.15
and only gross discontinuities could be In the fall of 1941, Carl E. Betz (Fig. 4)
received a telephone call from a person
FIGURE 3. In the early 1930s, the oil-and-whiting method is who identified himself as Robert C.
used in a railroad shop on a locomotive coupler. Bleeding of Switzer (Fig. 5). Switzer said that he had
oil indicates crack. developed a new method for the detection
of surface cracks, and the claims had just
been allowed on the patent application.
He knew of Magnaflux and thought it
might be interested in some sort of
At that time, Betz was in charge of
Magnaflux’s sales office in New York, NY.
Switzer had assumed that Magnaflux was
centered out of New York whereas it was
actually located in Chicago. This turned
out to be a fortunate mistake. Because of
Betz’s previous work on the development
of nondestructive testing methods for

Introduction to Liquid Penetrant Testing 19

FIGURE 4. Carl E. Betz. FIGURE 6. James R. Alburger.

Joseph Switzer had a magic act that

FIGURE 5. Robert C. Switzer. consisted of an invisible presentation in
which the performers were all dressed in
black. When a particular event was to be
shown, it was painted white. The stage
was darkened, and white lights were used
so that only the objects that were painted
white were visible. Switzer had the idea of
using ultraviolet radiation and fluorescent
paint instead of white paint and white
lights.17 Ultimately Joseph Switzer and his
brother Robert set up a business called
Switzer Brothers Ultra-Violet Laboratories
and started to manufacture and sell
fluorescent equipment and chemicals in
August 1934.
The Switzer brothers abilities were
brought to the attention of Continental
Lithograph Corporation, Cleveland, Ohio.
Continental was a subsidiary of Warner
Brothers motion pictures and did all of
the printing for Warner’s advertising. In
1936 the brothers moved to Cleveland,
licensed Continental in all fields of
fluorescence and continued their
nonmagnetic materials, he was quick to development work.
realize the potential value of Switzer’s A very interesting use for fluorescence
claims. The phone call lasted several that had significant later implications for
hours and was soon followed by a visit to nondestructive testing was in law
Switzer by A.V. DeForest and his son enforcement. The Federal Bureau of
Taber.10 Investigation and the postal authorities
used some of Switzer’s materials and
Early Applications of Fluorescence equipment to track suspects. A superfine
pigment that had brilliant fluorescent
Fluorescent liquid penetrant is partially properties was often dusted on evidence
rooted in the theater. John “Pop” such as currency and was used as an
Shannon supplied liquid penetrant invisible branding mark. If the suspect
material to Flo Ziegfield who staged shows stole the evidence, the fine invisible
using fluorescent costumes and lighting. pigment was usually smeared all over the
James Alburger (Fig. 6), Shannon’s son-in- suspect, the suspect’s household and in
law, eventually branched out from many cases members of the suspect’s
theatrical and esoteric fluorescent family. Because the pigment was invisible
applications into liquid penetrant.16 under normal lighting, the suspect was
In another part of the country teenager not aware that he was being tracked.

20 Liquid Penetrant Testing

When the law enforcement people closed patents on discontinuity detection. He
in and used ultraviolet radiation in a was impressed with the scope of coverage
darkened area, the results were and decided to investigate the company
devastating and confessions usually further. He read everything he could
occurred on the spot. about Magnaflux while prosecuting his
patent application.
The patent office finally notified
Switzer in the summer of 1941 that his
Invention of Fluorescent claims were allowed and that the patent
Liquid Penetrant would be issued. Switzer immediately
called Carl Betz at Magnaflux’s New York
One of the important observations made office.
was that it was difficult to remove the
fluorescent material. It was difficult
enough to remove the material even Successful Demonstration of
when you were aware of it, so the chances Liquid Penetrant Testing
of accidental removal were practically The two people that came to Switzer’s
zero. It was noted that you could scrub development were also very remarkable
and scrub, and the stuff would stay in the individuals (Fig. 7). A.V. DeForest had
cracks and pores of your hands. This already made his name as the chief
observation was the key to the later use of inventor of the magnetic particle
fluorescent materials for nondestructive process.19 Taber DeForest’s many
It turned out that Robert Switzer,
Joseph’s brother, had more interest
finding uses for fluorescent materials. In FIGURE 7. The DeForest brothers: (a) A.V.
late 1937, Switzer became aware of a DeForest; (b) Taber DeForest.
serious problem that one of the local (a)
casting companies was having with Ford
Motor Company. It seemed that a very
large batch of aluminum castings was
found to contain a significant number of
discontinuities, specifically surface cracks.
The cracks did not become visible until
the parts were machined.
Ford Motor was in the process of
attempting to collect damages for all
machining expenses as well as the cost of
the parts. Switzer remembered the
experience with the superfine fluorescent
pigment remaining in the cracks and
pores of his hands. He thought he might
be able to use that property of the fine
material to detail the surface cracks. He
had a friend who worked with the
company and was able to obtain samples
of the castings for his experiments.
Like most good ideas, it did not work at
first. His initial approach was to use the (b)
pigment that was used in the crime
detection effort. But surface cracks in
castings were not the same as the cracks in
one’s hands. Switzer persisted and
developed the idea of using liquids to carry
the fluorescent material into the cracks.
He was not satisfied with his results
and continued his developmental efforts.
The work was done mostly in his home
because both Continental and his brother
Joseph Switzer were not interested in this
activity. On August 17, 1938, Robert
Switzer applied for a patent on the
process.18 Robert asked Joseph for his
share of the patent filing fee, which
amounted to fifteen dollars. Joseph
refused to spend the money.
Switzer did his own patent work and,
while performing the search, ran across a
number of Magnaflux Corporation

Introduction to Liquid Penetrant Testing 21

significant contributions to the Liquid Penetrant Testing Process
nondestructive testing field were yet to
The process used that day was very similar
come. However, he had been working on
in many ways to the process used today.
a visible dye liquid penetrant for several
The part was cleaned in a strong
years with no measurable success.12
chlorinated solvent, probably carbon
Switzer met with his guests at the
tetrachloride. The part was then immersed
Continental Lithograph laboratories and
in the liquid penetrant solution for more
spent most of the day trying to
than 10 min. Sometimes the part was
demonstrate his process. Things did not
heated. After penetration, it was rinsed
go well. His samples were castings that he
with a strong solvent and was wiped dry
hoped contained surface discontinuities.
until clean while being observed under
In his earlier work, after liquid penetrant
ultraviolet radiation. It was then subjected
testing revealed a discontinuity, Switzer
to repeated hammer blows. The purpose
had to section and thereby destroy the
of the last operation was to drive the
test sample. So he would start the test
entrapped material out of the surface
without knowing whether the sample
cracks into the openings on the surface.
contained discontinuities. As mentioned
Then the part was examined for
above, he was never completely satisfied
discontinuities under ultraviolet radiation.
with his results.
The number of variables was significant
At the end of many frustrating hours,
and results were not very repeatable.
A.V. DeForest quietly suggested that
Magnaflux’s experience with magnetic
Robert Switzer try a sample that DeForest
particle testing had shown that
pulled from an old leather satchel. This
repeatability was a key to acceptance. It
was a sample that DeForest relied on for
was decided to continue the development
comparison between various experimental
effort to make the processing techniques
magnetic particle materials. He knew
more suitable to the production
where each discontinuity was located.
Switzer processed the part. As the
Magnaflux Corporation and the Switzer
indications became visible, all three were
Brothers then entered into a license
astounded by the results. Discontinuities
agreement through Continental
were displayed that DeForest had not seen
Lithograph.12 A joint development effort
before (Fig. 8). They looked back at the
was initiated. Many formulations were
castings and quickly noted that the
tried and many different techniques were
surfaces of these parts had been peened,
evaluated. The astounding results formed
so any discontinuities present were
the basis for developments years later. The
probably closed, making the samples very
Magnaflux effort was led by Greer Ellis
unsuitable for liquid penetrant testing.
(Fig. 9) and Taber DeForest. The
The effort that Switzer had spent
development work at Switzer Brothers was
improving the process from 1937 to 1941
done by Joseph Switzer (Fig. 10), who was
had paid off: the method was very
now very interested, and by R.A. Ward.12
sensitive to fine discontinuities.

FIGURE 8. Photograph of first penetrant test FIGURE 9. Greer Ellis.


22 Liquid Penetrant Testing

FIGURE 10. Joseph Switzer (left) and Robert Switzer. FIGURE 11. The first liquid penetrant testing unit, model ZA1,
delivered on October 23, 1942.

Water Washable Liquid

Penetrant essentially described the hydrophilic
The most significant development to remover process. This was not introduced
come from this joint effort was the water commercially until 1963.
washable liquid penetrant. A line of
equipment for handling and processing
parts was also developed. In June 1942,
water washable materials and equipment Developers
were offered for sale (Fig. 11). A flood of
The introduction of developers shortly
inquiries resulted and a number of
followed.21 This was the result of efforts of
companies started using the process. The
Harry Kuhrt and Taber DeForest and was
first equipment sale occurred in October
heavily influenced by whiting in the
1942 to Aluminum Industries, Cincinnati,
oil-and-whiting process. The first
Ohio, for the testing of aluminum
commercial products were dry, yellowish
materials consisting mainly of talc. The
Some of the early applications were for
wet developer process did not appear until
the testing of aluminum propeller blades
late in 1944.11
and engine oil cases. Pistons, valves, spark
By 1942, a fluorescent water washable
plug housings and critical airframe
liquid penetrant and a dry developer were
structures also were tested. The most
commercially available. Processing
significant early use of the process was in
equipment was available and many trials
the maintenance and overhaul of aircraft
in industrial plants had been completed.
engines. The method worked very well
The first sale had taken place.
and in a short time gained wide
A patent on the water washable process
was applied for in June 1942 and was Development of Dye
issued in July 1945 to R.A. Ward.20 It is
interesting to note that in column five of Liquid Penetrant
the patent’s text, Ward states that the During this period, a need arose for a less
emulsifier agent could be used in the complex technique of surface crack
wash water and need not be included in testing for nonferrous components. The
the testing agent. Thus postemulsification fluorescent liquid penetrant testing
was mentioned long before it became a process as it existed required holding
commercial reality. Also, in describing the tanks, a water supply, electricity and a
inclusion in the wash water, Ward had darkened area for viewing the indications.

Introduction to Liquid Penetrant Testing 23

A great deal of development work was located. The area was very bright in the
going on in fluorescent liquid penetrant California daylight. Smith Sparling tried
testing technology: sensitivity and various ways to use the fluorescent
reliability were significantly improved, but techniques, but to no avail. She
the techniques were becoming more remembered her experience with the
complex in the process. The water oil-and-whiting technique in her early
washable technique was relatively simple railroad days. She decided to try to
and reasonably fast, but something even improve the process.
simpler was needed. She stated in one conversation, “All
A Northrop metallurgist named housewives know this about cleaning
Rebecca Smith (later Rebecca Smith porcelain sinks. Dirt will remain in the
Sparling) in the mid-1940s had developed cracks in the sink and will be highlighted
a process that satisfied these needs.4,12 against the white background of the
This was the dye liquid penetrant testing porcelain.” Smith Sparling enlisted the
technique, which has become one of the help of a Northrop chemist by the name
most commonly used techniques for of Loy Sockman (Fig. 13),22 as well as a
surface discontinuity detection. young man by the name of Elliot Brady,
Smith Sparling (Fig. 12) graduated from and pursued the development of this idea.
Vanderbilt University Nashville,
Tennessee, in 1932 with a master’s degree
in physical chemistry. During the next ten
years, she worked at a number of forging
companies and in 1941 was in southern FIGURE 13. Rebecca Smith Sparling and Loy
Wisconsin, working for Lakeside Malleable Sockman (1950).
Casting. At this location, she had her first
detailed introduction to the
oil-and-whiting technique. Lakeside was
involved in the manufacture of castings
for both the railroad and the automotive
industries. She became familiar with the

FIGURE 12. Rebecca Smith Sparling (1949).

Smith Sparling would suggest an

approach and the chemists would work
on it. She would then evaluate and
comment on their progress and they
would modify and innovate. This process
continued for a number of years and
resulted in the first practical dye liquid
penetrant.19 A patent was applied for by
Sockman in March 1949.23 Smith Sparling
was also involved in setting up a number
of standards that were eventually to
become industry references for the dye
In the mid-1940s, Smith Sparling was liquid penetrant testing technique.
working in the Turbodyne Engine This new technique filled an important
Division of Northrop Corporation. She market need that Northrop recognized.
was involved in the final testing of jet The technology and patents were sold to
engines and was concerned with certain Turco Products. Sockman left Northrop
crack formation occurring on turbine and founded the company Met-L-Chek in
blades during the test cycle. The engines the early 1950s; there he developed and
were located at the top of a gantry some sold a dye liquid penetrant. Magnaflux
3 m (10 ft) off the floor, close to the offered their version of dye liquid
ceiling where overhead windows were penetrant in 1952.19

24 Liquid Penetrant Testing

A few years later, an interesting point overwash problem of the water washable
developed with respect to the Sockman process. A great deal of effort had been
patent: a patent interference occurred expended in an attempt to solve this
between it and claims filed by Robert problem, but with little success.
Switzer. To understand this fully, the Parker realized that the overwash was
original claims filed by Switzer in August caused by the emulsifier’s being mixed in
1938 must be remembered. In this patent the liquid penetrant. For certain types of
application, Switzer included claims for gross discontinuities, the wash water
visible as well as fluorescent penetrants. could penetrate the discontinuity and
The patent office required division of the emulsify the retained liquid penetrant,
fluorescent from the visible claims as one and the wash cycle would remove the
of the early office actions. The fluorescent fluorescence. Parker removed the
patent was issued in 1941 to Switzer, as emulsifier from the liquid penetrant and
stated earlier. applied it later as a separate, independent
Robert Switzer filed the visible claims operating step, so shallow, open cracks
in 1945 as a continuation of the earlier could be detected easily with no overwash
filing. The interference occurred after problem.
Sockman’s patent was issued in 1954. To In addition to this, a significant new
complicate the issue further, a number of capability for increased sensitivity was
other similar patents for dye penetrants added to liquid penetrant testing: the
were issued in this period.24,25 After a emulsification time and wash time were
number of years, the patent office ruled in now mutually exclusive variables. Each
favor of the Switzer claims, allowing the variable could now be adjusted for the
early filing date and assigning a number optimum time independently of the
of the issued visible dye liquid penetrant other.
patents to Switzer.11,18,26 The first postemulsification products
were introduced in 1953. A patent was
Postemulsification in Fluorescent applied for by Taber DeForest and Parker
in July 1954 on the process.28 In 1955,
Liquid Penetrant Testing Parker developed two new emulsifiers and
The next significant improvement applied for a patent in 1956.29
occurred in 1952 with the development of Parker and DeForest also experimented
the postemulsification process.27 This with other ideas concerning the removal
development was precipitated by the fact of the fluorescent background. Instead of
that Rebecca Smith Sparling used visible washing it off, they thought of quenching
dye liquid penetrant to find cracks in its fluorescence.30 This was eventually
turbine buckets that fluorescent liquid done by large quantities of ultraviolet
penetrant had missed.16 Tabor DeForest radiation acting on the dye’s instability to
and Donald Parker (Fig. 14), both of high doses of energy. This approach,
Magnaflux, set out to improve the called the fugitive dye technique, was
performance of fluorescent liquid patented by DeForest and Parker.
penetrant. Parker was concerned with the Although much time was spent trying to
make it practical, it was never used
FIGURE 14. Donald Parker (1955).

Cascading Dyes
The next significant development was of
cascading dyes, first accomplished by
James Alburger. This became another
Parker effort.27 This approach permitted
another quantum leap in sensitivity.
Parker discovered that sensitivity could be
improved dramatically by combining
several different dyes in the liquid
penetrant. What occurred in this mixture
was a cascading effect or a linking between
the dyes. One dye had its absorption peak
in the ultraviolet range whereas its main
emission peak was in the blue range. The
other dye had its main absorption in the
blue and its main emission in the yellow
or yellow-green range. The cascading effect
had a net efficiency greater than that of a
single dye. A patent was applied for by
Parker and Joseph Switzer, and the process
was incorporated into commercial
products in 1954.32

Introduction to Liquid Penetrant Testing 25

So, in 1961, twenty years after Switzer
Value and Price had the first successful demonstration of
fluorescent penetrants, both fluorescent
In the mid-1950s, an interesting event and visible dye penetrants were being
pointed out the relationship and used by a number of industries. Materials
communication between users and of great sensitivity were available.
product developers. After the Industry and government standards were
breakthrough in cascading dyes, Parker being established. Water washable and
decided to develop the ultimate liquid postemulsification processes were in use,
penetrant. This would not be a commercial and developers were in common use.
product; rather, it would represent what a
liquid penetrant could do. It would be a
laboratory material — a standard that all
new products would be referenced Other Contributors
against. It contained such a high level of
A number of other people have
dye that the selling price would be
contributed to the development of liquid
prohibitive.20 Parker developed the liquid
penetrant testing technology during this
penetrant, and it was good. One day, he
period. Frank Catlin of Magnaflux worked
demonstrated it to personnel of a large
on both fluorescent and dye penetrants in
aircraft manufacturer and showed them
the early years.13 Ferdi Stern of Magnaflux
how it could find very minute cracks on
worked with Greer Ellis on the field trials
their turbine blades. The user’s comment
of the early penetrants. Orlando Molino
on Parker’s material was that they
of Rockwell developed and patented the
couldn’t afford not to use it. So it became
high resolution liquid penetrant testing
a product. In fact, with some small
process in the late 1950s. About the same
refinements, it still is in use today.
time major improvements in the
sensitivity of water washable liquid
penetrants were introduced by James
Military Standards Alburger, who was also the first to
commercially introduce hydrophilic
The first military specification for liquid emulsifier a little later. J. Thomas Schmidt
penetrant testing was AN-1-30a, issued on of Magnaflux developed and refined the
September 18, 1946.33 It covered both the quality control and test procedures for
process and the material. It was a very product uniformity in the 1960s. People
general specification and allowed a great like Al Robinson at General Electric,
deal of latitude. A detailed process Victor McBride at Pratt & Whitney, O.E.
specification, MIL-I-6866, was issued in Stutsman of Wright Field and William
1950.34 Hitt of Douglas critiqued materials and
A key milestone occurred when the refined the processes. Other people,
military material specification unnamed here, made contributions to
MIL-I-25135 was issued on August 6, liquid penetrant testing in this period.
1956.35 This last specification resulted As a result of the efforts of all of these
from a meeting attended by industry and pioneering people, there has been a
military experts in 1955.9 As a result of dramatic increase in the reliability of our
this meeting, the first specific military aircraft engines and airframes. The
standards for liquid penetrant testing contributions of these people have made
materials were established. Some possible also some of the very significant
important long term policies were advances in aircraft performance that
specified, such as the concept of families have occurred in this period. Application
of penetrants. This standard lasted for of liquid penetrant testing has followed
thirty years with only minor changes. the increased use of a variety of
nonferrous metals in critical applications
in the nuclear, automotive, space,
ordnance and electronic fields.
Quantitative Approaches The next twenty-five years were to see
Used the following developments:
In the late 1950s and early 1960s, a great (1) development of hydrophilic remover,
deal of work was done quantitatively to (2) development of the high sensitivity
analyze the performance of penetrants. water washable products, (3) refinements
Many data were generated. Details such as of military standards, (4) introduction of
effect of liquid penetrant film thickness, automatic test techniques and
ultraviolet radiation absorption and (5) investigations of heat fade and
theoretical effects of developers were statistical techniques of measurement.
studied and applied to new liquid Because of its sensitivity and economy,
penetrant development. The industry liquid penetrant testing will remain one
moved toward a more scientific phase of of the most important nondestructive
development.36 testing methods in the twenty-first

26 Liquid Penetrant Testing

PART 5. Units of Measure for Nondestructive

through national standards organizations

Origin and Use of the SI and specialized information compiled by
technical organizations.36,37
In 1960 the General Conference on
Weights and Measures devised the
International System of Units. Le Systeme Multipliers
Internationale d’Unites (SI) was designed so Very large or very small numbers with
that a single set of interrelated units are expressed by using the SI
measurement units could be used by all multipliers, prefixes of 103 intervals
branches of science, engineering and the (Table 7) in science and engineering. The
general public. Without SI, this multiplier becomes a property of the SI
Nondestructive Testing Handbook volume unit. For example, a millimeter (mm) is
could have contained a confusing mix of 0.001 meter (m). The volume unit cubic
Imperial units, obsolete centimeter (cm3) is (0.01)3 or 10–6 m3.
centimeter-gram-second (cgs) metric Unit submultiples such as the centimeter,
system version units and the units decimeter, dekameter (or decameter) and
preferred by certain localities or scientific hectometer are avoided in scientific and
specialties. technical uses of SI because of their
SI is the modern version of the metric variance from the 103 interval. However,
system and ends the division between dm3 and cm3 are in use specifically
metric units used by scientists and metric because they represent a 103 variance.
units used by engineers and the public.
Scientists have given up their units based
on centimeter and gram and engineers
made a fundamental change in TABLE 5. Derived SI units with special names.
abandoning the kilogram-force in favor of
the newton. Electrical engineers have Relation
retained their ampere, volt and ohm but to Other
Quantity Units Symbol SI Unitsa
changed all units related to magnetism.
The main effect of SI has been the
Frequency (periodic) hertz Hz 1·s–1
reduction of conversion factors between
Force newton N kg·m·s–2
units to one (1) — in other words, to
eliminate them entirely. Pressure (stress) pascal Pa N·m–2
Table 4 lists seven base units. Table 5 Energy joule J N·m
lists derived units with special names. Power watt W J·s–1
Table 6 gives examples of conversions to Electric charge coulomb C A·s
SI units. In SI, the unit of time is the Electric potentialb volt V W·A–1
second (s) but hour (h) is recognized for Capacitance farad F C·V–1
use with SI. Electric resistance ohm Ω V·A–1
For more information, the reader is Conductance siemens S A·V–1
referred to the information available
Magnetic flux weber Wb V·s
Magnetic flux density tesla T Wb·m–2
Inductance henry H Wb·A–1
Luminous flux lumen lm cd·sr
TABLE 4. Base SI units.
Illuminance lux lx lm·m–2
Quantity Unit Symbol Plane angle radian rad 1
Length meter m Radioactivity becquerel Bq 1·s–1
Mass kilogram kg Radiation absorbed dose gray Gy J·kg–1
Time second s Radiation dose equivalent sievert Sv J·kg–1
Electric current ampere A Solid angle steradian sr 1
Temperaturea kelvin K Time hour h 3600 s
Amount of substance mole mol Volumec liter L dm3
Luminous intensity candela cd
a. Number one expresses dimensionless relationship.
a. Kelvin can be expressed in degrees celsius b. Electromotive force.
(°C = K – 273.15). c. The only prefixes that may be used with liter are milli (m) and micro (µ).

Introduction to Liquid Penetrant Testing 27

TABLE 6. Examples of conversions to SI units.
Quantity Measurement in Non-SI Unit Multiply by To Get Measurement in SI Unit

Area square inch (in.2) 645 square millimeter (mm2)

Distance angstrom (Å) 0.1 nanometer (nm)
inch (in.) 25.4 millimeter (mm)
Energy British thermal unit (BTU) 1.055 kilojoule (kJ)
calorie (cal) 4.19 joule (J)
British thermal unit per hour (BTU·h–1) 0.293 watt (W)
Specific heat British thermal unit per pound 4.19 kilojoule per kilogram per kelvin (kJ·kg–1·K–1)
per degree Fahrenheit (BTU·lbm–1·°F–1)
Force (torque, couple) foot-pound (ft-lbf) 1.36 joule (J)
Force or pressure pound force per square inch (lbf·in.–2) 6.89 kilopascal (kPa)
Frequency (cycle) cycle per minute 1/60 hertz (Hz)
Illuminance footcandle (ftc) 10.76 lux (lx)
phot (ph) 10 000 lux (lx)
Luminance candela per square foot (cd·ft–2) 10.76 candela per square meter (cd·m–2)
candela per square inch (cd·in. ) 1 550 candela per square meter (cd·m–2)
footlambert 3.426 candela per square meter (cd·m–2)
lambert 3 183 (= 10 000/π) candela per square meter (cd·m–2)
nit (nt) 1 candela per square meter (cd·m–2)
stilb (sb) 10 000 candela per square meter (cd·m–2)
Radioactivity curie (Ci) 37 gigabecquerel (GBq)
Ionizing radiation exposure roentgen (R) 0.258 millicoulomb per kilogram (mC·kg–1)
Mass pound (lbm) 0.454 kilogram (kg)
Temperature (difference) degree fahrenheit (°F) 0.556 degree celsius (°C)
Temperature (scale) degree fahrenheit (°F) (°F – 32)/1.8 degree celsius (°C)
(°F – 32)/1.8) + 273.15 kelvin (K)

should be observed. For example, the

meanings of the prefix m (milli) and the
TABLE 7. SI multipliers. prefix M (mega) differ by nine orders of
Prefix Symbol Multiplier magnitude.

yotta Y 1024
zetta Z 1021
exa E 1018 SI Units to Express
peta P 1015 Particular Quantities in
tera T 1012 Nondestructive Testing
giga G 109
mega M 106
kilo k 103 Pressure
hectoa h 102 The pascal (Pa), equal to one newton per
deka (or deca)a da 10 square meter (1 N·m–2), is used to express
decia d 10–1 pressure, stress etc. It is used in place of
centia c 10–2 units of pound force per square inch
milli m 10–3 (lbf·in.–2), atmosphere, millimeter of
micro µ 10–6 mercury (mm Hg), torr, bar, inch of
mercury (in. Hg), inch of water (H2O) and
nano n 10–9
other units. The text must indicate
pico p 10–12
whether gage, absolute or differential
femto f 10–15 pressure is meant.
atto a 10–18
zepto z 10–21
yocto y 10–24
The cubic meter (m3) is the only volume
a. Avoid these prefixes (except in dm3 and cm3) for
science and engineering.
measurement unit in SI. It takes the place
of cubic foot, cubic inch, gallon, pint,
barrel and more. In SI, the liter (L) is also
Note that 1 cm3 is not equal to 0.01 m3. approved for use. The liter is a special
Also, in equations, submultiples such as name for cubic decimeter (1 L = 1 dm3 =
centimeter (cm) or decimeter (dm) should 10–3 m3). Only the milli (m) and micro (µ)
be avoided because they disturb the prefixes may be used with liter.
convenient 103 or 10–3 intervals that The fundamental units of time,
make equations easy to manipulate. temperature, pressure and volume are
In SI, the distinction between upper expressed every time movement of a fluid
and lower case letters is meaningful and (liquid or gas) is measured.

28 Liquid Penetrant Testing

Light is electromagnetic radiation in the TABLE 8. Abrasive particle size and sieve apertures.
visible range of wavelength or frequency. Mesh Designation Sieve Lines
___________________ Nominal ISO __________________
Vision requires a source of USA FEPA Sieve Aperture per (per
illumination. The light source is measured Grit Grit (µm) 10 mm 1.0 in.)
in candela (cd), defined as the luminous
intensity in a given direction of a source 70 to 80 213 212 to 180 30.3 (76.9)
that emits monochromatic radiation of 80 to 100 181 180 to 150 39.4 (100.0)
540 × 1012 hertz (540 THz) at a radiant 100 to 120 151 150 to 125 43.7 (111.1)
intensity of 1/683 watt per steradian
120 to 150 126 125 to 106 49.2 (125.1)
(about 0.0015 W·sr–1).
140 to 170 107 106 to 90 59.1 (150.1)
The luminous flux in a steradian (sr) is
measured in lumen (lm). The
measurement in lumen is the product of
candela and steradian (1 lm = 1 cd·sr). from being indicated in tests. Finish also
A light flux of one lumen (1 lm) affects adherence of materials to a surface.
striking one square meter (1 m2) on the In preparation of test panels for
surface of the sphere around the source evaluation, the type and size of abrasive
illuminates it with one lux (1 lx), the blasting is often specified.
unit of luminance, or brightness. If the Abrasive particle size (coarse versus
source itself is scaled to one square meter fine) in the United States has traditionally
and emits one candela (1 cd), the been specified using industry accepted
luminance of the source is 1 cd·m–2. gage numbers that correspond to the
Some terms have been replaced in SI. number of lines (or wires) per inch in
Illumination is now illuminance. sieves used to sift the abrasive grit. A
Transmission factor is now transmittance. number of standards govern grit
Meter-candle is now lux. Nit is candela per specifications in the abrasive industries —
square meter (cd·m–2). for example, ANSI B 74.16 for industrial
Old units are to be converted (Table 6). diamonds. Table 8 shows several of the
Footcandle (ftc) and phot (ph) now many levels of grit designations based on
convert to lux (lx). Stilb (sb), footlambert particle size.39
and lambert convert to candela per square Organizations that issue standards in
meter (cd·m–2). For measurement of this area include the American National
wavelength, nanometer (nm) obviates Standards Institute (ANSI), the American
angstrom (Å): 10 Å = 1 nm. Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM),
the Federation of the European Producers
Viscosity of Abrasives (FEPA) and the International
Standardization Organization (ISO).
Dynamic viscosity is expressed in SI by the
pascal second. An older unit is the
poise (P), or centipoise (cP): 100 cP = 1 P =
0.1 Pa·s.
Kinematic viscosity is expressed in SI as
square meter per second, equivalent to
the dynamic viscosity divided by mass
density. An older unit is the stokes (St):
1 cSt = 0.01 St = 1 mm2·s–1; 1 St =
0.0001 m2·s–1.

Porosity is reported as a ratio of volume to
volume and can be expressed as a
percentage. For example, if hydrogen
content in aluminum is measured as
2.5 mm3·g–1, this value reduces to
2.50 mm3·(0.37 cm3)–1 × 1000 mm3·cm–3 =
0.675 or about 0.7 percent. Therefore the
hydrogen content should be reported as
6.75 mm3·cm–3 in volume for a porosity
of 0.7 percent.

Abrasives and Finish Treatment

Surface abrading is a matter of concern in
liquid penetrant testing because grinding,
shot peening and sand blasting can close
surface breaking cracks and so keep them

Introduction to Liquid Penetrant Testing 29


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Standardization. Sockman.” Materials Evaluation.
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(May 1996). Flaw Inspection Method. United States
9. ASNT Recommended Practice No. Patent 2 667 070 (filed March 1949;
SNT-TC-1A. Columbus, OH: American issued January 1954).
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10. ASNT Central Certification Program Flaws in Metal Articles. United States
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1986): p 1371-1374, 1376, 1378, 1380, 27. Parker, D. Laboratory notebook no. 1.
1382. Chicago, IL: Magnaflux (unpublished).
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30 Liquid Penetrant Testing

29. Parker, D. et al. Water Emulsifiable
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April 1961).
30. Parker, D. Chicago unpublished
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Magnaflux (April 1952 and October
31. DeForest, T. et al. United States Patent
2 774 886, Method of Detecting Surface
Discontinuities (filed November 1952;
issued December 1956).
32. Switzer, J. et al. Fluorescent Penetrant
Inspection Materials and Methods.
United States Patent 2 920 203 (filed
September 1955; issued January 1960).
33. Military specification AN-I-30a,
Fluorescent Method of Inspection
(September 18, 1946).
34. MIL-I-6866, Penetrant Method of
Inspection (August 7, 1950).
35. MIL-I-25135, Inspection Materials:
Penetrants (August 6, 1956).
36. Thomas, W.E., “An Analytic Approach
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Testing. Vol. 21, No. 6. Columbus, OH:
American Society for Nondestructive
Testing (November-December 1963):
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37. IEEE/ASTM SI 10-1997, Standard for Use
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39. B 74.16, Checking the Size of Diamond
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Introduction to Liquid Penetrant Testing 31

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