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Question 1 : Chloroplasts and mitochondria exhibit specific compartments

- In plants, chloroplasts and mitochondria are the main energy - transducing organelles.
The biochemical mechanism by which ATP is synthesized is directly related to the
specific compartments that exist in these organelles
- The structure and development of chloroplasts have been studied extensively with the
electron microscope.
- The 4 major structural regions or compartments: (1) a pair of outer limiting
membranes, collectively known as the envelop (2) an unstructured background matrix or
stroma (3) a highly structured internal system of membranes called thylakoids (4) the
intrathylakoid space or lumen
- The envelope encloses the stroma, a predominantly protein solution. The stroma
contains all of the enzymes responsible for photosynthetic carbon reduction, including
ribulose -1,5- biphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase referred rubisco
- Embedded within the stroma is a complex system of membranes often to as lamella
- Cross-section of membranes the appearance of a flattened sack or thylakoid having
grana on the surface composed grana thylakoids. The inter space of the thylakoid is
known as lumen.
- Mitochondria, energy transducing organelle, are organized into several ultrastructural
compartments with distinct metabolic functions: an outer membrane, an inner
membrane, the intermembrane space, and the matrix (fig2.6B). The inner membrane is
extensively folded called cristae.
- The common pattern in plant mitochondria is less regular, forming a system of tubes
and sacs
Question 2 : Drawing 6.2 = Starch and sucrose are biosynthesis in 2
different compartment .

Allocation of fixed carbon between the chloroplast and the cytosol

Question 3 : Drawing 6.4 = Starch and Sucrose synthesis are competitive

The synthesis of sucrose is regulated by the trioseP/Pi ratio.

A low trioseP/Pi ratio signals an accumulation of F6P in the cytosol nexolP pool. This
favors the synthesis of F2,6BP from F6P. F6P in the cytosolic hexoseP pool is
phosphorylated by the enzyme F6P2kinase (reaction 1) and converted to F2,6BP.
Accumulation of this regulatory metabolite inhibits the activity of the enzyme FBPase,
but stimulate the enzyme pyrophosphate-dependent phosphofructokinase (PPi-PFK),
which catalyzes the reverse action. The net result is a decreased rate of entry of carbon
into the cytosolic hexoseP pool.
A high trioseP/Pi ratio inhibits the synthesis
of F2,6BP (reaction 1) and favors the breakdown of F2,6BP to F6P by the enzyme
F2,6BPase (reaction 2). This releases cytosolic FBPase from inhibition, and favors the
synthesis of F6P which, in turn, favors sucrose synthesis

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