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1. Static Analysis of a Stepped Bar

Working directory : E \ STTP

Job Name : stepped bar
Preferences – structural – OK
Pre processor – Element type – Add – Add – link – 2D spar 1 – OK –
Real constants – Add – Add – OK
Cross – sectional area – 100
Real constant Set No.2
Cross – sectional area – 50
OK – Close
Material properties – Material models – Double click on structural, linear,
elastic, isotropic
Ex = 2e5
PR XY = 0.3
Close the dialog box
Modeling – create – key points – In active CS
x,y,z location in active CS 0 0 0
x,y,z location in active CS 1000 0 0
x,y,z location in active CS 1000+1000 0 0
Modeling – create – lines – lines – straight line – Pick the 1st & 2nd key pts to
draw the 1st line. Pick the 2nd & 3rd key pts to draw the 2nd line
Meshing – Mesh tool – size controls – click on lines set and pick both the lines
– OK
No. of element divisions – 1
Mesh tool – Element attributes – global set
Material number – 1
Real constant set No – 1
Mesh - Lines
Click on the tab Mesh
Pick the 1st line – OK
Go to top menu and select plot – multi plots.
Mesh tool – Element attributes – click on global set.
Material number – 1
Real constant set number – 2
Click on the tab - Mesh
Pick the 2nd line – OK

CAD Lab Mech. Engg. Dept. P.V.P. Siddhartha Institute of Technology, Vijayawada-7

Loads – Define loads – Apply – structural – displacement – on key pts – pick

the left most key pt – OK
DOF’s to be constrained – UX
Force/moment – on key pts – pick the right most key pt – OK
Lab : Direction of force/mon – Fx
Force 100
Go to Ansys tool bar and click on
Save DB
Solution – solve – current LS – OK
Solution is done – click on the tab - Close
General post processor – List results – Nodal solution
DOF solution – X – component of displacement – OK
Result : U1 = 0 U2 = 0.005 U3 = 0.015
Close the dialog box
Element table – Define – Add – user lable (type Stress)
By sequence no LS
Ls, 1
OK – close
List element table – click on stress – OK
Answer σ 1 = 1 Mpa
σ 2 = 2 Mpa

CAD Lab Mech. Engg. Dept. P.V.P. Siddhartha Institute of Technology, Vijayawada-7

2. Static Analysis of a Plane Truss

File Management
Working directory - E : / STTP
Job name - Plane truss
Preferences – structural - OK
Pre processor – Element type – Add – Add – link – 2D spar 1 - OK -close
Real constants - Add – Add – OK
Cross – sectional area – 1000
Real constant set No: 2
Cross sectional area – 1250
OK – close
Material properties – material models – double click on structural, linear,
elastic – isotropic
Ex = 2e5
PRXY = 0.3
Close the dialog box
Modeling – create – Key pts – In active CS 0 0 0
X, Y, Z location in active CS 750 500 0
X, Y, Z location in active CS 0 500 0
Lines – lines – straight line
Pick the key pts 1&2 to draw the inclined line
Pick the key pts 2&3 to draw the horizontal line
Meshing – Mesh tool – size controls – click on the line set and pick both the
lines – OK
No. of element divisors - 1
Mesh tool – Element attributes – Click on the tab global set
Material number - 1
Real constant set no – 1
Click on the tab Mesh
Pick the horizontal line – OK
Go to top menu and select plot – multi plots
Mesh tool – Element attributes – click on the tab global set
Material No. – 1
Real constant set no – 2
Click on the tab Mesh
Pick the inclined line – OK

CAD Lab Mech. Engg. Dept. P.V.P. Siddhartha Institute of Technology, Vijayawada-7

Loads – Define loads – Apply – structural – displacement – on Key pts – pick

the key points at the free ends – OK
Label All DOF
Displacement value - 0
Force/moment – on key pts – pick the key pt at the junction of two members –
Label : Direction of force/mom - Fy
Value = -1000
Go to Ansys took bar and click on - save DB
Solution – solve – current LS – OK
Solution is done – close
General post processor – List results – Nodal solution - DOF solution –
Displacement vector sum – OK
At the fixed pts uX = uY = 0
At the junction pt Ux = 0.5625 x 10-2mm
Uy = -0.20156 x 10-1mm
Close the dialog box
Element table – Define table – Add – user label - (type Stress)
By sequence No. LS
LS, 1
OK – close
List element table – click on stress – OK
Result: σ 1 (stress in the horizontal member) = 1.5 MPa

σ 2 (stress in the inclined member) = -1.4422 MPa

CAD Lab Mech. Engg. Dept. P.V.P. Siddhartha Institute of Technology, Vijayawada-7

3. Static Analysis of a thick Cylinder

a) Using axi-symmetric option

Preferences – structural – OK
Pre processor – Element type – Add – Add – solid – 8 node 82 – OK – options
– Element behaviour K3 (axi symmetric)
OK – close
Material properties – Material models – Double click on structural, linear –
elastic, isotropic
Ex = 2e5
PRXY = 0.3
Close the dialog box
Modeling – create – areas – rectangle – By dimensions
X1, X2 x-w coordinates 60 100
Y1, Y2 y-w coordinates 0 10
Meshing – Mesh tool – size controls – click on the Tab lines set – pick the
horizontal lines – OK
No. of element divisions – 16
Mesh tool – Element attributes – global set
Material No – 1
Mesh – areas
Shape O Tri Quad
Click on the tab – Mesh
Pick the area – OK
Loads – Define loads – Apply – structural – Displacement – on lies – Pick the
horizontal lines – OK
Lab 2 DOF’s to be constrained - Uy
Pressure- on lines- pick the left vertical line-OK
Apply pressure value - 64
Ansys tool bar – Save DB
Solution – solve – current LS – OK
Solution is done – close
General post processor – plot results – contour plot – Nodal solution – stress
– x-component of stress – OK
σ radial = σ x = -63.918 MPa at the inner face
= 0.01168 MPa at the outer face
Nodal solution – y-component of stress – ok.
σ axial= σ y = 21.6 MPa at all the nodes.

CAD Lab Mech. Engg. Dept. P.V.P. Siddhartha Institute of Technology, Vijayawada-7

Nodal solution - z-component of stress – OK

circumferential = σ z = 135.918 MPa at the inner face
= 71.988 MPa at the outer face
Go to top menu – go to plot – Nodes
General post processor – path operations – Define path - By nodes
Pick the nodes along any horizontal line – OK
Define path name – P1
Close the dialog box
Map on to path – stress – Sx – Apply
Stress – Sy – Apply
Stress – Sz – OK
Plot path item – on graph – select Sx – Apply

CAD Lab Mech. Engg. Dept. P.V.P. Siddhartha Institute of Technology, Vijayawada-7

Unselect Sx – select Sy – Apply

Unslecte Sy – select Sz – OK

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b) Using plane strain option

Preferences – structural – OK
Pre processor – Element type – Add – Add – solid – 8 node 82 – OK – options
– Element behaviour K3 (plane strain) – OK
Material properties – Material models – Double click on structural, linear,
elastic, isotropic
Ex = 2e5
PRXY = 0.3
Close the dialog box
Top menu – go to work plane – change active CS to – global cylindrical
(observe CSYS = 1 in the status bar)
Modeling – create – key pts – In active CS
X,Y,Z location in active CS 0 0 0
X,Y,Z location in active CS 60 0 0
X,Y,Z location in active CS 100 0 0
X,Y,Z location in active CS 100 20 0
X,Y,Z location in active CS 60 20 0
Lines – lines – straight line – pick the key pts 2&3 to draw the 1st line – pick
the key pts 5&4 to draw the 2nd line – OK
Arcs – by end key pts & radius – Pick the key pts 2&5 – Apply
Pick the key pt at the origin (center of the curve) – apply
Radius of the arc – 60
Pick the key pts 3&4 – Apply
Pick the key pt and at the origin – OK
Radius of the arc – 100 – OK
Areas – arbitrary – by lines – pick all the lines to create the area between
them – OK
Meshing – mesh tool – size controls – click on lines set – Pick the two straight
lines in the radial direction –ok

CAD Lab Mech. Engg. Dept. P.V.P. Siddhartha Institute of Technology, Vijayawada-7

No. of element divisions – 16 – OK

Mesh tool – Mesh - Areas


Pick the area – OK
Loads – define loads – Apply – structural – displacement – on lines – Pick the
top & bottom lines – OK
Lab : DOF’s to be constrained – Uy – OK
Pressure – on lines – pick the left side arc – OK
Value load pressure value – 64 – OK
Modeling – Move/modify – Rotate Node CS – to active CS – pick all – save
Solution – solve – current LS – OK
Solution is done – close –
close the dialog box
General post processor – options for output – RSYS (global cylindrical)
Plot results – contour plot – Nodal solution – stress – x-component of stress –
Result: radial = σx = -64.922 MPa at the inner face
= -0.35MPa at the outer face.
Nodal solution – y-component of stress – OK
Result: circumferential = σy = 136.922 MPa at inner face.
72.35 at the outer face
Nodal solution – z-component of stress – OK
σ σ
Result: axial = z = 21.6 MPa at all the nodes.
Graphs the procedure is given in part (a)

CAD Lab Mech. Engg. Dept. P.V.P. Siddhartha Institute of Technology, Vijayawada-7

(c) Using 3-D model

Preferences – structural – OK
Pre processor – Element type – Add – Add – solid – 20 node 95 – OK – Close
Material properties – Material models – Double click on structural , linear,
elastic, isotropic
Ex = 2e5
PRXY = 0.3
Close the dialog box
Top menu – Go to work plane – change active CS to – Global cylindrical
Modeling – create – key pts – inactive CS
X,Y,Z location inactive CS 0 0 0
X,Y,Z location inactive CS 60 0 0
X,Y,Z location inactive CS 100 0 0
X,Y,Z location inactive CS 100 20 0
X,Y,Z location inactive CS 60 20 0
Lines - lines – straight line – pick the key pts 2&3 pick the key pts 4&5
Arcs – By end key pts & radius – Pick the key pts 2&5 – Apply
Pick the key pt at the origin (centre of the curve) – Apply
Radius of the arc – 60 – Apply
Similarly draw the outer arc
Areas – arbitrary – by lines – pick all the 4 lines – OK
Operate – extrude – areas by xyx offset – pick the area- OK
DX, DY, DZ offsets of extrusion 0 0 10
Meshing – Mesh tool – size controls – global – set
Size element edge length – 2.5 - O.K.

CAD Lab Mech. Engg. Dept. P.V.P. Siddhartha Institute of Technology, Vijayawada-7

Mesh - volumes

Hex Mapped
Mesh – Pick the volume – OK
Loads – define loads – Apply – structural – displacement – on areas – pick at
the top and bottom edges – OK
DOF’s to be constrained – Uy – OK
Pressure – on areas – pick at the inner edge – OK
Value load pressure value = 64 – OK
Go to right side tool bar – click on top view
Loads – displacement – on areas – pick at the top and bottom edges – OK
DOF’s to be constrained – Uz – OK
Go to the right side tool bar – pick isometric view
Modeling – Move/modify – Rotate node CS – to active CS – Pick all
Save DB
Solution – solve – current LS – OK – close
Close the dialog box
General post processor – options for output – RSYS (Global cylinder) – OK
Plot results – contour plot – Nodal solution – stress – X-component of stress –
Result: σ radial = σx = -63.909 MPa at the inner face
= 0.01MPa at outer face
Nodal solution = Y-component of stress – OK
Result: circumferential = σy = 135.98 MPa at inner face
= 72 MPa at the outer face
Nodal solution – Z – component of stress – OK
Result: σ axial = σz = 21.6 at all the nodes
Graphs: The procedure is given in part (a)

CAD Lab Mech. Engg. Dept. P.V.P. Siddhartha Institute of Technology, Vijayawada-7

4. Static Analysis of a thick plate under cylindrical bending

a) Using 3-D model:

Preferences – structural – OK
Pre processor – Element type – Add – Add – solid – 20 node 95 – OK – Close
Material properties – Material models – double click on structural, linear,
elastic, isotropic
Ex – 2e5
PRXY = 0.25
Close the dialog box
Modeling – create – volumes – block by dimensions
X1, X2 x coordinates 0 2000

Y1, Y2 y coordinates 0 8000

Z1, Z2, z coordinates 0 200

Meshing – Mesh tool – size controls – lines set – Box – select all the
vertical lines (in the length direction count = 4) – Apply
NDIV : No.of element divisions – 80 – Apply
Box – select all the horizontal lines (width direction, count = 4) – apply
NDIV = 20 Apply
Go to right side tool bar right view
Click zoom model – pick at the top of the model and drag through a small
Box – select the lines at top edge (count = 2)
Go to right side tool bar fit view – click zoom model
Box – pick at the bottom end and drag through a same distance
Select the lines at the bottom edge (count = 2+2) – OK
NDIV : 4
Mesh tool
Mesh - volumes
Hex Mapped
click on the tab Mesh
Pick the volume – OK
Go to the right side tool bar – click on fit view – isometric view
Loads – Define loads – Apply – structural – displacement – on areas – pick
the areas on the opposite sides parallel to length direction

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Lab 2: DOF’s to be constrained – All DOF – OK

Pressure – on areas – Pick the area at the positive Z-face – OK
Value of pressure = 1 – OK
Save DB
Solution – solve – current LS – OK
Solution is done – close
Right side tool bar – click front view
Top menu – go to select (Entities – Elements – OK
Box – select the elements approximately at the middle position (to avoid
the end effects)
General post processor – plot results – contour plot – Nodal solution – DOF
solution – z- component of displacement
Result: Transverse deflection (Uz) = 0.327mm
Nodal solution – stress – 1st principal stress – OK
Result: σ 1 = 59.3 MPa
Nodal solution – stress – 2nd principal stress – OK
Result: σ 2 = 18.29 MPa
Nodal solution – 3rd principal stress – OK
Result: σ3 = -58.8 MPa
Nodal solution – von Mises stress – OK
Result: σ won = 43.4 MPa

CAD Lab Mech. Engg. Dept. P.V.P. Siddhartha Institute of Technology, Vijayawada-7

b) Using simplified 3D model:

Preferences – structural – OK
Pre processor – Element type – Add – Add – solid – 20 node 95 – OK – close
Material properties – Material models – double click on structural, linear,
elastic, isotropic
Ex = 2e5
PRXY = 0.25
Close the dialog box
Modeling – create – volumes – block by dimensions -
X1, X2 x coordinates 0 2000
Y1, Y2 y coordinates 0 1000
Z1, Z2, z coordinates 0 200
Meshing – Mesh tool – size controls – lines set – Box – select all the
horizontal lines ( count = 4)
NDIV: No. of element divisions – 20 Apply
Box – select all the vertical lines (count =4) apply
NDIV – 10 - Apply
Go to right side tool bar right view
Select the lines at the top and bottom faces (count = 4) – OK
NDIV – 4 – OK
Mesh tool
Mesh - Volumes
Hex Mapped
Mesh – click on this tab
Pick the volume – OK
Go to right side tool bar – click on view – isometric view
Loads – Define loads – apply – structural – displacement – on areas – pick
the areas at the –ve& +ve x-faces – Apply
Lab : DOF’s to be constrained - All DOF - Apply
Pick the areas at the –ve & +ve y-faces
Lab : Uy – OK
Pressure – on areas – pick the area at the positive z-face – OK
Pressure value – 1 – OK
Save DB
Solution – solve – current LS – OK
Solution is done – close
General post processor – plot results – contour plot – Nodal solution – DOF
• View the results similar to the previous case

RESULT: Uz = 0.327 mm
σ 1 = 59.3 MPa
σ 2 = 18.29 MPa
σ 3 = -58.8 MPa
σ von = 43.3 MPa

CAD Lab Mech. Engg. Dept. P.V.P. Siddhartha Institute of Technology, Vijayawada-7

c) Using simplified symmetric 3D model:

Geometry for model 3 – 1000 x 1000 x 200 – In this case only half the
width of the plate is taken since there is symmetry in the width direction

The steps are similar to that given for previous model except the boundary
condition Ux=0 at the positive x- face instead of All DOF.

Result: Uz = 0.327 mm
σ 1 = 59.3 MPa
σ 2 = 18.29 MPa
σ 3 = - 58.8 MPa
σ von = 43.43 MPa

d) Using 2-D plane strain model:

Preferences – structural – OK
Pre processor – Element type – Add – Add – solid – 8 node 82 – OK –
Options – plane strain – OK - Close
Material properties – Material models – double click on structural – linear,
elastic, isotropic
Ex =2e5
PRXY = 0.25
Close the dialog box
Modeling – create – areas – rectangle – by dimensions
X1, X2 x coordinates 0 2000
Y1, Y2 y coordinates 0 200
Meshing – Mesh tool – lines set – pick the horizontal lines
NDIV = 20 – Apply
Pick the vertical lines
NDIV = 4 – OK
Mesh tool – Mesh – Areas
Quad Mapped

Mesh – Pick the area – OK

Loads – Define loads – Apply – structural – displacement – on lines – Pick
the vertical liens – OK

Lab: DOF’s to be constrained = All DOF

Pressure – on lines – Pick the top horizontal line – OK
Pressure Value = 1 – OK

CAD Lab Mech. Engg. Dept. P.V.P. Siddhartha Institute of Technology, Vijayawada-7

Save DB
Solution – solve – current LS – OK
Solution is done – Close
General post processor –

Result : Uy = 0.327 mm
σ 1 = 59.14 MPa
σ 2 = 17.5 MPa
σ 3 = -58.6 MPa
σ von = 45.5 MPa

e) Using simplified symmetric 2D plane strain model:

Geometry for model 5 –1000 x 200 – In this case only half the width of the
plate is taken since there is symmetry in the width direction

The steps are similar to that given for previous model except the boundary
condition Ux=0 at the positive x- face instead of All DOF.

Result: Uz = 0.327 mm
σ 1 = 59.1 MPa
σ 2 = 17.5 MPa
σ 3 = - 58.6 MPa
σ von = 45.5 MPa

CAD Lab Mech. Engg. Dept. P.V.P. Siddhartha Institute of Technology, Vijayawada-7

5. Free vibration Analysis of a simply supported beam

Preferences – structural – OK
Pre processor – Element type – Add – Add – beam – 2D elastic – OK – close
Real constants – Add – Add – OK
Cross sectional area = 200
Moment of inertia Izz = 6666.67
Total beam height = 20
Mass/unit length = 1.57 (Mass density = 7850kg/m3)
OK – close
Material properties – material models – double click on structural, linear,
elastic, isotropic
Ex = 2e11
PRXY = 0.25
Modeling – create – key pts – inactive CS
X,Y,Z location 0 0 0
X,Y,Z location 1000 0 0
Lines – lines – straight lines – pick the two key pts to draw the line – OK
Meshing – Mesh tool – lines set – pick the line – OK
No. of element divisions – 20
Mesh tool – click on the tab mesh – pick the line – OK
Loads – Define loads – Apply – structural – displacement -on key pts – Pick
both the key pts – OK
Lab: DOF’s to be constrained – select Ux, Uy – OK
Analysis type – New analysis – model – OK
Analysis options
No. of modes to extract - 5
No. of modes to expand - 5
Start frequency – 0
End frequency - 2000
Save DB
Solve – current LS – OK
Solution is done – close
General post processor – Results summary
Frequency in the 1st mode (f1) = 45.769Hz
Frequency in the 2nd mode (f2) = 182.99Hz
Frequency in the 3rd mode (f3) = 411.39Hz
Frequency in the 4th mode (f4) = 730.58Hz
Frequency in the 5th mode (f5) = 1140Hz

CAD Lab Mech. Engg. Dept. P.V.P. Siddhartha Institute of Technology, Vijayawada-7

6. Free Vibration analysis of a cantilever plate

a) Using shell element – 2D

Preferences – structural – OK
Pre processor – element type – Add – Add shell – 8 node 93 – OK – Close
Real constants – Add – Add – OK
Shell thickness at node I – 0.01
At Node J – 0.01
At Node K – 0.01
At Node L – 0.01
Added mass/unit area = 78.5 (ρ = 7850 Kg/m3)
OK – close
Material properties – material models – double click on structural, linear,
elastic, isotropic
Ex = 2e11
PRXY = 0.25
Modeling – create – areas – rectangle – By dimensions
X1 X2 x – co-ordinates 0 1
Y1 Y2 y co-ordinates 0 1
Meshing – Mesh tool – lines set – pick all the lines
No. of element divisions – 20
Mesh tool Mesh Areas O Quad O Mapped
Mesh – click on this tab – pick the area – OK
Loads – define loads – apply – structural – displacement – on lines – pick the
left vertical line – OK
DOF’s to be constrained – All DOF
Solution – Analysis type – New analysis – O modal – OK
Analysis options
No. of modes to extract = 5
No. of modes to expand = 5
Start frequency - 0
End frequency - 2000
Save DB
Solve – current LS – OK
Solution is done – close
General post processor – Result summary
(f1) = 8.347
(f2) = 20.836Hz
(f3) = 51.533Hz
(f4) = 65.497Hz
(f5) = 75.266Hz

CAD Lab Mech. Engg. Dept. P.V.P. Siddhartha Institute of Technology, Vijayawada-7

b) Using solid element – 3D

Preferences – structural – OK
Pre processor – element type – Add – Add - solid – 20 node 95 – OK –
Material properties – Material models – double click on structural, linear,
elastic, isotropic
Ex = 2e11
PRXY = 0.25
Double click on density (ρ = 7850)
Modeling – create – volumes – block – by dimensions
X1 X2 x co-ordinates 0 1
Y1 Y2 y co-ordinates 0 1
Z1 Z2 z co-ordinates 0 0.01
Meshing – mesh tool – lines set
O Box – select all the boundary lines (count = 8) OK
No. of element divisions = 20 – OK
Mesh tool – Mesh – Volumes O Hex O Mapped
Mesh – pick the volume – OK
Loads – define loads 0 Apply – structural – displacement
On areas – pick the left vertical edge – OK
DOF’s to be constrained – All DOF
Solution – Analysis type – New analysis – O Modal
Analysis options
No. of modes to extract – 5
No. of modes to expand – 5
Start frequency – 0
End frequency – 2000
Save DB
Solve – current LS – OK
General post processor – results summary
(f1) = 8.366 Hz
(f2) = 20.904Hz
(f3) = 51.74Hz
(f4) = 65.6387Hz
(f5) = 75.601Hz

CAD Lab Mech. Engg. Dept. P.V.P. Siddhartha Institute of Technology, Vijayawada-7

NonLinear Analysis of a Cantilever


This tutorial was created using ANSYS 7.0 The purpose of this tutorial is to outline
the steps required to do a simple nonlinear analysis of the beam shown below.

There are several causes for nonlinear behaviour such as Changing Status (ex.
contact elements), Material Nonlinearities and Geometric Nonlinearities (change
in response due to large deformations). This tutorial will deal specifically with
Geometric nonlinearities .

To solve this problem, the load will be added incrementally. After each increment, the
stiffness matrix will be adjusted before increasing the load.

The solution will be compared to the equivalent solution using a linear response.

Preprocessing: Defining the Problem

1. Give example a Title

Utility Menu > File > Change Title ...

2. Preferences

Choose Structural

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3. Define Element Types

Preprocessor > Element Type > Add/Edit/Delete...

For this problem we will use the BEAM3 (Beam 2D elastic 3) element.
This element has 3 degrees of freedom (translation along the X and Y
axis's, and rotation about the Z axis). With only 3 degrees of freedom,
the BEAM3 element can only be used in 2D analysis.

4. Define Real Constants

Preprocessor > Real Constants... > Add...

In the 'Real Constants for BEAM3' window, enter the following

geometric properties:

a. Cross-sectional area AREA: 0.03125

b. Area Moment of Inertia IZZ: 4.069e-5
c. Total beam height HEIGHT: 0.125

This defines an element with a solid rectangular cross section 0.25 x

0.125 inches.

5. Define Element Material Properties

Preprocessor > Material Props > Material Models > Structural > Linear
> Elastic > Isotropic

In the window that appears, enter the following geometric properties

for steel:

a. Young's modulus EX: 30e6

b. Poisson's Ratio PRXY: 0.3

If you are wondering why a 'Linear' model was chosen when this is a
non-linear example, it is because this example is for non-linear
geometry, not non-linear material properties. If we were considering a
block of wood, for example, we would have to consider non-linear
material properties.

6. Create Keypoints

Preprocessor > Modeling > Create > Keypoints > In Active CS

We are going to define 2 keypoints (the beam vertices) for this

structure to create a beam with a length of 5 inches:

Keypoint Coordinates (x,y)

1 (0,0)

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2 (5,0)

7. Define Lines

Preprocessor > Modeling > Create > Lines > Lines > Straight Line

Create a line between Keypoint 1 and Keypoint 2.

8. Define Mesh Size

Preprocessor > Meshing > Size Cntrls > ManualSize > Lines > All

For this example we will specify an element edge length of 0.1 " (50
element divisions along the line).

9. Mesh the frame

Preprocessor > Meshing > Mesh > Lines > click 'Pick All'

Solution: Assigning Loads and Solving

1. Define Analysis Type

Solution > New Analysis > Static


2. Set Solution Controls

i. Select Solution > Analysis Type > Sol'n Control...

The following image will appear:

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Ensure the following selections are made (as shown above)

2 Ensure Large Static Displacements are permitted (this will

include the effects of large deflection in the results)
3 Ensure Automatic time stepping is on. Automatic time stepping
allows ANSYS to determine appropriate sizes to break the load
steps into. Decreasing the step size usually ensures better
accuracy, however, this takes time. The Automatic Time Step
feature will determine an appropriate balance. This feature also
activates the ANSYS bisection feature which will allow
recovery if convergence fails.
4 Enter 5 as the number of substeps. This will set the initial
substep to 1/5 th of the total load.

The following example explains this: Assume that the applied

load is 100 lb*in. If the Automatic Time Stepping was off,
there would be 5 load steps (each increasing by 1/5 th of the
total load):

1. 20 lb*in
2. 40 lb*in
3. 60 lb*in
4. 80 lb*in
5. 100 lb*in

Now, with the Automatic Time Stepping is on, the first step
size will still be 20 lb*in. However, the remaining substeps will
be determined based on the response of the material due to the
previous load increment.

CAD Lab Mech. Engg. Dept. P.V.P. Siddhartha Institute of Technology, Vijayawada-7

5 Enter a maximum number of substeps of 1000. This stops the

program if the solution does not converge after 1000 steps.
6 Enter a minimum number of substeps of 1.
7 Ensure all solution items are writen to a results file.

There are several options which have not been changed from their
default values. For more information about these commands, type help
followed by the command into the command line.

Function Command Comments

Load Step KBC Loads are either linearly
interpolated (ramped) from the
one substep to another (ie - the
load will increase from 10 lbs to
20 lbs in a linear fashion) or they
are step functions (ie. the load
steps directly from 10 lbs to 20
lbs). By default, the load is
ramped. You may wish to use the
stepped loading for rate-dependent
behaviour or transient load steps.
Output OUTRES This command controls the
solution data written to the
database. By default, all of the
solution items are written at the
end of each load step. You may
select only a specific iten (ie
Nodal DOF solution) to decrease
processing time.
Stress Stiffness SSTIF This command activates stress
stiffness effects in nonlinear
analyses. When large static
deformations are permitted (as
they are in this case), stress
stiffening is automatically
included. For some special
nonlinear cases, this can cause
divergence because some
elements do not provide a
complete consistent tangent.
Newton Raphson NROPT By default, the program will
automatically choose the Newton-
Raphson options. Options include
the full Newton-Raphson, the
modified Newton-Raphson, the
previously computed matrix, and

CAD Lab Mech. Engg. Dept. P.V.P. Siddhartha Institute of Technology, Vijayawada-7

the full Newton-Raphson with

unsymmetric matrices of
Convergence Values CNVTOL By default, the program checks
the out-of-balance load for any
active DOF.

3. Apply Constraints

Solution > Define Loads > Apply > Structural > Displacement > On

Fix Keypoint 1 (ie all DOFs constrained).

4. Apply Loads

Solution > Define Loads > Apply > Structural > Force/Moment > On

Place a -1500 lb*in moment in the MZ direction at the right end of the
beam (Keypoint 2)

5. Solve the System

Solution > Solve > Current LS


The following will appear on your screan for NonLinear Analyses

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This shows the convergence of the solution.

General Postprocessing: Viewing the Results

1. View the deformed shape

General Postproc > Plot Results > Deformed Shape... > Def +

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2. View the deflection contour plot

General Postprocessor > Plot Results > Contour Plot > Nodal Solu... >
DOF solution, UY

3. List Horizontal Displacement

If this example is performed as a linear model there will be no nodal

deflection in the horizontal direction due to the small deflections
assumptions. However, this is not realistic for large deflections.
Modeling the system non-linearly, these horizontal deflections are

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calculated by ANSYS.
General Postproc > List Results > Nodal Solution...> DOF solution,

Other results can be obtained as shown in previous linear static analyses.

CAD Lab Mech. Engg. Dept. P.V.P. Siddhartha Institute of Technology, Vijayawada-7

Non Linear Materials

This tutorial was completed using ANSYS 7.0 The purpose of the tutorial is to
describe how to include material nonlinearities in an ANSYS model. For instance, the
case when a large force is applied resulting in a stresses greater than yield strength. In
such a case, a multilinear stress-strain relationship can be included which follows the
stress-strain curve of the material being used. This will allow ANSYS to more
accurately model the plastic deformation of the material.

For this analysis, a simple tension speciment 100 mm X 5 mm X 5 mm is constrained

at the bottom and has a load pulling on the top. This specimen is made out of a
experimental substance called "WhoKilledKenium". The stress-strain curve for the
substance is shown above. Note the linear section up to approximately 225 MPa
where the Young's Modulus is constant (75 GPa). The material then begins to yield
and the relationship becomes plastic and nonlinear.

Preprocessing: Defining the Problem

1. Give example a Title

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Utility Menu > File > Change Title ...

/title, NonLinear Materials

2. Preferences

Choose Structural

3. Define Element Types

Preprocessor > Element Type > Add/Edit/Delete...

For this problem we will use the LINK1 (2D spar 1) element. This
element has 2 degrees of freedom (translation along the X and Y axis's)
and can only be used in 2D analysis.

4. Define Real Constants

Preprocessor > Real Constants... > Add...

In the 'Real Constants for LINK1' window, enter the following

geometric properties:

i. Cross-sectional area AREA: 25

ii. Initial Strain: 0

This defines an element with a solid rectangular cross section 5 x 5


5. Define Element Material Properties

Preprocessor > Material Props > Material Models > Structural > Linear
> Elastic > Isotropic

In the window that appears, enter the following geometric properties

for steel:

i. Young's modulus EX: 75e3

ii. Poisson's Ratio PRXY: 0.3

Now that the initial properties of the material have been outlined, the
stress-strain data must be included.

Preprocessor > Material Props > Material Models > Structural

> Nonlinear > Elastic > Multilinear Elastic
The following window will pop up.

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Strain Stress
1 0 0
2 0.001 75
3 0.002 150
4 0.003 225
5 0.004 240
6 0.005 250
7 0.025 300
8 0.060 355
9 0.100 390
10 0.150 420
11 0.200 435
12 0.250 449
13 0.275 450

Fill in the STRAIN and STRESS boxes with the following data.
These are points from the stress-strain curve shown above,
approximating the curve with linear interpolation between the
points. When the data for the first point is input, click Add
Point to add another. When all the points have been inputed,
click Graph to see the curve. It should look like the one shown
above. Then click OK.

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To get the problem geometry back, select Utility Menu > Plot > Replot.

6. Create Keypoints

Preprocessor > Modeling > Create > Keypoints > In Active CS


We are going to define 2 keypoints (the beam vertices) for this

structure to create a beam with a length of 100 millimeters:

Keypoint Coordinates (x,y)

1 (0,0)
2 (0,100)

7. Define Lines

Preprocessor > Modeling > Create > Lines > Lines > Straight Line

Create a line between Keypoint 1 and Keypoint 2.


8. Define Mesh Size

Preprocessor > Meshing > Manual Size > Size Cntrls > Lines > All

For this example we will specify an element edge length of 5 mm (20

element divisions along the line).

9. Mesh the frame

Preprocessor > Meshing > Mesh > Lines > click 'Pick All'

Solution: Assigning Loads and Solving

1. Define Analysis Type

Solution > New Analysis > Static


2. Set Solution Controls

o Select Solution > Analysis Type > Sol'n Control...

The following image will appear:

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Ensure the following selections are made under the 'Basic' tab (as
shown above)

A. Ensure Large Static Displacements are permitted (this will

include the effects of large deflection in the results)
B. Ensure Automatic time stepping is on. Automatic time stepping
allows ANSYS to determine appropriate sizes to break the load
steps into. Decreasing the step size usually ensures better
accuracy, however, this takes time. The Automatic Time Step
feature will determine an appropriate balance. This feature also
activates the ANSYS bisection feature which will allow
recovery if convergence fails.
C. Enter 20 as the number of substeps. This will set the initial
substep to 1/20 th of the total load.
D. Enter a maximum number of substeps of 1000. This stops the
program if the solution does not converge after 1000 steps.
E. Enter a minimum number of substeps of 1.
F. Ensure all solution items are writen to a results file. This means
rather than just recording the data for the last load step, data for
every load step is written to the database. Therefore, you can
plot certain parameters over time.

Ensure the following selection is made under the 'Nonlinear' tab (as
shown below)

G. Ensure Line Search is 'On'. This option is used to help the

Newton-Raphson solver converge.
H. Ensure Maximum Number of Iterations is set to 1000

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There are several options which have not been changed from their
default values. For more information about these commands, type help
followed by the command into the command line.

3. Apply Constraints

Solution > Define Loads > Apply > Structural > Displacement > On

Fix Keypoint 1 (ie all DOFs constrained).

4. Apply Loads

Solution > Define Loads > Apply > Structural > Force/Moment > On

Place a 10,000 N load in the FY direction on the top of the beam

(Keypoint 2).

5. Solve the System

Solution > Solve > Current LS


The following will appear on your screen for NonLinear Analyses

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This shows the convergence of the solution.

General Postprocessing: Viewing the Results

1. To view the element in 2D rather than a line: Utility Menu > PlotCtrls >
Style > Size and Shape and turn 'Display of element' ON (as shown below).

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2. View the deflection contour plot

General Postproc > Plot Results > Contour Plot > Nodal Solu... > DOF
solution, UY

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Other results can be obtained as shown in previous linear static analyses.

Time History Postprocessing: Viewing the Results

As shown, you can obtain the results (such as deflection, stress and bending moment
diagrams) the same way you did in previous examples using the General
Postprocessor. However, you may wish to view time history results such as the
deflection of the object over time.

1. Define Variables Select: Main Menu > TimeHist Postpro. The following
window should open automatically.

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If it does not open automatically, select Main Menu > TimeHist

Postpro > Variable Viewer

o Click the add button in the upper left corner of the window to
add a variable.
o Select Nodal Solution > DOF Solution > Y-Component of
displacement (as shown below) and click OK. Pick the uppermost
node on the beam and click OK in the 'Node for Data' window.

o To add another variable, click the add button again. This time
select Reaction Forces > Structural Forces > Y-Component of
Force. Pick the lowermost node on the beam and click OK.
o On the Time History Variable window, click the circle in the 'X-
Axis' column for FY_3. This will make the reaction force the x-

CAD Lab Mech. Engg. Dept. P.V.P. Siddhartha Institute of Technology, Vijayawada-7

variable. The Time History Variables window should now look like

2. Graph Results over Time

o Click on UY_2 in the Time History Variables window.

o Click the graphing button in the Time History Variables

o The labels on the plot are not updated by ANSYS, so you must
change them manually. Select Utility Menu > Plot Ctrls > Style >
Graphs > Modify Axes and re-label the X and Y-axis

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This plot shows how the beam deflected linearly when the force, and
subsequently the stress, was low (in the linear range). However, as the
force increased, the deflection (proportional to strain) began to increase
at a greater rate. This is because the stress in the beam is in the plastic
range and thus no longer relates to strain linearly. When you verify this
example analytically, you will see the solutions are very similar. The
difference can be attributed to the ANSYS solver including large
deflection calculations.

CAD Lab Mech. Engg. Dept. P.V.P. Siddhartha Institute of Technology, Vijayawada-7

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