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Pregledni Ëlanak / Review article

Arterijska hipertenzija u osoba starije æivotne dobi

Hypertension in the elderly
Borka BoæiÊ, Ivan Durlen*, Mario Pehar, Ivana MateπiÊ, Kreπimir GaleπiÊ
KliniËka bolnica Dubrava, Zagreb, Hrvatska
Clinical Hospital Dubrava, Zagreb, Croatia

SAÆETAK: Arterijska hipertenzija (AH) u starijih osoba SUMMARY: Hypertension in the elderly is a major public
predstavlja veliki javnozdravstveni problem zbog visoke health problem due to high prevalence and the world popu-
prevalencije i trenda starenja svjetske populacije. Naj- lation ageing trend. The majority of elderly patients suffer
ËeπÊe se radi o izoliranoj sistoliËkoj hipertenziji (90% bo- from isolated systlic hypertension (90% of patients over 70
lesnika iznad 70 godina) te se kod osoba starije æivotne years of age). Furthermore, pulse pressure and systolic
dobi kao najbitniji Ëimbenici rizika izdvajaju vrijednosti tlaka pressure are the most important risk factors in the elderly
pulsa i sistoliËkog tlaka. Patofizioloπki u podlozi su brojne persons. Pathophysiologically, there is a great number of
strukturne (gubitak elastiËnosti velikih krvnih æila, smanje- structural (loss of elasticity of large blood vessels, decrea-
sed elasticity, increased pulse wave velocity) and functio-
na rastezljivost, porast brzine pulsnog vala) i funkcionalne
nal (endothelial dysfunction, decreased sensitivity of beta
(endotelna disfunkcija, smanjena osjetljivost beta recepto-
receptors, decreased baroreceptor function, sensitivity to
ra, smanjena funkcija baroreceptora, osjetljivost na sol)
salt) changes in the background. Treatment of hyperten-
promjene. LijeËenje AH u starijih do sada je bilo veliki iza- sion in the elderly has so far been a big challenge, be-
zov jer nije bilo dovoljno studija koje su se bavile tom pop- cause there were not enough studies that have dealt with
ulacijom, πto se promijenilo objavom rezultata studije HY- this population. Now this has changed after the results of
VET. Ova je studija ukljuËila najstarije bolesnike (iznad 80 the HYVET study have been published. This study includ-
godina) te je dokazala kako sniæenje vrijednosti arterijskog ed the oldest patients (above 80 years of age) and has
tlaka za 15/6 mmHg dovodi do znaËajno manje opÊe smrt- proven that lowering pressure by 15/6 mmHg, leads to sig-
nosti (21%), kardiovaskularne smrtnosti (23%), incidencije nificantly lower overall mortality (21%), cardiovascular
moædanog udara (30%) i srËanog zatajivanja (64%). Kao mortality (23%), incidence of stroke (30%) and heart failure
lijek prvog izbora u starijoj populaciji izdvojili bismo tijazid- (64%). We emphasize thiazide diuretic as the first choice
ski diuretik, a buduÊi ti pacijenti veÊinom zahtijevaju viπe- drug in the elderly population, and since these patients
struku terapiju izdvojili bismo blokatore kalcijskih kanala ili usually require multiple treatment, we emphasize calcium
ACE inhibitore. Naravno i komorbiditeti odreuju osnovnu channel blockers or ACE inhibitors. Comorbidities, natural-
ili dodatnu terapiju. ly, determine the basic or additional therapy.
KLJU»NE RIJE»I: arterijska hipertenzija, starije osobe, KEYWORDS: hypertension, elderly persons, diuretics.
diuretici. CITATION: Cardiol Croat. 2012;7(7-8):199-203.

Uvod i epidemiologija Introduction and epidemiology

Svjetska populacija stari, a prevalencija arterijske hiperten- The world population is growing old, while the prevalence of
zije (AH) raste s dobi. U Europi je 1960. god. 15% popula- arterial hypertension rises with age. 15% of the population
cije bilo starije od 60 godina, a 2005. god. ta se brojka povi- was over 60 years of age in 1960 in Europe, while in 2005
sila na 22%. Pretpostavlja se kako Êe do 2050. god. 27% this figure rose to 22%. It is assumed that 27% of the Euro-
europske populacije biti starije od 65 godina. Teπko je toËno pean population will be over 65 years of age by the year
definirati stariju æivotnu dob, ali za potrebe ovog Ëlanka uzet 2050. It is difficult to define old age precisely, but for the pur-
Êemo tradicionalnu demografsku definiciju iznad 65 godina. pose of this article we shall consider the traditional de-
Unutar te populacije postoje subpopulacije s kliniËki bitnim mographic definition for old age over 65. Within this popu-
razlikama pa tako razlikujemo “mlae stare” (65-74 godine), lation there are subpopulations showing clinically important
“starije stare” (75-84 godina) i “najstarije stare” (iznad 85 go- differences, so we distinguish between “younger old” (65-74
dina). Arterijska hipertenzija predstavlja vrlu Ëestu bolest years of age), “older old” (75-84 years of age) and “oldest
(oko jedne milijarde ljudi diljem svijeta) Ëija je vaænost joπ i old” (over 85 years of age). Hypertension is very a common
veÊa jer je jedan od najËeπÊih promjenjivih Ëimbenika rizika disease (about 1 billion people in the world suffer from it). Its
povezanih uz druge kardiovaskularne bolesti (ateroskleroza, importance is even greater as it is one of the most common
moædani udar, infarkt miokarda, srËano zatajivanje). KliniËka variable risk factors associated with other cardiovascular
dijagnoza AH postavlja se s viπe od tri ambulantna mjerenja diseases (atherosclerosis, stroke, myocardial infarction,

2012;7(7-8):199. Cardiologia CROATICA

poviπenog arterijskog tlaka (AT) iznad 140/90 mmHg, no heart failure). Clinical diagnosis of hypertension is made
kod odreenih entiteta ciljne vrijednosti AT su i niæe (130/90 with more than 3 outpatient measurements of elevated
mmHg za dijabetes, kroniËnu bubreænu bolest, koronarnu blood pressure (BP) above 140/90 mmHg, but with certain
bolest srca, perifernu arterijsku bolest te Ëak i 120/80 za dis- subjects, the target BP values were lower (130/90 mmHg for
funkciju lijeve klijetke). Bitno je izmjeriti AT u stajanju te se diabetes, chronic renal disease, coronary artery disease,
ta vrijednost uzima kao dijagnostiËka (moguÊe je sniæenje peripheral artery disease, and even 120/80 for left ventricu-
vrijednosti AT za do 30%, odnosno viπe od 20 mmHg). U lar dysfunction). It is important to measure the BP in the
Europi, prema podacima za 2003. god., prevalencija AH iz- standing position, and this value is considered to be a dia-
nosi 44% (najviπe u NjemaËkoj 55%). U SAD prevalencija gnostic value (BP may be lowered by 30%, or more than 20
AH godine 2004. iznosila je 27% (jednaka za muπkarce i mmHg). According to the 2003 data, the prevalence of
æene iznad 18 godina), a rasla je s dobi, pa je tako veÊina hypertension is rounded at 44% in Europe (most in Germa-
starijih imala razvijenu bolest. Prema NHANES podacima iz ny at 55%). In the U.S., the prevalence was 27% in 2004
(the same for men and women over 18 years of age), and it
2009. god. prevalencija AH u muπkaraca veÊa je u mlaih
rose with age, so the majority of elderly persons had a de-
od 55 godina, a kod æena u starijih od 55 godina. U dobi od
veloped hypertension. According to 2009 NHANES data, the
45-54 godina prevalencija je 35% u oba spola, a u dobi od prevalence of hypertension was higher in men under 55
75 godina i viπe 65% muπkaraca i 75% æena ima AH. Prema years of age and in women over 55 years of age. At the age
Framinghamskoj studiji hipertenzivni bolesnici dva do tri from 45 to 54, the prevalence was 35% in both genders, whi-
puta ËeπÊe razvijaju koronarnu bolest srca (ukljuËivo anginu le at the age of 75 and over that age, 65% of men and 75%
pektoris, akutni infarkt miokarda i iznenadnu srËanu smrt), tri of women suffer from hypertension. According to the Fra-
puta ËeπÊe razvijaju moædani udar, a 3,5 puta ËeπÊe srËano mingham Heart study, patients suffering from hypertension
popuπtanje. Pacijenti s dijabetesom imaju 1,5 do 2 puta viπi develop coronary heart disease 2 to 3 times more often (an-
rizik od pojave AH, a ova bolest je, uz dijabetes, najËeπÊi gina pectoris, acute myocardial infarction, sudden cardiac
razlog kroniËne bubreæne bolesti danas. Oko 90-95% bo- death), they develop stroke three times more often and
lesnika ima esencijalnu hipertenziju, a 5-10% sekundarnu heart failure 3.5 times more often. Patients with diabetes ha-
hipertenziju (najËeπÊe renovaskularnu hipertenzija i primarni ve 1.5 to 2 times greater risk of developing hypertension,
hiperaldosteronizam). Iako je u starijoj populaciji svjesnost o and along with diabetes, it is the most common cause of
vlastitoj bolesti veÊa te se osobe starije æivotne dobi bolje chronic kidney disease today. Approximately 90-95% of pa-
pridræavaju terapijskih uputa nego pacijenti srednjih godina, tients have essential hypertension, while 5-10% have sec-
postizanje æeljenih vrijednosti AT izrazito je teπko, posebice ondary hypertension (most frequently, renovascular hyper-
u populaciji iznad 85 godina. Terapija u starijoj æivotnoj dobi tension and primary hyperaldosteronism). Although the eld-
do sada je bila izazov jer je veÊina studija imala gornju gra- erly population is better aware of their disease and they bet-
nicu dobi kao ulazni kriterij te rezultati nisu bili prezentirani u ter adhere to treatment instructions than middle-aged pa-
korelaciji s dobi. To se promijenilo sa studijom HYVET (The tients, it is extremely difficult to achieve the desired BP val-
Hypertension in the Very Elderly Trial) koja je provedena na ues, especially in the population over 85. Therapy in elderly
populaciji iznad 80 godina. age has so far been a challenge, because most studies had
an upper age limit as input criteria and the results were not
presented in correlation with age. This changed with the
Patofiziologija HYVET study which was conducted on the population over
80 years of age that will be addressed later.
Porast prevalencije AH s dobi proizlazi iz strukturnih i funk-
cionalnih promjena arterija koje prate proces starenja. Ve-
like krvne æile, poput aorte, gube elastiËnost, smanjuje im se Pathophysiology
rastezljivost, prvenstveno zbog strukturnih promjena medije
The rise in the prevalence of hypertension with age derives
(stres frakture elastina uz pojaËanu razgradnju, pojaËano
from the structural and functional changes to the arteries
odlaganje kolagena i kalcija) πto rezultira poveÊanjem prom- that occur simultaneously with an aging process. Large
jera krvne æile. Na krutost arterija utjeËu i vazoaktivni medi- blood vessels like the aorta lose elasticity, primarily due to
jatori iz endotela kao endotelin 1. PojaËana krutost arterija structural changes in the media (stress of elastin fracture
pojaËava brzinu pulsnog vala πto uzrokuje raniji povrat re- accompanied by an increased degradation, increased colla-
flektiranih valova s periferije do proksimalne aorte gdje se gen and calcium deposition), resulting in an increased dia-
udruæuju s anterogradnim valovima te uzrokuju kasni porast meter of blood vessels. The arterial stiffness is affected by
sistoliËkog AT (augmentacijski indeks) πto dodatno oπteÊuje vasoactive mediators from the endothelium as the endothe-
endotel. Taj kasni porast sistoliËkog AT dodatno pojaËava lin 1. Increased arterial stiffness accelerates the pulse wave
afterload na veÊ i tako optereÊen miokard te moæe uzroko- velocity which causes an early return of reflected waves
vati ili pogorπati koronarnu bolest srca (poveÊava potrebu from the periphery to the proximal aorta where they merge
miokarda za kisikom, poveÊava hipertrofiju lijeve klijetke, with anterograde waves that cause delayed elevation of sys-
smanjuje rano dijastoliËko punjenje). Uslijed smanjenog tolic BP (augmentation index), thus further damaging the
stvaranja duπikova oksida (endotelna disfunkcija) dolazi do endothelium. The late elevation of systolic BP additionally
slabije dilatacije arterija tijekom pojaËanog protoka πto ta- increases the afterload on the already loaded myocardium
koer povisuje sistoliËki AT. Zbog svega navedenog tijekom and can cause or exacerbate coronary artery disease
godina dolazi do postupnog ali konstantnog porasta sisto- (increases the need of the myocardium for oxygen, increas-
liËkog AT. DijastoliËki AT doseæe svoj maksimum oko 60. es left ventricular hypertrophy, reduces early diastolic filling).
godine æivota i nakon toga se smanjuje πto se povezuje s Reduced formation of nitric oxide (endothelial dysfunction)
oslabljenom sposobnosti krutih velikih arterija i aorte da se causes reduced dilation of the arteries during increased
proπire u sistoli i kontrahiraju u dijastoli i time poveÊaju dijas- flow, which also elevates systolic BP. Due to the above
toliËki AT (zbog smanjenog dijastoliËkog AT moæe doÊi do specified facts, a gradual but constant elevation of systolic
smanjenja koronarne perfuzije). Zbog porasta sistoliËkog i BP occurs over years. Diastolic BP culminates at the age of
sniæenja dijastoliËkog tlaka tijekom starenja dolazi do pora- 60 only to be lowered afterwards, which is associated with

Cardiologia CROATICA 2012;7(7-8):200.

sta tlaka pulsa (razlika izmeu sistoliËkog i dijastoliËkog tla- impaired ability of stiff large arteries and aorta to expand in
ka). Tlak pulsa predstavlja mjeru stupnja krutosti arterija po- the systole and contract in the diastole thereby elevating
vezanu s dobi te se pokazao kao vaæan predskazatelj koro- diastolic pressure (lowered diastolic BP may cause reduced
narne bolesti srca (ako je viπi od 63mmHg u osoba starijih coronary perfusion). During the aging process, a high sys-
od 59 godina). Poviπen tlak pulsa oπteÊuje intimu i elastiËne tolic and a low diastolic BP lead to elevated pulse pressure
elemente stijenke krvnih æila, ubrzava aterosklerozu, po- (difference between systolic and diastolic pressure). Pulse
veÊava moguÊnost tromboze i rupture aterosklerotskog pla- pressure is a measure of age-related arterial stiffness
ka. U skladu s navedenim, veÊina (65% pacijenata iznad 60 degree and has proven to be an important predictor of coro-
godina, 90% pacijenata iznad 70 godina) starijih hiperto- nary heart disease (if it exceeds 63 mmHg in patients over
niËara boluje od izolirane sistoliËke hipertenzije (ISH), dok 59 years of age). Elevated pulse pressure impairs the intima
se kod ostalih radi o sistoliËko-dijastoliËkoj hipertenziji. Pre- and elastic elements of the blood vessel walls, accelerates
valencija ISH veÊa je kod æena. Zanimljivo je napomenuti da atherosclerosis, increases the possibility of thrombosis and
se ranije smatralo kako je porast sistoliËkog AT u starosti atherosclerotic plaque rupture. Accordingly, the majority of
neophodan odgovor organizma da bi se odræala perfuzija elderly hypertensive patients suffer from isolated systolic
odnosno fizioloπki proces starenja, a dijastoliËki je tlak sma- hypertension-ISH (65% of patients over 60 years of age,
tran kljuËnim za razvoj komplikacija. DijastoliËki AT najjaËi je 90% of patients over 70 years) while the other patients suf-
pretkazatelj kardiovaskularnog rizika za bolesnike mlae od fer from systolic-diastolic hypertension. ISH prevalence is
50 godina, no u starijih pokazuje bimodalnu povezanost, pa greater in women. It is worth noting that in the past the ele-
je tako pojaËan rizik podjednak za vrijednosti iznad 90mmHg vation of the systolic BP in elderly persons was a necessary
i ispod 70 mmHg. Prema rezultatima HOT studije idealan body response for the purpose of maintaining perfusion or
dijastoliËki tlak je 82,6 mmHg i daljnje smanjenje nije poka- physiological aging process, while the diastolic pressure
zalo korist. U pacijenata izmeu 50 i 59 godina sva tri indek- was considered crucial for the development of complica-
sa AT (sistoliËki, dijastoliËki i tlak pulsa) bili su podjednako tions. Diastolic BP is the most important cardiovascular risk
dobri predskazatelji, no nakon 60. godine æivota vrijednost predictor for patients under 50 years of age, but in the eld-
sistoliËkog i tlaka pulsa postaju najznaËajniji prediktori kar- erly persons it shows bimodal connection, so the increased
diovaskularnog rizika (sistoliËki AT za cerebrovaskularne risk is the same for the values over 90 mmHg and under 70
komplikacije, kroniËno bubreæno zatajenje te vrijednost sis- mmHg. According to the results of HOT study, the ideal dia-
toliËkog i tlaka pulsa za stenozu karotidnih arterija). stolic BP is 82.6 mmHg and a further reduction did not show
any benefit. In patients aged from 50 to 59, all three BP indi-
Zbog smanjenja osjetljivosti beta receptora dolazi do po- ces (systolic, diastolic, pulse pressure) were equally good
jaËanog luËenja noradrenalina, a zbog nefroangioskleroze predictors, but after the age of 60, systolic and pulse pres-
do smanjenog luËenja renina i posljediËno aldosterona te sure become the most important predictors of cardiovascu-
stariji bolesnici imaju poveÊan rizik hiperkalijemije. U starosti lar risk (systolic BP for cerebrovascular complications, chro-
takoer dolazi do smanjenja funkcije baroreceptora te po- nic renal failure, systolic and pulse pressure for carotid arte-
rasta venske insuficijencije πto povisuje moguÊnost orto- ry stenosis).
statske hipotenzije, sinkope i padova. No, kod starijih Reduced sensitivity of beta receptors causes higher secre-
takoer moæe doÊi i do ortostatske hipertenzije πto je najv- tion of noradrenaline, while nephroangiosclerosis causes
jerojatnije povezano s pojaËanom alfa adrenergiËnom reduced secretion of renin and consequently aldosterone,
aktivnosti. so elderly patients are at higher risk of developing hyper-
Osjetljivost na sol, tipiËna za starije i adipoznije populacije, kalemia. Elderly persons also have reduced baroreceptor
karakterizirana je porastom AT kao odgovorom na pozitivan function and elevated venous insufficiency, which increases
balans soli. Kapacitet bubrega za pojaËano izluËivanje natri- the possibility of orthostatic hypotension, syncope and falls.
ja smanjuje se s dobi πto, zadræavanjem natrija i vode, pri- But the elderly persons may also suffer from orthostatic
donosi porastu sistoliËkog AT. No, osjetljivost na sol u stari- hypertension, which is probably associated with increased
jih povezana je i sa smanjenjem stvaranja natriuretskih age- alpha adrenergic activity.
nasa (prostaglandin E2, dopamin). The sensitivity to salt, typical for the elderly people and more
Na kraju je patofizioloπki bitno i spomenuti, kao i kod hiperto- adipose population is characterized by elevation of BP as a
niËara svih dobi, vaænost stila æivota (tjelesna aktivnost, pu- response to a positive salt balance. The capacity of the kid-
πenje, alkohol, prehrana, sol). ney to enhance secretion of sodium is reduced with age,
which, by retaining sodium and water contributes to eleva-
tion of systolic BP. However, the sensitivity to salt in the eld-
Dijagnostika erly persons is associated with decreased formation of natri-
Kao i kod ostalih bolesnika s AT dijagnoza se postavlja uz uretic agents (prostaglandin E2, dopamine).
barem tri mjerenja poviπenog AT izmjerena u barem dva po- Finally from the pathophysiological perspective, the impor-
sjeta lijeËniku. Dijagnozu bi trebalo upotpuniti 24-satnim tance of lifestyle (physical activity, smoking, alcohol, diet,
kontinuiranim mjerenjem AT, procjenom oπteÊenja ciljnih or- salt) is also worth noting for hypertensive patients of all
gana i promjenjivih kardiovaskularnih Ëimbenika rizika (pu- ages.
πenje, hiperlipidemija, alkohol).
As in any other patients with hypertension, the diagnosis is
Brojne su studije dokazale kako sniæavanje vrijednosti AT made at least after 3 measurements of elevated BP measu-
prema urednim vrijednostima ima povoljne uËinke. SHEP red at least during 2 ambulatory visits. The diagnosis should
(Systolic Hypertension in the Elderly Program) studija je be complemented by continuous measurement of BP, as-
dokazala kako aktivno lijeËenje ISH klortalidonom, s ate- sessment of target organ impairment and variable cardio-
nololom ili reserpinom ili bez njih, bitno smanjuje incidenciju vascular risk factors (smoking, hyperlipidemia, alcohol).

2012;7(7-8):201. Cardiologia CROATICA

moædanog udara (37% ishemijskog i 54% hemoragijskog). Treatment
The Systolic Hypertension in Europe (Syst-Eur) studija
(srednja dob 70,2 godine) zaustavljena je nakon dvije go- Numerous studies have shown that lowering BP to normal
dine kada je dokazano kako kontrola AT uz nitrendipin i po values have beneficial effects. SHEP (Systolic Hypertension
potrebi enalapril i HCTZ smanjuje incidenciju moædanog in the Elderly Program) study demonstrated that active treat-
udara za 42% u odnosu na placebo. Studija je takoer do- ment of ISH by chlorthalidone, atenolol or reserpine, or with-
kazala koliko je bitno πto ranije zapoËeti lijeËenje. out them, significantly reduces the incidence of stroke (37%
ischemic and 54% hemorrhagic stroke). Syst-Eur study
HYVET studija bavila se najstarijim bolesnicima (iznad 80 (mean age 70.2) was interrupted after 2 years when it was
godina) s poviπenim sistoliËkim AT (iznad 160 mmHg) te se proven that the control of BP with nitrendipine, enalapril
usporeivalo lijeËenje indapamidom uz, po potrebi, dodatak when required and HCTZ reduces the incidence of stroke by
perindoprila i placebo. 3.845 pacijenata praÊeno je 2 godine 42% compared to placebo. The study also demonstrated
(studija je zavrπena ranije zbog pozitivnih rezultata) te je u how important it is to start the treatment as early as possi-
aktivno lijeËenoj skupini zabiljeæeno smanjenje vrijednosti ble.
AT u prosjeku za 15/6 mmHg, zatim 30% manja incidencija HYVET study addressed the oldest patients (over 80 years
moædanog udara, 39% manja moguÊnost smrti od moæ- of age) with elevated systolic BP (over 160 mm Hg) and
danog udara, 64% manja incidencija srËanog zatajivanja, compared the treatment with indapamide and perindopril
23% manja moguÊnost kardiovaskularne smrti, 21% manja and placebo supplements, if necessary. 3845 patients were
moguÊnost smrti od bilo kojeg razloga. Nedostaci HYVET followed-up for a 2 years’ period (the study was completed
studije bili su πto nisu ukljuËeni bolesnici s prvim stupnjem earlier due to positive results). Lowering of BP by 15/6
hipertenzije, πto je razdoblje praÊenja bio samo 2 godine te mmHg on the average was recorded in the active treatment
πto nije odreena optimalna vrijednost AT za redukciju kar- group, followed by 30% lower incidence of stroke, 39% lo-
diovaskularnih dogaaja. Podaci HYVET studije imaju veliku wer incidence of death caused by stroke, 64 % lower inci-
vaænost za javno zdravstvo buduÊi je populacija iznad 80 dence of heart failure, 23% lower incidence of cardiovascu-
godina najbræe rastuÊa svjetska populacija. Kao i kod svih lar death, 21% lower incidence of death from any cause.
bolesnika s AH lijeËenje treba zapoËeti s promjenom æivot- While the first disadvantage of the HYVET study was that 1st
nih navika. ©toviπe, kod zdravih starijih bolesnika promjena degree hypertension patients were not considered, the se-
æivotnih navika izrazito je bitna zbog sprjeËavanja pojave cond disadvantage was that the follow-up period lasted for
AH, a kod blaæih oblika moæe biti i jedina terapija. Prestanak only 2 years and that the optimal BP for reduction of cardio-
puπenja, smanjenje prekomjerne tjelesne mase, smanjenje vascular events was not determined. The HYVET study data
stresa, smanjeni unos soli, pojaËana tjelesna aktivnost, pre- are of a great importance for public health as the population
stanak konzumacije alkohola, kontrola lipidnog statusa naj- over 80 is the fastest growing world population. As in all pa-
bitnije su promjene koje mogu reducirati ili Ëak i iskljuËiti an- tients with hypertension, the treatment should begin simulta-
tihipertenzivnu terapiju kod odreenih bolesnika (svaka od neously with changes to a lifestyle. Moreover, the change to
navedenih promjena moæe smanjiti AT za 2 pa Ëak do 20 lifestyle habits is extremely important for prevention of hy-
mmHg). Treba spomenuti dijetni reæim DASH (Dietary Ap- pertension in healthy elderly patients and it can be the only
proaches to Stop Hypertension) — viπe voÊa i povrÊa, ma- therapy in some milder forms. Quitting smoking, losing ex-
nje masti. Sve navedeno ne samo da smanjuje AT, nego cess weight, cutting down on stress, reduced salt intake, in-
smanjuje rizik od ostalih bolesti (ateroskleroza, dijabetes...) creasing physical activity, quitting drinking alcohol, lipid sta-
koje zajedno s AH uzrokuju oπteÊenje ciljnih organa. Kada tus control are the most important changes that may reduce
promjena æivotnih navika nije dovoljna za postizanje æeljenih or even eliminate antihypertensive therapy in certain pa-
vrijednosti AT, potrebno je ukljuËiti antihipertenzivni lijek u tients (each of these changes can lower BP by 2 or even up
najniæoj dozi te ga potom prema potrebi postupno povisivati to 20 mmHg). We should also mention the DASH diet regi-
do maksimalne dozvoljene doze. U sluËaju da jedan lijek me (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) — more fruit
nije dovoljan za zadovoljavajuÊu regulaciju tlaka potrebno je and vegetables, less fat are to be eaten. All this does not on-
uvesti lijek iz druge skupine antihipertenziva, a po potrebi i ly lower BP, but it reduces the risk from other diseases
daljnje lijekove. Tijazidski diuretici su preporuËeni kao inici- (atherosclerosis, diabetes ...), which along with hyperten-
sion impair target organs. When changes to lifestyle are not
jalna terapija za starije — uzrokuju smanjenje intravaskular-
enough to achieve the desired BP values, then the lowest
nog volumena, periferne vaskularne rezistencije i AT te se
dose antihypertensive drug should be introduced, only to be
dosta dobro podnose. Potreban je oprez zbog moguÊe hi-
gradually increased to the maximum allowable dose. In the
pokalijemije, ortostatske hipotenzije, hiponatrijemije, hipo- event that a drug is not sufficient for adequate pressure re-
magneziemija, hiperuricemije, intolerancije glukoze, pogor- gulation, it is necessary to introduce a drug from another
πanja bubreæne funkcije. ZapoËinje se s dozom od 6,25 mg group of antihypertensive agents, and other drugs if neces-
na dan koja se po potrebi postupno povisuje do 50mg (viπa sary. Thiazide diuretics are recommended as an initial the-
doza nema dokazan uËinak, ali se poveÊava moguÊnost rapy for elderly people, leading to a reduction in intravascu-
nuspojava). Klortalidon je bolji od hidroklortijazida zbog du- lar volume, peripheral vascular resistance and BP. They are
æeg i 1,5-2 puta jaËeg djelovanja, no veÊa je moguÊnost me- quite well tolerated. Caution is required for potential hypo-
taboliËkih nuspojava. Umjesto tijazida moæe se koristiti i in- kalemia, orthostatic hypotension, hyponatremia, hypoma-
dapamid te furosemid. U sluËaju da diuretici nisu dovoljni ili gnesemia, hyperuricemia, glucose intolerance, impairment
da postoji dodatna indikacija koriste se lijekovi iz drugih anti- of renal function. It begins with a dose of 6.25 mg per day
hipertenzivnih skupina ovisno o komorbiditetima. Blokatori that gradually increases up to 50mg (a higher dose has no
kalcijskih kanala druga su skupina koja se preporuËa u sta- proven effect, but the chance of occurrence of side effects is
rijih zbog vrlo dobre podnoπljivosti i brojnih povoljnih kardio- greater). Chlorthalidone is better than the hydrochlorothia-
vaskularnih efekata. Beta blokatori koriste se u sluËaju koro- zide due to its longer and 1.5 to 2 times stronger potency,
narne bolesti srca, srËanog zatajivanja, srËanih aritmija, tre- but the possibility of metabolic side effects is higher. Inda-
mora, no treba napomenuti oprez zbog moguÊe indukcije di- pamide and furosemide can be used instead of thiazides. If
jabetesa. BuduÊi se starenjem smanjuje koliËina angioten- diuretics are insufficient or there is an additional indication,

Cardiologia CROATICA 2012;7(7-8):202.

zina, mislilo se kako ACE inhibitori neÊe biti jednako uËin- drugs from other antihypertensive groups are used depen-
koviti kao drugi antihipertenzivi, no mnoge su studije poka- ding on comorbidities. Calcium channel blockers are the
zale suprotno (HOPE, PROGRESS). ©toviπe, poznati su second group drug that is recommended for elderly persons,
dodatni pozitivni uËinci ACE inhibitora u pacijenata s prebo- because it is well tolerable and it shows a number of favor-
ljelim infarktom miokarda, srËanim zatajivanjem sa sistoliË- able cardiovascular effects. Beta blockers are used in a ca-
kom disfunkcijom miokarda, dijabetiËkom nefropatijom te se of coronary artery disease, heart failure, cardiac arrhyth-
nefroangiosklerozom. Dakle, ACE inhibitori idealna su tera- mias, tremors, but caution is required for potential induction
pija u starijih bolesnika koji uz AH imaju dijabetes ili srËano of diabetes. Since the amount of angiotensine is reduced
zatajivanje, meutim potreban je oprez zbog moguÊe hi- with age, it was thought that ACE inhibitors would not be as
perkalijemije te progresije zatajenja bubrega (posebno kod effective as other antihypertensive drugs, but many studies
stenoze renalne arterije). Blokatori angiotenzinskih recepto- have demonstrated the opposite (HOPE, PROGRESS).
ra (ARB) koriste se u pacijenata sa srËanim zatajivanjem ili What is more, additional positive effects of ACE inhibitors in
patients with a history of myocardial infarction, heart failure
dijabetesom obiËno kao alternativa ACE inhibitoru, a brojne
with systolic myocardial dysfunction, diabetic nephropathy
su studije pokazale njihovu korist (LIFE, MOSES). Izravni and nephroangiosclerosis are well known. Thus, ACE inhi-
inhibitor renina (aliskiren) moæe biti dobra zamjena za ACE bitors are an ideal therapy in elderly patients who along with
inhibitor ili ARB, a prema jednoj je studiji pokazana bolja hypertension suffer from diabetes or heart failure. However,
uËinkovitost od ramiprila. U tijeku su dvije studije (AGE- caution is required for potential hyperkalemia and progres-
LESS, APOLO) koje imaju velik broj starijih pacijenata te Êe sion of renal failure (especially in case of renal artery steno-
njihovi rezultati pokazati koje je pravo mjesto aliskirena. sis). Angiotensin receptor blockers (ARB) are used in pa-
NespecifiËni vazodilatatori hidralazin i minoksidil zbog bro- tients with heart failure or diabetes usually as an alternative
jnih nuspojava nisu u prvoj liniji terapije, nego se koriste u to ACE inhibitors, while a great number of studies have de-
kombinaciji s drugim antihipertenzivima kod rezistentnih monstrated their benefit (LIFE, MOSES). The direct renin in-
hipertenzija. PreporuËljive su fiksne kombinacije viπe grupa hibitor (aliskiren) may be a good substitute for ACE inhibitor
antihipertenziva jer se tako poveÊava efikasnost, smanjuju or ARB, and one study demonstrated an improved efficacy
nuspojave te, πto je najbitnije, poveÊava suradljivost pacije- of ramipril. Two studies (AGELESS, APOLO) including a lar-
nata i kontinuirano uzimanje lijekova. Ukratko, u sluËaju ge number of elderly patients are in progress. Their results
nekomplicirane AH potrebno je zapoËeti terapiju tijazidskim will show the importance of aliskiren. Non-specific vasodila-
diuretikom, ACE inhibitorom ili sartanom, blokatorom kalci- tors, hydralazine and minoxidil, are not the first-line therapy
jskih kanala, beta blokatorom. Ipak je potrebno naglasiti because of numerous side effects, but are used along with
kako bi prema svim navedenim novijim studijama prvi izbor other antihypertensive agents in case of resistant hyperten-
trebao biti tijazidski diuretik. Ukoliko je poviπenje AT od nor- sion. Fixed combinations of several antihypertensive drug
malnih vrijednosti veÊe od 20/10 mmHg, najvjerojatnije Êe groups are recommended, as efficiency is thus increased
biti potrebna dva antihipertenziva, pa tako veÊina starijih and side effects are reduced. Most importantly, patients are
pacijenata treba viπe od dva lijeka u terapiji. Kod pacijenata more cooperative and they take drugs on a continuous ba-
s komorbiditetima treba voditi raËuna o tome koja je grupa sis. In short, in case of uncomplicated hypertension, we
should start the therapy by using thiazide diuretic, ACE in-
antihipertenziva najpogodnija za navedenu bolest.
hibitor or ARB, calcium channel blocker and beta blocker.
However, it is necessary to emphasize that thiazide diuretic
ZakljuËak should be the first choice drug according to all recent stu-
dies. If the BP is elevated by more than 20/10 mmHg com-
Aktivno lijeËenje AH starijih, najbræe rastuÊe dobne grupaci- pared to normal values, two antihypertensive drugs will pro-
je na svijetu, znaËajno je iz razloga πto se rizik od nepovolj- bably be required, so the majority of elderly patients require
nih kardiovaskularnih dogaaja evidentno smanjuje, πto su more than two drugs in their therapy. In patients with comor-
dokazale brojne kliniËke studije. bidities, we should take into account the group of antihyper-
tensive drugs which is the most appropriate for that disease.

Received: 4th June 2012 Active treatment of hypertension in elderly persons, which is
*Address for correspondence: KliniËka bolnica Dubrava, Avenija Gojka ©uπka 6, the fastest growing age group in the world, is significant
HR-10000 Zagreb, Croatia.
because the risk of adverse cardiovascular events has obvi-
Phone: +385-1-2902-444 ously been reduced, as evidenced by a number of clinical
E-mail: trials.

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