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405 SELECT new_ac_no as inv_sr_no,replicate('0',(4 - length(cast(a.

scheme_code as
varchar))))+(cast(a.scheme_code as varchar)) as institution_id, a.ac_no, sr_no,
trn_date, wf_date as value_date, coalesce(period,0) as period, coalesce(term,'M')
as term, coalesce(int_rate,0) as int_rate, coalesce(mat_date,trn_date) as mat_date,
mat_value,act_amount FROM investment_dt a,_sil_inv_no b,_sil_conv_dates where
a.scheme_code = b.scheme_code and a.year_code = b.year_code and a.ac_no = b.ac_no
and b.ac_type = 'INV'
406 SELECT new_ac_no as inv_sr_no,branch_id, get_key(trn_date,key_no) as key_no ,
trn_date, trn_date as value_date,coalesce(vch_no,0) as txn_no,amount as credit,0 as
debit, '' as narration, trn_mode,'M' as entry_type,branch_id as entry_branch_id
from investment_closing a,_sil_inv_no b,_sil_conv_dates cwhere a.scheme_code =
b.scheme_code and a.year_code = b.year_code and a.ac_no = b.ac_no and b.ac_type =

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