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(iz testova za filološku gimnaziju)


1. They spent an evening at their ________________.

A) aunt’s B) aunt’s C) aunts

2.There’s no use calling him.He can’t hear _________.
A) we B)us C) our D) our’s

3. How did you like the show?

A) performance B) cinema C) theatre D) stadium

4. Some relatives of came to visit us.

A) our B) our’s C) ours

5. Let’s buy .
A) new furnitures
B) piece of furniture
C) some new furniture

6. No news good news.

A) is B) are C) have

7. I am glad you have made mistakes.

A) a little B) few C) any

8. Dogs move their when they are pleased.

A) tail B) tale

9. Spain is than Britain.

A) sunnier B) more sunny C) more sunnier

10. There news tonight.

A) are not many B) is not much C) have not many

11. I need about arrangement before I decide what to do.

A) little information
B) a few information
C) some information

12. We haven’t had news from them lately.

a) much b) many c) some

13. I need some _________ on how to decorate my lining-room.

A) advises B) advise C) advice
14. I need a___________of paper.
a.)peace b.)peece c.)piece d.)paece

15. When I was driving, I saw a_______of sheep.

a) block b) flock c) school d) tribe

16. She bought two ______ of bread and five ______ for dinner.
A) loafs \ potatoes B) loaves \ potatoes C) loaves \ potatos

17. These ________ are from Australia and the _______ are from Canada.
a) sheep/wolf b) sheeps/wolfs c) sheep/wolves


1. That shelf has been found on the roof.

2. A woman is looking at a louse on her friend’s body.

(from Murphy’s grammar, p. 139)


1. If you want to know the news, you can read a paper / paper.
2. I want to write some letters but I haven’t got a paper / any paper.
3. A light / Light comes from the sun.
4. I was in a hurry this morning. I didn’t have time / a time for breakfast.
5. Did you enjoy your holiday?- Yes, Ihad a wonderful time / wonderful time.
6. Sue was very helpful. She gave us some very useful advice / advices.
7. We had a very good weather / very good weather while we were on holiday.
8. We were very unfortunate. We had bad luck / a bad luck.
9. It is very difficult to find a work / job at the moment.
10. Our travel / journey from Istambul to Rome was very tiring / tired.
11. When the fire alarm rang, there was a total chaos / total chaos.
12. I had to buy some bread / a bread because I wanted to make some
13. Bad news doesn’t / don’t make people happy.
14. Your hair is / Your hairs are too long. You should have it / them cut.
15. Nobody was hurt in the accident but the damage / damages to the car was /
were quite bad.

(from Murphy’s grammar, p. 157)


1. Gymnastics is / are my favourite sport.

2. The trousers you bought for me don’t / doesn’t fit me.
3. The police wants / want to interview two men about the robbery last month.
4. Physics was / were my best subject at school.
5. Can I borrow your scissors? Mine isn’t / aren’t sharp enough.
6. Where does / do your family live?
7. I can’t find my binoculars! Do you know where they are / it is?
8. Does / Do the police know how the accident happened?
9. The government want / wants to increase taxes.
10. The staff at school are / is not happy with their / its new working conditions.

- Scotland are playing France next week.

( biće ’are’, a ne ’is’ jer se misli na škotski tim, a

imenica ’team’ u engleskom jeziku je zajednička i
može imati glagol u množini kada se misli na
pojedinačne članove tima!!!!)

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