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Business networking is the process of establishing a mutually beneficial relationship with

other business people and potential clients and/or customers. The primary purpose of
business networking is to tell others about your business and hopefully turn them into
customers. Marketing is one of the biggest advantages of social networking for a business.
There are lots of ways to use social media to market your business. For example, develop a
Facebook fan page to keep customers in the loop about important brand updates. Create a
YouTube channel to showcase your product features and benefits. Blendtec, a company that
develops high-powered blenders, created a series of videos showing people grinding up golf
balls, cell phones and iPads in their blenders. The videos became a hit and spread virally,
with over 156 million views as of March 2011.The purpose of business networking is to
increase business revenue - one way or another. The thickening of the bottom line can be
immediately apparent, as in developing a relationship with a new client, or develop over time,
as in learning a new business skill. There are so many benefits that can be gain from business

New contacts and referrals, this is the most obvious benefit of networking is to meet potential
clients and/or generate referrals which you can then follow up on to hopefully add to your
client base. Networking can also help you identify opportunities for partnerships, joint
ventures, or new areas of expansion for your business. Another advantage of using social
networking sites in business is the level of acceptability and relationship-building they can
bring to your business. If you have an existing customer you engaged on a social networking
site, you increase your chances of having that customer become a "fan" of your page or add
you to their friends list. Build relationships with customers on LinkedIn by adding them to
your network and engaging in conversations about your brand online.Other than that, it also
help us staying current - In an ever-changing business climate it is important to keep up with
the target market conditions as well as overall trends in your industry. Knowing the market is
the key to developing a successful marketing plan. Attending seminars and networking with
your peers and business associates on a regular basis will help you stay current.

Using social networking websites to increase your customer service and gather feedback from
customers is another advantage. Create a form on your Facebook or link to a form on your
website that allows customers to voice their concerns and complaints. Post a survey on your
Facebook page or a link to a survey on your Twitter account to gather customer feedback

about a new product or service idea. In create business network it help to build our
Confidence and morale - Most business people are optimistic and positive. Regularly
associating with such people can be a great morale boost, particularly in the difficult early
phases of a new business. If you are not naturally outgoing, regularly meeting new people can
also boost your confidence and on a personal basis you may form new friendships with like-
minded people.

When we talk about business network, we cannot forget the tools used in networking. Social
networking tools provide network analysis and connection facilities to allow people to
understand the community structure and influence it over time. These tools range from
Facebook and Twitter where all the information is provided by people themselves,
to tools that silently collect information from a defined population by reading emails. When
your are going to do a business and want to used networking tools, we should plan first. You
need to ask that question before you start looking for the social media tools that are going to
suit you. There is no point having a presence on all the social networks if you don’t know
what you want to achieve or which audience you want to reach. Everybody know what are
the tools used for business which is Facebook, Twitter, Instagram,Whatsapp or Google. One
of the big advantages in posting to social networks is in driving traffic back to your website
and showing that you are an expert in your field.

A social media management tool is kind of like the “One Tool to Rule them All” for social
media. They should allow you to monitor and engage across all your social profiles. They
should provide reports so you can make sure what you are doing is successful. Choosing the
right social media management tool is a more complex decision. You’ll need to decide on one
that supports your social networks and think of things such as how many people are going to
be managing your social channels and what budget you can justify.


Business is an association or person where products and ventures are traded for each
other or for cash. In addition, organizations additionally speak with individuals to make
managing the business relationship. On the off chance that the general population choose to
include the business, they are managing the entire of the world factors, for example, inner
variables, outside elements for instance political, financial or mechanical. The general
population engaged with business, for example, specialist or agent must bow on the sudden
and expected elements. Notwithstanding, the most essential in the business is systems. It is on
the grounds that the methodologies given imperative part to make the business ascending in
the market. In light of the innovation time, the representative or lady connected to business
online on the grounds that all the more adequately. There are numerous application can use
by the business individual to pick up benefit.

The tools that I choose to create network and my business is through Facebook page
and whatsapp. Facebook has become one of the top social media platforms these days and
there are numerous advantages associated with it. Not only can people use it personally for
connecting with friends and family, but it has also turned out to be a handy tool for promoting
and advertising a business. One fact that’s known by every business owner is that marketing
strategies of a business can have a huge impact on its growth and success. It is essential for
business owners to promote their services if they wish to draw in customers. So I did create a
Facebook page that has the entire product being post there. The purpose of this page is that I
can post all my product in here so that it easier for the viewers to scroll the product without
interruption from others post that are not related. Facebook also a low cost marketing strategy
that is easy to access as I am a student that already have friends that can like the page.
Facebook is not just free, but it also provides access to millions of target audience that can be
converted into potential customers.

The other tools that I used for this business is through Whatsapps. Whatsapp is to
make correspondence between individuals in by composing, voice and video between the
general population. The reason I utilize this application is on the grounds that to make
business relationship and acquire data about the business. It is in reality simple to deal with
this application by utilizing the product. Also, this application can send picture, content and
video the companion rundown to advance and give data about the item. Next, the benefit of
use Whatsapp is by utilizing the application, I can make a one gathering and I as the

administrator. It is one of procedures to keep in speak with client and in the event that I post
in the Whatsapp gathering, everybody can see the post. The individual from the gathering can
accomplish to surpass 100 individuals. The business actualize by utilizing this application
more viability. WhatsApp allows you to improve customer service by connecting you to a
wide number of clients and customers. By incorporating this tool into your marketing
strategy, you can undoubtedly increase your customer base who are using WhatsApp on their
mobiles. This is an easy communication tool that is very helpful for businesses.


Though social media is a recent phenomenon, it has proven to be just as effective as

or even more effective than traditional marketing. Several organizations now struggle to have
a presence in the web in order to interface with customers far and near. Furthermore, the use
of social media by some organizations starts with simple marketing and the creation of
awareness about their products and services.

The first node I made was with Nurfarah Md farah. She is an agent from sugarbelle
cosmetic product I was once a customer before. I really love sugarbelle product. I saw her
post on facebook and I whatsapp her to get more details about the product. After she coach
me on how to be a dropship she add me into Facebook group that consist of all Government
servant. She told me to promote the product here. Then I was also being add into Telegram
group by Farah to get more info about Sugarbelle product. It is very effective because in
telegram I can get most information there so that I can used it to promote the product at my
facebook page that I create for this business.

Other than that, after all the training I made node with Wan Noor Shahidah from
perak as one of customer that interest with the cosmetic product that I post. I already create
Facebook page and she is interest with one of the liquid lipstick. The facebook page are really
effective since people get to look at the product.

The first node that I made is Wan Noor Shahidah from perak as one of customer that
interest with the cosmetic product that I post. I already create Facebook page and she is
interest with one of the liquid lipstick. We communicate through Whatsapp. She ask about
the lipstick and the price. I as the dropship for the product give out the details to her. I contact
with her twice. She seem interest but I did not close any deal with her. (may refer picture 1)

The third node that I made is with Alin Khuzaifi through facebook messenger. She is
interested with cotton candy lipscrub by sugarbelle. She would like to purchase in bundle. I
give her the quotation that given to me by the agent. She is only surveying the price. I am
thankful that atleast there are people notice my FB page. (may refer picture 2)

The fourth node that I made id with Nur Syazreen from Selayang. We communicate
through facebook messenger where she is interested with sugarbelle lipbalm. I give her all the
information such as the benefit if the lips because she said that her lips are dry and look pale.
So I suggest her the lipbalm and she would like to purchase it. ( may refer picture 3)

From the facebook group, whatsapp group and telegram group that I was in by the
agent farah really helps me a lot in gaining much more confidence in communicate with
people. It also easy for me to access and get update from the agent. The social media is really
effective in term to get more people to aware about our business because nowdays people
prefer to shop online then going to store.



1 Nur farah Md Nor Whatsapp frequently
2 Wan Nor Shahida Whatsapp 2 times
3 Alin Khuzaifi Facebook 1 times
4 Nur syazreen Facebook 2 times
5 Hafiza Safian Whatsapp 2 times
6 Nitasha Nozmi Facebook 5 times

Based on the table above, the node that I made with Farah in continuously
communicate because she is my agent for the product so I am in group that from there we
always communicate where she guide and get update from me about sales and marketing tips.

For the second node , as I mention before she was interest with the lipstick but when
she stay silent for few days, I try to contact with her again about the product and I offer her
with something that suits with her budget. This is where I keep in touch with her twice and
unfortunately I did not close any deals with her.

Next is the third node I made with Alin. I only keep in touch with her once because
she is interest to buy the lip scrub in large amount but in the end she just surveying the price.
After I give all the details she did not respond after that.

Then I made a node with nur syazreen, we contact for 2 times. This is where we start
the conversation with introduction about the product she interest. Then she would like to buy
the product. The second time we contact is about she received the parcel. She bought one of
the lip balm by sugarbelle.

The next node is Hafiza safian. We contact through whatsapp, where she is interested
with matte lipcream. During that time, there is promotion where buy three lipcream with

price RM100. So she bought 3 lipcream in color ladyboss,peachcake and courage. After
payment being made, I proceed her order.

The last node I made is with Nitasha Nozmi, where she ask about sugarbelle lips
product. So as an dropship I give her the information. Then she said give her time to ask her
other friends to purchase it together with her. she was quiet for 2 days, then I try to get back
with her, then she said she was on leave that day, so was unable to ask her friend yet, she said
once she ask she will get back with me. the day after that she ask me the different between
tomato lips scrub and cotton candy lips scrub and about the price. With that I told her the
difference and the benefit of both product the price for both lips scrub is same which is RM
15 each. Then she order 4 tomato lips scrubs and I give her the details and payment details.
Few days later, she made the payment and I proceed her order to my agent.



Social networking allows you to reach out to potential customers without spending
exorbitant amounts of money on advertising while staying in touch with current customers.
Having a presence on a popular social network suggests to people that your business is on the
cutting edge or at least is able to keep up with the changing times. Using social networking to
promote your business has many advantages but also requires some dedication and work on
your part.

Right off the bat, the instrument that I had utilized is Whatsapp which is private
message that specifically speak with individuals by utilizing cell phone which deliberately
more on mingle. It is anything but difficult to utilize and multifunction. It is on account of
Whatsapp likewise can make a gathering. It is anything but difficult to individuals to deal
with the Whatsapp to sharing the data, for example, as far as picture, video or content. By
utilizing this application, I can make the business correspondence by individual or gathering.
I can distribute my business to my companion and gathering individuals that I join in the
Whatsapp. The reason I utilize this application is to make business correspondence and make
a solid relationship.

Secondly is Facebook. Facebook is an interpersonal interaction site that makes it

simple for me to interface and offer with family and companions records. Notwithstanding
discovering companions and refreshing profile pages available to clients, individuals can
likewise join proficient gatherings and interface with other gathering individuals. By utilizing
the Facebook, I can speak with individuals that are in my companion records. In addition, I
can join a gathering that I need, for example, amass business or so on. The reason I pick this
application in light of the fact that can acquire thoughts, data and disperse my business. It is
rely upon the intrigued that I requirement for utilizing the Facebook.

The last tools is Telegram. Telegram is where I connected with my agent and get
information about sugarbelle product. The messages have their own capacity with other
application. It is same like Whatsapp however Telegram is more extraordinary in light of the
fact that this application can spare the data from the begin to starting. The reason I utilize this
application is to make business and to watch out the stock from the administrator. This

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application is effectively use by a drop send and furthermore reasonable for private message.
Telegram do help me a lot in starting my business with all the coaching from my agent Farah.

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1 Nur farah Md  A housewife I got learn how to do
Nor  An agent for sugarbelle and operate business online. Get to
small business at Facebook know more people and I get
 Sell : Sugarbelle cosmetic and other to buy the product with
beauty product lower price because I’m a
member of the product.
And I also got business
2 Wan Nor  Student Get new connection
Shahida  Stay at perak
3 Alin Khuzaifi  Hawker at night market Mobile business. I get to
 Sell : beauty product and makeup know the product she sell.
4 Nur syazreen  Full time student New network for my
 Stay at selayang business.
5 Hafiza Safian  Business women New network customer and
 Stay at perak business.
 Service : Management service
6 Nitasha  Working as producer at RTM New connection and
Nozmi  Stay shah alam customer.

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Based on this assignment that acquire me to do business online in order to learnt how
to create network through business. It is good ways for us to learn and make used our social
network in more benefits way. The problem that I face is that I’m not someone that have a
business before like other students. It quite difficult for me to find the way to start a business.
This is because to create a business you have be passionate and love it. I find it difficult to get
my business to be aware by others. In order to improve this is that I have to get more active in
social media such as facebook. I cannot give up and have to keep on updating even though
people may not be aware at once because thing take time and thankful that I was able to make
sales at the end.

The second problem that I face is that I do not have enough times to monitor my
facebook page. As a student I have my own obligation, where I have assignment to be done.
Furthermore, I am a final year student, so I have many final reports to be submitted and other
project to handle. I think this is why I am not able to make much sales. If I want to stay in this
business industry, I have to change my strategy in order to gain more profit and to get my
business to be know by others. I have to manage my time and get more time to manage my
facebook page.

Lastly, the issue is ensuring that the technology you select solves the client's problem.
Clients don't always know what they mean when they say something, and you need to be sure
that you grasp the underlying problem or need and proceed to correct the corresponding
thing. Eventhough you have state it clearly, they still ask the things that are already state. In
order to improve, I have to post the advertisement in two languages do that it easy for
everyone to understand without language barrier.

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Conversation with Nitasha Nozmi

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Conversation With Nur Syazreen

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Conversation with Alin

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Conversation with Wan Nor shahidah

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Conversation with Pn Hafiza

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Conversation with My Agent - Nurfarah

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