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Speed Limiting - Tutorial - Bandwidth Controller


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Speed Limiting


Speed limiting is an integral part of bandwidth management and flow control. It allows you to set a maximum
upload and download rate for users and applications, freeing up network resources for other uses.

This tutorial shows how to set a speed cap on a particular workstation on the local network, limiting its
download speed to 10,000 B/s.


Note: Bandwidth Controller measures transfer speed in bytes per second (B/s). When configuring rules, it is
important to note that speeds are measured in bytes per second and not bits per second (b/s). To convert B/s
to b/s, multiply the value by 8. To convert back from b/s, divide the value by 8.

Setting the maximum speed for a client computer is quite straightfoward and requires only two pieces of
information: The client's IP address and the speed that you wish to limit it to.

Step 1: Connecting to the Server

When using the product in a server-free environment (i.e. distributed mode), it is necessary to log into the
client computer using the manager application. To do this, run the Bandwidth Controller Client application
from the start menu, and connect to the IP address of the client that you wish to limit.

For centralized installation (i.e. gateway mode), log into the gateway computer using the client application.
For both distributed and centralized modes the client application can be run from any computer on the

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Speed Limiting - Tutorial - Bandwidth Controller

Step 2: Starting the Add Rule Wizard

After logging into the appropriate server, click the Add Rule Wizard icon in the toolbar.

Step 3: Setting the Local Endpoint

Click Next to bring up the Classification properties for the rule.

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Speed Limiting - Tutorial - Bandwidth Controller

Step 4: Endpoint Properties

The first step is to enter the IP address of the client computer to limit. Click the Change button on the right of
the Local Endpoint field. The address properties for the endpoint will appear.

Select the IP Address field and enter the address of the client. In this example the client we wish to limit has
an IP address of

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Speed Limiting - Tutorial - Bandwidth Controller

Step 5: Setting the Maximum Rate

Click Ok to save the new endpoint information for the rule, then click Next to go to the rule processing page.

Enter the value 10,000 in the Limit Speed field. This will set the maximum download speed to 10,000 B/s for
the workstation .

Step 6: Verifiying Rule Properties

Continue clicking Next until the wizard is completed. The final page shows a summary of the rule's
properties, which allows you to double check the information.

All internet traffic that travels to the client will now be limited to 10,000 B/s. This example limits all protocols,
so if the user is using two applications they will share that 10 K/s between them. That is, the speed limit

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Speed Limiting - Tutorial - Bandwidth Controller

applies to all download streams together (for that computer), and does not limit each stream to 10 K/s
individually (see dynamic rules for more information for configuring separate stream limits).


Setting speed limits is a simple process but differs slightly depending on the deployment method used for the
product (gateway or distributed mode). Distributed mode requires logging into the client that you wish to limit,
whereas gateway mode allows centralized limiting of all clients from the gateway computer.

Speed limits can also be applied to other traffic types including uploads, protocols and groups of users. By
adjusting the classification properties of the rule you can limit these different types of traffic with just a few
mouse clicks.

Copyright © 2007 Bandwidth Controller

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