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Creating Opportunity Worldwide

Pro-ELT Teacher Training Level: B1 to B2


Aptis Grammar and Vocabulary

Part 1

1 – Refresh your memory

What do you already know about the grammar and vocabulary exam? Choose one word from the
box to complete each gap in this summary text. Use each word only once.

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The grammar and writing exam 1) consists of 2 separate sections. The first is 25 multiple choice answers to test
your grammar knowledge. It tests things like verb tenses, articles, prepositions, linkers, modal verbs and
____even______ spoken grammar. The second is 5 vocabulary exercises, 3)____each___tests___ with 5
items for which you have to select one choice from a drop-down list. It 4)__________ mainly synonyms and
collocations. There is one mark 5)____for______ each answer, making a total of 50 marks for the
____whole______ test. You have 25 minutes to complete the test. During the test, you cannot
____pause______ the clock, but you can go back or forward 8)______as____ you like, and you can review and
_____change_____ your answers at any point until you submit your test or your time runs out.

2 – Navigating within the Aptis website

1) Circle the following: a) time remaining b) percentage of test completed c) button to move to next question

Contributed by: Jason Anderson

© The British Council, 2013
The British Council is the United Kingdom's international organisation for cultural relations and education opportunities.
British Council Malaysia is a branch (995232-A) of the British Council, registered as a charity in England and Wales (209131) and Scotland (SC037733)
Creating Opportunity Worldwide

Pro-ELT Teacher Training Level: B1 to B2


2) How would you… a) go to question 7? b)leave a question for later? c)go straight to the vocab. section?

3 – Do the Aptis Website Practice Exam

Go to the following web address and do the online Grammar and Vocabulary Practice Exam:

Once you’ve finished, you’ll get a % mark. Make a note of it here: _________%

Contributed by: Jason Anderson

© The British Council, 2013
The British Council is the United Kingdom's international organisation for cultural relations and education opportunities.
British Council Malaysia is a branch (995232-A) of the British Council, registered as a charity in England and Wales (209131) and Scotland (SC037733)

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