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DEI FOE CMS Rahul Chaudhary

CEM402: Hydraulics & Hydraulic Machines

Dashboard ► Mechanical Engineering ► H&HM ► Notes ► Types of Open-channels

Types of Open-channels
Prismatic channels are channels with constant cross-sectional shape and size and bottom slope e.g. most
of man-made (artificial) channels. The shapes may be rectangular, trapezoidal, triangular, circular, etc.

Non-prismatic channels are channels with varying cross-sections e.g. natural channels.

Rigid-boundary channels are channels in which boundary is not deformable i.e. channel geometry,
planiform (layout) and roughness magnitudes are not the functions of flow parameters or essentially
constant with respect to time, e.g. lined canals, sewers and non-erodible unlined canals. A channel of this
kind has only 1-degree of freedom i.e. depth of flow which may change with space and time depending
upon nature of flow.

Mobile-boundary channels are channels in which boundaries undergo deformation due to the continuous
process of erosion and deposition due to the flow. Flow usually carries considerable amount of sediments
through suspension and in contact with the bed e.g. natural channels. A channel of this kind has 4-degrees
of freedom i.e. depth of flow, bed width, longitudinal slope, and planiform of the channel (may change with
space and time depending upon nature of flow). Unless specifically stated, the term channel is used to
mean the rigid-boundary channels.

Last modified: Monday, 25 December 2017, 9:41 PM

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