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The Death Curse

• Any humanoid on the planet that has been brought back from the dead has begun to waste away.
• If a humanoid dies anywhere on the planet, it soul become trapped in an artifact called the
• Any spell that breathes life into the dead fails.
• The Soulmonger was created by a powerful lich named Acererak.

The PCs mission

• The PCs were summoned to meet with Syndra Silvane, a wizard and retired adventurer that is a
victim of the Death Curse. She resides with a merchant prince in Port Nyanzaru in Chult.
• She tasked the PCs with discovering the location of the Soulmonger, she knew it was only in Chult.
The PCs eventually learned it was in the “Forgotten City of Omu”.
• Syndra gives the PCs a magic item called the Astral Torch along with its command words. She says
once they have located the hiding place of the Soulmonger the torch will glow blue. They should
then active the torch as a beacon to the Harpers and then retreat. She does not wish to alarm
Acererak by having the PCs delve deeper. She intends to send in more powerful agents.
• She has offered the PCs a choice of a rare magic item for successfully completing the mission. S

Meat Grinder

• Due to the Soulmonger, staving off death has become more challenging.
• A death saving throw succeeds on a roll of 15 or higher (instead of 10 or higher). This effect ends
when the Soulmonger is destroyed. Other rules concerning death saving throws remain unchanged.

Journey to Omu - What path did the PCs take?

After consulting the Oracle, the PCs retrieve a (unlit) torch that they were instructed to light by the "hot
tears of the Peaks of Flame". Once the PCs lit the torch, it would only light up when facing the Forbidden

• River Tiryki (River - 5 hexes - 2.5 days)

• Firefinger (Foot - 5 days to River Olung)
• River Olung (River - 18 hexes to Lake Luo - 9 days)
• Nagalore -- Eku had the PCs bypass this location
• Lake Luo - (2 days on foot to Valley of Embers) mud and steam mephits (Foot 13 days to the West of
the Peaks of Flame)
• Valley of Embers- mud, steam and fire mephits (Foot - 4 days to Omu)
• Omu

Total days 36

When the adventure starts …

The PCs have been guided “very close” to Omu by a talented and good-hearted female human guide named
Eku. She bids them farewall before nightfall and returns south. She assures the PCs her expertise and allies
in the jungle will see her safely back to Port Nyanzaru.

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