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Australian Dental Journal

The official journal of the Australian Dental Association

Australian Dental Journal 2013; 58: 133–140

doi: 10.1111/adj.12039

Developmental enamel defects in the primary dentition:

aetiology and clinical management
S Salanitri,*† WK Seow*
*Centre for Paediatric Dentistry, School of Dentistry, The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Queensland.
†Logan–Beaudesert Division, Metro South Health District, Queensland Health.

Developmental enamel defects, presenting as enamel hypoplasia or opacities are caused by damage or disruption to the
developing enamel organ as a result of inherited and acquired systemic conditions. The high prevalence of these defects
in the primary dentition demonstrates the vulnerability of the teeth to changes in the pre- and postnatal environment.
The presence of enamel hypoplasia increases the risk of primary teeth to early childhood caries and tooth wear as the
defective enamel is thinner, more plaque retentive and less resistant to dissolution in acid compared to normal enamel.
The purpose of this paper was to critically review the aetiology and clinical complications of developmental enamel
defects in the primary dentition and propose recommendations for the clinical management of affected teeth.
Keywords: Enamel hypoplasia, enamel opacities, early childhood caries, primary dentition.
Abbreviations and acronyms: CMV = cytomegalovirus; CPP-ACP = casein phosphopeptide amorphous calcium phosphate; DDE =
developmental defects of enamel; EEC = early childhood caries; HAS-ECC = hypoplasia-associated ECC; MIH = molar-incisor hypo-
plasia; SEM = scanning electron microscopic.
(Accepted for publication 16 January 2013.)

Index, often used in a simplified form, is one of the

most popular.7
Developmental defects of enamel (DDE) are com- Compared to the permanent dentition, the preva-
monly encountered in clinical practice, and may be lence of DDE in the primary dentition has not been
defined as aberrations in the quality and quantity of well reported. As noted in Table 1, which shows
dental enamel which are caused by disruption and/or investigations of DDE in the primary dentition pub-
damage to the enamel organ.1,2 The presentation and lished since 1996, DDE in the primary dentition has
severity of the defect are usually dependent on the been reported to occur at rates ranging between 10%
stage of development during which the insult occurs to 49%. In the study of Montero and co-workers on
as well as the extent and duration of the insult.3 517 children in the USA, an overall prevalence of
Enamel hypoplasia is a quantitative defect and 49% was reported,8 and in the study of Slayton and
presents as a deficiency of enamel while enamel hypo- co-workers, 6% and 27% of healthy children in the
mineralization is a qualitative enamel deficiency pre- USA had at least one tooth with enamel hypoplasia
senting as alterations in the translucency or opacity of and enamel opacities respectively, giving a total
the enamel which may be diffuse or demarcated and prevalence of DDE of 33%. In contrast, Casanova-
coloured white, yellow or brown.1,4 Diffuse opacities Rosado and co-workers found that only 10% of the
are thought to be associated with the group of teeth Mexican children studied exhibited DDE.9 In Austra-
which are undergoing enamel maturation at the time lia, Seow and co-workers reported a prevalence of
when a systemic insult occurs. In contrast, demarcated DDE of 25% in the primary dentition with enamel
opacities and hypoplasia are more commonly noted in opacities three times more prevalent than enamel
teeth which had sustained a localized and transient hypoplasia.10
injury. Although there are many indices which have Although DDE are now increasingly recognized as
been proposed for specific types of DDE, such as the important risk factors for dental caries and
Dean and Thylstrup and Fejeskov indices of fluoro- tooth wear, the condition is not well diagnosed and
sis,5,6 the Developmental Defects of Enamel (DDE) aetiology is still unclear. Furthermore, the clinical
© 2013 Australian Dental Association 133
S Salanitri and WK Seow

Table 1. Selected studies on the prevalence of associated with the Treacher-Collins syndrome,17 oto-
developmental defects of enamel (DDE) in the dental syndrome,18 22q11 deletion syndrome (also
primary dentition known as velocardiofacial syndrome)19,20 and Heimler
Authors Year Country of Prevalence

Li et al.72 1996 China 22% Acquired conditions

Slayton et al.102 2001 USA 33%
Montero et al.8 2003 USA 49% Numerous systemic or local acquired conditions that
Chaves et al.103 2007 Brazil 44% occur during the antenatal, perinatal or postnatal peri-
Hong et al.57 2009 USA 4% (molars only)
Casanova-Rosado 2011 Mexico 10%
ods of development can also cause damage to devel-
et al.9 oping enamel and result in DDE in the primary
Seow et al.10 2011 Australia 25% dentition. Prenatal conditions usually result in DDE
which are located in the parts of the enamel formed
implications, preventive and restorative management before birth, while defects caused by postnatal disrup-
of DDE are currently not well recognized by many tions are found in the parts formed after birth. A
practitioners. Therefore, the aim of this paper was to common area for DDE in the primary dentition is the
present a critical review on the aetiology, clinical parts of enamel which mark the transition from
complications and management of DDE in the pri- intra-uterine to extra-uterine life, and separate the
mary dentition. prenatally formed enamel from that which develops
postnatally.22 This region, also known as the neonatal
line, is present on the crowns of all primary teeth
Aetiology of developmental defects of enamel
which commence mineralization prenatally.23 The pre-
There are numerous hereditary, acquired, systemic sentation of the neonatal line varies from a mild
and local aetiological factors which are associated change in direction of the enamel rods to a severe
with enamel defects. Since enamel does not remodel, macroscopic defect extending into the dentine,
the defects theoretically present a record of the insults depending on the degree of disruption experienced by
suffered by the enamel organ during development of the infant during the perinatal and neonatal periods.22
the enamel. However, determining the specific timing Scanning electron microscopy studies of the neonatal
of insults to the developing enamel is often difficult line have demonstrated that it usually shows a less
due to the current lack of knowledge regarding the well organized enamel prism alignment, and has more
chronology of the different stages of amelogenesis as organic material and less mineral content compared
well as individual variation in rates of enamel forma- to the surrounding normal enamel.24,25 Thus, systemic
tion.2,11 disruptions occurring around the time of birth often
result in exaggerated neonatal lines that are clinically
visible as enamel hypoplasia in the primary denti-
Hereditary conditions
tion.26 Such conditions may be associated with trau-
Enamel defects may be a presenting feature in heredi- matic or preterm births, as well as metabolic or
tary conditions that involve only dental enamel or they infectious conditions or environmental exposure to
may be a component of a generalized systemic syn- toxic chemicals.
drome. The inherited conditions which involve enamel Prenatal conditions which may be associated with
only are known as amelogenesis imperfecta and the enamel hypoplasia in the child include maternal vita-
defects may present as enamel hypoplasia, hypominer- min D deficiency during pregnancy and neonatal tet-
alization or hypomaturation. Abnormalities of the any.27 Other antenatal factors which have been
genes involved in amelogenesis are primarily responsi- shown to contribute to enamel hypoplasia include
ble for these defects.12,13 In children with amelogene- maternal smoking during pregnancy, increased mater-
sis imperfecta, characteristically, the teeth in both nal weight gain during pregnancy and failure to access
permanent and primary dentitions show DDE. antenatal care.28,29 Multiple births are also a risk
There are also many hereditary medical syndromes factor for DDE due to the higher rate of neonatal
which may feature enamel hypoplasia. Enamel defects complications experienced by these children.30
are often seen in Usher syndrome which is character- Although not commonly encountered in developed
ized by sensorineural hearing loss, retinitis pigmentosa countries, nutritional deficiencies in the infant, partic-
and enamel hypoplasia,14 as well as in Seckel syn- ularly those associated with insufficient supply and
drome which features intellectual disability and multi- absorption of vitamins A, C and D and calcium are
ple skeletal defects.15 Ellis Van Creveld syndrome also well known to be risk factors for enamel hypoplasia
show enamel hypoplasia together with defects of the in preterm31 and Indigenous communities.32 In addi-
skeletal and cardiac system.16 DDE have also been tion, suboptimal nutrition stemming from extended
134 © 2013 Australian Dental Association
Developmental enamel defects in the primary dentition

breastfeeding without solid supplementation has also foetal infection, foetal anoxia and hyperbilirubinaemia
been suggested as a cause of DDE in primary teeth.28 which are also risk factors for enamel hypoplasia.48,49
Children born prematurely and those with low or Thus, in many children with cerebral palsy, it is likely
very low birth weight have a higher prevalence of that the DDE commonly observed in the affected chil-
enamel hypoplasia compared to children born at full dren are caused by the systemic disturbances which
term with normal birth weights.22,26,33–37 DDE found have damaged both the neurological and the enamel
in low birth weight and preterm children can be forming cells.50,51
attributed to many adverse systemic conditions Many chemicals and drugs have the potential to
associated with premature birth, including respiratory damage ameloblasts and cause DDE. Although there
disease, cardiovascular defects, gastrointestinal distur- are few reports regarding the primary dentition, levels
bances, haematological problems, immune deficien- of fluoride greater than 1 ppm in the water have cor-
cies, intracranial haemorrhage, anaemia and renal related with higher levels of DDE in the permanent
defects.37 Abnormalities associated with the minerali- dentition compared to fluoride levels of less than
zation pathways such as hypocalcaemia, osteopaenia, 1 ppm.52 Children with high lead levels from environ-
rickets and hyperbilirubinaemia have been directly mental exposure to lead paint, or accidental or pica
implicated in the aetiology of DDE in the primary ingestion have been reported to show enamel hypopla-
dentition.26,33,38 Deficient vitamin D metabolism, sia of the pitting variety.3 Tetracyclines have been
inadequate mineral levels and the inability of the gas- well known to cause dental discolourations and
trointestinal tract to absorb mineral are important enamel hypoplasia.53 More recently, amoxycillins
contributors to the defective formation of dental have been implicated as a cause of enamel hypoplasia
enamel in preterm children due to immaturity of met- although it is often difficult to discount the effects of
abolic and mineralization systems.33,37 Furthermore, the fevers and infections which had required the use
the risks of enamel hypoplasia from systemic condi- of the antibiotics.54
tions are often further compounded by local trauma Local factors such as trauma and infections have
from laryngoscopy and endotracheal intubation which also been associated with enamel hypoplasia of the
are often necessary in preterm children.39 teeth in the immediate vicinity of the damage, in
Besides prematurity of birth, coeliac disease is contrast to systemic factors which usually affect all
another condition where malabsorption and mineral developing teeth in the jaws. For example, trauma to
deficiencies resulting from the gut enteropathy caused the developing tooth germ, such as exerted through
by gluten intolerance can cause DDE. Enamel defects the laryngoscope or endotracheal intubation is known
are commonly encountered in coeliac disease to the to cause damage to the ameloblasts, and result in
extent that they have been proposed as a possible opacities or hypoplasia in preterm children.37 In addi-
diagnostic sign of ‘silent’ coeliac disease in chil- tion, demarcated markings which are commonly
dren.40,41 Scanning electron microscopic analysis of found on the labial surfaces of primary canines are
hypoplastic teeth from children with coeliac disease also thought to result from local trauma exerted
has provided evidence that the enamel is less mineral- through the thin buccal cortical bone overlying the
ized as well as more irregular in its organization.42 canines.55
Renal and liver disease is also often associated with
enamel hypoplasia, probably as a result of the miner-
Clinical complications of developmental enamel
alization pathways being disrupted in many types of
renal and liver disease in children.43–45
Infectious diseases caused by bacteria and viruses As incisor teeth affected by DDE can result in com-
such as infections of the urinary tract, otitis and upper promised aesthetics due to staining and morphological
respiratory disease have been associated with DDE.29 alterations, children with DDE teeth may experience
Although uncommon in developed countries, congeni- feelings of anxiety and social embarrassment
tal syphilis acquired from maternal Treponema regarding their dental appearance.56 Furthermore, in
pallidum infections can cause enamel hypoplasia or many affected children there is increased dental sensi-
‘notching’ of the incisor teeth,46 and viral infections tivity due to enamel hypomineralization and exposed
such as chicken pox, rubella, measles, mumps, and dentine.3,57,58
influenza have been associated with DDE in both As shown in Table 2, several studies have reported
primary and permanent dentitions,3 while cytomegalo- a higher prevalence of early childhood caries (ECC) in
virus (CMV) has been reported to cause enamel hypo- children with enamel hypoplasia. The correlation
plasia or hypocalcification in approximately one-third between DDE and ECC may be underestimated due
of affected infants.47 to the presence of caries masking the underlying undi-
Enamel hypoplasia is also commonly present in agnosed enamel defects.59 In previous investigations
children with cerebral palsy caused by maternal or which aimed to study the association of DDE and
© 2013 Australian Dental Association 135
S Salanitri and WK Seow

Table 2. Selected studies which reported on the association of developmental defects of enamel with early child-
hood caries
Authors Year Country N Age range of ECC Prevalence (%)
subjects (yrs)
Enamel hypoplasia Enamel hypoplasia
(EH) present (EH) absent

Matee et al.67 1994 Tanzania 2192 1–4 29 4.6

Montero8 2003 USA 517 2.7–4.9 50 26
Chaves et al.103 2007 Brazil 228 0–3 16.9 0.9
Hong et al.57 2009 USA 491 5–9 52.6 34.5
Elfrink et al.104 2010 Netherlands 242 5 14 5
Targino et al.105 2011 Brazil 274 1–4.5 48.4 26.2
Zhou et al.106 2011 China 394 0–2 34.3 27
Seow et al.10 2009 Australia 617 0–4 16.9%–55.3% of children 7.4% of ECC free
with ECC had EH children had EH
Nelson et al.107 2010 USA 246 14 6.9% increase in caries
when EH present
Zhou et al.108 2012 China 155 8–32 months EH – 15 times more likely
to experience caries
Schroth et al. 2005 Canada 98 3–5 High levels of EH associated
with high levels of ECC
Law et al.65 2006 Australia 71 1.8–6 Significant association of
EH and caries

ECC, authors have reported that examining children cariogenic bacteria.71,72 Even on relatively intact,
at the age of four years may be too late as primary non-carious surfaces, penetration of bacteria into por-
teeth with defective enamel are likely to be cavitated, ous enamel to sites close to the dentino-enamel junc-
carious, restored or extracted by that age.60 tion has been documented from SEM studies.73 The
Observations of high levels of enamel hypoplasia significance of this observation is that it is likely that
and ECC presenting simultaneously in Australian cariogenic bacteria can colonize the porous subclinical
Indigenous communities in both remote61 and urban DDE lesions with relative ease to initiate caries.22 Pla-
areas62 have led Seow to propose that enamel hypopla- que removal is thus difficult at the DDE sites, and
sia is one of the main caries risk factors in children toothbrushing in these areas is often made more diffi-
from disadvantaged backgrounds.63 Further evidence cult due to increased sensitivity of the teeth. Further-
for the caries risk posed by enamel defects is found in more, as the defective enamel is less resistant to acid
case-control studies of children with ECC and preterm dissolution, demineralization from bacterial acids will
children.64–66 Schroth et al. reported that the high progress more rapidly compared to normal enamel.
prevalence rate of enamel hypoplasia of approximately In addition to caries, the thinner and weaker hypo-
50% was the key risk factor for early childhood caries plastic or hypomineralized enamel predisposes the
in the native communities in the Canadian province of DDE teeth to tooth wear. Kazoullis and co-workers
Manitoba.60 These results supported the study of Mat- reported a strong association of dental erosion with
tee and co-workers which found that Tanzanian enamel hypoplasia58 and Seow and Taji proposed that
infants with enamel hypoplasia experienced more this is likely to be due to easy dissolution of hypomin-
severe ECC in the absence of other risk factors such as eralized teeth to ingested acids.74
inappropriate bottle feeding, use of sweetened pacifiers
and cariogenic diets, suggesting that enamel defects is
Management of primary teeth affected by
a significant risk factor for ECC.67 Mounting evidence
developmental defects of enamel
for the increased caries risk from enamel hypoplasia in
young children has led Caufield and co-workers to Management of enamel hypoplasia in the primary
recently propose a new name, ‘Severe, hypoplasia- dentition should focus on early diagnosis and preven-
associated ECC’ or HAS-ECC for a type of severe tive care. Screening and early detection of DDE and
ECC which is strongly associated with enamel caries is one of the benefits of having a child’s first
hypoplasia.68 The children who are most likely to have oral examination by 12 months of age.75 As few par-
HAS-ECC are therefore those who are well-known ents and other health professions are aware of this
to be at high risk for enamel hypoplasia, such as Indig- recommendation, community education is required.76
enous and preterm children.69,70 It should also be recognized that young children with
The increased susceptibility of DDE affected teeth extensive involvement of DDE such as amelogenesis
to caries is most likely due to the enamel defects imperfecta usually require referral to a specialist pae-
presenting retentive and irregular sites for plaque and diatric dentist and full mouth rehabilitation under
136 © 2013 Australian Dental Association
Developmental enamel defects in the primary dentition

general anaesthesia. Also, as enamel formation of the As with permanent teeth, in hypoplastic primary
permanent molars and incisors occur at the same time molars, non-chemically bonded restorative materials
as the primary molars, the presence of DDE in the such as amalgams usually have suboptimal perfor-
primary molars should also indicate a risk for molar- mance due to breakdown of the structurally weak
incisor hypoplasia (MIH) in the permanent denti- enamel that often results in marginal leakage, recur-
tion.77 If the entire primary dentition is affected, the rent caries and pulp involvement.87–89 In permanent
possibility of a genetic cause should be considered. teeth with DDE, marginal breakdown has been
Thus, children with DDE in primary molars should be known to occur frequently when cavity margins are
followed up at regular recalls to monitor for presence positioned close to the affected enamel, probably due
of DDE when the permanent teeth erupt (between the to an inherent weakness in the enamel prism sheaths
ages of 6 to 12 years). If the permanent teeth show and loss of enamel strength.90 Therefore, restorations
DDE, a preventive programme to manage tooth sensi- that can bond to dentine as well as enamel such as
tivity, caries and toothwear should be instituted as resin modified glass-ionomer cements and polyacid
soon as possible after diagnosis. In cases of extensive modified composite resins are likely to be suitable for
enamel hypoplasia in the permanent dentition, sealing and restoring small lesions in primary teeth
interdisciplinary team management involving general with DDE.91–93
practitioners, specialist paediatric dentists and orth- Stainless steel crowns are the restorations of choice
odontists may be necessary. for both primary and permanent molar teeth affected
As DDE predisposes the teeth to increased caries by enamel hypoplasia, as they offer the highest dura-
risk and toothwear, parents need to be informed that bility and best protection against further break-
teeth with enamel defects are highly susceptible to down.94 For many hypoplastic primary teeth, the
decay and erosion from acids in foods and drinks.58 stainless steel crowns are best inserted using a conser-
Preventive advice given to parents should include vative technique with minimal removal of tooth struc-
replacing cariogenic snacks with healthy foods, twice ture and employing the use of separators to create
daily toothbrushing, and topical fluoride application. interproximal spacing.95–97 This technique, first advo-
To reduce sensitivity from toothbrushing, a very soft cated by Seow for protecting teeth with large pulps
toothbrush and lukewarm water for mouthrinsing associated with developmental abnormalities,95 has
may be suggested. been applied to place stainless steel crowns on hypo-
Topical fluoride is one of the most effective anti- plastic primary and permanent molars. This method
caries agent for teeth affected by DDE, and may be reduces the sensitivity that is frequently encountered
given as neutral sodium fluoride gels or fluoride var- in hypoplastic teeth, and helps preserve tooth struc-
nishes applied professionally 3 or 6 monthly or used ture and maintain space and crown height. The con-
as daily or weekly rinses in children who are able to servative method of crown placement is also applied
expectorate after rinsing.78,79 According to current in the Hall technique for restoration of carious teeth
ADA guidelines,80 for children younger than six years where stainless steel crowns are placed on decayed
of age, mouthrinses are not recommended due to risks primary teeth with minimal or no caries removal or
of swallowing the rinses. For toddlers, 3–6 monthly tooth preparation.98,99 Although the Hall technique
applications of fluoride varnish on teeth affected by has been advocated by some authors,100 its clinical
DDE will help to decrease the risk for ECC as demon- efficacy for restoration of primary molars in toddler-
strated in randomized controlled trials.81 age children with ECC will need to be established.101
In addition, treatment with other remineralizing The authors’ recommendation is that the Hall tech-
agents such as casein phosphopeptide amorphous cal- nique may be attempted for stainless steel crown res-
cium phosphate (CPP-ACP) can provide a reservoir of toration of hypoplastic primary molars in children
calcium and phosphate which will help remineralize the where sedation or general anaesthesia is not available.
hypomineralized areas and early carious lesions on the
tooth surface.82–84 In addition, as CPP-ACP has been
shown to have the ability to inhibit the adherence of
cariogenic bacteria mutans streptococci on enamel DDE in the primary dentition may occur as a result
surfaces,85 there are possible benefits of CPP-ACP appli- of a wide range of hereditary and acquired aetiologi-
cation for reducing cariogenic bacterial colonization in cal factors, and may result in dental hypersensitivity
children. Preliminary evidence for this can be found in a and compromised aesthetics. As the complications
recent study which demonstrated that there are fewer of enamel hypoplasia include an increased risk for
children colonized with mutans streptocci in the group caries and tooth wear, protection of the enamel and
who applied a 10% CPP-ACP gel daily compared to the effective preventive care and monitoring are required.
group who used a 0.12% chlorhexidine paste daily or Therefore, management of enamel defects in the pri-
control children who used only toothpaste.86 mary dentition includes early detection and preventive
© 2013 Australian Dental Association 137
S Salanitri and WK Seow

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Brisbane QLD 4000
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