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Utility, Scope and Limitations of Astrology

The final and absolute goal of any soul or “jivatman” is to attain salvation or final emancipation, a state of
eternal bliss, where it becomes one with the supreme lord and is free from the repeated cycles of birth
and death. Astrology, in my humble opinion, besides being a predictive tool, could also provide deep
insights into the progression of the soul towards attaining that ultimate goal. I’d like to think of astrological
consultations as a navigational tool (google maps) for the evolution of the soul and the chart of the native
as a “You are here” location on the celestial cosmic map.

All the 9 planets, irrespective of their composite and relative positions, are there to test the soul, and to
judge if the soul is indeed ready or not to be put out on the path to attain the moksha. Good or bad
placement of a planet or ascendant is only a matter of perspective, because something that is seemingly
terrible for the physical and material plane, could turn out to be excellent for the causal and spiritual
progress and vice versa.

When a native comes for an astrological consultation, he/she is basically admitting that they are no longer
the “masters” of their own “destiny” and are already letting go of some of the “Ego” or “I” aspect of the
jivatman. An astrologer, is also in turn, consulting the gods, on the behalf of the native, to show the
righteous path to him/her. In this sincere pursuit, a good astrologer should only be a witness to the
native’s journey, in this lifetime, towards or away from nirvana. He should never entwine his own Karmas
with that of the native by indulging in fear-mongering or by trying to extract material gains from such

How an astrologer could guide the native who has come in for a consultation, would largely depend on
the motive or driving influence of the native himself. The person, who has come for a consultation, could
be under the influence of “Sattvic” inspiration, or has a “Rajasic” desire or is going through a period of
“Tamasic” suffering.

A person under Sattvic inspiration, are normally self-awakened and have a fair idea about what they want
to do with this influence. They want to pursue something because they are really inspired to do it, and not
for the material gains that would result from such pursuits. For example, someone wants to take up the
field of medicine in their higher education because, they want to make the world a healthy place for

A person having a Rajasic desire, is normally looking for material gains. They have the mental
conditioning to get the best possible “fruits” from whatever efforts he/she is putting in. For example, when
will I purchase a new house or a new car etc.

Someone, who is suffering or is under Tamasic period, is normally looking for ways to alleviate the misery
and is normally looking for guidance on how to traverse a difficult period.

Looking at the chart of the native and the analysis of the running dashas, may provide a fair assessment
of the mental conditioning of the individual and a good astrologer should make an earnest effort to guide
the native towards meditation, homam and japam so that the native can let go of their transient ego and
be able to connect with the supreme source.

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