Gait Pattern

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Gait Description Associated signs Causes

Hemiplegia Circumduction gait Difficulty with balance, Upper motor neuron

The foot is plantar flexed motor activities, speech, lesion from any of
and the leg is swung in a swallowing, stiffness of the causes: Stroke
lateral arc (semicircle) muscles, muscle spasm, (especially of the
depression. Problems corticospinal tract),
with developmental spinal cord injury
milestones, behavioural (specifically Brown-
problem, mental Sequard syndrome),
development in children. traumatic brain
injury, encephalitis,
neoplasms, cerebral
palsy, MS
Spastic paraparesis Scissors gait Spastic leg paresis, MS, spinal cord
Combined effects of hyperreflexia, clonus, lesions, trauma,
spasticity, unco- extensor plantar hereditary, herniated
ordination and weakness reflexes, arms affected IV discs, infections
of both legs. as well. Tropical Spastic
The legs are flexed may also have paraparesis (HTLV-
slightly at the hip, thighs extraspinal neurological associated
are adducted and legs deficits (eg. myelopathy or
bump together and cross Spinocerebellar, ocular chronic progressive
over each other in a symptoms, mental myelopathy), caused
scissors movement. retardation, dementia, by Human T-
There are short steps, polyneuropathy) lymphotropic virus
side-to-side trunk
movements and
circumduction of legs.
The toes never seem to
leave the floor.
Parkinson’s disease Hesitation in starting. Tremor, bradykinesia, Insufficient
Shuffling instability, lead pipe, dopamine
Freezing: May freeze in cog-wheel rigidity production by the
mid-stride substantial nigra
Festination: Small
shuffling steps
Propulsion: stiff with
head and neck bent,
Retropulsion: patient is
easily pushed backward
and may fall backward
Diminished arm swing,
appear to fall forward as
they walk and have
difficulty making a turn
Cerebellar Ataxic gait Asynergy, dysmetria, Focal: stroke,
Unsteady drunken gait dyschronometria, infection, tumour
with cautious short dysdiadochokinesia, Exogenous: alcohol,
steps, which is wide- postural instability, antiepileptics,
based or reeling on a intention tremor, cannabis
narrow base, the patient dysarthria, peculiar B12 deficiency,
staggers towards the writing hereditary, Arnold
affected side if there is a Chiari malformation,
unilateral cerebellar brain degeneration
hemisphere lesion from alcohol, normal
hydrocephalus etc

Hemiplegic gait
Spastic gait
Parkinsonian Gait
ataxic gait

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