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10 Examples of popular 5-Paragraph Essay topics:

• Current Status of Drug Abuse and Teens

• Pledge of Allegiance in Schools
• Recent articles or other media reports
• Global or Environmental concerns
• Difference between the current recession and previous recessions
• Current statistic analysis
• Employment levels Worldwide
• The Goals of the World Bank
• The role of the United Nations
• Growing Global Environmental Concerns

10 Examples of popular Admission Essay topics:

• Community and Volunteer Projects - why you did them

• Overcoming Adversity (a time you didn’t win)
• Personal Achievements (through hard work and dedication)
• Specific Traits (unique or advanced)
• Relate an Adventure you went on - something you learned
• Describe qualities/skills you are working on developing based on someone you
• Develop a short essay on something you feel strongly about and get involved in
• Describe how you survived a particularly difficult class
• Relate an experience that helped you understand responsibility
• Describe how you were supportive to a friend in need, or how your friend was
supportive to you.

10 Examples of popular College Application Essay topics:

• Business Topic – Job Opportunities During the Recession Cause a Growing Need
for Educated Talent
• Social Sciences Topic – Online Interaction’s Influence on Teens and Young
Adults – The Changing Face of “Popular”
• Psychology Topic – Understanding Family Struggles with Drug Addiction
• Nursing Topic – Care Requirements of Cancer Survivors Living Alone
• Communications Topic – Intercultural Communication in International
Organizations Suffering from Limited Face-to-Face Interaction.
• Biology Topic – Obesity Rates in Children May Be a Cycle of Inactivity
• Engineering Topic – Nanotechnology Works to Achieve Medical Advances
• English Topic – ESL Needs in the Classroom Create Opportunities for Educators
• Computer Science Topic – Data Mining and Current Ethical Considerations
• Education Topic – Adult Learners and Motivational Needs for Continued

10 Examples of popular Argument Essay Topics :

• Business Topic – Marketing to Children Does Require Government Regulation
• Social Sciences Topic – Gaming Addictions Are Not Limited to Teenagers
• Psychology Topic – Group Think Processes for Teams Change with the
Implementation of Diversity
• Nursing Topic – Long Shifts Create the Atmosphere for Compassion Fatigue
• Communications Topic – Online Work Teams Communicate Effectively
• Biology Topic – Genetic Engineering in Humans to Promote Long Life
• Engineering Topic – Artificial Intelligence and Asimov’s Three Robotic Laws
• English Topic – English Versus Spanish as the Language of Business
• Computer Science Topic – Spyware and Legal Regulations Protecting
• Education Topic – Standardized Testing Creates Learning Gaps in Elementary

10 Examples of popular Causal Essay Topics :

• Business Topic – Social Networking Increases Brand Marketing Success

• Social Sciences Topic – Internet Influence on China’s Communism
• Psychology Topic – Long Distance Relationships and Communication Methods
• Nursing Topic – Procedures for Needle Disposal Reduces the Spread of Diseases
• Communications Topic – Advances to C# Promotes Microsoft’s Programming
• Biology Topic – Germany’s Successful Recycling Programs Reduces Waste
• Engineering Topic – Scaling Laws in Nanosystems using Feedstock Molecules
• English Topic – Transcendentalists – Emerson and Thoreau as Environmentalists
• Computer Science Topic – Standardization of Programming Languages and
Traditional Copyright Laws
• Education Topic – Online Colleges Successfully Meet the Needs of Busy Adults

10 Examples of popular Cause Effect Essay Topics :

• Business Topic – Age and Life Circumstances Influence Job Satisfaction

• Social Sciences Topic - Increased Diversity in the Workforce Builds
Organizational Culture
• Psychology Topic – Lack of Sleep Increases Depression Problems in Teens
• Nursing Topic – Preemptive Medicine Increases the Survivor Rate of Cancer
• Communications Topic – Communication Success Increases Productivity of
• Biology Topic –The Use of Prednisone in the Treatment of Burkitt Lymphoma
• Engineering Topic – Aerodynamic Origins of Swept Wings
• English Topic – Standardized Testing Success for ESL Adults in English
• Computer Science Topic – Game Creation and Beta Testing with Children
• Education Topic – Reasons for Revisions to the No Child Left Behind Act
10 Examples of popular Classification Essay topics :

• Business Topic – Successful Evaluation of Job Satisfaction Methods

• Social Sciences Topic – Healthy Social Interaction by Teenagers Online
• Psychology Topic – Leading Results of Child Abuse in Low-Income Households
• Nursing Topic – Successful Nurse and Patient Communications
• Communications Topic – Historical Relationships Between Programming
• Biology Topic – Successful Environmental Controls in the United States
• Engineering Topic – Product Designs for Forensic Engineering and Testing
• English Topic – Verbs and Adjectives in Curriculum Design for 2nd Graders
• Computer Science Topic – Server and Networking Design Requirements for
Small Businesses
• Education Topic – Needs of Students in Title 1 Schools for Equal Opportunities
in Learning Environments

Controversial Essay Topics

Controversial essay topics are often the subject of your research assignments. These
carefully selected topics will help you with your essay.

• Abortion
• Adoption
• Advertising Ethics
• AIDS reappraisal
• Alternative medicine
• America’s prisons
• “American dream”
• Animal experimentation
• Animal rights
• Anti-Semitism
• Assisted Suicide
• Atheism
• Battered women
• Binge drinking
• Bioethics
• Biotechnology
• Bilingual education
• Bill rights
• Black supremacy
• Breakup of the Soviet Union
• Breast cancer
• Business Ethics
• Capital Punishment
• Censorship
• Chauvinism
• Child abuse
• Child trade
• Circumcision
• Civil Liberties and Anti-Terrorism Measures
• Cloning
• Corporate Corruption
• Corporate Responsibility
• Creationism
• Cults
• Death penalty
• Discrimination in the workplace
• Domestic violence
• Dress Codes in School
• Drug Legalization
• Drug Testing
• Eating disorders
• Ebonics and Black English
• Economics in America
• Education in America
• Education system in the UK
• Elderly people
• Embryo drawings
• Endangered Species
• English - official language
• Environmental Ethics
• Eugenics
• Euthanasia
• Evolution
• Extremist groups
• Family violence
• Fascism
• Female Genital Mutilation
• Feminism
• Free Speech
• Free condoms in school
• Freedom of the Press
• Future of the Net
• Gambling
• Gay marriage
• Gay Parents
• Gay Rights
• Gays in the Military
• Genetic engineering
• Genocide
• Globalization
• Global warming
• Gun Control
• Harry Potter Controversy
• Hate Crimes
• Health Care Reform
• Health and fitness
• Hijacking Aftermath
• Holocaust Denial
• Holocaust Reparations
• Home Schooling
• Homelessness
• Homeopathy
• Homosexuality
• Human rights
• Illegal Immigration
• Immigration
• Insanity Defence
• Internet censorship
• Iraq war
• Landmines
• Legal Drinking Age
• Macintosh vs. IBM
• Male/female role
• Marijuana - Medicinal Use
• Marijuana legalization
• McCarthyism
• Media and Terrorism
• Media Images of African-Americans
• Media Images of Women
• Media in Wartime
• Medical Ethics
• Medical Marijuana
• Medical Malpractice
• Mental Health Policy
• Minimum Wage
• Miranda Rule
• Multiculturalism
• Music influence
• Hip-hop music
• Nuclear and Hazardous Waste
• Nuclear Disarmament
• Nudism in Florida
• Overpopulation
• Paranormal phenomena
• Pharmaceutical Industry
• Paedophilia
• Physician-assisted suicide
• Piercing and tattoos
• Plastic surgery
• Police brutality
• Political Ethics
• Politics in America
• Pollution
• Pornography Debate
• Prescription Drug Reform
• Prisons in America
• Privacy
• Privacy and The Internet
• Pro-Choice Movement
• Pro-Life Movement
• Purchasing foreign cars vs. American- made ones
• Racism
• Racist music
• Rainforests
• Rap controversy
• Rape
• Rape on campus
• Right to Bear Arms (Second Amendment)
• Schizophrenia
• School uniform
• School Violence
• School Vouchers
• Search and Seizure (Fourth Amendment)
• Separation of Church and State
• Sex Education
• Sex before marriage
• Sexism
• Sexual harassment
• Shakespeare Authorship Controversy
• Smoking Laws
• Social Security
• Space exploration
• Sports in America
• Standardized Testing
• Stem Cell Research
• Steroids
• Suicide
• Surrogate Motherhood
• Swearing in classrooms by teachers and students
• Tax Reform
• Teenage Pregnancy
• Terrorism
• Tibet
• Tobacco Industry
• UFOs
• United nations
• Vegetarianism
• Video game controversy
• Violence in the Media
• Weapons of mass destruction
• Whistle blowing
• White supremacy
• Women in the Military
• Working Mothers
• Workplace Diversity
• World religion
• Year Round School
• Zionism and racism

10 Examples of popular Compare and Contrast Essay Topics:

• Business Topic – International Copyright Enforcement and Proprietary Rights

• Social Sciences Topic – Differences Between Group Think and Mob Mentality
• Psychology Topic – Variations in Violent Crime Survivor Behaviors
• Nursing Topic – Uniform Changes Through the 1900s and Professionalism
• Communications Topic- Web Development and Online Free Programs
• Biology Topic – Habitat Protection versus Ecological Regulations
• Engineering Topic – Licensing Regulations in the United States versus Mexico
• English Topic – Various Forms of Spoken English in the World
• Computer Science Topic – Linux, IBM, and Apple, Base Programming

10 Examples of popular Critical Essay topics:

• Job satisfaction influences Employee Turnover rates.

• Increased communication provides distractions to school-aged children.
• Growing global concerns are influencing governmental policies.
• Growing development of instant gratification fulfillment is adding to obesity
• Sexting increases the number of teens contributing to harassment in and out of
• Video games reduce the attention span of children and adults.
• Addiction to online gaming and social networking sites has negative influences on
interaction in the workplace and in face-to-face communications.
• Growing cultural diversity influences the success rate of adult education theories
currently in practice.
• Shakespeare’s Hamlet is a personal revelation of his feelings regarding death.
10 Examples of popular Deductive Essay topics:

• Democracy versus Communism

• Requirements of Immunizations for Children
• Impact of Global Warming and Current Government Policies
• International Immigrants and Freedom to Move between Border Countries
• English versus Spanish Languages in the U.S.
• Technology in the Classroom
• Validity of Increasing Online Education Courses
• Policing the Internet, Government Regulations
• GSM versus CDMA - The Ever-Changing Cell Phone Industry
• Marketing to Children and Implications of an Ethical Society

10 Examples of popular Definition Essay topics:

• Cognitive Theory in Adult Education

• Personal Responsibility
• Abstract - Love, life, silence, happiness, freedom, etc.
• Communication Studies
• Political or Social Injustice
• Sociology or Psychology
• Job Satisfaction
• Employee Motivational Strategies
• Villain or Hero
• Time Management

10 Examples of popular Descriptive Essay topics:

• People, Places, Objects, Emotions, Theories, etc.

• Unique experiences
• Poetic Descriptions (the candy sounded like thunder)
• Emotions from a moment when you felt very strongly
• Historical reenactments
• Pets or family members
• Celebrities based on the “view from a distance”
• Life experiences - historical moments
• Fictional places or characters
• Future places or people

10 Examples of popular Expository Essay topics:

• Gardening and planting steps

• Science projects - volcanoes, potato batteries, etc.
• Cooking Instructions
• Writing Instructions
• Car Driving/maintenance
• How to use a DVD/iPod/Cell phone/computer
• How to take care of pet
• How to save money
• Organizational project steps
• How to build a community team for volunteer work, etc.

10 Examples of popular Exploratory Essay topics :

• Business Topic – Recession Proof Project Management Goals

• Social Sciences Topic – Developing Effective Methods for Diversity in Campus
• Psychology Topic – Marketing Influences on Children’s Expectations of Parents
• Nursing Topic – Relationships Between Schedule Variations and Compassion
• Communications Topic – Creative Methods for Maintaining Balance in
Overseas Offices
• Biology Topic – Effectiveness of the World Health Organizations Strategies
• Engineering Topic – Civil Engineering and Utility Companies
• English Topic – Evaluation of Little Women Based on Modern Day Women’s
• Computer Science Topic – Gaming Platforms Influencing Changes in
Processing Power and Video Memory
• Education Topic – Educational Differences Between Virtual and Traditional

Other :
Where do children come from?
What is the impact of drug abuse?
What should we know to be successful?

10 Examples of popular Informal Essay topics:

• Religion (theology based on subject or class)

• Technology (present, past, or perceived)
• Social conditions (poverty, crime, and war)
• Government (policies, politicians, types or status)
• History (all things from the past qualify)
• Philosophy
• Psychology (typically not terms, can use methods and theories)
• Education
• Celebrities/Politicians/Historical Figures
• Generational or Cultural differences (typically being careful of biased remarks)

10 Examples of popular Literature Essay topics:

• Job Satisfaction in Employees over age 50

• Baby Boomers and Social Security
• Fast-Paced Technical Growth and Slow-Paced Education
• Impact of Social Networking on Teen Social Behavior
• Global Impacts on Competitive Environments: Can “Mom & Pop” Businesses
Keep up?
• Mass Media and Niche Marketing Strategies
• Environmental Concerns in Third World Countries
• ADD and Medicine versus Behavioral Treatments
• Adult Education Courses and Online Environments
• Dress Codes in Schools to Decrease Violence

10 Examples of popular Personal Essay topics :

• Business Topic – Leadership Roles in Telecommunications Organizations

• Social Sciences Topic – Qualitative Methods for Evaluating Friendship
• Psychology Topic – Rehabilitation of Online Addicts
• Nursing Topic – Respectful Nurses at Memorial Hospital During Busy Hours
• Communications Topic – Qualitative Methods for Evaluating Successful
Communication Methods
• Biology Topic – Animal Testing Has Ethical Considerations
• Engineering Topic – The Air Show, Aerodynamics in Motion
• English Topic – Working With ESL Adults in Literacy Programs
• Computer Science Topic – Beta Testing Gives Insight to Game Dynamics
• Education Topic – Dedicated Teachers Increase Graduation Success in High

10 Examples of popular Persuasive Essay topics:

• Immigration Policies
• Minority Groups in Media
• Cultural Imbalances in Education
• Mass Media Influences on Elementary Students
• Western Education Styles versus Eastern Philosophies
• Nurture versus Nature
• Abortion or Pro-Life
• Religion in Schools
• Manufacturing versus Environmental Concerns
• Global Warming - Fiction or Non-Fiction

10 Examples of popular Research Essay topics:

• Poverty and Crime Levels in Inner Cities

• Global Pollution and Government Policies
• Stock Market Changes and Recession Trends
• Success Rates of Human Resource Departments
• Unemployment Levels in High Growth Regions
• Obesity Levels in Children
• Complex Ecosystems of Hydrothermal Vents
• Biodiversity and United Nations Environmental Policies
• Worldwide Cultural Diversity and Women’s Rights
• Language Barriers and Employment Levels in Border Cities

10 Examples of popular Response Essay topics:

• Responses to movies and documentaries

• Recently released studies regarding medicine
• New theories in Business environments
• Articles regarding new technologies
• Historical based readings demonstrating other opinions not commonly present
• Fictional Stories, Poetry, Songs, or Fables
• Recently released studies regarding diseases
• Newspaper or Magazine articles
• Other essays or reports by class members
• Articles written by differing theorists

10 Examples of popular College Term Paper topics:

• Social Control and Cultural Influences

• The Aging Workforce and Corporate Training
• Teenagers and Birth Control
• Abortion and the Political Environment
• Marketing in Global Environments
• Current Political Environments in the Middle East
• Economic Recession and Crime Rates
• Global Environmental Policies
• Transportation Needs of the Future
• Changes in Adult Education with Online Access

10 Examples of popular University Term Paper topics:

• Career choices in Mathematics (Science, GIS, Adult Education, English, etc).

• Implications of Growing Global Competitive Environments
• Relationships between Recession and Social Deviance
• Benefits of Year-Round Schooling
• Changing Ecosystems in Third World Countries
• Malnutrition in Third World Countries
• Implications of Recent Archeological Discoveries
• Darwinism and Recent Scientific Discoveries
• Religious Values Changing in the Past 50 years
• Roman versus Greek Philosophers

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