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Fluid Mechanics

1. The three normal states of matter are

a. steam, plasma, gas.
b. solid, liquid, gas.
c. atomic, solid, liquid.
d. atomic, molecular, fluid.
e. solid, fluid, plasma.

ANS: b

2. If thermal energy is added to a cube of aluminum in the solid state, the cube’s surface area
a. increases.
b. decreases.
c. remains unchanged.
d. rearranges its crystalline structure.
e. liquifies.

ANS: a

3. By definition, density is
a. inversely proportional to volume.
b. proportional to mass.
c. proportional to area.
d. described by (a), (b), and (c).
e. described by (a) and (b) only.

ANS: e

4. Pressure is defined as
a. the ratio of area to force.
b. force times volume.
c. the sum of volume and force.
d. force per unit volume.
e. force per unit area.

ANS: e

282 Fluid Mechanics

5. If the density of a given volume of fluid does not change when the pressure on the surface of the fluid
changes, we say that the fluid is
a. incompressible.
b. steady.
c. moderated.
d. irrotational.
e. turbulent.

ANS: a

6. When one fast-moving vehicle passes another at close proximity, the vehicles tend to
a. increase their forward velocity.
b. decrease their forward velocity.
c. move away from each other.
d. move towards each other.
e. remain in an equilibrium state.

ANS: d

7. As a submarine dives, the pressure on its hull

a. increases.
b. decreases.
c. remains constant.
d. depends on the thickness of the walls of the submarine.
e. depends on the decrease in volume of the submarine.

ANS: a

8. One should argue that a large ship floats because

a. the density of the ship is less than that of the water it displaces.
b. the density of the ship is the same as that of the water it displaces.
c. the surface area of the ship contacting the water is the same as the surface area of the water contacting the
d. the gravitational force on the ship is less than the buoyant force on the ship.
e. the mass of the ship is greater than the mass of the water it displaces.

ANS: a

9. The specific gravity ( of a substance is defined as the ratio of that substance’s density to the density of
water. If the of ice is 0.92, what is the mass of one cubic meter of ice in grams?
a. 1,090,000
b. 920,000
c. 545,000
d. 460,000
e. 80,000

ANS: b
Chapter 15 283
10. Which of two identical hollow spheres containing equal volumes, one filled with helium and sealed, the
other evacuated and sealed, has the greatest weight?
a. The sphere with helium
b. The sphere with vacuum
c. Either; it depends where on earth they are weighed.
d. Either; it depends on whether they are weighed in air or submerged in a liquid.
e. Either; it depends on whether or not enough helium has been added to the first sphere to make it float in

ANS: a

11. A 400 N woman steps on a carpet with high heels on. If one quarter of her weight is distributed on one of
the heels and the heel has an area of 1.0 cm 2 , what pressure in N m 2 is she exerting on the carpet?
a. 106
b. 105
c. 104
d. 103
e. 102

ANS: a

12. Of the following properties, the one that is not characteristic of an ideal fluid is
a. a lack of turbulence.
b. a steady state velocity everywhere in the fluid.
c. a steady state density at each point in the fluid.
d. a steady state pressure at each point in the fluid.
e. high viscosity.

ANS: e

13. A 400 N woman is totally immersed in a water tank and displaces 0.0368 m3 of water. What is her density
in kg m3 ?
a. 0.999 × 10 3
b. 1.00 × 10 3
c. 1.11 × 10 3
d. 1.23 × 10 3
e. 1.25 × 10 3

ANS: c

14. A 4.0 cm diameter pipe has a flow rate of 0.8 × 10 −3 m3 s . What is the average fluid velocity in the pipe in
a. 0.32
b. 0.64
c. 2.0
d. 0.04
e. 6.3

ANS: b
284 Fluid Mechanics

15. A chisel has an edge area of 0.6 cm 2 . It is struck with a hammer with a force of 42 N. What pressure is
exerted by the chisel in N m 2 ?
a. 25.2
b. 30,000
c. 300,000
d. 700,000
e. 650,000

ANS: d

16. What is the volume of a 50 kg woman whose density is equal to that of water?
a. 0.070
b. 0.085
c. 0.007
d. 0.050
e. 0.035

ANS: d

17. An alloy of copper and gold displaces 1.935 cm3 of water. It has a mass of 33.44 gm. If gold has a density of
19.3 g cm3 and copper has a density of 8.9 g cm3 , what is the percent of gold by mass in the object?
a. 46
b. 88
c. 90
d. 91.2
e. 15

ANS: c

18. A star has a mass of 2.0 × 10 30 kg and a radius of 6.4 × 10 6 m. What is its average density in kg m3 ?
a. 1.8 × 10 9
b. 1.8 × 10 7
c. 9 × 10 6
d. 3.2 × 10 10
e. 1.28 × 10 6

ANS: a

19. A star has a mass of 20 × 10 30 kg and a radius of 150 × 10 9 m . What is its average density in kg m3 ?
a. 1.4 × 10 −2
b. 0.007
c. 1.4
d. 700
e. 1.4 × 10 −3

ANS: e
Chapter 15 285
20. The water behind a dam is 200 m deep. One atmosphere is 1.01×10 5 N m 2 . What is the absolute pressure
in atmospheres at the bottom of the dam? g = 9.80 m s 2 ; ρ water = 1.00 × 10 3 kg m3 .
a. 19.6
b. 24.7
c. 29.4
d. 20.6
e. 75.1

ANS: d

21. What would the pressure on a diver be in atmospheres if she could dive to a depth of one km in sea water?
One atmosphere is 1.01 × 10 5 N m 2 . The density of sea water is 1.03 × 10 3 kg m3 .
a. 101
b. 130
c. 111
d. 9
e. 90

ANS: a

22. Sea water has a density of 1025 kg m3 . Ice has a density of 917 kg m3 . What fraction of an iceberg is
above water?
a. 0.05
b. 0.07
c. 0.09
d. 0.11
e. 0.19

ANS: d

23. The density of air is 1/800 that of water and the density of helium is 1/7 that of air. How many kilograms
can a balloon filled with 200 m3 of helium lift? ρ water = 1.00 × 10 3 kg m3
a. 27
b. 214
c. 114
d. 314
e. 414

ANS: b

24. An oil tanker fully loaded has a mass of 6 × 10 8 kg . Assume the ship has a shape like a shoebox: 300 m
long, 80 m wide, and 40 m high. How far in meters is the bottom of the ship below sea level when the density
of sea water is 1020 kg m3 ?
a. 7
b. 12
c. 15
d. 25
e. 35

ANS: d
286 Fluid Mechanics

25. What is the mass in kg of a ship floating in sea water if it displaces 1000 m3 ? The density of sea water is
1020 kg m3 .
a. 1.02 × 10 6
b. 4.3 × 10 5
c. 5.1 × 10 5
d. 7.6 × 10 5
e. 9.8 × 10 6

ANS: a

26. An ice floe one meter thick is floating in sea water of density 1020 kg m3 . What minimum area in m 2 is
needed for the ice floe to support a 2000 kg auto at sea level? The density of ice is 920 kg m3 .
a. 20
b. 25
c. 30
d. 35
e. 40

ANS: a

27. A person is in a boat in a swimming pool. She throws a 20 kg iron anchor from the boat into the water.
What happens to the water level in the pool?
a. It becomes lower.
b. It becomes higher.
c. It stays the same.
d. The answer cannot be determined from the information given.

ANS: a

28. A person is in a boat in a swimming pool. She throws out a 20 kg log from the boat. The log floats. What
happens to the water level in the pool?
a. It becomes lower.
b. It becomes higher.
c. It stays the same.
d. The answer cannot be determined from the information given.

ANS: c

29. A person is in a boat in a swimming pool. He empties 20 kg of water from the boat into the pool. What
happens to the water level in the pool?
a. It becomes lower.
b. It becomes higher.
c. It stays the same.
d. The answer cannot be determined from the information given.

ANS: c
Chapter 15 287
30. A 20 kg block of ice is floating in a swimming pool of fresh water. The temperature of the water in the pool
is 90°. The ice melts while the temperature of the water surrounding the ice stays virtually constant. Which of
the graphs below best shows the water height in the pool vs. time during the melting process? (All beginning
heights are the same. All times are the same.)

h h h

t t t
a. b. c.
h h

t t
d. e.

ANS: d

31. The pascal (Pa) is the same as

a. kg ⋅ m s 2 .
b. N ⋅ m 2 .
c. N s 2 .
d. N m 2 .
e. kg m3 .

ANS: d

32. The density of an ideal fluid is 850 kg m3 . This fluid flows at the rate of 0.25 kg/s through a pipe of radius
0.01 m. What is the velocity of the fluid in m/s?
a. 3.0
b. 0.94
c. 0.85
d. 1.3
e. 0.75

ANS: b

33. An ideal fluid flows through a level pipe of radius 0.5 cm at a velocity of 6.0 m/s. The density of the fluid is
900 kg m3 and the pressure is 1.30 × 10 5 N m 2 . When this fluid flows into a connecting pipe of radius 1.5
cm, what is the pressure in N m 2 ?
a. 1.30 × 10 5
b. 1.74 × 10 5
c. 1.58 × 10 5
d. 1.44 × 10 5
e. 1.10 × 10 5

ANS: d
288 Fluid Mechanics

34. The average human aorta has a radius of 1.0 cm. The flow rate is approximately 90 cm3 s . What is the
velocity of blood flow in cm/s?
a. 18
b. 12
c. 29
d. 37
e. 32

ANS: c

35. Water is flowing through a pipe of radius 4 cm with a speed of 15 m/s. The pipe increases 3 m in height
with no change in pressure or pipe diameter. What is the speed in m/s of the water at this new height?
a. 11
b. 13
c. 15
d. 17
e. 19

ANS: b

36. Water is flowing through a pipe of radius 4 cm with a speed of 15 m/s. The pipe increases 3 m in height
with no change in pressure or speed. What is the radius of the pipe in cm at this new height?
a. 5.2
b. 4.6
c. 4.3
d. 3.7
e. 3.4

ANS: c

37. An open milk carton is pierced by an ice pick 10 cm below the surface of the liquid. At what speed in m/s
does the liquid exit the carton?
a. 1.4
b. 1.6
c. 1.9
d. 2.4
e. 3.8

ANS: a

38. A vat filled with a liquid is drained by a pipe located 3 m below the surface. At what speed in m/s does the
liquid leave the pipe?
a. 2.5
b. 3.0
c. 4.9
d. 7.7
e. 36

ANS: d
Chapter 15 289
39. A ping pong ball of density 0.084 g cm3 and diameter 3.8 cm, is held under water. What is the force in N
necessary to do this?
a. 0.0645
b. 0.258
c. 0.516
d. 1.032
e. 1.10

ANS: b

40. A gas pipeline delivers 1.55 m3 of gas per second. If the pipe has a diameter of 25 cm, what is the flow
speed in m/s?
a. 3.95
b. 7.90
c. 23.7
d. 31.6
e. 39.5

ANS: d

41. A water bed is 2.5 m long, 2 m wide, and has a depth of 50 cm. What is the weight of the bed in N if the
bed is filled with water of density 1000 kg m3 ?
a. 122 × 10 4
b. 2.45 × 10 4
c. 3.68 × 10 4
d. 2.50 × 10 3
e. 5.00 × 10 3

ANS: b

42. A hydraulic press of square cross section has a 162 N girl standing on one platform that measures 0.500 m
on each side. The other platform of the press measures 4.00 m on a side. How heavy an object in N will she
a. 648
b. 1296
c. 2592
d. 5184
e. 10368

ANS: e

43. An object is constructed of two different materials, A and B, which have densities ρ A and ρ B with
ρ B > ρ A . Its volume is V = VA + VB . It will float in a medium of density ρ C if
ρ + ρB
a. A < ρC .
b. ρ A VA + ρ B VB > ρ C V .
c. ρ A VA + ρ B VB < ρ C V .
d. ρ B − ρ A < ρ C .
e. material A is air contained in material B.

ANS: c
290 Fluid Mechanics

44. The volume of an object made of a uniform substance is

a. inversely proportional to the weight of the object.
b. equal to the weight of the object.
c. inversely proportional to the mass of the object.
d. the maximum number of marbles of unit diameter that would fit in the space occupied by the object.
e. the number of standard unit cubes that would exactly fill the space occupied by the object.

ANS: e

45. Someone steps on your foot accidentally. You would most likely feel the greatest pressure if that person
a. a 100 kg football player wearing sneakers.
b. a 120 kg football player wearing snowshoes.
c. a 50 kg woman wearing spike heels.
d. a 50 kg woman wearing no shoes.
e. an 80 kg cowboy wearing boots.

ANS: c

46. An open tube manometer is used to measure the pressure in the gas enclosed in vessel V. The gas supports
a column of liquid of density ρ to a height h in the tube. The atmospheric pressure outside the tube is P0 . The
total pressure in vessel V is


a. the gauge pressure ρgh.

b. the gauge pressure P0 .
c. the gauge pressure P0 + ρgh .
d. the absolute pressure P0 .
e. the absolute pressure P0 + ρgh .

ANS: e

47. A large number of helium balloons are tied to a 0.454 kg (formerly known as a pound) box of chocolates.
When the box is released, the balloons rise to the ceiling. While the balloons are at the ceiling, the total force
on the balloons is
a. zero.
b. equal to the weight of the box of chocolates.
c. equal to the normal force of the ceiling on the balloons.
d. equal to the vector sum of the weight of the chocolates, the normal force of the ceiling, and the weight of
the balloons.
e. equal to the vector sum of the weight of the chocolates, the normal force of the ceiling, the weight of the
balloons, and the buoyant force of the air on the box of chocolates.

ANS: a
Chapter 15 291
48. An aquarium tank with water in it ( ρ = 1.0 × 10 3 kg m3 ) is fixed to the flat bed of a truck. When the truck
accelerates the water takes the shape shown below. What is the acceleration in m s 2 of the truck? (The
positive horizontal axis points to the right.)


a. –4.95
b. –2.45
c. 0
d. +2.45
e. +4.95

ANS: d

49. An aquarium tank with water in it ( ρ = 1.0 × 10 3 kg m3 ) is fixed to the flat bed of a truck. When the truck
accelerates the water takes the shape shown below. What is the acceleration in m s 2 of the truck? (The
positive horizontal axis points to the right.)


a. –4.95
b. –2.45
c. 0
d. +2.45
e. +4.95

ANS: b

50. The water in each of three vessels of different shapes has the same height. Rank the pressures on the
bottoms of the vessels from highest to lowest.


a. PA > PB > PC
b. PC > PA > PB
c. PB > PA > PC
d. PC > PA = PB
e. PA = PB = PC

ANS: e
292 Fluid Mechanics

51. When a deep-sea diver, weighted to be able to make the descent, is pulled up, the force needed to pull him
up the last 10 m to the surface compared to the force needed to pull him up the first 10 m when near the
bottom is
a. greater near the surface.
b. greater near the bottom.
c. the same near the surface as it is near the bottom.
d. greater in sea water, less in fresh water.
e. less in fresh water, greater in sea water.

ANS: c

52. The table below shows the densities of several substances.

substance density (kg/m3)

aluminum 2.70 × 10 3
gold 19.3 × 10 3
lead 11.3 × 10 3
platinum 21.4 × 10 3

If we have cubes of these materials 1.00 m on a side, the pressure on the base will be greatest when the cube is
a. aluminum.
b. gold.
c. lead.
d. platinum.
e. water.

ANS: d

53. An 8-ounce glass of water is 10 cm high. The water pressure at the bottom of the water in the glass is
greater than the surrounding air pressure, in N m 2 , by
a. 800.
b. 980.
c. 1000.
d. 9800.
e. 10,000.

ANS: b

54. The total force, in N, that water of density 1.00 × 10 3 kg m3 exerts on a 1000 m long dam holding back
water to a height of 200 m is
a. 9.8 × 10 10 .
b. 1.96 × 10 11 .
c. 3.92 × 10 11 .
d. 9.8 × 10 11 .
e. 1.96 × 10 12 .

ANS: b
Chapter 15 293
55. A person floats with just five percent of her body above sea water of density 1.03 × 10 3 kg m3 . The
person’s density in g cm3 is
a. 0.950.
b. 0.979.
c. 1.00.
d. 1.03.
e. 1.05.

ANS: b

56. A 1.00 kg gold cube hangs at the end of a 4.00 m long string. ρ gold = 19.3 × 10 3 kg m3 ;
ρ mercury = 13.6 × 10 3 kg m3 . When the gold cube is immersed in mercury, the tension in the string, in N, is
a. 0.98.
b. 2.9.
c. 3.4.
d. 6.9
e. 9.8.

ANS: b

57. Water is flowing at the rate of 6.28 m3 s through a hose of radius 1.00 cm lying on the ground. When the
hose develops a bulge of radius 1.20 cm, the speed of the water, in m/s, through the bulge is
a. 1.4.
b. 1.6.
c. 2.0.
d. 2.4.
e. 2.9.

ANS: a

58. A container of orange juice filled to height h sits on a table. Juice will strike the table farthest from the
container if a hole is made in the container at height
a. .
b. .
c. .
d. .
e. .

ANS: c
294 Fluid Mechanics

59. A 750 g pail holding 4.00 kg of water sits on a scale. A 200 g aluminum block is lowered into the water by a
string attached to another scale. ρ aluminum = 2.70 × 10 3 kg m3 ; ρ water = 1.00 × 10 3 kg m3 .



The scale on which the bucket sits now reads

a. 46.6 N.
b. 47.3 N.
c. 48.5 N.
d. 49.2 N.
e. 51.3 N.

ANS: b

60. A 750 g pail holding 4.00 kg of water sits on a scale. A 200 g aluminum block is lowered into the water by a
string attached to another scale. ρ aluminum = 2.70 × 10 3 kg m3 ; ρ water = 1.00 × 10 3 kg m3 .



The scale from which the aluminum block hangs now reads
a. 0.73 N.
b. 1.23 N.
c. 1.96 N.
d. 2.46 N.
e. 3.92 N.

ANS: b

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