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A sinusoidal Electric field Ex at the cyclotron frequency (ωc ) is applied ot an ion in a magnetic field Bz .
The ion is always accelerating as the sychronization between the applied frequency and the cyclotron
frequency of the ion. By doing this repeatedly, it is possible to accelerate ions to a speed that was
otherwise only achieveable by apply a large voltage. In this report I will find the solution to the prob-
lem of a Hydrogen Ion in a time dependent E field with a constant B field.

Using the equation m* dt  = q*[E + v ⨯B] we can find the form the acceleration in the transverse

. q*B q
vx = *vy + *Ex (t)
m m
. q*B
vy = - *vx

These equations become decoupled by finding the second derivitive:

∂2 v y E0
= ωc 2 ⅇiωt - ωc 2 vy
2 B0
∂2 v x E0
= ⅈ*ω*ωc ⅇiωt - ωc 2 vx
2 B0

Now to make these equations dimensionless, we define the following substitutions:

� π * ��
� = � ���� ������ ����� �� ���� �� ������ �� ��������
���� = (��)��� * ��
(� = ����� �� �����) ���� ������ ������� ����� �� ��� ����� �� ������

Using these substitutions, and simplifying gives:

�� ω � �
����� = -ⅈ * * *ⅇ

+ ��[�] * � π�
�� ω� �
�� � �*π*ⅈ* �� *�
���� = * *ⅇ � - ��[�] * � π�
�� �

These equations are completely decoupled and easy to understand as the units for v are in speed of
light and the units for time are in number of periods.

Using this driving force and plugging in the the equations of motion into a numerical method like

2 ��� plasma 3.nb

NDSolve, it is easy to see the particle’s motion! As the Ion oribits from the constant magnetic field
the cyclotron speeds up the ion using an oscilation electric field.

Motion of the Hydrogen Ion

Y axis

1.5 × 10-8

1. × 10-8

5. × 10-9

X axis
-1.5 × 10-8 -1. × 10-8 -5. × 10-9 5. × 10-9 1. × 10-8 1.5 × 10-8

-5. × 10-9

-1. × 10-8

-1.5 × 10-8

To begin to understand the way this single partcle is moving through space and its corresponding
velocity, we need to understand how the velocity behaves during this motion..

Using the substitutions above to also plot the velocity, we find the x and y components have a phase
shift between them which is expected. Below, the first 10 periods are plotted and one can easily see
the ion has an increasing velocity even though the ion started at rest.

Red : Vx; Blue : Vy

1. × 10-8

5. × 10-9

2 4 6 8 10

-5. × 10-9

-1. × 10-8

As it is expected the Vx & Vy have a phase shift, it is encouraging to see this phase change visually in
the plot. It is also possible to plot each element alone, but not much insight comes from these plots.
Now that I am confident in the model, it is possible to calculate values for specific time after turning
the E field on.

plasma 3.nb ��� 3

To find the speed, we must evaluate the soltution at 1000 orbits:

������������� = ��[�� (�������)]� + ��[�� (������)]� = �������

This gives us a value of 314 meters/second after 1000 orbits. This is pretty fast at over 700

It is possible to calculate the speed of an ion that is linearly accelerated:

� * � * ���� * ������ �
������ ����� �������� = = ���
� �

If we where to accelerate the ion with a linear field the resulting velocity is 628 m/s which is double
the speed. This is interesting but can be easily explained. The time average of a sinusoidal field is:
�π � + ���[� π] �

����������������������  =  =
� � �

������������������  = �

This means that we expect only half of the to total from the sinusoidal field as the linear field, and this
makes sense! Based on the calculated velcoity after 1000 orbits, the linear field gives double the final

How accurate is accurate enough? If the sychronization between ω and ωc is .1 off, we see the
speed fall to 85.3 m/s which is only 27% of the original! To give this some relevance, this is like
droppong from 700 miles per hour, to just under 200 miles per hour. A pretty dramatic difference.

If you plot out the speed versus period, it is apparent that the particle speeds only increases for 5
periods and then decreases again. The plot below shows this by plotting the speed over 10 periods

4 ��� plasma 3.nb

Red : Vx; Blue : Vy


3. × 10-9

2. × 10-9

1. × 10-9

2 4 6 8 10
-1. × 10

-2. × 10-9

-3. × 10-9

Therfore we need better sychronzation to accelerate the particle. If the sychrnoization between ω
and ωc is .00001 off, the speed of the ion would 74.3 % or 233.431 m/s. Show below is the plot of the
velocity for this case, and it is apparent the particle accelerates with this precision

Red : Vx; Blue : Vy; ω = 99 999 ωc

1. × 10-8

5. × 10-9

2 4 6 8 10

-5. × 10-9

-1. × 10-8

So to get 50% of the perfect synchrinization speed, the sychronization needs to be at least w =
.999675 wc
At this precision, the speed would be 164.19 m/s or 52% of the speed with perfect synchronization

This requires extremely fine tuning for the experimentalist, but is still easier than creating a large
linear field to achieve the same results.

������� � = ��
�� = ��
�� = ��(*���� ��� �����*)
�� = ���(*������*)
������������ = � * �� � ��

plasma 3.nb ��� 5

-�� * � * ⅈ �*π*ⅈ*�*

������� ���� = ������� ����[�] ⩵ - ⅇ �� + ��[�] *� π� �
�� * ������������ * ��
���[�] ⩵ �� ��[�] == �� {��} �
� � �
{� � ����} ���������������� → �� �������� � → ��� ���
���� =
*� π�� ���[�]

��������� ��[�] ⩵ ⅇ
�� - ��[�] ⩵ �� ��[�] == ��
�� * ������������

{��}� {� � �� ����}� ���������������� → ��� �������� → ��� ���

������� {{�� �������������������������������}}

������� �� → ��������������������� ������� ������

������� {{�� �������������������������������}}

������� �� → ��������������������� ������� ������

������� � = ����[��[��[�] /� ����]� {�� �� ��}� ��������� → ���]�
� = ����[��[��[�] /� ����]� {�� �� ��}]�

�������� ����[�� �� ��������� → {��������[�������]� ��������[� = �]}�

��������� → ��������[��� � ���
���� � ��]� ���������� → {���������[�]}]

Red : Vx; Blue : Vy

1. × 10-8

5. × 10-9

2 4 6 8 10

-5. × 10-9

-1. × 10-8

6 ��� plasma 3.nb

�������� ������������ =
����[��[��[������] /� ����] � � + ��[��[�������] /� ����] � �] * ������������

�������� {�������}

plasma 3.nb ��� 7

�������� � = �����
�� = ��
���� =
-�� * � * ⅈ �*π*ⅈ*�*

��������� ��[�] ⩵- ⅇ �� + ��[�] * � π� �
�� * ������������ * ��
� {�� �� ����}�
���[�] ⩵ �� ��[�] == �� {��}
���������������� → ��� �������� → ��� ���
���� = ��������� ��[�] ⩵

�� �*π*ⅈ*�* ��
 ⅇ - ��[�] * � π�� �

�� * ������������
� �� ����}�
���[�] ⩵ �� ��[�] == �� {��}� {�
���������������� → ��� �������� → ��� ���
�������� = ����[��[��[������] /� ����] � � + ��[��[�������] /� ����] � �] *
��������  ������������

�������������� � ��� ��������� �� ��� ������������ ��������

(��′′ [�] ⩵ � π � �� + ���� × ��-�� ⅈ ⅇ�����[�] - ��[�]� ��′ [�] ⩵ �� ��[�] ⩵ �� {}� {}� {}� {})
�� ���� ���� ���������������� (����)� 

������� {{�� ���������������������}}

�������� �� → ��������������������� ������� ������

�������������� � ��� ��������� �� ��� ������������ ��������

(��′′ [�] ⩵ � π � - ��[�] � ��′ [�] ⩵ �� ��[�] ⩵ �� {}� {}� {}� {}) �� ���� ���� ���������������� (����)� 

������� {{�� ���������������������}}

�������� �� → ��������������������� ������� ������

�������� {�������}

�������� {��������}

8 ��� plasma 3.nb

�������� � = ����� * �� � - ���(*�������*)
� = ����� * �� � - ���(*��������*)
� = ���(*�����*)
�� = � * � / ��(*�����*)
������ = � * π / ���
� = ����� * �� � - ���(*��������*)
��[��_� ��_� �_] = �� * ���[� * �� * �]�(*������� �������� �����*)
��[�� ��� �]
���� = �������� ���[�] ⩵ - �� � � * � �[�] - � * �

��[�� ��� �] �
� ���[�] ⩵ - �� � � * � �[�] + � � ��[�] ⩵ �
� �
� ��[�] ⩵ �� � �[�] ⩵ � �[�] ⩵ �[�] ⩵ �[�] == ��
{�[�]� �[�]}� {�� ���� * ������}� �������� → �� � �
��������������[��������[{��[�[�]]� ��[�[�]]} /� ����]�
{�� �� �� * ������}� ��������� → ������]

������� ��� ���� × ��-� 

�������� �[�] → ��������������������� [�]�
������� ������

������� ��� ���� × ��-� 

�[�] → ��������������������� [�]
������� ������

1.5 × 10-8

1. × 10-8

5. × 10-9

-1.5 × 10-8 -1. × 10-8 -5. × 10-9 5. × 10-9 1. × 10-8 1.5 × 10-8

-5. × 10-9

-1. × 10-8

-1.5 × 10-8

plasma 3.nb ��� 9

�������� ����������� = ���� * �������
����������� = � * � * �����������  �

�������� �������

�������� ����[��[��[�] /� ����] � � + ��[��[�] /� ����] � �� {�� �� ���}�
��������� → {��������[������ �������]� ��������[����� �]}�
��������� → ��������[������ ]� ���������� → {���������[�]}]

Speed c
1.5 × 10-14

1. × 10-14

5. × 10-15

number periods
20 40 60 80 100


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