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Ovo je program kreiran da prikazei prati sve vazne parameter na masini

This is a program created to need to display and monitoring all the important parameter on machine

If you have a program you can always follow the parameters of the machine

Ako imate istaliram program uvek možete pratiti parametre mašine

In this picture, the equipment on the machine is displayed First we look for a roller we want

in this table the parameters are assigned by a technologist u ovaj tabeli parametre zadaje tehnolog

The diagrams show the default and realized values

That's why we have four temperatures

We wanted to know what was really going on

in this zone thermal and mechanical stabilization is carried out

excess moisture should be taken away(treba oduzeti višak vlage)

Therefore, we measured the temperature in each segment

we took a very high quality sensors

the fabric passes through the solution

our goal is still to measure the number of meters

through the dryer We think it must be in range

It's on the platform a special part for the preparation of the solution

if you have a proposal ako vi imate neki predlog

These are the most important properties of the fabric



here we have a report in real values

woman in control

raw roller sirovi valjak

In this zone will be determined the basic performance of the fabric

raw material сировина

drawers фиоке
desk lamp стона лампа
arm rest wheel точкић за одмор на руци
scroll up померање нагоре
paper trey папер треи
ink cartridges кертриџи
run out of остати без
telephone handset телефонска слушалица
cell phone мобилни телефон
staplers спајалице
staple спајати
staple remover средство за уклањање штапова
agenda дневни ред
personal organiser лични организатор
file филе
paper clips спајалице
buldog clip булдог клип
pensil sharpener пенсил схарпенер
blunt тупи
eraser гумица за брисање
dispenser диспенсер
stamp печат
hole punch ударац рупа
waste paper bin отпадни папир за отпатке
meeting room соба за састанке
give a presentation одржати презентацију
tie кравата
briefcase актовку
businesswomen пословне жене
to shake hands да се рукују
business card визиткарта

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